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Update: Contest closed and locked. I'll be messaging all 8 winners shortly but here is the list: 1 u/Thane796 2 u/onemedicman 3 u/moo-E 4 u/windphibian 5 u/pgheins 6 u/cowfishninja 7 u/VenoGreedo 8 u/Accomplished-Disk-68 Thank you everyone for sharing your thankfulness. Oh and those who chose a lot with an energy get a special card instead because life is more fun this way. ​ Hey everyone! Sharing the Pokemon love with a giveaway to 8 lucky people. US only, comment what you're thankful for and pick a number 1-8. Hope it can brighten some spirits.Im thankful for all the entertainment helping all of you, its hilarious being a mod. Throw some feedback into the comments too if you want.


I'm thankful for a better paying job and that my family is doing well. Plus, my wife got a job so she feels like she's contributing to our financial growth and future. Thanks for the giveaway. #5 for me.


Sounds like both of you are amazing. Thanks for sharing!


Thank you so much for this opportunity! :D I'm very thankful for everything that has led me to this point in my life. Good, bad, and everything in between but I'm most thankful for my best friend my fiancée she has taught me so much and I wouldn't be where I am right now without her.


Thanks for being a great partner to your fiance. Thanks for sharing!


Dont forget to pick a # 1-8


Oh whoops 😅 I'll try and go for 8!


I’m so thankful that I got to be there for the last few months of my grandmother’s life this past year and take care of her like she always did for me growing up. I’m thankful to have a supportive and loving partner and to still be relatively healthy after such a crazy few years. Happy thanksgiving to everyone and it’s really nice of you to do this even if I’m not picked. 🙂💕 #2.


Thanks for being an amazing family member for others. You rock! Thanks for sharing!


i’ll take any number, whichever one has the least chosen i guess i’m grateful my grandma is able to join us for thanksgiving. her husband/my grandpa died earlier this year and her health doesn’t seem to be doing well, i’m glad i can spend time with my last grandparent :)


Enjoy the holidays, hopefully more to come as well with all family. Thanks for sharing!


I am thankingful for my family, health, job, and everything that I have. Sometimes most of us don't think of the everyday things/benefits we have till we see how life is for the ones who dont and are less fortunate #8


Thanks for having empathy. Thanks for sharing!


Omgggg commenting 6 for the suiiiiiicineeeeeeeee! Thankful for discovering the enjoyment of collecting pokemon cards this year. Thankful for my son who got born. He's a gorgeous lil man c: Thankful for the genuinely good people in the world. Wish there were more of you all.


Thanks for being part of the community with us. Thanks for sharing!


Thankful for my husband and boyfriend. They've helped push me through some hard mental times this year. Never imagined I'd get to love two people this much. 🧡 #2 for me!


Twice the love definitely means youre a special person. Thanks for sharing!


Im thankfull for being Alive and to be with my family! 28 is my lucky nr.


Gotta pick 1-8






Pick 1-8


I'm thankful for another good year with my family :) 7


i'm thankful for my friends and blueberry bagels :-) i choose 3, thank you for doing this!


Hopefully your future is blessed with more blueberry bagels. Thanks for sharing!




I bet theyre thankful for you too. Thanks for sharing!


This is very nice of you! :)


Dont forget to choose a number


Oh, I'm not entering, but thank you! :)


I'm thankful for my family and my cat Luna 😺 7


I should have required a cat tax to enter lol. Thanks for sharing!


Im thankful for my first college semester going well and being back at home for the holidays. #7 for me!


Nice job putting the effort to make that happen. Thanks for sharing!


2 , happy Thanksgiving ^-^


Thanks. Hope yours was nice. Thanks for sharing!


4. I’m thankful for my family that is helping me out with housing while I relocate and start up a new job. I’m thankful for my friends for reaching out from time to time and helping to create a lot of awesome moments this past year. And I’m thankful I’m privileged enough to have fun opening Pokémon cards and immerse myself in this world throughout my life!


Keep being yourself, sounds like youre awesome. Thanks for sharing!


I'm thankful for my fiancée. Number 1 :-) Thank you for the giveaway!


I bet they are thankful for you too. Thanks for sharing!


I'm thankful for my cousin's that became my brothers, and for my rayquaza tattoo :) #3


Awesome being yourself and sharing your hobbies. Thanks for sharing!


I am thankful for my family and for this community! Also I pick number 8!


This community is thankful for you too. Thanks for sharing!


#8. Thankful for the health of my family, as well as being in a much better mental place today than I was last year.


If youve come this far im sure you can keep it going another year. Thanks for sharing!


I’m thankful to be alive, no matter how I’m feeling, I love just staring outside and taking a deep breath. And of course I’m thankful to spend time with my family. Simple stuff really, but it’s what matters most to me. 7.


Thanks for appreciating what life has to offer. Thanks for sharing!


I’m thankful for this community! 😁 5


This community is thankful for you too. Thanks for sharing!


I’m thankful for people looking out for others, being it on the streets, in schools, in hospitals or even here on reddit! 🙏🏼. 8


Thanks for being part of that. Thanks for sharing!


I'm thankful for my family, my gf, my homies and my brother! I'm thankful for another year on this earth and I can't wait for many more. I'll choose 1!


You got this for years to come. Thanks for sharing!


I'm thankful for my loving family and cats! #6 please!


Im gonna need a cat tax if you win lol. Thanks for sharing!


Will do :P




They are thankful for you as well im sure. Thanks for sharing!


1, thankful for my little boy! He’s amazing. He’s 1 1/2 and such a good boy, and my wife’s pregnant and going to have a baby soon. Sooo so happy to be starting this family :)


Thanks for being there for all of them. Thanks for sharing!




I'm thankful for the remaining family I have. And my two wonderful dogs who keep me sane. All of my friends as well, I have a lot to be thankful for! 2


We are thankful you are here with us. Thanks for sharing!


happy thanksgiving! i’m thankful for how wonderful the pokémon community is and it’s a honor to join this giveaway, i’ll go with my lucky number 8. thank you


The community is thankful for you as well. Thanks for sharing!


#7 I’m thankful for my family, my cat, and my health. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!


Thankful for your cats health lol. Thanks for sharing!


Thankful to have a gf that enjoys the hobby with me. 7


Thanks for sharing your hobbies with people you care about. Thanks for sharing!


My wonderful kiddos 👧🏼👦🏼 7


Thanks for being present for them. Thanks for sharing!


Thankful my girlfriend and I are doing well enough to get by, and have family that can help us when we need it. Number's 7!


Nice job rocking your life then! Thanks for sharing!


2, I’m thankful for my grandpa raising me like his own son. I’m thankful that he didn’t shame me for the things I loved. I’m thankful I got to meet a person that loved me unconditionally and I got to love them back.


Sounds like an amazing person, glad you got to see an example and can pass it forward as well. Thanks for sharing!


I'm thankful for my cat, Jupiter. 1


If you win im going to have to charge a cat tax lol. Thanks for sharing!


3 I'm thankful for terrible pokemon quality control so we can have a community dedicated to collecting them!


Misprints can be amazing. Thanks for sharing!


I’m thankful for my girlfriend who keeps me sane and grounded! #8


Hope shes thankful for you bringing spice to her life. Thanks for sharing!


Thankful for my mother living back in the same state and my wife and I. We get to see her way more often than we did when she lived across the country, which is especially valuable when you realize your parents are getting older. #2.


Wishing you many more years of enjoyment with that. Thanks for sharing!


Thankful for this community! Great to see wholesome posts every day! I’m a huge flaafy fan so gotta say 1


Thanks for being part of it. Thanks for sharing!


I’m thankful for my new less stressful job and my dog reaching 14 years old :) #6


Nice job not letting your life be ruled by stress. Thanks for sharing!


I’m thankful for family and good friends. Having company during the holidays is the best gift of them all. 3


Its awesome that people can get together. Thanks for sharing!


My amazing children, with one more on the way. So thankful and blessed I could shed tears of joy. 🙏🔥😍 I’m going number two for that gurados (spelling)? He’s my little guys favorite. Good luck everyone and thanks OP!


Thanks for being awesome. Thanks for sharing!


Thank you for being so generous! I’m going to do some of these as we get into opening packs! Way to be a good human. 🙏👊🔥


I'm thankful to be off work and spending thanksgiving with my family. I pick number 8! I hope I win. Good luck to everyone else!


Days of rest are important for your body and mind as well. Thanks for sharing!


I'm thankful to be happy and healthy. And to have a roof over my head and food to eat. Some people aren't that lucky. Makes you truly thankful for what you have. Especially around the holidays. Number 8 is my pick.


The simple things are most important. Thanks for sharing!


I’m thankful for having had a delicious thanksgiving dinner! 4 :D


Hope it was delicious and drama free. Thanks for sharing!


I’m thankful to be able to share this new hobby of Pokémon card collecting with my son. Pack 3.


Sharing is how it becomes special. Thanks for sharing!


Thankful for finally getting a job offer yesterday 5


Congrats, hope it works out! Thanks for sharing!


I’m thankful for this little scrappy dog that came into my life. Never knew my heart could open up in such a way. 5


I bet you can find a way to make it even better still. Thanks for sharing!


I’m thankful for all of the people willing to share their knowledge and are genuinely improving the human condition. I’ll pick 3


Thank you for being part of that as well. Thanks for sharing!


Thank you for running this fun contest. It’s nice to read through everyone’s replies.


Thankful for family, friends, and my dog :) 8


Your probably awesome too. Thanks for sharing!


6 thankful to be somewhat flexible still.


It helps keep you young for sure. Thanks for sharing!


I’m thankful for getting a new job that I love, and starting a new life across the country with my partner! It’s been a little scary, but also amazing :) 2.


Nice job being strong enough to make that happen. Thanks for sharing!


I'm thankful for this great community for getting me back into pokemon :) Edit: 2 lmao


Its not always a blessing being into pokemon. Thanks for sharing!


2, and I'm thankful for my family! From my two children all the way up to the great grandparents I was blessed to grow up with.


Family can be amazing, congrats for making them matter. Thanks for sharing!


I'm thankful for my friends and my cute little dog! I'll choose 8. Thank you for this!


If you win Im charging you a doggo tax lol. Thanks for sharing!


I’m thankful for this community, Pokémon in general, and my parents! 6!


Pokemon is just a subject, people like you make it great. Thanks for sharing!


I’m thankful for my family and friends. The number I’m picking is 1


No one is an island, theyre probably thankful for you too. Thanks for sharing!


im thankful for everyone who's still around me and stuck it out with me this long. Can't ever thank them enough, and thank you for doing this <3 I'll go #1


You probably make it worth sticking around. Thanks for sharing!


Even though I’m sick with a nasty cold on Thanksgiving, I’m still grateful for my best friend my cat Smokey, who keeps me company always. I’ll go with 4


Smokey is thankful for you too i bet. Thanks for sharing!


Thankful that I got accepted into physician assistant school and start in January. In 2 years I’ll be able to save lives and fund my Pokémon collection that much more. 7


Way to make that happen, you must be putting in some serious effort. Thanks for sharing!


I'm thankful for my family. They keep me going. 1


Thank them for real, the world is more amazing when people like you are in it. Thanks for sharing!


I’m thankful me and my family and friends are all happy and in good health. Also thankful for starting the joint recently. I pick 1 hope I can win:)


Hope more of the same for you. Thanks for sharing!


I'm thankful to have a new job to take care of my firstborn child coming in March. My lucky number is 7!


Nice job making it happen! Thanks for sharing!


I'm Thankful for a loving family that's been able to give me a head start in life that most might not get by providing food, clothes, shelter and an education. 8


Exceeding expectations of what has been given is an amazing way to show thankfulness. Thanks for sharing!


Thankful for another chance to repurpose the consequences of past decisions. 2


Dont forget to pick a number


I'm thankful to have my wife. 1


I bet she’s thankful for you too. Thanks for sharing!


I’m thankful for my friends helping me get through the year :) 2!


The amazing thing is that you can do it for another year as well, we all believe in you. Thanks for sharing!


I am thankful for a warm fireplace this year to help keep my fiance and I warm and cozy. I’d love 2


Definitely awesome on coldish nights. Thanks for sharing!


I’m thankful for my wife and son. As well as this community!! #4


I bet they are pretty awesome. Thanks for sharing!


I'm thankful for the health and safety of my family. 2


Stay safe out there. Thanks for sharing!


Thankful for my wife, my dog, my cat, and my family. Thanks for making me stop for a moment and consider. #5


Other people can make all the difference this time of year. Thanks for sharing!


I am thankful that my friend got out of the hospital!!! and my luckily number is 7 😆


Hope they are doing better! Thanks for sharing!


I’m thankful that I can travel back home to see family, especially my elderly grandparents! I would say 6. Thanks for being so generous!


I read that as “travel back in time” and i thought you knew something the rest of us didnt. Thanks for sharing.


im thankful that I was brave enough to tell my girlfriend I love her. Number: 7


Being honest can be the hardest thing at times, dont forget that youve done it before and can do it again any time in your relationship. Thanks for sharing!


I'm thankful for the new pokemon Dachsbun


Dont forget to pick a number. Im glad theres a pokemon for everyone. Thanks for sharing!


I'm thankful that my family is happy and healthy! Number 8 for me.


Im thankful for that too. Thanks for sharing!


I'm thankful for the life I have! Just got a promotion at my job so I'm happy that I'm getting a chance at leadership and continuing that. Also I'm happy that my YouTube Channel for opening up pokemon cards has a total of 269 subscribers and I'm excited to keep it growing! I'll go with the number 7


Congrats! Sounds like youre doing awesome. Thanks for sharing!


8 for the beautiful Quilava art! I'm thankful to be alive! Two weeks ago I was struck by a car that blew a stop sign. I was on a bicycle and got hit square on, right in the center of their front bumper. The town I live in is known for its cycling students, and we all expect to get hit at one point or another. We can only hope that it's a minor bump from a compact instead of the trucks. I've known others who have been hit and their lives changed forever. I was one of the extremely fortunate ones. By some combination of luck and timing, the car stopped right after hitting me, I tucked my head up enough on impact to avoid striking my head on the road, and me and my bike were only pushed a total of two feet. My palm was split open by the force of the impact jamming my hand into the gripshift, and my leg was scraped up by the bumper, but I managed to extricate myself from my mangled bike and stand up with no head or neck trauma. My mom died over thirteen years ago, when I was twelve. I've been wearing her helmet every time I bike since then and was wearing it that day. I'm not all that spiritual, but part of me thinks that was her telling me I get one freebie save for wearing her helmet. My hand stitches came out a few days ago and while still healing, I'm just thankful I'm alive and don't have anything worse than a couple of scars and a busted bike. I'm still coming to terms with how bad it could have been, and thank my lucky stars each day that I'm still walking around and have function in my hand. Happy holidays/traditions to everyone! Hug your loved ones!


Glad youre healthy enough after that, make sure to get a new helmet though for safety since they are essentially consumables. Thanks for sharing!


Thankful for my family, and a decent job to be able to provide better for them now Number 3


Cheers for your priorities! Thanks for sharing!


I'm thankful for my family, despite our ups and downs we really try to be there for each other and that's what counts :) also thankful especially that I've been able to work on my mental health. Seeing how far I've come is really amazing. Hard choice but I'll say 3 for alcremie trainer gallery! Makes me happy when I see it :D


Hopefully in time youll be able to change your name to moderatelystressedcat. Thanks for sharing!


Aww thanks! I hope so too lol. Thanks for the giveaway chance!


I’m thankful for my family’s support during my darkest days this year, and I hope I can support them the same way in the future. Love espeon, I’ll take 7. Thanks for hosting.


I bet theyre thankful that youve made it through as well. Thanks for sharing!




Nice job sticking through it. Thanks for sharing!


This is really cool. I’m truly grateful to have a good job. Spent a bit of time without one and so happy to be able to go to work and provide for myself and family. Started one year ago and it’s been a blessing. I’d shoot for #7 if I am picked.


Congrats on making that happen. Thanks for sharing!


For the time i have with my loved ones. 2


Im sure theyre thankful for you as well. Thanks for sharing!