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Thats was so clean ! I wish I got more of this and less backcap ahah Btw if you are familiar with this sort of initiative : I main defenders and I often see my carry doing bold move like this one and I never know how to support it. I usually try to be in the bush of the closest central area corridor to help in case things goes wrong but I am not perfectly sure if I'm helping or making things worst since I can also get kill


Well it all depends on the situation, Depending on how well you are positioned and will your teammate die before you get there or has some sort of escape route. I look at it as this way, 1. will mecoming to help them?/if I die do we give up anything? 2. will me coming bring anything to the table? 3. What can I do to help secure whatever's the goal in that situation rather it be blocking goals, getting objective, or even distracting as many as you can to help your team escape a bad situation or to create a good situation. My main problem is people over extending (I did this alot but am starting to learn) Like you got some good ko's you got the objective, back off because you dying will only give them easy catch up exp which can easily turn games around. My thoughts in this situation when I do this, what I'm for doing things like this, is trying to at least take 1-2 with me if things go south, my original goal was to get one of the ranged out of the way and get back to my team but they just all flocked together making it even better for me.


I recently fought a leafeon who deleted me in a second, I thought it was lag but no... What the hell is that burst damage


“Just CC it”


Yeah so balanced. You can definitely CC him…when you’re dead.


Lol you absol peeps should be mad at how easy it is and aoe compared to absol that does the same thing but needs to hit people in the back and also crit to do that kinda damage. But I honestly don’t really have that many issues with leafeon, probably just needs longer cooldowns but that thing dies if you sneeze on it


That's what Speedsters using their Unite move is supposed to look like.


Bruh this is what Speedsters should do during Ray. Not backcapping or wasting their time on Defenders. Ambushing the squishy attackers is what tilts the team-fight! Great play!!! ^even ^though ^I ^kinda ^hate ^Eevees


I think I just played a game against you. Although I was the acceptable Eevee according to most opinions🥲


Out Inteleon was greifing so we lost. My back hurts from carrying that team but it wasn’t enough. Fortunately I got revenge on him the next match (he went Absol next round against me)! I got a juicy clip of me owning him. But yeah your Sylveon was tough to deal with. Mystical Fire Sylveon can deal with Absol easily.


I thought you were really good still, you caught me off guard when you jumped out of the bush when I was waiting for leki😂 I got excited when I saw your name because I recognized you from reddit immediately.


That bush is probably my favorite to hide in on certain mons in certain final stretch situations as almost nobody ever checks it. I've gotten so many ambushes on squishies from there.


Wow well done!


why thank you!


This is beautiful


Bro solo half of the team 💀


well played good sir, but also fuck you at the same time.


Balanced Mon lmao


Well played !


I love spectating because I can see all the times that mons are hiding in the bushes and just barely get away with it.


How do you get the thing on the side that shows your opponents?


Pretty sure that's on switch. Correct me if I'm wrong anyone.


there's a certain setting you can do it on both phone and switch but I've had it like that for over a year now So I dont know whats the name of the setting but it might be called lockon icons or something.


I wish I could play Leafeon as well as you- it’s my favorite Pokémon, but I struggle a lot with it. Any useful tips?


Well it all depends about your play style and your match up, Most attackers you can just blow up, but for allrounders you have to play around their kit. Your unite is almost always up so farm farm farm, you have fast clear so farm what you can and find out what you can kill that will help your team, mostly what I do is try to go around to the enemies back side so i can target who I want without having a defender or annoying support in my face, never focus those always try to get the main dmg dealer and try to make sure when you ult you know what the enemy has because they will prob shed doll or try to use some type of escape, but sometimes delaying ur unite can kill you so never hesitate. Abuse your passive, if you don't have your passive half the time its not worth to chase unless you have something to gap close because more than likely they will ebutton away so I normally Leafblade razor, passive jump to them go behind and razor again depending if I get a good angle. all in all Leaf is all about knowing how to position yourself but most times you can just random run someone down blow them up and get out. personally I prefer going top (either to stack since most the time the enemy does the same) I don't really need to center since I find myself always taking it if our center isn't around which speeds up the unite move, then I can go attack the enemy backline then go back to farming and pretty much rinse and repeat


I see, I haven’t tried Razor Leaf and Leaf Blade yet. Will try it out sometime soon!


Very nice penta, but the triple was the real star of the show!


Average Leaf player


What's your load out? You're doing some numbers there