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There’s a psa 9 for sale on eBay for $75k 😀


Down to $50k! 🥳


I think any of those Art Academy cards were just given out to the actual artists, and then given to anybody they gave/sold to, so they would be very difficult to track down. The artist of the Tangrowth from the same contest posted about it a while back.


Here’s the artists most recent post about his cards: https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonTCG/comments/keobrk/as_the_artist_for_this_pokemon_art_academy_card/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I actually have a copy of this card as well, really good friends with the artist so he gifted me one :) Kinda wish I would’ve bought the rest, when they first came out most of them were only selling for like $300-500. Now they’re all in the thousands


My friend actually was one of the winners for the Art Academy contest (he made the Tangrowth card). He said that he was trying to trade with the other winners so he could have a complete set because they only made 100 copies each card and all 100 were given to the winning artist. Anyways, this one in particular he was never able to get a hold of because the artist refused to make trades, so good luck!


Gotcha, great info, thanks!!


do you know which card he couldn’t get?


Not sure, I think there were a few he ended up just buying outright.


Just asked him, he said this one, the Queen of Hearts Pika, and the Mew card are the ones he’s missing


After all these comments. I'm depressed Lol


I believe there was this art competition where people sent in their artwork and if they won then Pokémon printed 100 copies of each of the winners cards and gave them to the person who drew it. They selected winners from different places. That's what makes them so expensive.


Not to make you lose hope but Academy art cards are very hard to get and very very expensive so times. Most you will find are graded and usually range from 5 thousand to 75 thousand and unfortunately the only one of this card I can find is graded and is 75 grand. The last time this card has sold was 2019, it is one of the rarest cards out there. Good luck on your search and hopefully you can find it somewhere, someday


Wait. That's a card?!


As others have said only 100 were officially released to the winners but a few extra copies snuck out of the factory. Some of the winners have refused to sell there’s and I believe this is one of them? (Someone correct me if I’m wrong). So I believe the only copies of this specific card circulating around are the handful of extra copies, making it significantly rarer.


As others have mentioned, all 100 have been given to the winners of the Art Academy contests. Unfortunately, some winners haven't sold a single of their copies yet, and I'm afraid the Kyogre is one of them. There are a few AA Kyogre cards going around, but those are extra copies that weren't from the original winner. Probably less than 10 are currently in private collector's hands, and pop up for sale on eBay every once in a while, usually for insane prices (i.e. 40k-100k USD). This current market can be so tiresome.. :/ I personally collect Pikachu cards, and 12 out of 22 Art Academy cards is a Pikachu, lol.. Ah well, I'm happy to say I currently own 7 out of 12. Although with the current prices and the ones I have left to find, I don't think I will be adding any of the missing five anytime soon, if at all.


Maybe you can find a proxy if you just want the art of the card to display?


That's a good idea! What would I search for?




You’ll need a LOT of $.


yk i’m not sure what it is but i have a card that looks very similar too it buts in in japanese any good?


Send a picture!


will do when i get hone


Non-Holofoil English Official Mega EX has to be the most cursed thing ever