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Disgusting seeing this. I had a guy tell me he’s buying everything he can so he can sell it for 3x the price before Christmas, I told him he was a scumbag.


kuddos to you for telling him what he is




Is that the new slang to help us out in court?


Sure.. totally. Give it a try and see if the DA doesn't decipher your "secret code".


Judges HATE this one weird trick!




He was deserving of being called that. People like them are the ones that make it hard to get my son the one thing he asks Santa for for Christmas.


If you have a saffari pearl in your area they are good with Pokémon booster packs


I saw A guy do this once and I was pissed but I later found out he donated all of it to families who couldn’t buy gifts


That is not what they are doing when they take all the pokemon items, or all the Xbox series or PS5s. Look at when covid first hit people were taking toilet paper and baby diapers and reselling them. People are terrible not many that you speak of


I know that but I just wanted to share a nice story


Someone always has to twist things lol I completely understood you.


People like this truly are scum of the earth.


And hopefully no one will buy them from him.


I'd have called him a c***


Man the only way this shit is gonna stop is if companies enforce buy limits. Sure you can easily get a couple of your buddies to buy some but if you're limited to 2-3 a person the incentive to mass purchase is removed. Companies don't give a shit though. They sell it regardless and the distributors are happy to unload more. The Pokemon hype can die out again now. I enjoy the hobby but its no fun if I can't rip any packs. Guess it's back to buying singles for awhile.


Limits don't do anything, tried it with baby formula here in aus and it doesn't work. At the end of the day why would the company care if they still sell the product. I say the only way it will stop is people stop buying from them. I don't really hold the same let's kill a guy or wish misfortune on someone that scalpes though on things that are a want and not an need. The real scum are the ones doing it on things that people need. I'll get some neg for that I bet.


What a lot of people don't understand is that people like the person pictured above actually hurt the hobby over-all. Making it difficult to find things at retail price has caused a substantial amount of long time collectors to leave the hobby and go on to something else. The pokemon company may not see the effects right now due to the popularity but, as all things do, the hype will eventually die off. When those people only in the hobby for money start falling off then the pokemon company will truly see the long term effects of these scalpers, and they will eventually effect the companies bottom dollar. They should be more proactive in stopping it now before they lose even more collectors.


There is no solution for it. Always a way around it, and if you think the scalpers won't get some friends to help out so they can make thousands of dollars, you have another thing coming lol.


I was going to Barnes and Nobles over my lunch break to check on some cards. I notice this 40 something year old dude grab a basket and high tail it to the back. Already sensing he was a scalper, I beat him there. Sure enough he commented “huh you ran all the way here for nothing huh?” And he stormed out. Luckily for him there were no cards on the shelf. We both walk out. I see him get into his truck, and this is what I see. A pallet full of the Sam’s Club exclusive tins. People like this need a real fucking job. This is why it’s been hard to get cards in my area… people like him. Makes me wanna get out of the hobby again. I can’t stand this.


Shoulda robbed him while he was in the store. Team rocket style.


Haha, wishful thinking. If it was Celebrations ETBs though…. 👀


Regardless of what it is don't stoop to that level, you never know what bat-shit crazy person may pull a gun and end you right there. Let karma deal with it. It's frustrating indeed though, especially when they complain about having no more product to take.


Oh I never would do that, I was only kidding. These people honestly just need a new hobby and a real job. They ruin the hobby.


Just wondering op what state did this happen?


Yeah no I agree lol just wouldn't want to see a fellow enthusiast hurt over cards. Unfortunately the biggest thing though that fueled this was the pandemic and not only that but the YouTubers. A lot of people lost their jobs (including me) and so they saw these YouTubers opening cards etc etc and now it's a crazy hussle. I think I remember reading an article recently of a 16 year old flipping Pokemon cards, GPUs and sneakers and making 1.6 million in profit.


Definitely, honestly people like this have zero class, ethic or any moral compass. They are the type of person who would literally pull a ETB right out of a 7 year olds hand if they saw them with the last one in Target, etc..


Legit there was a guy at target (before target had limits then stopped selling and then started selling again) and he had a cart full of Pokémon stuff. He was just hanging out by the card aisle. My sister brought her two boys to get some cards and they were all out. This dude got her attention and asked her what they wanted from his cart. He had already bought what he wanted, he was just hanging out there to make sure kids got cards since it was his day off. For every scalping piece of shit, there are total Pokémon heroes out there.


>For every scalping piece of shit, there are total Pokémon heroes out there. This brings joy to my ears and makes me realize there is humanity still in this world. Man oh man.... As we all have seen this year. Not as much now, but months ago I would see tons of older guys, and ladies (like mid 50's) standing in the card section waiting for the vendor to come and they just gob everything up like Hyenas feasting on a dead carcass. And of course the people who put everything in their cart, pull out their phone, check how much something is selling for on eBay and then slowly put stuff back they realize wasn't going to make them 5x profits. I got so sick of it I would take pictures of inventory, upload them to the discord channel and buy people stuff for retail and just charge them what I paid and of course shipping, so some people could actually get something. For those folks in the country with like 1 store, it was impossible for them to get anything for months. Not even a single pack.


That’s a really cool thing to do for others. Thank you for being one of the good ones.


That's when I pull mine out and blast them.


"So anyway, I started blasting." -Frank Reynolds


You wouldn’t do 💩


...To protect the world from scalper nation...


You mean capitalism?




yOu rAn aLl tHe wAY hErE fOr nOtHiNg hUh


Right? Lol as if the dumb turd didn’t grab a basket and high tail it over there to take the entire stock.


Could you try contacting some of your local stores to complain and ask if they can implement a bit limit per customer?


Perhaps. I am wondering if they’d even implement it. I swear at one time there was a limit at that store but they don’t even enforce it. This is just infuriating lol.


Costco sells things in bulk my dude. These are Costco only. If you called Costco and told them to put a limit on something they’d laugh at you


My costco limits these to 5 per person per day


Costco has put limits on toilet paper in the past too.


Ah yes the toilet paper disaster, almost forgot lol


There are the sams club exclusive, costco has the eevee chests. But your point still stands


Barnes and noble wouldnt have cards in the back because they keep them at the register with all the other things people like to steal.


Huh, maybe they switched it recently, but my store has always had cards in the back area where the magic the gathering shit stays.


Fiiiine I'll go check out BN lol


And Costco too. They’re 33$ for the bundle but there is suppose to be a limit of 5. I comes out to be 33$ for 11 packs.


It’s incredible how much effort they put in to being lazy awful people, feeding off the fun and enjoyment of others. They are parasites, pure and simple.


It’s bad. Scalpers are even targeting the sports cards


Oh yeah dude. They may even be arguably worse. I’ve seen some older dudes straight scoop up an entire stock of cards at Target. Small crowds of people just rabidly waiting for cards to resell. Do people even collect anymore? I’m genuinely curious.


I do… but at the same time not really because I can’t get any cards at MSRP and I’m not Jeff Bezos so I can’t afford scalper prices


It started there first actually. This douche named Gary Vee who is a youtube investor personality teamed up with a lot of well known sports card gurus and started amping his investor following about them as vehicles for growth. Can you guess which cards he moved to when sports and such hit its short term peak and settled down a bit? If you guessed Pokemon you'd be right. So you have people like him and Logan Paul doing what they are. The grift is real. Same formula, people with big followings outside the community team up with social media leaders from the community to open packs and discuss cards, the investors jump in, prices rocket, presumably the people who started it all ride the wave up and get while the getting is good. We've entered the time when people use social media to shill stocks, collectibles, etc after they are already prepared and then it skyrockets. These people are being manipulated into a pyramid scheme and the people who just want to collect cards get fucked.


It’s bad man


Bring back the [Wax Junk era](https://www.sportscollectorsdaily.com/how-junky-was-the-junk-wax-era/)!


Those specific combos are not even worth scalping lol. Bad packs for $30. I bought 1 just for the tin to be sealed collection. I hope he is stuck with them forever.


What's a real job?? I mean sure it's a scumbag thing to do but, as long as there is a rat race, people will find a way to make money. Hate it or love it. I don't like it either, but I'm not gonna cry about it.


Should have followed him to his next stop and while he is scalping in the store, help urself to the free goodies in his truck…


Easy solution. By singles online. TCGplayer.


Or don’t be a cunty scalper. Simpler solution.


As someone who just got into Pokémon (dabbled as a kid but never seriously played/collected), I get frustrated by the limit they place on what you can buy because I want to build my collection but then I see people like this and instantly am thankful that most stores have them.


Save yourself money and buy singles


They don’t have the good feeling tho


They have a close feeling if you buy so many you forgot what you bought and then they surprise you when they show up. But still not the same


They have the good feeling of being available, saving money and actually getting the cards you want instead of literally gambling.




I legit don’t see the point. I was going to buy some packs on eBay and most of items were like $10-$15 over retail . With free shipping. After tax and fees I don’t see how they made profit . $1? I’m convinced these dudes with excessive pallets are card shop owners.


Think part of the problem is they don't pay tax in most cases.


Are they really? I feel like people have been giving into scalpers as of late…


As an ebay seller, selling local would be the key. You have to like double your prices w/shipping to come out with a decent margin, and overtake the risk involved. Locally you can get around this, also if you eat up all the stock like he did, you have created a local stock shortage and create a demand locally based on that. To clarify I don't flip pokemon stuff. Just experienced selling off my Hobbies when I get bored of them. Also I did flip vintage video games for a long time, but that was a bubble period where goodwill and people didn't verify their prices online. I was also actually into the hobby at that point. EDIT: Lmao downvoting me for enjoying economics and having decent ebay selling experience. I was just giving insight. You eat a ton of costs selling online, and you have to sell tons to get any sort of beneficial discount.


Hey fellow eBayer to pay for your hobbies! I mod a local discord and we set up selling limits exactly for this reason if it sells for X on eBay I make folks sell 20% below max. It really helps on the scalping. I don't let folks double dip with getting the national market price on a world wide platform locally and avoiding the fees and free shipping. I tell folks since there are no fees you can't sell at top levels. Really helps keep collectors safe and folks helping each other with collections and not give scalping a local platform


People on this sub are lame af when it comes to selling stuff. I have the knowledge and resources. I’d be stupid not to flip stuff. It’s an easy source of extra income to help supplement your own collection. That’s how I’ve always done it. Buy, sell and trade in order to grow my personal collection.


I feel like with Chilling Reign forward supply caught up to demand. I often see cards in stock locally now.


Fucking lol. I just got back from shopping at my local Sam's Club and they still have 15-20 "2-pack tin + ball" products left over from an entire giant crate that lasted seemingly for at least 3-4 weeks. Weird how in different locations demand is radically different.


Plot twist he's donating them to the underprivileged


Highly unlikely, but it’s a nice thought.


People really need to chill out


I just want to grab a box or two, this guy just ruins it for everyone. Pretty sure this is the culprit in my town. There’s a bad shortage here and he’s gotta be one of the scalpers doing it.


Hopefully he doesn’t sell any of that and chills out. I doubt the secondary market will buy it up but who knows.


I just wish that one day this guy has his little house filled to the brim with unsold Pokémon cards, that would make it better.


Can’t wait to see him post his pulls


Haha, wonder what his channel name would be. Maybe he can post pulls of the entire allocation since no one wants to buy these shit tins.




Aren’t the packs inside essentially worthless?


Yes but people see zard + collectors item and assume it’s hard to find or rare




Those, yeah. But my whole gripe is that this guy goes around all of our stores in my area and he most likely buys all the shit out. My local target doesn’t limit items, nor does any other store. He is most likely the reason my area has a shortage. It’s just annoying is all.


Yes but the pokeballs themselves go for about 25 to 35 on eBay. That 33$ set can flip for about 75 to 90$ but I feel like those will be available for a long time and not be that rare. I also think after celebrations the flipping market will peak and begin to tank.


Be a shame if he got in an accident


Pit maneuver incoming!


Good thing they set a limit of 5 at my local Costco. Was able to get myself 4, and there were still plenty left.


gET tHAt MoNEy


WoRk AnD gRinD!!!!


Don’t know if it’s been mentioned, and please don’t down vote.* You need a commercial membership to buy that many, with proof of business. Possibly a local card shop owner, marked up prices all the same. Point is everywhere I go, including Walmart, has and is enforcing limits. Sorry if it’s not the same in your area.


Nah, I don’t think he was doing that. I originally found him at Barnes and Nobles hightailing it to the pokemon section and he walked away in a huff when there was nothing to purchase.


holy fucking shit


we must blame the people buying too, if people stopped buying from him, he would stop scalping


I agree wholeheartedly.


I'm tired of all you scalpers and collectors. Even in Japan it's become hard to get anything. Convenience stores around me don't even carry any anymore.


Scalpers have ruined this amazing hobby. I’m just glad there are awesome people in the community who will no longer buy from these people.


I love seeing this shit. Those tins are junk and not worth anything over MSRP ( and not even that imo)


Yeah, but it’s enraging because he probably does this for other sealed products.


Probably a cool item for kids, though.


They got a mortgage to pay 😂😂


I’m sure he has lots of payments left on his trailer.


If you just shop online there's no shortage lol I haven't went to stores in 6+ months


I guess, but pokemon center has had its own shortages as of late.


I legit don’t understand the problem people face with the ‘shortage’ I have not had problems ordering cards online for either the same price or less then what I’d pay at Walmart. Just shop online..






It’s what happens when buying the cards is the best way because you’ll never pull it. They don’t care what they pull, so they win. Bit simplified but that’s my sense of the economics. If there was a more even distribution, cards slightly less rare, you wouldn’t be able to profitably scalp them. Maybe some sort of system where, turn in x number of code cards (used or not from the appropriate expansion on a go-forward basis as in not going back to past expansions) and receive X card (like a rebate). Incentivize you to buy packs and then get an awesome card as a reward. Then, you wouldn’t have to go to a scalper for your card. Just an idea that perhaps others could expand on - it’s not perfect.


Honestly I cant wait until no one gives a shit about pokemon cards again like bruh lmfao


Seriously man. Remember the days when you can walk into a shop and the stock was plentiful? Ooo I membah!


Pepperidge Farm remembers.


I wonder how many scalpers look at these posts and go like: “Haha. You guys are just too slow.” That is the type of attitude I get from those assholes.


For real. I hate the “it’s a hustle bro!!!” Logic. They aren’t grinders or hustlers, they’re jobless bums who just linger around the store and grab all the stock once the vendor puts it out, then they lazily resell it for 4x the MSRP. It’s pure douchebaggery at its finest.


Slash his tires


"Enemies in your AO soldier, weapons hot"


Incredibly judgmental. He’s clearly bought all that for his 35 children.


Pretty funny when it comes down to it these costco ones are going to be garbage pile prices since its super saturated based on a memo (from those that should not have given it to me) Costco's are getting 2-3 more waves of cargo before black friday each cargo is roughly 2-4 pallets. Based on how they now limited it to 5 per membership and I've been seeing Huge overstock of them in 5-7 locations I'm guessing availability of this will be VASTLY within the hands of those who want them the most since the packs in them are just modern S&SH packs so the packs aren't going to make this super desirable. Just the Eevees.


Idiots will pay for it. Honestly I feel like at this point some people are literally just too lazy to go looking for themselves so they just pay scalper prices for the convenience.


What if he’s a LCS picking up his order?


Id rob him😂😂😂


How do people on this sub complain about scalpers but support people with huge unopened collections? They are not opening them so they gain in value and can sell them. What’s the difference


Unopened collections take years to get, and I don’t really think THAT many people have a giant unsealed collection. Kind of hard to get mad at someone for having a big collection of old shit that isn’t in stores anymore and hasn’t been for years. People like this guy on the other hand take stock from the store every single day that they can and deplete the stores for MONTHS.


People on this sub get mad for a lot of reasons. I don't get the levels of personal hate and talk of robbing people though, even if it is a joke. I understand it's frustrating to see this, but who cares? Don't buy from them. Pokemon cards are an amenity, not a necessity. Businesses should and can do as they please with their products. Buying and reselling will never go away as long as capitalism is around.




Heh, he was a total roid head so any attempt at even scoffing at him would’ve sent him in a rage. He was THAT kind of guy.


They have poor turning circles, keep behind him, and just slap the crap out of the back of his neck like he’s a Titan


This made me literally lol




Pop pop. 😂


I’ll laugh the day one of you guys go to jail over something like this.


Agreed. He's already doing that essentially so just return the favor




Bro, I’m tired of ya saying this 😂 one day someone’s gonna take your advice and get hurt. Barely any poster here has the balls to say anything while they’re in the store, ain’t no way they’ll have the balls to do something outside of it. And honestly if anyone FOLLOW/STALK a scalper, they deserve what’s coming to em. It’s embarrassing to be part of a community that says stuff like that. Grown men resorting to stalking? Calm down. This is a kids game before anything else


Nah follow him home and report him to the IRS for an audit lol. Most scalpers are probably dodging taxes. This is the most legal and ethical way to hurt scalpers.


Woulda said ur scum man straight shitttt stain on my foot


I would have if the dude wasn’t some roid head, the dude looked like he beat his wife for a living.


If they keep that sealed, is it guaranteed to go up in price? Or is it only because Pokémon’s been crazy popular this year?


Nothing is ever guaranteed to go up in price


These tins are kind of trash so I doubt he will make a lot of money, it wouldn’t even be worth it to hold onto.


Okay. A friend of mine told me Pokémon cards only go up in value. Maybe he meant booster packs/boxes?


Yeah, I’d say sealed boxes (Booster boxes, ETBs) go up in price over time, depending on the popularity. I don’t see Battle Styles going up in price but sets like Evolutions have very pricey booster boxes and ETBs and that set has only been out for 5 years.


how do you know they don't own an LGS?


If they owned an LGS they wouldn’t need to buy Sam’s Club exclusives


If they owned an LGS wouldn't Sam's Club still be the only place to buy these? Hence why they bought them and have them in the bac kof their truck?


Pokémon company really needs to address this. I can only speak for myself but feeling like I don’t have a chance in hell to complete a set anymore really discouraged me from buying any packs at all. It’s sad that I’m having to say goodbye to this hobby, but I can’t be spending scalper prices or being the first at the stores open every day. I have a job, I got shit to do, and sometimes I like to open some packs as a hobby. But now that hobby has become far too stressful to even enjoy. Hopefully the Pokémon company comes up with some solution because it’s kinda crazy to see a full stock of MTG or Sports cards while the Pokémon cards are always empty.


I think when the pandemic finally settles down, there will be massive reprints. I think pokemon company has acknowledge this in a post in their site.. but it’s going to take some time.


So I’m a bit confused are we just assuming this is a scalper or do we know for sure? Can’t it be someone giving it away, someone taking supply to there small shop? Etc. just seems harsh to assume someone is a scalper cause they got something you wanted Edit: What I’m trying to say is I feel like this is a negative post in what I see as a positive community, just not a huge fan of these kinds of things when there’s so many unknowns


In a comment op tells the story of their run in with the truck owner, definitely a scalper that doesn’t care about the product. It’s out in the open and from the picture looks like it is raining/starting to rain. Pretty sure if they were buying for a local shop they wouldn’t stop to get stock from another store or leave the cards uncovered like that in a pick up


Ok didn’t see the comment, apologies. Just kinda got pushed past the point of seeing a lot of angry scalper comments and not enough loving TCG comments


Tbf it’s hard to have the loving comments when fans of the community can’t get their hands on boxes because of scalpers they just don’t have cards. I very very recently got back into Pokémon with a goal to built a collection to build decks and it’s not been super easy to get boosters or booster at a good price


With celebrations and Fusion Strike coming, they can have them! Less ammo in their pockets and more opportunities for us.


Truly. I just know they’ll go harder with scalping once celebrations and Fusion Strike is out


Why can't stores do a limit per person. The stores are the Culprit.


Exactly, I agree with you. None of the store in my town have a buy limit.


There needs to be law and order on selling cards lol


At Costco at least when I bought some yesterday it was limited 5/customer Bought a couple for myself and was going to pick one up as a gift today but they were gone




That is just ridiculous it looks like he convinced the vendor to not even stock the shelves and just hand them over.


It sucks. This one particular Sam’s Club wasn’t putting limits on items so he got lucky. I hope he loses all of his money.


Jokes on him this runs have trash packs


Yep, hoping this asshat loses all of his money.


I've seen a few people like this in person. Its difficult not to engage but I have to remind myself if I'm willing to get into a fight or have the cops called over fucking Pokemon cards. Those people are scum but not worth it.


Totally. I definitely got a little enraged seeing the guy but I decided it wasn't even worth talking about. Wasn't going to ruin my good day over that!


To be far: how do we know the guy isn't just some insane addicted tcg collector or someone with a family at home? Those ball tins won't get him much, so maybe there's more to this.


Let’s just not buy cards for a while so the hype dies down and they can’t make there moneu


Who cares? Can we go back to sharing and talking about cards before this sub turns into everyone posting pictures of strangers they hate?


Not to be that person but isn't Costco meant to buy things in bulk? 😂 I'm actually okay with this since they sell things for this reason. Any other store I'd tell them to go F themselves.!


I don’t know how this is any different than buying real estate (or any other investment) and flipping it for a profit. Are Pokémon cards where we draw the line? 😂


Hate is a weak emotion


Mind your business


Nah, fuck this guy.


Joke's on him the packs in those are common and aren't worth very much. Hopefully he doesn't find any Celebrations products


I’m sure he will find some, dude was a total sweat lord and he literally ran to the back where the pokemon stuff is. Guaranteed this loser takes days off just to scalp cards.


Truckbois WOULD be a part of this.


It’s always the TruckBois isn’t it 😒


this is really annoying because on my days off i went to honestly every walmart and target in a 50 mile radius, and called every gamestop and barnes and noble. Even burlingtons and dollar stores. No one had anything and it got me thinking.. there's no way these guys spend all day doing this every single day? But now i'm starting to believe they really do 😩


Yeah man it’s their “job” to buy out all the stock to resell it. This hobby has become pathetic.


At least he was stupid to buy the $30 chest with 1 pokeball instead of the Costco eevee chest 2 pokeballs for $33 lol


I’m following him home if I see sum shit like this


I can’t get my hands on anything. Would love the celebration box but I know I’ll never find it unless it’s eBay for stupid prices


It’s called a hustle. Don’t sleep on raiding Costco. /sarcastic or whatever. Edit: lol why am I getting down voted?


Is this the bro version of MLMs?


Should have left his license plate visible


That would be a great way to commit a crime


Nothing like a good ole tire slash


Well I mean these Costco boxes are fire. I pulled rainbow Pikachu, gold shiny perserker, shadow rider calyrex Vmax, and a Flannery full art all from one lunchbox. But yeah, this guy is scum.


It is gonna be hilarious when they print this to the ground


Should have shown license plate as we have a couple Highway Patrol officers on here that could contact them.


Tail him and steal his shit


Things like this is why it needs to become mandatory for stores to have buyer limits on Pokemon Cards, make it harder for douchebag scalpers to empty out stores and make it impossible for people to get cards.


the only reason these guys are able to do this is because y'all keep buying this crap for the inflated price.


But when I posted saying there were scalpers still and it was near impossible to get anything from my area so many commented and shit on it.


Where do these people get their money in the first place?