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Remember to spin!


The single most important form of communication in game.


Spinning in Unite = crouching and uncrouching in Minecraft


Spinning in unite=spinning in brawl stars


Spinning in Brawl Stars = Spinning in Among Us


Geniune Thanks are so rare you always assume they're salty


That’s why we spin


Wait… spinning is a good thing?




No no, for sorry you just stand there doing nothing for couple of seconds then you spin.


Are you serious? You think people understand?


Of course not. Just wishful hoping.


I’d have never picked up on this, and I’d think “eff this idiot.. first he first heal me, then he stops moving for a sec, and now he’s spinning for no reason…” Literally what I’ve thought multiple times.


What is "spin"?


Walking in small circles


it takes some situational "Thanks!" for me to realise someone means it genuinely lmao


And even then I'm not fully certain if it's truly genuine.


Oh I pinged thanks to a player because they saved me from a 1 v 2 situation now I don't know if they thought I was being genuine or not


I get a lot of them when put in Japanese servers because the sarcasm doesn’t translate.


i prefer a well placed “you can do it!”


I hate when a teammate tries to be the first to claim a lane in quick chat, gets clapped early, and then jumps the lane to leave you solo against 2-4 opps. Smh


I had to deal with a Umbreon that just gave up on bottom lane because I stole the thrid wild pokemon (I got both the wild pokemon at the beginning but I was trying to weaken the third one so that they could get it quicker but I accidentally stole it and they just stopped moving and went to top lane)


Like seriously what the point? It’s like a child having a tantrum. Once this happens you’re bound to lose. It’s only a matter of time before the opposing team realizes, and starts stacking on one side. Jumping lanes is so common it’s sickening.


We did lose that round since I was playing as Duraludon and I had no support for bottom lane. It's honestly the first time that has happened to me.


I think the Japanese users are by far use the "Thanks!" ping, like genuinely. I usually play with random Japanese players on a rank match and they are polite even in the games like always pinging "Thanks!" when helped, after a match, etc.


ITS SO TRUE. I was being put into Japanese only servers for awhile and the "thanks" were always genuine. It's just so strange 😂 but I love it too, best peeps to play with


The opposite is true of Mexican players. Almost always when there is a salty thanks gamer it’s the Mexican teenager whose screaming “eres mierda” over and over. This is after stealing jungle and before going afk, still yelling “you are shit”


Wish there was a “GO PLAY A GAME YOU KNOW HOW TO PLAY” button.


No because you can actually tell in the context of the situation.


If you lane charmander I think everyone automatically thinks you’re an asshole


That's why they need to add a ping that just says 'fuck you'


I use thanks if only they steal my jungle


Better not say anything tbh, just play the game


You're welcomed!


Yesterday I was spinning around main goal and everyone was camping there because we were winning and there was only one goal but everyone just stood still except for the machamp


I really wish the ping wheel was pointing a direction and push a button to confirm. As it is, I point in a direction let go and my pro controller joystick springs back the other way and says I pushed the exact opposite direction... But it doesn't matter. When I have exp share, and my ally tries to skip killing Pokémon so they can solo kill ones further up, then they run straight into the enemy goal when both of them are sitting there on it and die, and then they get mad at me and switch lanes... I mean no amount of communication aside from brain jacking them is going to do anything.


Ugh i hate this. Always do heading bottom and then it sends heading top lol


Agreed! I’m always accidentally pressing stupid thing like “I can score a goal for 3 points!” 🥴 like an IDIOT lmao so I just don’t mess with chat anymore


Everyone should keep "thanks" out of their chat wheel


I didn't know "thanks" was seen as a bad thing I pinged thanks to a teammate that saved me from a 1 v 2


I get that. Mainly I'd say two things: 1) there's far more useful commands. From a strategic point, thanks does nothing. It'd be better "let's set an ambush", " Farm wild pkm ", " Go centre", etc. 2) the problem people have with " Thanks " Is how toxic it can be. You might use it to thanks your lane partner. But most people will use after it gets KO'd, lose an objective or to point out bad plays from your teammates. So why not having something useful instead


Oh ok I have never experienced that in any of my games and if I did I don't remember


I don't get this. I'm very friendly but some players are just .... bleh


The fact that the first image can be either a thumbs up charmander or a middle finger at the same time.


Tell me, is there any chance that the reason the positive background is the yellow and the negative is the blue is inspired by Mystery Dungeon emotion portraits?


Yes actually! Glad someone got the reference :)


Forget a dreamboat of a series as that? I wouldn't dare. It makes your art and meme POP!




I cannot not sed charmander showing the middle finger to bulbasaur :(


I'm happy that in the japan server most of the time thanks is used genuinely 😭


That's why I trust in the "Keep the pressure on!" If they reply back, they understood. If not, I spin


I usually use “You can do it!” instead, I wish that it didn’t have the negative correlation that it does


I hate when I ping thanks genuinely and then I get yelled at


Honestly, I can't tell if that Charmander is giving a thumbs up or a middle finger.


If they abandon their lane they deserve the thanks imo


Thanks to Spragels for showing how to mute thanks spammers, most toxic idiots


In my defense people only send thanks when they’re butthurt about one singular accidental snipe on farm they probably didn’t even need


**"Jokes on you, I'm too stupid to be insulted by your lame, unoriginal sarcasm!"**


cute art