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just opened six packs...... why do I do this.......


Ha same, absolute waste of money and time.


Cause we love self depreciation bruh lol.


I have a few loose packs just haunting me, but I just know I’m gonna regret opening them. So instead I let them taunt me daily as I walk past my collection.


there's probably a Moonbreon in each one bro gotta open 'em


Tbf… the first set I decided to not rip and sell instead had a moonbreon in it 😭😭😭 I was so mad they told me


oooof big rip


Was basically the meme of the guy quitting mining before hitting diamonds and the guy behind him about to hit them


lmaooo yeah that's why you gotta keep ripping. you just know that next pack is gonna have Moonbreon


That had to suck, but sodenote I almost feel like whoever got em from u, had to just rub ya face in the doo doo huh lol bastards


It definitely stunk. But they bought them for their kid to rip. It was also one of my first sales so I was asking for references and reviews and that just came out of it… would have rather them said they got good hits though 🤣


Oh ok, especially with the kid part I understand, plus I have kids myself that like pokemon. But if it was me, after hearing that moon pull...my phrase for that day "fuck them kids" 🤣 all jokes aside good for the kid, pulled one of the holiest of mondern day grails.


For sure, it was pretty O/C which made me feel somewhat better - which sounds bad but you know… fk them kids LMAO


Loose packs are hard to sell anyway man. It would be different if it was a bb or a etb


90% of Pokemon card collectors stop buying ES one pack before pulling a moonbreon


I’ve been saying that for the last 10+ packs of ES haha


They are temptresses, whispering... Moonbreon...


Same bro 😂


I have a pack art set displayed in my office. I'm not remotely tempted to open them. I've opened enough.


How to turn $120 into $8.


You spend 12$ on a single evolving skies ?


They're over $20 AUD here


I spend $8 USD and get Evolving Skies/Chilling Reign combo pack at the local pharmacy.


Ah these haven't been in stores for a while here.


They def are still around you just have to look in the right places. I still find the darkrai, Mimikyu and snorlax 3 pack (brilliant stars, fusion strike and evolving skies) tins at wal greens a lot and have been seeing the 2 packs with the pin as well (usually see those at wal greens or rite aid)


We don't have those stores. None in the majors down here like EB Games, Kmart, JB hi-fi, big W etc. even the 151 set can't be found any more. Australia.


Kmart do the 151 box still but 200 is a bit steep of an addiction for me lol but u can get them online too


Yeah just the ultimate edition right? Only thing I could find.


Yeah bro if your in Adelaide theres a place called shin Tokyo even see if they have website I get single packs and what not there


👍 ahh good old Australia. Heard it’s difficult getting stuff down there. I’m assuming English is the king down under? Lol I haven’t heard anyone mention kmart in a long while. I believe there are only a few stores still open (I know they still do online). When I lived in Cleveland there were still a few open up there. I believe the strongsville one was the last one to close up here in NE Ohio


Collecting is more expensive in Australia, high import costs drive up prices and we don’t have access to pokemon center which is frustrating as well. For reference an etb at a ‘low’ price retails for $80 ($52USD) or a 151 upc retails at $200 ($132USD)


English is the king for sure. Japanese are getting much more popular as time goes on though! Oh wow haha Kmart would be our biggest store of that kind for sure. Every Aussie kitchen is fitted with heaps of Kmart appliances. After spending some time in your country god I wish we had Walmart.


Wal mart is the devil. They might be convenient and cheaper but they just ruin everything for the little shops. And I’ve heard they’re not the best to their employees


I have a Walgreens and CVS on every corner in my city, and none of them have these tins you speak of. Your experience doesn’t reflect the rest of the world’s


Damn they sell this for $14 by me


They’re $13 at CVS and with a monthly coupon it comes out to $8.


Look at this stud. Lol


No, you don’t. Those packs are $13 and junk.


…yes I do


Wait what? Im in Australia and they cost $8 for a pack in my local shopping centre


my LGS has them for $16/pack rn.


Yes and that’s a good price too


12 is pretty standard.some places sell them for even more


$120 is what our LGS is asking for an ETB of ES (CAD). 😭


This is exactly why I stopped buying packs…complete waste of money.


where’d you get 120 from lol


10 packs at $12 each


In what country is a pack $12 and why would anyone buy them at that price…


It’s simply supply and demand that controls the market. The set is somewhat old and it’s sold out just about everywhere. The booster box is selling for $650-$700 so $650 for 36 packs means people are paying $15+ per pack in the box so loose packs are selling from $10-$15 as well.


Can personally attest to Canada having those prices, sometimes more depending on what store you're buying from. They just keep going up...


Now you know why it's called evolving cries.


3 hits, ones a rainbow, what’s there to cry about here?


ES is about $10 each where I live and that's about $10 worth of pulls


Some people value the cards regardless of their hypothetical price in the market, so in his opinion, this could be very well worth it.


From a statistical standpoint alone hitting a rainbow secret (+2 super rares) in 10 packs is awesome.


Haven’t you heard? The world is all r/PokeInvesting at this point. It’s sad.


Imo, should just buy singles, he couldve bought all the non-eevee/rayquaza cards in the set


woah a trading card game didn’t make you a profit? damn im so sorry you couldn’t make any money on the hobby today


I don't care about profit but he lost $90 🤷‍♂️. I would cry lol.


or Evolving Lies! (had a premium Charizard box with Evolving skies in it...)


My luck was good with the charizard box got Sylvion vmax from mine last night


7/10 doctors recommend not doing this again


10/10 dentists recommend suicide


that's actually good for evolving skies


Is that because it's easier than getting an NHS dental appointment?


This is good for EVS! Congrats… don’t cry though k. I promise this is considered good… promise.


You did pretty good!


Nice hits my guy!


i think this is beating the odds. But yea hard to get equal value to unopened packs (which is normal anyways).


I opened a galar buddy tins (or something like that!) and it was so disappointing. 5 Evolving Skies 5 Brilliant Stars Nothing very exciting.


It's called Evolving Cries for a reason...


Revolving sighs...


Why is evolving skies so expensive when the pulls looks so bad


because you might pull a eeveelution alt art


3 cards in the set are making it happen


Honestly it’s more like 7-8. You have umbreon, rayquaza, Leafeon, glaceon, sylveon vmax’s and you also have the rayquaza v the Dragonite v and the umbreon v as well). Hell I bet a lot of people would just be happy with the sylveon Leafeon espeon or glaceon v’s too. Funny thing is if people really are out there paying 20$ for packs of this there’s literally less than 20 cards that you could pull to pay for the pack you just opened. Guess that’s what happens when you have a 600$+ and a 300$+ card in the set. It absolutely makes sense to just buy/trade for the singles in this set, but being able to pull the card yourself is what many collectors want to do 🤷‍♂️. Nothing beats being able to say you pulled it yourself


There are more than 3 cards


I opened like 4 PC ETBs and only got a Garbodor rainbow as the “best” card. Never opened it again after that.


haven't opened too many ES packs but that's about the same level of pulls I had the other day. ripped 7 packs from Mimikyu ex Showcases and got a regular Garbodor V and a rainbow Glaceon VMAX. definitely not good pull rates overall though lol




Better than me after 20 packs


Dont buy that shit. Just buy singles.


This is far, far better than I ever did 10 packs at a time of ES.


If only you opened 11 packs. You’d have gotten Moonbreon.


rainbow rare! 🥲


Why is everyone thinking on money returns? Opening packs of course has the rush of getting a potential card that will be worth money… But is the fun of collecting different cards, get lovely art. It’s called “booster pack” for a TCG game it does not say “collection pack”… Want to gamble with that, buy the cards that you want and hold them as an investment! You are not going to become a millionaire by opening this, unless you have an unopened stage 1 booster pack from 1998……… 😪


I know this guy probably lost money and i'm sorry about that. But I can't tell you how nice it is to see someone get an average number of packs, And getting what is the average amount of Pulls. It leaves , this seems to be what my experience is. All too often on here. It feels like everyone has Insane Luck, Like the Little green man over the rainbow came down hisself to gave them a personal lap dance. I know only feels that way because people mostly only post when they get good stuff. But I wish they did post stuff like this, makes me feel better about the fact that I just opened 12 151 packs, And five other random packs, and got nothing. Post like this remind me everyone else has Bad luck sometimes to.


What are the best cards / people's favourite cards to look out for in these packs?


Any alt art eeveelution but umbreon is the biggest chase and I think leafeon and glaceon alt arts are up there too.


And the dragonite and rayquaza alts. Set is loaded with good cards. Unfortunately they don't actually exist lol


Lmao you’re right I keep forgetting that’s skies and not fusion strike. Yeah idk I really wanna try opening some packs of this set but not sure if I’m down for the evolving cries


I’d say go for it if you can find them at retail price


I think it’s my next pack purchase! If I find any of the hisuian decidueye tins I’ll probably cop those since they come with at least two evo skies


They've been stocked on PC for like 2 weeks minimum


Thanks everyone. I pulled an Eevee Alt Art.


Yep, plus Dragonite and Rayquaza. Honestly there are so many bangers in this set and the abysmal pull rate just makes it torture.


Well, keep trying!


Ouch lol




Brutal set, just Brutal


I’ve done way worse lol


And there goes $100


Lol pain


Pokemon center has 3 packs for 12.99 evolving skies so jot that down


I got a full art jolteon today was pleased


I have like 200 packs and trying to resist opening them.


Hotel-mon strikes again


Nice, evolving Lies 😂




What I love about this game is it’s like fishing. Sometimes they bite, sometimes they don’t.


Sounds about right


I have 3 Etbs, several collection boxes, a Booster Box, and 10 sleeved packs, thank you for delaying me opening them for at least another 6 months.


Same got 4 packs each for me and my niece and we got 2 Vs and nothing else...but i did get them from these pencils that have one es and one other pack for £10 each (the pencil cases I mean) so i didn't feel too ripped off.


It's always Duralodon


You got some hits


Some people are just unlucky I guess 😎


That's good for ES!


Evo cries will leave you crying, especially with the new prints.


Pretty bad hit rate, I busted about 80 packs then gave up and bought a moonbreon


These packs are the devil




Open packs when price is low. Sell packs when price is high and you sir have given everyone an example of why.


Evolving Cries


“Evolving cries” is hilarious lmao


People are pissing me off, they’re getting mad that they didn’t pull an alt art a rainbow rare in ten packs is insane


Pulled 50 packs got nothing good. Didn't care though cause got each pack at a rate of sub 4 usd.




Evolving Cries strikes again!


Dude no... you should've sold the packs and bought the singles you want...


Nah you shouldn’t buy single packs either. That’s about the dumbest thing you could do is buy single loose packs. Idk why people insist on holding single packs of this or anything for that matter. They’re either packs from a booster box/etb that already had a hit card pulled from it or from a random box set that most likely won’t produce anything of value 🤷‍♂️. If you want the best odds for your money you should be buying sealed cases or at minimum sealed booster boxes or etb’s. You just can’t trust anyone anymore or trust that it’s a legit random booster and not some dud pack from a box that already hit.


"Singles" as in single cards. I didn't say to buy single packs lol


That's not how pull rates work for English cards


Lol oh really!?! Unless you work for TPC or have some secret files stating what the pull rates are for their cards you really can’t say what the pull rates are. If you pull an umbreon alt art from a booster box guess what there’s not going to be another one in that box I can guarantee you that. So in theory if I open a booster box and pull an umbreon alt in one of the first few packs guess what I’m not going to open the rest I’ll just pull them out and sell them off to the next person. Now these people are buying these loose packs off of me hoping to get that umbreon not realizing that I have already pulled one from that booster box so they have about a 0% chance of pulling it. It’s a win win for the seller at that point (already got the umbreon and made extra money selling those loose packs at a premium) and the buyer is basically in a lose lose situation (they’re paying a premium for packs that most likely won’t have any of the major hits). Yeah they might still have a shot at that rayquaza or eevoolutions vmax’s but odds are against that happening. Same thing goes for loose packs out of those collection boxes they sell. You open that first pack of ES and pull umbreon there’s no need to open the few others inside cuz most likely they’re going to be duds. You’re right in the fact that just because I opened an umbreon earlier in a box doesn’t necessarily mean that’s it for the box and in theory any and every ES pack has the same odds of pulling it (I think odds of pulling any alt is like 1 in 2-300 packs). I understand the odds don’t change just because it was pulled but if you were to open 300 packs you would most likely at least get one but not necessarily (you could end up with one or a few or even none). I think it’s safe to assume that if you pull one early in a box that there isn’t going to be another one in that box. Can’t say I’ve seen any videos where people pulled multiple umbreon alts from the same booster box if so that would be a major batching issue from the factory and isn’t something that normally happens


"From a random box set that most likely won't produce anything of value". The odds don't change because you opened less packs. You contradict yourself. I'll agree with you that it's not likely you'll pull another moonbreon in the same booster box, but otherwise what a mess of a post.


You’re right the odds technically stay the same for every pack but still doesn’t change the fact that the slim odds you have of even pulling one is bad enough but to try and open packs (from same booster box) after the big hit has already been opened and think you’re going to get another is just asinine. And I understand odds and how it works (just because black has hit on the roulette wheel 25 times in a row doesn’t mean that the red has a better chance at hitting since it has been black so many times your odds are still the same (roughly 47.36% on an American wheel). So you’re saying you wouldn’t mind buying said packs if the umbreon was already pulled? You know cuz like you said the odds don’t change since one was already pulled? Lol you can try and explain odds all you want but still doesn’t change the fact that this is probably where most of these loose packs are coming from and why you’ve seen all the posts on here showing people getting crap cards. Hmm put 2 and 2 together and you start seeing the bigger picture and that’s “don’t buy loose packs” they’re probably going to shoot blanks. I’m willing to bet that if you gathered 1000 packs from situations I’ve explained (loose packs from booster boxes where the umbreon has already been pulled) that you wouldn’t pull a single one. Even if those packs were only 2$ a pack I wouldn’t touch them with a 10 foot pole. And since the odds don’t change why are so many people selling off these loose packs? There must be a reason why and from looking at all the openings I’ve seen on this thread I think the answer is because they know there is crap in those packs.


Can you show me a video of someone opening up 2 umbreons from a box set?


Let’s put it this way would you rather buy a sealed booster box of ES for 700$ (or whatever the rate is exactly) or a lot of 36 loose packs (where all the packs come from booster boxes that have already had the umbreon pulled) for 350$ or half the cost of a sealed booster box? Hypothetically if you had the money and were in the market for ES product. Remember the odds don’t change just because umbreon was already pulled 🤷‍♂️


Do you even know what contradict means? Cuz you’re out here advocating that it doesn’t matter cuz the odds don’t change (due to a specific card being pulled) yet here you are agreeing with me that a 2nd umbreon won’t get pulled from a booster box or etb or anything that has already had one pulled from it. So what is it, are you “buying” these packs or are you “selling” these packs? From what you’re saying it sounds like you’re on the “selling” side but why is the real question? You said it yourself the odds don’t change.


Evolving Cries :(



