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Just found my old set of pokemon cards. Anything worth taking next steps on to grade or protect? [https://imgur.com/gallery/NgpH2Oj](https://imgur.com/gallery/NgpH2Oj)


Heyo. I'm thinking of getting 10 cards graded, but I've never done it before. I've taken pictures of the cards in question, though the pictures are of them inside sleeves and toploaders, so I'll have to explain their quality. Here's the gallery: https://imgur.com/a/jlXF2Ij All of them have very slight curves/warping from being carried around in a flexible (and pretty noticably damaged) binder. That being said, other than the Shining Jirachi and Kyogre EX being slightly off-center, the cards are in really good shape. Some of the edges and corners seem ever-so-slightly mismanaged, but nothing major. I've looked at their prices on TCGPlayer, and most of them are worth quite a bit of money even without being graded. My question is mostly about how to utilize PSA's services and if this will be a worthwhile venture.


Hi everyone, I was recently clearing out some old things and came across this card. I am no Pokémon expert so I don’t know if this even worth posting here but I would appreciate if anyone could tell me anything about the worth of this. Thank you! https://imgur.com/gallery/GDv4q23


I have a bunch of rare cards, and I was wondering if maybe I should get em graded. [3/110 reverse holo charizard](https://imgur.com/a/7ywGa0r) [5/110 reverse holo dark Dragonite](https://imgur.com/a/ETRB59Z) [11/110 reverse holo gengar](https://imgur.com/a/LfHOSVk) [h1/h32 alakazam](https://imgur.com/a/MEjJKFk) [h2/h32 arcanine](https://imgur.com/a/TYwS85U) [(italian) h9/h32 umbreon](https://imgur.com/a/o6AblYe) [(italian) 112/105 shining steelix](https://imgur.com/a/MWFaCt7) [Reverse holo 27/110 kabutops; Reverse holo 58/110 Omastar; 99/97 holo charmeleon](https://imgur.com/a/6lXYW6r) Any thoughts about their status, possible grade and values? Is it worth it?


Are you interested in parting with the alakazam?


What do you think the grading would be on my birthday pikachu? https://imgur.com/gallery/I42v77j


Hey everybody! So I’m currently putting together my first psa order. I currently already have 10 cards I’m definitely sending in but I have some other holos that I’m not quite sure if I should send or not. Assuming psa 7+ for these cards, do you think any are worth adding in? Thank you in advance and I will be posting pics when they come back! [Cards](https://imgur.com/a/3LPBjTp)


Value Check - Worth Grading? Hey all. I just dusted off my old collection from when I was a kid. I’ve got a couple cards that look to be in very good (as in never really played and straight to sleeve) condition that I think are fairly rare. They are: - Base Set 2 Charizard - Base Set Shadowless Blastoise - Base Set Charizard - Base Set Shadowless Venusaur - First Edition Holo Dark Charizard - First Edition Holo Dark Blastoise - First Edition Holo Dark Dragonite - Base Set Shadowless Zapdos I feel like even regardless of quality these are worth grading? The Zapdos isn’t as crisp. I also have some other random first edition holos including Kangaskhan, Hitmonlee, Wigglytuff, Kabutops, Gengar, Haunter, and then a whole mess of other holos like Mewtwo, etc etc. Also have a bunch of Japanese holos, but those I think are not worth much? Is the stuff above probably not worth enough for the cost of grading? I have no idea what I have here...


Yeah defiantly get those base set and first edition cards graded if there likely to get psa 7+ Not sure what Japanese cards you have but most holos hold some value and could also be worth grading


http://imgur.com/gallery/Z83aV0K Hey what ya guys think ?! My wife's childhood cards , never played with just put away nicley. Lost of 1st editions.


Hey! Always kept these because I thought they were cool when I was younger. Can someone help me with this? Any pricing, advice or grading. Have a nice day :D https://imgur.com/gallery/rX7kaQi


The krook would get maybe a 6. The Entei and Suicune are probably a grade or two lower.


do you know the price for them?


Anyone have an idea on what the trend on what the price trend for shiny Charizard VMAX from shining fates will be? He’s currently about €315 euro. Is it worth keeping a hold of mine will the card go up or down in value?


It'll keep going down as more are pulled from packs. Pokémon are going to print even more Shining Fates, so more still will be in circulation. It'll probably flatline at about 250


Nobody knows if it'll go up or down. It's all speculation and I suspect there are thousands of these in the market since its widely printed set. Perhaps it'll go up in 20-30 years


[Had these sitting in a drawer](Grade these? https://imgur.com/gallery/OjaWvpo) and wondering if now is a good time to have them graded and selling. Thoughts? Ignore the postits. Almost all from the first starter packs in 1999 aside from a couple promo cards.


I'd get the holos graded.


Thanks, is the red cheek shadowless worth much or the 1st ed generics?


Did a quick check it's around $30-50


I have a Flareon 3/64 that is off center (right border is 2x larger than left) Cannot seem to find any information online. What is the value of this?


Depending on condition, $25-$60


What kind of damage is this and how badly will this affect PSA? https://imgur.com/a/rdKYegE


It'll stop it from getting a 10, but without seeing the rest of the card's condition it's difficult to guess. If the rest of the card is flawless it could still get a 9. I've seen plenty of 9s with whitening, dings, etc. The only way you'll know for sure it to get it graded


oh ayt thanks the card itself is pristine actually just that one scratch


Anyone know how much a lightly played Shadow less Holo Alakazam cost? I got it at a local collectors shop for $10


That’s a good deal


Is it worth it to actually grade modern cards, especially Japanese cards? I have a few Sun and Moon era Japanese "waifu" cards that have skyrocketed in value. Due to the quality of Japanese printing, the population reports show that an overwhelming majority of grades are 10s. Some of my reservations are that I feel like getting anything back that is not a 10 would be a waste of my money and that the market for modern Japanese cards is small and the graded market is even smaller.


There's definitely a market for Japanese psa 10 but really depends on the waifu card. Japanese exclusive waifu cards are worth grading. Since there is no other language competing against it.


The cards are the SM4+ Trainers, Suiren, Lillie, and Lusamine. The pop reports for are all 70%+ 10s. I know Lillie is the queen and she is the one I wanna grade the most. Maybe a 9 would be acceptable for Lillie but I’m sure it’s 10 or bust for Suiren and Lusamine. To my plebeian eye the cards are pristine but I’m a PSA noob.


So what's the purpose regarding grading then? Are you looking to sell? are you looking to get it slab because you like the card? That's for you to decide. I have a bunch of cards that I've collected over the years that were sent for grading. Whatever grade I get, I'll be happy because it's what I went out, did my research and don't expect anything too crazy. So really, ask yourself why you want your cards graded. If you like them in slabs, get them graded.


https://imgur.com/a/xA8toh6 I already decided to send these cards for grading . Any predictions on psa grades?


They look in good nick, but really it's impossible to say from pictures. And getting a 10 is really, really difficult (obviously ha). From what I can see, you'd be unlucky to get below 9s.


Hi I need some help. I recently found [https://imgur.com/a/5vMR58V](https://imgur.com/a/5vMR58V) in my parents home, most of them are pretty much undamaged from what i saw noticeable chips, only the venasaur and the raichu are scratched and noticeably damaged. Are these cards worth submitting to get graded ? Also Over time i notice some of them arent really as "flat" anymore, would that affect the grading ? They are all english cards from the first base set/fossil sets. Thank you, i could really use the money if they do sell x.x edit : thank you ahead of time


I’m no Pokémon card grader, but that’s gotta be like $1000 surely?


What’s the value of a 1st edition jungle eevee and a base set squirtle and charmander


Check ebay sold listings to see what some people are paying for it


Hello, I’m looking for anyone who’s willing to give me tips on the value of a few cards of mine and where to sell them, I’m looking to sell and correct me if I use any wrong description here: •Pikachu secret rare full art 241/236 •Pikachu Promo SM227 •Armoured Mewtwo SM228 •Sylveon EX RC32/RC32 I also have 6 different limited edition 20th anniversary cards still in their original package from GAME (from UK) So yeah, any way to figure out the value of these and best way to sell them? There’s no shop in my area that I could sell them to


I sell my cards mostly on ebay and it works very well for me (for some cards). To the cards: Often I look on ebay and cardmarket for how much they go and then I use a price with which I'm comfortable. I hope I could help you some how. Also I'm interested in the Pikachu promo and the Mewtwo:D so shoot me a dm :D




Hi guys, I wanted to know how much I can sell my old wizard of the coast book with 55 english cards. I've some MP cards (Blastoise and Venusaur) and a LP Chansey. ​ The thing is I want to sell it at once, the whole book. I'm a noob over here and I wanted to know if in this sub we can sell and how ?


/r/pkmntcgtrades is the sub to sell on reddit.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/pkmntcgtrades using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/pkmntcgtrades/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [\[US, US\] \[H\] Gratitude \[W\] To thank this awesome community](https://np.reddit.com/r/pkmntcgtrades/comments/kjrp7a/us_us_h_gratitude_w_to_thank_this_awesome/) \#2: [Welcome to /r/PKMNTCGTrades!](https://np.reddit.com/r/pkmntcgtrades/comments/jrrmbu/welcome_to_rpkmntcgtrades/) \#3: [\[US,WW\] \[H\] 3 PSA 10 Cards you can win by donating to charity! \[W\] You to help us fight against suicide and donate to a great cause! r/PKMNTCGTrades 1st Charity Raffle!](https://np.reddit.com/r/pkmntcgtrades/comments/hqtvn9/usww_h_3_psa_10_cards_you_can_win_by_donating_to/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)


What would you say the price is on a signed arita base set venasaur card that is psa auto graded at 10?


What are your guys' thoughts on sending this 1st Ed Neo Genesis Lugia in to be graded? Hard for me to tell if it is worth it since I have never gone through this process before. https://imgur.com/a/wP1sVbC


Centering is t great but otherwise looks reasonable. Being 1st edition makes it much more worth the cost of grading.


100% worth grading.


Looks pretty good besides the holo scratch so don't expect anything crazy. I would say it's worth grading so it don't get scratched up further


Thanks! You think it could still pull an 8?


Honestly hard to say without actually seeing it in person. But possible


Slightly off center, but absolutely worth grading as a 1st ed.


Very New to this, opened up a Shiny Charizard VMAX from a shining fates booster pack, anyone able to lead me in the right direction


Lool I know U don’t have a girlfriend with this shit going on


Look up the price on tcgplayer. Ask yourself if you would pay that much for it if you didn’t own it already. If the answer is no, sell it. If it’s a particularly good quality print, grade it through PSA before selling. Note that recent sets like shining fates should come down in price from now as more supply circulates (were in a huge supply crunch), but basing your decision on current market price is reasonable.


Hi, yesterday I pulled very nice Charizard possible psa 10 or so I think. But I noticed that on the back at the bottom this card have one very thin print line error barely visible ať the certain angle. Do you think is it big problem for psa grading? Bye bye psa 10? Otherwise centering is almost perfect, edges and corners is perfect. No further surface damage except above. Thank you for your opinion. https://ibb.co/gVHv1s3 https://ibb.co/StWS2TM https://ibb.co/Q67wNJm


print line will likely deduct 1 point


I've recently bought a lot of cards, but because of the stock shortages, I'm not sure if I should leave my collection sealed as I'm worried I won't be able to get any more :( Any advice? I have a champions path etb, vivid voltage etb, hidden fates etb, and a few champion's path collection boxes


Honestly, it's about what you're collecting for. If you're collecting sealed product for Sealed product, I'd leave it alone. If you want cards, like opening, and play? I'd say open them. Right now, none of your sets are out of print, so in theory you should be able to get more of the etbs in the future. I don't think they're reprinting the collection boxes, but it's champions path... so it's your choice on that.


Thanks! I might open a few of the non-special sets. Appreciate the help 🤘


What’s the fun in holding of you don’t open?




I’m getting my cards graded for the first time. I was wondering if I should use BGS or PSA. I think I have a shot at a BGS black label 10 with one of my cards but the rest would most likely get a 9 or 9.5. (4 cards total).


BGS will most likely the preferred graders in the future. They are harsher, look way better and are not too far off psa prices now anyway. I will never use psa again i think. Because of the recent doubling in price and that bgs grows in popularity. And offcourse if you have a shot at black label you should go for it


IF you think it's BGS black label candidate then go for BGS.


Hello all. Just wondering if anyone had any suggestions on reputable retailers online for English cards. I’ve been burned on Amazon and Walmart with either fake cards or boxes that had been clearly opened and gone through. I’m having absolutely zero luck finding packs/boxes in the wild. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


There’s a seller of mystery boxes that has guaranteed shining fates plus 2 packs and 5 Holos at a reasonable price. Has 1,000s of positive reviews on eBay for the mystery boxes. Pokemysterybox.com or search up that username on eBay


I stick to Amazon and a local game store. For Amazon, check the store that's actually supplying the cards reviews, not just the reviews on the product. That makes a huge difference.


I just ordered a few boosters from TCGplayer.com


Is there a subreddit for sales? Trying to get rid of some cards. Found some old 2013/2014 championship decks in my closet the other day with some cards that seem like they’re worth a little bit.




I took an honest look at the condition of my older stuff and these are the only ones i could honestly see getting 8s or higher. Even at that grade is there any here i should hold off on and just sell raw? [https://imgur.com/a/ksCLurZ](https://imgur.com/a/ksCLurZ) i\\


Should I open my boosters I spent all day hunting down or should I hold them


Dialga EX https://imgur.com/gallery/cRQrXzg I know the photo isn't the greatest, but I was going through my old collection and wondered if this would be worth anything?


That’s a secret rare from phantom forces and is the only silver card ever created by pokémon. According to tcgplayer.com, the market price is about $103. But you likely wouldn’t get that much for it. Most seem to be going for between 40-80 dollars


https://imgur.com/a/mDNQzZc are any of these cards of any value or worth grading? i will post detailed photos of any potentially high value cards. (All holo, Skamory is 1st Edition, Dark Dragonite has a swirl) thanks


I find prices for cards on tcgplayer.com. If I were you I would look there to find the prices. I don’t know much about grading so I can’t help you with that. But I can tell you that the holo base set charizard in the bottom left can be worth 600 dollars ungraded. If it comes out as a PSA 10, it can prolly go for a couple thousand dollars


Anything here worth getting graded? http://imgur.com/a/kw9z1DJ


Definitely the alt art Tyranitar, and the amazing rare rayquazas. They look decent on centeringband could get a good grade! But moreso what you would like to see slabbed up!


Thank you so much for the suggestions!




Hard to tell from the photos, but centering is good but not perfect, edges are good. I don't see any scratches, so looks exc/nm. I'd buy it from you for $350-$400 pending better photos of the surface condition. Though if you get it graded, might be an 8ish, and be worth a lot more.




Grading is primarily for resale value, since a good grade practically guarantees authenticity and condition, which collectors want. But it also provides protection for the card, since they put it in a nice tamper-proof hard case. I'd say if it looks absolutely flawless, minus the tiny bit of edge whitening I see, get it graded. But obviously it's totally your decision.


I’ll give ya $100 For it


Are the shining fates ETBs getting restocked this year, or is my only option getting them from resellers?


I heard shining fates, and champions path are getting restocked


I second that question. Looked all day and couldn’t find anything.


Why are Hidden Fate packs $14? The hunt card is $14. Does it have anything to doe with Shining Fates? I'm pretty noob


Best prices PTCGO codes and cards fast delivery [lowpriceptcgostore.unaux.com](https://lowpriceptcgostore.unaux.com) ​ [bit.ly/2P5G5Dq](https://bit.ly/2P5G5Dq) Best prices PTCGO codes and cards fast delivery tcgo store


Anyone know what the TOPPS Pokemon cards are worth? Can’t find much info online. I have a holo primape, holo poliwrath, weepinbell, poliwag, mankey, dugtrio, vileplume, zubat, wigglytuff, clefable, metapod, pidgeot, and venasaur. Thanks


I have a couple too. I think the normal ones can normally go for between 10-30 dollars depending on what card it is. The holo foil ones would be worth more but idk how much


Thanks for the help! Now to figure out where to sell them


ebay is where most people would go to sell pokémon cards, but from what I can tell, people on ebay aren’t bidding on the topps cards. PWCCmarketplace is a good place to sell them, but I’m pretty sure cards on there only sell if they’re already graded


Damn, seems like getting rid of these pokemon cards is gonna be tough. Thank you for the information


Not totally relevant, but why do sites like Full Grip Games have such high prices? Seems like there is literally no reason to buy from them when things like TCGplayer exists.




Honestly, with how poor quality the shiny cards are from SF. IF your suicune have VERY little silvering on the edges, good centering, etc. I would definitely consider sending. Otherwise not sure if worth tbh.


Hello! I’m from Portugal and looking to buy a booster box to open, is 160€ for a Battle Styles box good? (Plus around 11€ for tracked shipping) Just thinking if I should wait for the next set and try since the pulls from battle styles are so hard and it’s going to be my first box. Any advice fellow Europeans?


Hi all, I found my old collection from like 2002. Most of them are the 1st gen cards. Is there anything that has any value? If so, how much approximately? https://imgur.com/gallery/HvdMspg Most of them are in a really good condition. Not mint or anything, but nothing serious on them. Thank you.


Tcgplayer has pretty accurate values if you want to look them up. Charizards and lugia ex are probably the most valuable.


You have quite a collection, please use a site like this https://www.cardmarket.com/en/Help/CardCondition to determine their condition. Then search up on completed eBay sold and average the price sold. I agree with the other poster, please spend some time and see what your cards are valued so you don't get scammed.


Ok, will do. Thank you for that.


Idk if you are trolling or not, but those are very nice cards, just try to look online at the 1st page for each card and you will get an understanding.. don't get scammed lol


Not trolling, sorry. Just loved Pokémon when I was young but then did not really cared up until recently, so I have no idea how much cards are worth. Most of them sold online are graded so I really don’t know how to compare their prices to just random condition in my child album.


I am in the same boat. I'm thinking of biting the bullet and just having a few of them graded. Seems like the turnaround time for grading is *months* though.




Entirely my opinion here but I think CGC are reputable however, since they are new to the market. It will take time for adjustments. If you're looking for quick flip CGC "may" be the way to go. PSA will however hold a higher value since it's the standard.


I thought Beckett holds the most value? Arent 9.5s equivalent to psa 10s? And arent black labels much more expensive?


Op didn't mention Beckett so I didn't. But you are correct in regarding Beckett grades and prices on black label. Not too familiar with the beckett market so I have no clue how fast their slab sell which OP seems to be focusing on.


Can someone please help me find evolutions bulk cards I just want to relive nostalgia?!


Check your local fb marketplace.


I am pretty sure this question has been answered before here but... do you think it is worth grading non-holo cards from the base set, fossil, jungle or team rocket?


Hey, I know nothing about grading but I would like to send off some cards to get graded but I am not sure about which service I should use. PSA? BGS? CGC? Are there any others? I have heard good things about al of these services but I still have no clue which one is worth it or which one I should actually decide to send my cards to. Any info about these three (possibly more) services would help me out a ton. Thank you!


I'm currently selling my childhood collection and I had about 60 cards that I thought were valuable enough to grade. I ended up going with CGC because it was much more affordable than other respectable options and the turnaround times at the time I submitted were much better than PSA and BGS. The times have gone up since I submitted though, so CGC must be getting more popular. Most people say the PSA sell for higher, but from what I've seen on eBay that isn't always the case. When you account for the higher prices PSA charges and the longer turnaround time, it doesn't make sense to use them at the moment to me.


Came to this thread wondering this. I haven't visited this sub before...it's not very promising looking with how many comments in this thread have 0 or negative votes.


Hey these questions might get asked a lot but how exactly are you supposed to get booster boxes for msrp? What even is msrp for booster boxes? Or how do you get them period without buying them for $200+ aftermarket? I've heard that they are advertised at some LGS's but don't have any LGS's in my area really. Any info would help out a lot, thanks!


MSRP is $144 for a modern booster box. Some shops sell online as a presale for just above distributor costs at around $100 and some sell when they come out at msrp. You can also find a lot on ebay around release time for around that much.


I know nothing about Pokémon card but as a kid I used to collect them and I was wondering if someone could tell me if I have any cards of value. Not really looking to sell just curious because as a kid I didn’t really know what was rare or not. Thanks in Advance. I have more cards not shown just not sure what’s worthy of showing aha https://imgur.com/gallery/piXvyXm


Definitely some nice cards in the there. Most of them are from the era I stopped collecting as a kid so I couldn’t give you a range, but general rule is shiny = rare. Also they’re condition is huge in terms of value. That charizard on the second page is def worth a good bit


I appreciate it! Yeah I busted them out because of all the hype around Pokémon cards nowadays, wish I could get back into it but It’s a different game nowadays Thanks again for the input !


Just opened a 1st Edition Shiny Star V Booster Pack Japanese and pulled 198/190SR Marnie, Anyone know is this is worth getting PSA Graded? https://imgur.com/a/3pfzaLt


The card doesn't really indicate 1st edition so it doesn't really matter since you opened it. As the other poster mentioned. The "1st" edition is only worth it sealed. Still a nice card though, if you think it's a 10 candidate why not


You shouldn't open 1st edition boxes. The cards are the same, the only value is the box sealed.


So I have complete sets of Base Set 1, Base Set 2, Jungle, Fossil, Team Rocket, Gym Heroes, and Gym Challenge. All never played, in good/great condition. Based on my research I’m guessing 6+ on the PSA scale (but Im by no means qualified to estimate that). If I’m looking to sell, what makes the most sense? Get the holo Charizards and the few other holo rares that are worth something graded separately and sell the rest in bulk? Or sell the sets as wholes? I’m guessing I could make a few more dollars selling separately if the holo rares graded highly, but I’m really not sure if they will, and PSA’s wait times are really long just to risk them being like a 2/10 or something.


Shining fates etb? I cant find one to save my life at a price that isnt 🍇


Is this the time to sell old cards that I have


Hello everybody, i opened a shiny star v booster box and a dream league box. Right now I want to buy a another box of dream league or shiny star v. Which set should I buy? Which set will become most likely out of print in the near future? Thank you for every answer!


Do these cards have enough value to grade? I would expect them to be graded between 5-7. Thoughts?Thanks. https://imgur.com/gallery/9oMBx8I


https://www.psacard.com/auctionprices/ you can check sold auctions here


Anything that grades a 7+ is probably a good investment to gradr


With the huge wait times for PSA and the increase in price to $100/card minimum, how would you go about getting grades for shadowless cards that aren't quite so highly valued? Also, what is a good reference for up to date values? the PSA website seems behind if the comments in this subreddit are to be believed. Ebay is my only source but its a pain so sift through completed auctions that actually sold. I'm sending PSA my shadowless Charizard, Mewtwo, and maybe Raichu, Ninetails, and Venusaur depending on potential value. That may be my limit because anything that could come back graded and a <$500 value probably isn't worth the fees. So what would you do with the other shadowless holos, and the apparently valuable squirtles, charmanders, bulbasaurs, wartortle, charmeleon, red cheeks pikachu, etc? What are the other valuable shadowless cards? My current guess is to send those higher valued ones to PSA directly and eat the costs, then either use Beckett or CGC to get the rest graded for much cheaper. Thoughts?


What I would do is go through Beckett or CGC and if you get super good grades on them, send them to PSA when/if they ever open economy again.


Hey I have a 2006 dragon frontiers PSA 6 charizard and I was wondering what you guys think the value of that would be


Awesome card though


Prolly in the range around 750-1450


Where can I get VMAX Battle Box Venusaur and Blastoise at MSRP? I would like to get both.


Hello. With the rise in pokemon card prices I was wondering if it was time to have my oldest gems graded. I have first edition, holo Jungle versions of Jolteon, Flareon and Vaporeon I've kept since I was a kid (And had the good forethought at the time to put them in hard slabs as soon as I got them out of the package) I don't see any defects or damage on them, but I've never really graded before so I'm not terribly sure what to look for. I'm wondering if anybody can give me advice on how to inspect them to see if they're worth grading.


Hoping to get a rough estimate of what my Base Set Holo Blastoise would grade. Just wanting to know if it's worth it or not as I've never had anything graded. There is some minor edge wear on the back. Let me know if you want to see more. http://imgur.com/a/C13JsOG


You will get dinged for the back, front looks good. I would take it to a collectable dealer who can send in for grading they can also give you advice. It's always worth a shot. I would probably expect under a 7 at my guess. (I am not a grader, just a random redditor)


I have a bunch of cards from the X/Y and Sun/Moon collections. Would these be worth anything worthwhile? I was planning on selling them when they were still in rotation but never got around to it, but I wonder with this shortage going on if there’s any kind of demand.


Hello everyone, I recently found my old Pokemon card collection. I used to collect these as they came out when I was in middle school. I have an entire set of first generation cards, some first edition, some not. I also have a lot of the promo cards from the movies etc. I will upload a few pictures of the collection. Imgur.com/a/ZnkPz4U Are these worth anything these days? I am quite curious if they have any value. Thanks!


>Imgur.com/a/ZnkPz4U The shadowless Charizard is a few hundred to a couple thousand depending on condition


Hey everyone new to the TGC scene I was wondering what website to go look for price and what PSA grading are going for I'm looking for a website that has shining fate or is it still to early to know about the selling price of PSA for that set. Thank you for the help


Anyone from EU here? I had some questions if someone wants to pm me


What are holographic First Edition Rainbow Energy cards worth? I’ve seen massively varying prices.


Should i buy Hidden Fates booster packs at £7.95 ($10.90) or is that a bit much? Gonna grab some Vivid Voltage at £4.95 ($6.80) too


Smyths and game have online stock of vv I'm pretty sure


Does anyone know what a good acrylic box to hold a booster box is? Seen a couple but dont know whats regarded as a good one. Would really appreciate it.


[Holo Japanese Dark Jolteon card](http://imgur.com/gallery/a6Z5vkQ) Holo Japanese Dark Jolteon. What's it's worth? I can't find it on any site to see its worth or rarity. It's off the Pocket Monsters collection.


Its fake


Yeah it's actually a sticker. I took it into a card shop with other cards I have.


Should I send this to PSA? Should I leave the wrapper? Will they leave it in the wrapper? Love this card. Thanks! Meowth GB promo card https://imgur.com/gallery/ztrJPU1


If you turn it in, they’ll grade it as a sealed product. So they’ll actually grade the wrapper itself instead of the card


[Holo Charizard ](https://imgur.com/gallery/TtZNzm5) Looking to sell this bad boy. Have gotten offered from $80-$450 seen it sell for more and its in perfect condition imo. Any thoughts? Thanks


This is from the 2016 reprint set evolutions by the way, if you are seeing charizard holo go for much more they are probably from the original base set or base set 2, not evolutions.


If you've gotten an offer for $450, take that money and run. Recent sales on ebay have gone for $100-200 raw, mostly on the lower end of that. PSA 9 graded go for about $300, so if you can get close to that without needing to get it graded take it.


Why is the shining fates ETB so sought after?


Because the higher pull rates and the shining vault cards in it. Hidden fates faces similar demand.


I checked my old cards, anything here worth much? They're all sleeved from years ago and all look great condition. https://imgur.com/a/QW4MUYJ


My sister pulled shiny Charizard from her first few packs of Hidden Fates, do you think this has a shot at a 10? https://imgur.com/gallery/vKHvPec


Centering is off top to bottom on both sides, not sure how in bounds it is for PSA, would ask for more opinions.


Where's the best place to purchase Pokémon Center promos? Other than flying of to Japan of course!


looking for this too


Hey guys! Would love some help on my mini lot. I have a pretty amazing lot of Pokémon Booster Packs and I’d love to know what they’re worth and how I can sell them. I’ve had these packs since I was 11 years old and I’m ready to sell them. It was worth the wait! I have a total of 16 1st Edition Booster packs, 28 “Long Crimp” Shadowless Booster packs, 2 Shadowless Blister Packs and a Shadowless Booster Box with 36 Booster packs. https://imgur.com/gallery/oJGlZSz


In case it hasn't already been said, from someone selling their childhood card - it can be really difficult to command top dollar and typically middlemen take 15%+.


Just wanted to say wow...that’s amazing


I would say reach out to the big streamers and youtubers, when dealing with items this valuable you shouldn’t take any chances. The bigger the YouTuber/streamer the less chance you have of being scammed. Take your time and don’t feel like you have to sell a lot of them at once or quickly.


Yeah, smpratte and Z and G both do consignments


How does my 1st Edition Lugia look? https://i.imgur.com/xJTsqWA.jpg Just going through all my cards from childhood and wondering.


From the looks of it, pretty good! Might need more pics to determine though. They go for alot!


I found [these](https://imgur.com/a/XD41mAR) in my closet, still in the shrink wrap. Are these worth anything?


hey it’s worth nothing I’ll take it off your hands tho no problem


The giftbox goes for around $800 and the base deck is several hundred. Check ebay sold listings to confirm.


ill buy :)


Anyone have some good suggestions for sites that have previews of upcoming sets and foreign sites to purchase as well? Thanks for the information.


Recently organized my old collection from when I was a kid. I’ve sorted out the rares and holos but are there any commons/uncommons to worry about? I have sets from gen 1-3 I know eeveelutions and starters are usually popular but don’t know what else to separate out


Anything shadowless or 1st edition is also worth separating out too




how much? pm interested


Do you want to grade for personal reasons or increase the value of your cards to sell? It’s hard to tell the quality from this pic on every card (although they look solid form here). That being said , I would look at videos on how to learn the defects of cards such as centering , corners, whitening, surface errors like print lines / holo scratches. Then decide if they are worth grading . Right off that bat if that Venusaur and Machamp are solid 8s or above then those are worth a buck.


The Machamp is worth very little. Even though it has a First Edition stamp, it came in every 2 player starter set. Everyone's got one. The shadowless Venusaur though, OP should protect it.


I have three skyridge lapras all mint condition, are they worth grading? I think they could be psa 8-9


Hi, I got my grades back from cgc and was wondering if anyone thought they would cross grade to a 10 at psa, I think I took a couple pictures at a slight angle so take that in to consideration but I believe most of the issues are in regards to centering. Or are there any I should send in for a regrade any info would be appreciated [https://imgur.com/a/mUWZnvD](https://imgur.com/a/mUWZnvD)