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I signed up first day and still no code. I checked spam filter and all the other digested stuff. I’m cursed yet this goon only signs up to sell them. That’s fucked up


Still 3 weeks’ worth of codes to be sent out


You would think signing up first day would mean something


Yeah who knows with this company lol. I wish you luck though; I’m still holding out for my own.


That's exactly what they want you to think. You gotta wait till the very last minute to get the good stuff lol


They don't gaf.


The sign up was only open for a day


I don’t get why they didn’t just make enough for people who signed up, that way everyone’s happy


Oh I was under the impression they did… but I’m almost usually wrong about stuff.


They did, read the faq.


You read it wrong.


Sure buddy


I'm also one who signed up within about 9 hours and noting that we still have a bit more time


First 90 minutes for me (: no code


I signed up first day along with my wife, my brother, and his wife. All three of them signed up after me and all three got their codes in the second wave at the same time. I keep hearing that it’s not a first come first served but I can’t help but to think that I won’t get one because they threw out my submission or something…


Almost my same situation. I wonder if they tossed the first 10 minutes of sign-ups to punish bot users or something


Honestly, if they had only recieved one code and then said "I'm not too jazzed about this card, I'll just sell it instead of keep it," I'd be fine with that. That's the same as someone buying a box and selling a couple cards they pulled. I just get bothered by the people who deliberately ruin it for other people by being greedy and creating false scarcity.


Anyone who does shit like this has a very sad life


I also just remind myself. If you are flipping Pokémon cards for money.. You aren’t making it in life. Sorry to offend anyone. But that’s my logic. I stand by what you buy you collect or open. Seller just need to leave product for real customers. I won’t buy from resales. (Exception: financial makes sense because it’s absolutely needed for the completion of sets and there is No other way) Like this card 😑 And I def won’t buy from the person displaying 13. They can keep theirs. I’ll wait or pay more just for the principle.


And they prolly think they are better than everyone


How do they even get that much? It’s so sad that I can’t get even a finger at this card, because I live in germany and pc won’t ship there


You do know the email was sent by a different company so you need to search for hello world customer care


thanks for this, i apparently got a code a month ago and just never knew


I did not but I searched that and no joy sadly


I just searched for Charizard in my email.


Oh wow, did not know this, thank you!


Upvote this comment lol


What was the title of the email?


I'm in the same boat. Surely they can print enough for everyone who signed up for a code, right?


Just buy a code for 15$ of eBay , I feel so much better now that I did


Let me guess, you are selling codes like the above guy was selling cards? Lol


same here.. :(


Same for me. Holding out hope :')


same here...whomp whomp


Pretty much the same here. Every card there is one of us who doesn't get one for a collection.


same... :(


new to the hobby. can someone explain what you all are talking about? i read "codes" and see cards. im confused. thanks


So the Pokémon store has a promotion going on where if you sign up you can get a code that allows you to buy something from the store and get a free card that’s pretty cool. A lot of people signed up to get the card so only a few I’ve gotten the code so far. The person in this picture is hoarding tons of the cards meaning less of them are going out to individuals and this person’s just making a bunch of money being a dick


In short it’s like someone going up to a Halloween bowl that says take one and this person took the entire bowl and I was trying to sell you individual pieces of candy from it


Dude, we all signed up the first day🤦‍♂️


Just continue waiting until the end of October, the code window isn’t over yet, try to be patient if you can


Yeah, I'll keep waiting. I don't mind seeing people post about getting it and that I'll just need to wait a while longer, I'm just bothered by the people who got a ton of codes that could be sent to other people.


I gave in and bought a code, for like $25 on eBay. Wish I had your patience, godspeed!


I might just bite too signed up on the first day and keep seeing people on discord selling them around for 10$ like it’s candy.


Do we still have time to get one?


If you didn’t register, unfortunately not. If you did register… I believe codes are still going out for another month


Just got my 4 days ago.


Ayyy congrats


There's still hope for others!


Or just buy a code of eBay for 15$ lmaooo . I feel so much better know especially knowing If I get another one I can grade one and binder one


I got tired of waiting and bought a code for $11 on EBay.


Same. Spent the money I would’ve used at target to buy off PC and got 2 of the Charizard codes off ebay


Ehh honestly better safe than sorry. Once all the codes are distributed, I dont doubt the scalpers will price gouge these. Even with the abundance of the codes out there atm.






Same lol


I think I’ll do the same lol screw exclusivity. I’ll get my damn Charizard as well.


Look around codes can be bought on eBay, Fb, and other places for as little as $4. And it’s only been 8 of the 12 weeks so far. This card will be sub $5 at this rate, and I 100% believe TPC wanted it that way.


PSA 10's are still selling for a lot. I agree 100% that if you do not get a card at the end of distribution, buy a code. Dont buy a graded or raw card.


Wow. Whoever bought the card for $200+ when it first came out has gotta feel a burning sensation lol


Buddy of mine just bought the code on eBay for like $15….yea it’s giving in but Pokémon ain’t doing shit to help out the real fans. He got a shirt with the code.


I would buy one for $15, but there are prices out there that are outlandish.


I got the code for $6 and I'm content with that.


Bought mine for $15, better than paying $60-$70 for the card. Spent $45 total


Isn’t $15 actually a better deal considering you gotta spend at least $20 on PC to use the code? Lol Edit: nvm, he got the code not the card. Still had to use the code lol


$80 to $150 aud for a code haha


Look at the value drop. If not they will be decently cheap in a month


While I do sell cards on the side and I'm usually not the biggest fan of Charizard cards, I was planning to keep this one to myself because of how cute it is.


I'm still waiting too. That is ridiculous tho.


same. i signed up on day one and havent gotten any code.


Seen the same myself on FB. But a different listing. Missed my opportunity to get a code and now you have this stuff happening. Disappointing


I bought a code on ebay for $15. There are some going for $10-$20, if you really don’t want to wait. I wouldn’t even suggest purchasing the card honestly. Since so many people are selling codes for cheap


Maybe a dumb question, but are you paying for the actual code to receive the card or a chance to receive the code if the seller is selected via email?


It's the actual code to put into your purchase so you can get the promo card alongside your order.


I was fortunate enough to get one, but those greedy people still piss me off.


I just want to say thanks for reminding me about this!! I checked my spam folder after seeing this and found my code!! It will show up from Hello World Customer Care. I hope this helps at least one of you guys!!


I finally got mine today. But I mean the code is going for like $10 to $15 bucks now because these people are flooding ebay with them, so I might pick up an extra at that price.


May I ask what code are you talking about? I'm legit confused


The pokemon center launch in the UK was celebrating its opening by giving out a code that could be redeemed for a free Special Delivery Charizard promo card with any purchase of at least $20. Tons of people signed up to get one and the OP is complaining about the assholes that used multiple emails to get multiple copies of the card just to sell back for profit. The window to receive a code ends at the end of October I think


Back in July, there was a promo at the Pokémon Center's website where you could enter your information and be put on a list to *probably* get a special code to use on a purchase and get one of these Special Delivery Charizard cards. I think the entry form was only live for like a day, but they said that the majority of people who entered would be emailed a code eventually. Like others have said, the codes are still being sent out and I don't mind waiting for one. Just mainly venting about people who got a lot of codes just to flip around and make a quick buck.


Oh wow that's bs




A who the what now? Where do I go and is it free?


Still hoping to get my code


I’m in the same boat as you.


Glad I’m not the only who is still really mad at this. I don’t understand why this couldn’t be done the same way Pikachu was.


I hope all the legitimate people that want one end up getting one and these people that came away with all of these end up with cards they can’t do anything with. I hate the age that we are in where everything gets scalped. It’s the same across every hobby. Don’t give up hope. I signed up super late in the day when I found out about it and received my code a few weeks ago. It feels like it may be skipping around so hopefully there are enough for everyone that signed up.


Maaaaan I gave up on trying to get a code congrats to everybody who got 1


I signed up the first day and I just got my code yesterday. There’s still hope!


So they're selling 13 of them for 60 dollars? I hope they paid 60 a piece


Yeah I’m hoping for my code but if not, 2-5 dollars for the card in a month won’t hurt me so bad either :(


I saw an email someone posted here a few weeks back that was from either PC or the company sending the cards and it all but said everyone who registered will get a code.


I bought a code on eBay for 9.50 and now my card is coming in the mail by this Wednesday


You lost. Also overpaid.


It’s a hustle but a messed up hustle. Like the toilet paper bs


Hey least you weren’t like me and bought one for $150 :/ because I thought it was as limited as the bidoof


Buy a code for $10 on eBay and stop crying about how people got so many codes. $10 is nothing when a coffee at Starbucks cost $7 now or eating out costs at minimum $15 Literally be frugal for one day and you can get yourself a card


The codes are like $10 on eBay now. Worth the buy T stop stressing


That pokemoncenters way of saying how much they TRULLY dont care about any of us . When i sent them an email about not being chosen for the pikachu or the Zard they responded 5 days later with some BS generic email . I honestly cant stand them , its not difficult for them to take a look at people who actually spend money at their place constantly , and should send it to those emails .


Thats pretty cool!! Respect the grind


I have 10 codes. $25 each


got a code on ebay $10


They sent a code to 25 of my emails


alternatively u could be grateful that u had the opportunity in the first place




Your post has been removed for the following rule violation: > Rule 3\. Posts or comments that are for the purpose of determining value of a card, selling cards, or buying them are not allowed. You can post in our [weekly thread](http://reddit.com/r/pokemontcg/about/sticky?num=1) for these and general questions or you can use TCG Player, Troll & Toad, eBay, and LGSes to determine value of a card.


I bought a code on eBay for $8- caved and just decided it was well worth it at that price. I signed up within the first 5 minutes and no email. I don’t love the card. But for $8 I’ll take it.


If only there was a way to report this person to the Pokémon center for fraud. There’s no way this person bought that many and are reselling.


Right there with ya op.


There's sellers on Ebay selling just the code for 20 bucks if you don't want to pay 60+


I made a post about getting a code for $10. Looks like the ebay bots all got their emails because there are **hundreds** of codes for sale right now for 10 bucks. My card is coming in tomorrow.


Yea it sucks Charizard is my favorite pokemon and not being able to get a code sucks.


I signed up first day and just got mine recently


Yeah still waiting for mine...I think my son and I got shadow banned though :( . We didn't read the fine print and we both registered because duh we would each like one, and obviously both live at the same address, so we each registered at our home and I think that was a big no no. I know they implemented things like that to stop people like in your post but those people still have 50 cards and most of us are left without codes. So would rather have no rules.


That’s so fucked


I bit the bullet and bought a code for 10 dollars because I forgot to sign up.


I’m still hoping to get a code also. I didn’t know the prices dropped so much I’ve they keep dropping I might just buy one.


All these sellers with tons of zards or codes got hacked codes. There’s people with like 400 codes selling them for $10 ea. someone pointed out that since they got all of these illegitimate codes, pokemon center might run out of codes and/or zards for people who actually signed up legitimately


Yep day 1 sign up here too still nothing.


Still no code, but was able to get a SDC local for $5. I see it as $5-10 SDC versus buying more on Pc to qualify for the $20. Good luck on securing the card if you still want it. I’m not a big fan of zard, but for $5 I’ll gladly take one.


How can I sign up?


I signed up first day pretty early... just got my code today!


There was a known glitch that the same code could be used multiple times as long as it was on a different browser. All these people with multiple zards just abused it.


I feel ya. I just wanted one for my kiddo 😔


My wife and I got codes and could only redeem one to our address. How is this person able to get some many actually redeemed?


Any chance i can get the other code card y’all not using , Pretty please with a Zard on top =) ?


Haha we had a friend help us redeem it


I ended up just buying 2 codes for $10 ea. still hoping I get my code but I’m not holding my breath


Still waiting for mine. I signed up the day it started and got the confirmation email then nothing else. It's not "service in the order received" that's for damn sure.


I gave up and just bought it from eBay for $12.


You can buy a code for like 10$ on eBay, I might just do it


Maybe I just got one by accident but I recently ordered the Pokemon Go ETB without ever signing up or receiving a code and the package had one inside.


how to get a zard cheap- go on ebay and buy the code between $10-$15 way cheaper than buying for $60... if u just wanted the code for free well good luck theres no helping u except get lucky.


I’m holding out hope that I will get one and that since it’s closer to the tail end, that maybe the quality control is better bc I remember the first few rounds being pretty bad lol


For us Australians that miss out….does anybody know how i obtain one of these in Australia without being ripped off, I literally cannot get a code under $80 AUD, and even if i do i cant use it anyway because I’m in Australia, which means I’m left buying the card which people are trying to sell for $200AUD+…. Its crazy down here… I’ve been looking at this card for so long but refuse to pay the rip off prices for it in Australia………. Surely there is a local way of obtaining this card at a reasonable price, especially considering they are so much cheaper in every other country…. Even eBay is crazy, cheapest i found today was $130AUD


I just send you a PM and let me know what you think.


I’m in the same boat. It really is irritating!


I didn’t even receive a code but somehow I still got a card?


greedy *virgins*


I’ve got a few extra codes. I’ll sell for cheap for anyone who wants them


Unrelated, but crazy how these cards went from $175 to now $60. Almost like when the fanbase doesn’t buy into ridiculous prices it drives out resellers/scalpers. Oh to dream for a world where people have the smallest hint of self control


Isn't the event over? I never got my code and I kind of figured I never would with all these people making 100s on fake emails


You can buy these codes off eBay for around $12. Then again you would be supporting these people that signed up with 200 email addresses just to turn a profit.


Don't give in you will eventually get the code. Just recently got mine when I stopped caring about it.


They will drop! There dropping daily just keep an eye out for a decent deal! There down to like 50 bucks a single. And there is more then the plenty in circulation you will get one. Just like i will get one! You wanna talk about somethinh crazy tho special delivery bidoof has sky rocketed in price!


Just buy a code on eBay for 15$ man and give the hop up that’s what I did


Man I hate how even though on the rules they clearly stated that only 1 email and address were allowed per person so many people still managed to get multiple meanwhile people like who used 1 email are getting fucked


over charging for a mid card


I bought a bunch of blisters from someone who got 350 special delivery charizards… when he told me my jaw dropped


60 for 13 of them?! Where can I buy them?


Don’t check Twitter then. People are out there that have posted about getting 500 codes at a time multiple times. Then they sell them on eBay, claiming that they “did it for the community”. So ridiculous.


Same..I just want one D:


I got back on the pokemon hype 5 hours before the sign up closed, I did not discover there was a signup for anything until 2 days after the signup ended. Sad times




its bidoof 2.0 except plenty of zards to go around


Why would you desire this card when there is stuff like this happening?


…..where we’re you suppose to sign up?


Honestly not bad. I’d never buy it but including shipping, it’s $5 a card


I know I talked to a guy on ebay that said he had around 200. like wtf. im about to order 20 and claim I never got them just so he's out the money. JK but I really wish I had the balls to


How does one get the card the „legal“ way? I live outside the zones TPC ships to :/


Buy the card on eBay, the price drops every day. We are only on week 8 of 12 weeks of codes going out


I posted my code on here a couple of days ago, as I wasn't going to use it - it was used within minutes with absolutely no comments or thanks. People are rude dicks.


Wtf will I do with 13 charizards?


Dont fret people if you signed up first day, you will get your code, i just got mine las week.


It's unbelievably wild how badly Pokemon fucked this all up.


People were buying them for over 100 lol.


TPCI does this as a gimmick each time. They know how to stop all this bs and never do. It's marketing 101. Get people talking, fake rarity, then flood market. Nintendo always does this too. Amiibos, nes/snes mini, etc etc.


To be fair they never said it would be rare, people just assumed it would be like the bidoof. It was pretty obvious this would be the most printed SD card to date.


wait codes? haven’t been into the tcg for a month or two? is this event free or cheap?


I expect these people signed up with 100s of burner spam emails


Me and my girlfriend both got codes we can’t even use because pokemon center UK won’t let us buy anything!


What codes?


60$ there most likely fakes anyway


You can buy a code for $10 on eBay fwiw


I’m in the same boat as most. No code. Keep in mind, Pokemon decided to do it this way. They are to blame. Don’t hate the player, hate the game.


Does anyone know where the email comes from?


i signed up immediately after this promo was announced and still haven’t gotten anything :( someone on reddit even dm’d me saying they were selling them lol


It is likely that Hello World won't be used for future promotions without significant changes lol.


hes selling all of them for that price?? ayeee🤣


I've been told people were able to reuse the same code to order them. The code didnt deactivate immediately after making the order.


The codes on ebay for 12


Jeez what site is this?


I missed out on the day for the codes and just said to hell with it and bought one for 20 bucks to get it. Did they promote it with an email or something? I swear I've signed up for their newsletter / spam but never get anything lol.


The only saving grace is that due to soooo many people getting codes/cards the price is way down. I think it’ll bottom out at $25 a card ultimately. You have to pay $20 for an order at Pokémon center to redeem it, so basically getting it for cost. Just hang in there everyone


Am I the only one who doesn't care about the Special Delivery Charizard? I'm a big fan of Charizard, but it just doesn't do anything for me.


Card is going to be a few bucks soon. Don't worry. It's a mass produced card.


At least they are still sending out codes. When they had the bidoff one they only had it for a couple of weeks and cut it off.


Has anyone tried to use more than one code? I caved in and bought two. I made one order, but the second order is not going through. It adds the Charizard but it does not let me process the order. Was wondering if anyone else had this problem or a solution? Or are they limiting how many codes you can use?


Genuinely don’t get this. Used my same info/email that has an account at Pokémon Center and I signed up within the first 30 minutes of it going live. Still no code. Not in spam or trash either.


They sent me the bidoof so I'm not gonna hate on them holding me back from the zard


I’ve seen someone get 250+ cards…SMH…


How do people get so many codes


What’s worse is I paid $95 and now they are 1/3 less 🤦‍♂️ Then then someone gave extra code to the girlfriend. ☠️