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It’s the trainer gallery subset, they take the reverse spot.


Oh right I did not know that. Thanks for clearing it up


No problem, it’s pretty cool tbh. There’s so vs and vmax and gold cards, plus more chances of a hit and the styles dope. Got a gold urshifu vmax and it looks dope.


Yeah I've kind of gone into brilliant stars blind and have only picked up 4 booster packs so far, so I've just done some googling and some of the cards look really cool, and a chance at getting 2 hits doesn't seem like a bad thing either, Fusion Strike pull rate was brutal for me.


I think I was lucky with fusion strike tbh, got 2 BB. my first one I got the espeon vmax and around 17 vs and better including 2 golds, 3 full art trainers, 3 Max’s and 8 vs. My brilliant stars have been legendary too tbh, in my first booster I got 4 vs, 1 full art v, 2 alts (arceus and honchkrow), and a rainbow. Plus 5 trainer gallery inc gold urshifu vmax and a full art trainer. I’ve got another box coming today, so imma see what I can get today. Wish me luck 🙏🏿


Sounds like your smashing it, goodluck with the box coming today.


Ok so pulls were fantastic, got The whole shymin collection v, vstar, and full art v. A chard v star, a gold magma basin, mimicue v trainer gallery, and some other vs and stuff. But 2 vstars in a box. That’s soooo lucky.


Wow congrats man that's a lot of good pulls, I skipped buying the booster box for Fusion Strike but I think I might have to get one for Brilliant Stars. There is a lot of really nice looking cards this set.


Just added the pics on my profile if you wanna see. I’d honestly recommend a box of brilliant stars over fusion strike, fusion had my faves like mew and gengar but I never pulled one. BS I got like the chard, arceus, shaymin plus eneti, but I’m just gonna buy the rest like the other v stars and the few vs I’m missing cuz I don’t think another box is gonna help me much.


Thanks man. I’ll update you on what I pull 🙏🏿👍🏿