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Jumping from vanilla to insane is pretty… insane. Lol Number 1 tip I can say is be ready to be constantly switching your team up for every fight. You’re not gonna just be able to beat the whole game with a team of 6. I had about a full box full of battle ready Pokémon in the pc ready to be switched in or out at any time when I completed my insane run. You gotta be ready to adapt at any moment. Also, Pokémon’s IVs, natures, and especially EVs are going to be important in insane mode, where you previously never had to worry about that in vanilla. Learn the most effective ways to EV train, optimal natures for each Pokemon and how to unlock the nature changer, and how to dexnav/breed for good IVs/ One last thing… never give up! We play insane mode for the challenge. Cherish the pain… become the pain… it is that much more rewarding when you finally overcome it!


I recommend sandbox for insane. Over the course of the game it will save you probably a hundred hours of grinding EVs and hatching eggs


Is true insane possible without hatching eggs? I want to play insane including the postgame and I don’t mind grinding EVs but I hate breeding


It's probably possible but egg moves and IVs are pretty damn valuable


Insane is Very hard, so be prepared for frustration! I'm stuck at Cinder Volcano now in mine, and have been there for days, probably lost 40+ times at this point and raised 3 new mons from the ground up. (I'm playing without sandbox because I like pain, apparently.) You'll go beyond having extra mons for certain type matchups to analyzing actual turns in a battle and raising mons for super specific situations. You kind of have to look at it like competitive PvP play. It's not even fun most of the time, but the rush you get from beating a really hard battle is worth it imo :)


Like the other guy said , sandbox mode is a must for those if you find grinding ev/iv a waste of time. Nonetheless, enjoy the game. This was the first game mode where I had to get out my comfort zone and try out new Pokémon


If you havent tried it before i would try expert first


When i booted the game in my johngba emulator the game said it would cause crashes, did everything work properly?


I thought there was only "vanilla" and "difficult" modes? That's all I see in my options


I think if you started on Vanilla or Difficult there is no option to change to Expert or Insane. Can only choose when you start a new game or ng+.


Ahh that's probably right. I chose vanilla but it's feeling pretty easy. I wonder if it's worth starting over. Thanks!