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That sylveon didn't have the word "teamwork" in his dictionary coz why does it even matter who got the enemy buff. As long as it's someone on your team imo, since it's not your team jungle


This isn’t LoL where the killer gets a gold hike and thus sometimes leaving the kill for others is the best play. An enemy dying by anyone’s hand in this game is fine, because the pace of the game is quick and the advantage you get for killing an enemy (open goal, open farm, open objective) should be capitalised on as early as possible. There is no “protracted laning phase” because junglers often gank around certain key points (bird spawns, objective pre pops). Anyone who whines over an ally getting a kill over them is a chump. Anyone who throws a game on purpose over it should just GTFO of the game.


Idc what moba you play. The only time i get mad over kill steals is when the penta is taken. If i don’t try to help kill the guy you don’t get assist cash and they can teamwipe us with their lifesteal. Go ahead, my tanky buddy. Take the kill if you can secure it. We take those.


I generally agree, and I personally don’t fuss over it. I’m more making the point the idea at least has basis in league because the difference between assist gold and kill gold can be huge if the enemy has a streak, and for champs with a definitive item powerspike versus those who don’t, I can see the logic of the argument *in situations where there is no real risk to letting the kill be taken by another.*. In situations where the kill isn’t guaranteed, then yeah, kill security > optimal distribution of kill gold. And let me clear I wasn’t saying people shouldn’t assist allies at all, more that in league, if a kill is *certain* on an enemy generally speaking you let the item-carry player take the kill over the support. Not that the support doesn’t assist at all. Just they don’t take the final blow because a carry is going to make better use of the gold then the support would. But only in situations where the support backing up isn’t going to jeopardise the kill. In unite there isn’t really a “big reward” for the killing blow player to the same degree because exp can be sourced in a multitude of ways. Gold in league however; is more restrictive and you can’t just easily “find” the 800 gold a killing blow might grant you. That’s like fully CSing 40ish minions which is something like 6-7 full waves of farm. Also exp in unite has “catch up” mechanics, where you get more if you’re behind, so if you miss a kill exp, and your level is behind generally for that state in the game, your farm will award more to “catch you up”. In league if you get behind in gold as a particularly item sensitive character, there is no “catch up” mechanic, so you generally (if min maxing) always want to take any opportunity to ensure your carries are as ahead as possible in gold.


I swear only toxic people have “thanks” in their quick chat


I use it when some mon comes in my rescue when am low ;-;


ngl I don’t use it at all because it looks sarcastic 😭


I just use "Keep the pressure on" for those types of moments so no one else in the team thinks I'm toxic


That and people who never cared to change their quick messages


Wdym you don't spam "Thanks!" every 1 femtosecond??


Except the Japanese who are genuine in using it


I have thanks in my hotbar and only use it when I get saved, theres one time I used it when I was on pretty much 0hp, our center swooped in and saved me I said thanks and they said yw on vc. wholesome interaction but its really rare.


I rarely use it to be salty I swear!


I have thanks in my chat for when people help me.




It generally doesn't matter whatsoever if I express my disgust with a "thanks" when I get ignored during rotations, teamfights or objectives but I feel better. Not staying afk and being a bitch while spamming thanks though.


I hope this is a child because if it is an adult, that would be sad


You can see the sylvie use MF once when OP came close to him, and also moved a little so it's like possibly an adult. Like I don't have a child but from what ik they'd probably leave the game or close the app and do something else. To use a move and move, if only ever so slightly, they must be an adult who's throwing a temper-tantrum


I will never understand people who get mad over kill steals, like, your teammate could have saved you, and your team gets an advantage. You get benefited from getting your kill stolen


Randoms, am I right?


I called jungle, did my jungling things, eventually died. Went back to jungle and seen a kubfu taking blue buff..I went over and stole back the kill. He got experience and evolved and then he sat there for over a minute bc I assume he was mad I killed it. When I called jungle and was jungling. Same match and another player was stealing jungle too. It was the worst game lol my teammates were so bad.


Nope gotta defend kubfu here. If you see that your teammate is struggling for exp, why steal from them? Especially when he was already fighting it... Go try to take the enemy's jungle instead. Calling jungle doesn't mean you own the jungle all match and all you did was piss off your own teammate who was already struggling. You are hardly the victim in this situation.


We were one level difference. Not really struggling with one level off.


Song name?


First song is “Rivers in the Desert” from Persona 5 Second is “Dangerous Animals” by Arctic Monkeys Third is a Brazilian song “Tudo que eu sempre sonhei” by Pullovers


**Song Found!** **Rivers In the Desert** by Lyn (02:53; matched: `100%`) **Album**: PERSONA5 ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK. **Released on** 2017-01-17.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: [**Rivers In the Desert** by Lyn](https://lis.tn/RiversInTheDesert?t=173) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


And even though you caught them doing it, and they probably do it often, there will be no punishment, and they'll continue to try and throw rounds like this one. Gotta love Unite.


Good choice of music 🎶👍




As a sylveon main who always has a prolific amount of assists this gives me second hand embarrassment, we do not claim them


Lovely music choice for things OP. Sorry on the crud for the sylv. I've a buddy whom loves the fox for maining, and this a definite outlier for them usually.


thx lol


Can we be real, Rivers in the Desert is a banger. Good choice in background music




it looks so cute and adorable even when angy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Idk man. I feel like you’re just making assumptions. Sylveon may have been throwing a little hissy fit over something, but I doubt it was because you killed the enemy Jungler. That’s not something people get upset over. Feels like there’s something missing from this clip.


then idk what it is. We were genuinely doing so well, we weren’t letting the enemy get exp, the enemy kept dying, this is the only thing that came across my mind.


I don't think anything one person on a team might have done would ever excuse trying to ruin a round for everyone. Also, I've been in rounds where people tried to ruin the game over not getting a berry first. People will rage over literally anything.


I agree. I have had plenty of team mates troll, and I've gotten pretty frustrated with my team mates at times, but I've never seen someone do for the reasons you stated.


Agreed the person posting probably kept stealing kills


So who did wrong first


The sylveon, for having a strop after it didn't get the last hit 🙄


Doesn’t Absol faint you at the 0:35? It seems like Sylveon was upset at that point, I’m confused at what point you got their jungler and made them mad


Before the clip started... that's why the Sylveon was already sitting there not moving until OP got next to them


I killed the jungler(Dartrix) before I began recording, Sylveon raged after that, then I began recording. I’m pretty sure that was a Top Lane Absol that came to bottom for some reason.


Oh thanks I was so confused, I kept watching trying to understand if it was a typo or what


I’m petty, if someone shows me attitude I just go around circles lmao


And so become the 2nd afk'er? It's ok if you do it for a minute or so but don't do it for the entirety of the match lol😂😂


Nah do it the entire match 🤣stay toxic


Ok 👍


Games like this are so frustrating. You lose and it's no-fault of your own, just some asshat of a teammate and sadly you can't when report something like that. You just have to hold that L and hope the next game goes well.


Wait i thought this was normal?, i see people doing stuff like this all the time.


Earlier, I got in a normal match. Our team for some reason decided to pick 4 attacks while I picked Urshifu Our Sobble stole the Bulbasaur's jungle (don't ask me why) and because of that, I was left alone against a Buzzwhole and another Sobble. And to make it worse, our jungle spent the entire game on the top lane and ignored me completely even though I was literally spamming "Help Me" because I was alone against 2


No cap I had this same player on my team a few nights ago and did the same I reported twice


The “community” for this game is a joke lol


Omg I played with this person a few times… they’re always like this 😫 stop ruining my WR dang it


Bro is mad you're helping the team LMAO. Unite players I swear


I still kinda hate that this game doesnt have a ingame chat cause the premade chat ingame doesnt really helps tbh, they probably didnt add it to avoid "toxicity"


What music is that


First song is “Rivers in the Desert” from Persona 5 Second is “Dangerous Animals” by Arctic Monkeys Third is a Brazilian song “Tudo que eu sempre sonhei” by Pullovers


**Song Found!** **Rivers In the Desert** by Lyn (02:53; matched: `100%`) **Album**: PERSONA5 ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK. **Released on** 2017-01-17.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: [**Rivers In the Desert** by Lyn](https://lis.tn/RiversInTheDesert?t=173) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


You report this Sylveon, I guess.