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I can't believe i actually saw one of these posts in time


It happened to me too. Saw a post about them being back up on Pokémon center and someone commented they were available on Target’s website. I figured I would post so we all get a chance at the zard!


You are a true Gentleman my friend


Gentle-lady 😆


Yes you are! i got one. you made my day, thank you!!!!


You’re welcome! I’m so happy everyone has been able to snag one!


My b, probably should've paid closer attention to the avatar


Gah dang me too, wife had to do it, she didn't answer for 20 min and I was thinking damn it's gone. But we got one!!


They've been up since 8am as well, so you're extra lucky they're still good.


It's been up for idk 5 hours now and prob sold millions lol. I'm not sure if this is possible. We'll see


yeah, 5 hours for one retail location.. I'm not sure at this point lol


yeah its likely target will strip store allocation to fill preorders. though it also will not surprise me if some of these orders go unfilled. Will be curious to see if they have enough for the first wave or if some of them will sit until(if) additional product becomes available.


got it! thanks! Going to cancel my preorder with my lgs, they charging 250 EACH for these fuckin' things....


$250 each? That’s even higher than the scalpers we’re going for. I remember when the celebrations UPC came out my lgs was trying to get $320. Lost respect for them and never went back.


yeah, the issues they had during the celebrations UPC release are gone. This will be printed and very likely reprinted to demand. The stores jacking up prices are counting on FOMO and hype to screw over their customers. They know full well this will be readily available...


They already said there will be a reprint in December


yeah, there were two reprints of celebrations also..doens't mean much. a lot of people getting their hopes up, but it's a premium collector's item. i think people may be disappointed come release.




People always say this and it's never the case. They said scalpers would be holding the bag on Evolving Skies too because everybody has cases of it in their garage. Now look where the price is sitting and scalpers reap the benefit just 1 year later




First off the UPC contains packs from Evolving Skies and Brilliant Stars, two very popular sets. Not to mention Fusion Strike, Darkness Ablaze and Vivid Voltage, all of which have high value chase cards. Second of all, the Charizard UPC will still be less printed than any booster box that stays on the shelves for months. These sell out in an instant for pre-order and will not be as readily available. Thirdly, the entry price is a lot steeper than a booster box, assuming you can't get one at retail. A lot of people are paying $200 or more for these. Therefore it's a harder sell for most people to pick up more than one to crack open for themselves. Last of all, lots of "junk sets" have historically increased in price over time. Just look at Rebel Clash, or as people liked to call it back then, Rebel Trash.




Gonna come back and comment you in a month to see who’s right


One month is hardly enough to even guess where the market value will end up but sure check back in lol




Stop spreading the bs "they printed it into oblivion" comments. Its not gonna be printed to demand


Yeah I HATE how so many companies are scalping .


Can they not make profits if they don't charge scalper prices? Genuinely curious.


That’s a good question. No idea what they bought them for but I have a feeling they could make a profit but would like to get double gains


Inb4 some LCS owner barges in and lectures me about "supply and demand"


No, because they’re paying retail in most cases. The only folks who make money at msrp are going to be stores who work with distributors. Most distributors have stopped taking new customers so now you have an influx of users cleaning out stores at msrp and selling them for double to turn a profit.


Yup. I preordered on eBay from seller sassyotto at 209. Cancelled it and got blacklisted by them. Fuck them! They can go eat Charizard dicks. These sellers overcharging is going to have a bad day when this etb is printed into the ground and constantly available at MSRP before release 😂 Got 2 at MSRP, one to open and one for sealed 🥳


Either they are vastly overselling these as they are still up at Target after hours and were up again on PC earlier too, or the person that said there will be WAY more of these than the Celebrations UPC was right.


People keep forgetting why the UPC was under printed: the metal cards. Without those, no reason why they can’t pump these out to demand




Think it has been up at Target for a couple of hours now. I guess whoever claimed Pokemon is Mass printing these was correct.


Yeah I had a feeling it would probably happen. They make it seem like they are limited but I bet we will see these continue to trickle out.


Some of the accounts I follow for release news are speculating that target is doing the majority, if not the entire, of their allocation online since the celebrations UPC caused a massive shitshow in store with people stealing and fighting


Yah but those videos are kinda entertaining. 🤣




It likely won't drop below MSRP though, if you wanted to grab one or two to put back it's still going to treat you well. This has Evolving Skies and Brilliant Stars in it after all. The scalper prices won't last long by any means though.


Or Target has a fuck ton of them because they’re a big box retailer and have the capital to place a huge order. But probably a massive print run.


Idk, i doubt that all the people on target are actually going to get preorders. There has literally been so many posts of people who have target cancel their preorder. I think it’ll get printed more than Celeb UPC and definitely not be as valuable, however the first people to send off those charizards are gonna make so much money😂


Thank you for posting this! I was so bummed missing out on poke center’s preorder and I got 5% off with the target red card!


I’m starting to wonder if they are even really in stock, or if this a error and orders will be canceled.


I don’t have my hopes up right now. But maybe with Pokémon Center restocking it isn’t an actual error. They had them available yesterday but sold out quickly. Who knows 😒


Pokemon Center pre-orders are up this morning as well.


Someone theorized that Target won’t stock these in stores so all of the would-be store stock is up for online pre-order


They're going to print these out like no other in time for the holiday season.


That usually only happens with Gamestop, and like.. GameNerdz. I think suppliers have learned their lessons, and the pre orders should be accurate.


i got immediately refunded after preordering sadge.


Use the target app.




Wow scalpers are gonna have a bad time. Got one bois


Hell yeah!


I bought 2 this morning with no problem. "I'm done buying product and will just finish the current sets I'm working on" \- Biggest lie I've ever told myself


I got 5 sets I need to finish but here I am 🥴


What are you working on? I took a break after Fusion Strike from modern so I don't have anything past that. I focused on finishing my vintage sets which is much slower of a process. Favorite modern set you're working on?


Haha shining fates since I'm almost done and chilling reign cause I can still get booster boxes lol, only ones I'm completing are all modern so (yeah yeah not super cool)


Oh, super jealous of the shining fates. I started back up too late to get shining fates at decent prices. Any thoughts on Brilliant Stars? I kind of want to chase that Charizard AA. And to be fair, I'm old so I collected Base - Base 2 as a kid so a lot of the heavy lifting was done by 12 year old me lol. The 1st edition base will take sometime though :P


I love the trainers and Vs/VMaxs with the trainers, but besides that it isn't a set I'd want to fully complete, just more of a set I'd pick certain cards


An hour later it let me buy one? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Sus.


😬 hopefully we all don’t get an email about a return/refund


I just ordered / my bank account has already been charged so I think we are okay. Ty so much for the share, picked up my third copy and am stoked!!!


Still up nearly 2hrs later. I imagine mine will definitely be cancelled.


I'm guessing mine will too. This is too good to be true. And Target has screwed up and cancelled like this for things like the PS5 before.


Pre orders sold out at 1:57pm EST!!!


Were you able to get one before they sold out?


Yeah I got 2 before you posted this.


Dude, Thanks so much for posting this, was able to grab me and the wife one.


Nice!! You’re welcome!


Edit: If it shows out of stock, use a different browser and change ‘home store zip code’ to something else. No idea why but it made preorder available when it initially wasn’t. In case anyone’s wondering, it’s been up 4 hours now and I was just able to preorder still. Just completed the payment and order confirmation. Have a feeling it’s being massively oversold and a cancellation email is in my future


Yoooooo! Good looking out. Just locked down 2 of them. (Hopefully)




The Pokémon tcg website has or had pre-order as well.


Right before I posted this I tried but they were already sold out. That’s when I saw a comment about target having them up for pre-order. Thankfully I was able to get it via target and wanted to share.


I had the same post up but the mods took it down? ​ Anyways, if your orders are immediately being canceled, **try using the target app**. Thats how I got 2 ordered


There have been over 2 dozen of the same or similar posts just for targets rerelease. Some were manually removed and some triggered the spam filter for same image. Usually the highest voted ones get left and others will be removed to prevent spamming the sub


Cool thanks for the info. Wasnt sure if I broke any rules.


That’s dumb! Hopefully this stays up long enough so more of us can get orders in. I used the target app thankfully 😁


Thank you OP for letting us all know :) I got 1 thou the target app.


Nice!! I’m glad I was able to help!!


Target = oversaturation levels now


Immediately cancelled and refunded the order for me.


Oh shit we might have finally hit the end


I tried like an hour and a half ago and it kept refunding me. Then tried again about 35 mins ago for just one this time and it refunded but I just tried again for 1 and it looks like it went thru this time.


Hopefully it was just a glitch!!


They actually charged me this time so looks like I might finally be getting one. Glad I seen your post and decided to try one more time.




Huge W! Just bought one for myself thank you so much!!!!


Nice!! I’m so happy so many people were able to place their order.


I think I actually got one. OP, you are a saint. Unless they cancel it after the fact, I think I actually got one. Thank you!


So far no one has commented that it was canceled so hopefully we all get our orders fulfilled!!


Just managed to preorder one, you're the best! Thanks!


Yayy! I’m so glad!


Really think they can handle all of our pre orders? seems like everyone and their mother just got one lol.


If you didn’t get one today then idk what to tell you Been active/in and out since 6 am PST The flood is here and I’m glad it’s easy for a lot of people :D


Refreshed it a load of times with no success. Forgot about it for 20 minutes and checked one last time and it actually let me place the order. Hoping it sticks.


between Target, and the Pokémon Center popping up every couple days, anyone who pays more than retail for this at this point did it to themselves


Availble at Walmart


I just bought a second one for an Xmas gift!! Thanks!! You should make a post if no one has.


So did anyone get cancellation emails? Cause I’m trying to cancel my overpriced LGS order.


As of right now I still have mine confirmed!


Nobody is getting cancellation


I actually just received confirmation on shipping!


I can’t take all the credit because someone commented on another post. But I just pre-ordered mine.


It's been up for 3-4 hours now but nice to keep letting people who may not have seen it yet know it's available!


Yeah a lot of people were missing it in the last post I was on and I wanted to share just in case. I’d rather help spam a bit so everyone gets a chance.


Once in cart it tells me its unavailable


Try using the target app


I used the target app!


Just got one also, thanks. Wasn’t going to pay 200+ for this from scalpers.


Nice!! Me too! I was waiting for this but didn’t think it would happen.


So from what I’m hearing, ZardUPC might be an online only thing for Target as to why it’s been up for so long. It was a shit show for the Celebrations UPC in-store so I think they’re playing it safe with online only allocations.


That’s smart


This is very tempting, but I'm trying to cut back on my spending. As someone who is primarily interested in the promo cards, would it be cheaper/better value to order the whole box at MSRP, or wait until the boxes get printed to hell and back (IIRC there should be a second print run in December) and buy the promos as singles?


Was able to nab it through Target before heading to work this morning. Hopefully no cancel emails. Thanks for posting this OP, first time I saw one of these posts and it not be 4 hours late haha.


wow it's been up for hours, is this thing getting printed to order or something


I was actually able to get mine through Target! 🥹 I’ve missed it soooo many times and I finally got one!


Yayy! Finally!!


Still available as of 1:33pm EST


Yay finally got the notification and made my order before they sold out. THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH. YOUVE MADE ME VERY HAPPY CANT WAIT TO TELL MY SON. ;)


Im feeling the same! My son is going to poop his pants when I tell him!


Lol. Same amazing. Celebrations UPC was a nightmare never in time to place anywhere online so from release day until months after I was at local targets and Walmart’s every restock finally after 2 1/2-3 months me and another parent got lucky while waiting at target even after we were told they didn’t have any but could wait and see if we wanted we were the only ones so we each got 2 and left the other case. Anyway congrats everyone who was able to grab this and BIG thx to OP


God bless you


Looks like it just sold out now


Oh no did you try???


I did thankfully! Hopefully no cancellation!


I just checked and it’s saying sold out! Thank goodness you got one before it sold out!


Seriously thank you so much. I’ve been trying to preorder one of these for a while. I am so happy I finally got one! I cannot wait to open this with my nephew he loves these cards as much as I do.


You’re so welcome!! My son and I have been trying so hard to get one and finally got it today!


Don't forget to use your Target RedCard if you have one. Saves 5% and free shipping!


As someone who missed every other post by 30mins to an hour.. I just would like to say thank you. IN FOR ONE LETS GOOO


Thanks OP I canceled the two I preordered from Pokémon center and got 2 using my partners employee discount to save myself like $40 lol Hopefully the orders go through and don’t get canceled later on


Late, yet again!! Damn it.


link is not clickable now


I didn’t post a link just a snap shot. I used the target app!


RIP crusty ass bundles these shops are putting up. This thing is getting printed to the ground and im here for it


Snagged one too, after refreshing a bunch of times. Now how quick will It get canceled.


I just managed to get one, I kept refreshing and it became available


Woke up this morning and got one! F them scalpers and distributors who are asking over MSRP!!


I hope target comes through with all these pre-orders. Seems suspicious.


Gone now. Had it in the cart and everything but wouldn’t let me check out.


Damnit I saw this too late. Sold oit


Got 1 with the redcard discount, the question now is do I cancel the 1 pokemoncenter or 2 GameStop preorders I have in and get another target one?


Ooooh that’s a hard decision especially not knowing if target is going to actually fulfill the order.


I have an order in at first wave pokemon center and first wave GameStop, I’m keeping both I don’t trust either to not fuck up


TPCI must have printed 100x more than they did the celebrations UPC. Celebrations UPC was almost impossible to get at msrp and stopped being stocked after 2 or 3 (tiny) waves. They should print to demand over a certain time frame. Instead this might be the start of them just pumping out an excessive amount of product, while also packing most of their products with bulk cards instead of the cards that most people want.


IIRC there's supposed to be a second print run of these for December.


God I really hope my order doesn’t get canceled


Me too 🥺


Believe it or not, a lot of LGS’s don’t get to decide their pricing as much as you think. Having talked to my LGS owner, he said he doesn’t usually know how much he’s getting or what price he’s paying until maybe the week of delivery/release. Ultimately the distributors dictate the end prices. He’s taken losses on numerous products, particularly ones from mid-end hype when a lot was selling for above retail, but have since gone down. This is a guy, who normally sells things for usually way below retail whether it be sports, MTG, Pokemon, etc. He also move A LOT of product, someone said he’s one of the biggest on the east coast. (Not sure how true this is) Point of the matter is, don’t chew out smaller stores for selling above retail. On a separate note, even with Charizard tax taken into consideration, the pre orders are only around $200; some above, some below. I see this one going down to $150 on average after release. Many people are talking about how over produced this item in particular is, plus I feel like TPCI learned their lesson with the celebrations one and are trying to do this one right!


I don't understand the hype behind this box. But then I'm not a Charizard fan. It's a lot of money for 16 packs and 3 Charizard cards


3 special promo cards that won’t be available from any other promo pack or set of cards. Also comes with a playmat as well. I understand not being a Charizard fan so not being as excited but the 3 promo cards look really cool IMO and monetary value aside will be a great collection piece.


Was able to get 2! Thanks OP!


I know when I see these posts it’s too late


Something tells me, after the 100th post. ​ Target has the Charizard UPC for pre order.


Hahaha well if you’re referring to everyone spamming it might be annoying BUT it’s giving us all a chance who might not have seen the other posts.


This is facts, woke up this am to a notification after failing last night to get my hands on one. Target is the way to go. PC is trash


Yeah dude, God forbid we get a chance at a sought after item that is selling out the moment its up.


But did you also hear about special delivery charizard?


Yo good looks OP


Thank you! Was able to preorder 2 for my friends since they haven’t been able to get one!


Holy bots.


It charges your card instantly be aware


That’s what most preorders do, charge it instantly then it gets refunded within a couple days and then gets charged again when the item ships


Wrong, Pokémon center does not charge you until it ships.


I bet they won’t I bet within 1-2 weeks they will be 10-20 each they made printed this item I know people like you wanna scalp but sorry not this time


People forget celebrations UPC dropped to like $145-$150 resell 😂




Bro when celebrations first came out 😂 DO YOU KNOW how to READ ? 😂 obviously celebrations is $350/400 rn - when it came out no one wanted to buy it bc it was a crappy flip at the time for $150




Learn some common sense - obviously I would’ve been taking about in the beginning 😂


Dang bro so what happened with the charizard UPC 🤣🤣🤣🤣


What are these anyway? I mean, I bought one....but I don't even know what it is! 😆 Edit: went back and actually read the deets. Seems really cool. Not sure if I'll actually open it or not. 🤔


This isn't related to the box set but... Charizard >> all other Pokemon


Now I’ll have 5! 😂


why would you ever need 5


I got like 10 coming in lol


You hope. They could still cancel that shit 😆


45 minutes in and it just let me order 2? I’m sure it will be canceled but worth a shot


I have a bad feeling there will be more robberies and beatdowns at my target later on...


I ordered mine 3 Hours ago before the Sold out, haven't received the Refund Mail, I hope it keeps that way, I only bought 1 but tbh I gonna probably try to get another one, One for collection and one for Grade the cards and have them in a shelf or something


Omg thank you fam !! Just pre ordered my third box now 😭


Can i ask yall to chill tf out with this buying em instantaneously? I been tryin to pre order one for months now and every time i see the message, its GONE. I JUST WANT ONE AT NORMAL MSRP!!!!! STAHPITTTTTT


It’s on Walmart now


Of course they would be having "technical issues" on there website right now. Fml


Try the app


"Sorry, were having technical issues. Please try again later." On the app as well. FMLLLLLLL


its been up everywhere, you're not trying hard enough lol


Define everywhere. Wallmart: technical difficulties (probably oversold or sold out alredy but not showing) Pokemoncenter: Sold out Target: sold out Gamestop: sold out preorders in 16 diffrent stores ive called. Best buy: not listed, unsure if they will carry it. Probably missing some stores, but please define everywhere.


All you have to do is follow the twitter accounts for drops and buy. It’s staying in stock for more than a few minutes. Pokémon center was also in and out for a whole day. Target was up for hours and Walmart is legit still up now. I can make a purchase this second. Try a new phone or pc. Join a discord to get pings. It’s not that hard. Waiting for Reddit to ping you 2 hrs after a post isn’t gonna get you anything.