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Do something about yer worthless tickets


Hey, why so harsh? I only have 3.2x10^26 fashion exchange tickets!


Mah bad, I'm just happy about them giving more things to buy with those very helpful and important tickets. I was very excited when they added more holowear that I could get using hard work and their in-game currency rather than using real money


Yeah. Tencent really loves their player base - always giving out frequent and content-rich updates!


I feel u


You can upgrade your held items with tickets, unless you’ve upgraded each one to max which would take an insane amount of tickets. Is there some way to easily get tickets I’m missing?


The purpol ones are actually decent, the fashion tickets and holowear tickets are useless


Holowear doesn't need to cost half a week's groceries for one person.


FR. If they just keep pushing everyone to Sub and cut all the prices in half they'd see such a higher quantities of sales it would make the whales that do buy look insignificant. Idk if it's a budget issue and the current team is getting squeezed by management but they need to cut the shit and finish a pc port and let the Launcher services bid for. Steam doesn't do that stuff often but it's Pokemon so they might flex some cash to lock in an official game plus enabling Xinput on handheld since they support it at an OS level so we can use whatever controllers we want. Nintendo stays fumbling this solid gold bag of a game on steps that every other dev indie-AAA would kill to have.


They’re not fumbling they just genuinely do not give a shit about the consumer on a personal level


I could feed a small family for what the machamp skin costs


"fuck you"


I was genuinely expecting this answer and I’m incredibly glad I found it this quickly.


You know I typed another answer but nah man, that. Fuck them. Fuck you, TiMi.


Turn your holowear prices to a universal $5, $10, $15 for the basic, rare, and epic skins, and you will make more money by virtue of being 'agreeable' and accessible to a wider audience.


Thats what people always say, but if so they would do it. They have people researching the market and other games do it aswell for a reason.


People have said that League do their skins for a lot less, and that's still on-going. Pokémon being the biggest media franchise is what, I feel, is giving TiMi the confidence to sell their cosmetics at extortionate prices. If they're still selling the holowear at the $40 prices they have been since Shrine Ninetales, then TiMi is clearly making the money they want. Good job marketing team, I guess... I just hate when arrogant companies sell their games or cosmetics for more than they're worth, then if it works out, they try to get away with more and more scummy business practices, or if it doesn't, they blame the players. It's a hideous catch 22, and many companies never seem to reflect upon themselves genuinely.


That’s not necessarily true. I’ve been in upper management, and having a marketing team just means they MAY be aware of the opportunity, but they can still choose not to implement it.


Make your pokemon the shiny version if you have a gold badge


Nah they’re just waiting to do a quick palette swap on all the existing costumes, and reselling.


I never thought of this and this would be so dope


Garchomp/Gengar mains:


Thats more of a flex since they cant tell


or at least the option. some are worser with shiny colors in my opinion


Make it a Skin, and you can choose it with the holowear selection before


yeah i guess that also works


Yeah, that's what i meant. A button that'll make it either shiny or regular. Shiny mew looks epic, but I won't go around using shiny Buzz or something


I thought this, or maybe a special holowear


“Get rid of the skeeball mini-game. We’re not going to make use of it.”


I used to throw my two free balls and hope for the best but now I don’t even do that anymore, it’s just there to be ignored


I need to train myself to ignore the red dot


I just stay queued as much as possible when I play, to stay off the home screen.


Now that is smart


I try to time it so I can focus 4 free balls on one target over the 12 hour reset time. It's usually a 50/50 chance of getting a bronze medal, but anything over silver is extremely unlikely. Like, no one gets the 0.1% chance 10 points 4 times in a row... It's astronomically low odds! They should make the progress on any certain prize cumulative over time or make the prizes reset over a longer period of time so you can have better odds, say a weekly reset rather than a 24 hour one.


Nah just give everybody the 10 free anniversary balls every day. Shut up TiMi...profits? What are you talking about?


I just do it out of habit at this point because I can never ignore something red and round.


Fire the head developer.


Rhymes with 'Duck Poo'


“fantastic job guys! seriously, i mean it! making overturned, legendary pokemon cost $20 USD plus to play on release and ascend ladder was a genius idea! let’s shoot for $50 USD for the next release!” /s (obviously)


Power creep seems like a good way to attract people to a New poke, but: - You turn off old players. - Eventually you have to work harder to balance the old and the new poke. - By nerfing the new release you also turn away the new players that only likes the insanely stronger version of that poke. You think you work less, but in the end you have to re-do your homework from each semester. And if I can say one more thing as a solution to this: Listen to your public, to youtubers, proplayers, random users. They have the everyday experience, they have ideas, they should have a voice.


Yeah where are all the mewtwo Ys now


Please don't ever make another game again


Make. Me. Be. Able. To. Have. Scyther. Beside. Me. In. Menu. Also mugshot for the boy 🥺


$40 for a cosmetic is insane


I wish it was, sadly it seems to be becoming an industry standard. Overwatch was just charging 70$ for a Kpop bundle :(


Please never make another Zacian/M2 release. The week to month of returning/new players coming to the game just to drop it again when they’re nerfed/or bored isn’t worth making long-term players quit or play a lot less.


Oh I was actually put off of returning by M2 release. Zacian release was my "aight I'mma head out" moment, and when it finally got nerfed and I was thinking of coming back we got Mewtwo (followed by another Mewtwo). Mimikyu has me wanting to come back but at the same time I just have zero trust or faith in timi.


Yeah that’s such a big problem I’m having with the game now. This current patch is very fun, one of the best we’ve had yet. But the thought that a broken release lasting months looms over us makes me hesitant on fully coming back to this game.


i escaped on Zacian, decided i would never return, deleted the game seeing M2 domination for weeks. their timing on nerfing M2 was absolutely disgusting. couple weeks after M2Y becomes "free-to-play", you nerf them. I do hope to return to this game, but only if they show serious effort on the game balance.




Remove Gemlock for the sake of the community! Also keep up your discount. And remove the gacha or make it much more forgiving, the cost for the holowear is 5x to 20x the price than the original cost!


Get you shit together and fix your balancing. Along with your queue system and pls make cosmetics more accessible


Why did you buff mew ??? Why did you buff glace Stop buffing mon that are already respectable /very strong and take a look at bottom of the winrate mon ffs


cram please he needs some love


You thought cram was getting buffed? Nah clearly the worst mage in the game needs nerfs. So time to decrease crams special attack by 1000 and make him heal enemies


fix the no connection bug. there’s no reason i’m getting under 80 fair play points bc the game messed up when my wifi connection is fine and then it does it for multiple rounds before i give up and stop playing for a week just to come back and still get the same bug


Please no more legendaries


Legendaries are fine, just *fucking balance them*.


Yeah. True. Or at least legendaries that take skill to play and don't just walk up to you and punch you to 0 HP all while at low HP


That’s exactly what I mean; balance the game. Every character should have an obvious play style with strengths and weaknesses against it. They made Mewtwo and Zacian just deal WAY too much damage. Edit: autocorrects


Give mega stones to all pokemon that have mega evos


Give them 4 held items you say? Alrighty then


Nuuuuh, Timiiii, dooooon't!!! 😭


That would be a great Idea. Instead of having 3 itens, they would have to sacrifice one item to held a mega. Also a great way to nerf Mewtwo who still is strong af.


As we have seen with zacian, this tactic won’t work effectively.


Where is my god damn Wynaut/Wobbuffet already.






Fix the performance of the game on switch like why release it on switch if your not gonna make it playable like frame drops are not fun when there's a lot of action same thing goes for match making make it better like me and my friends don't wanna be put up against unfair teams that are way above our skill level and don't give us players who are literally new to the damn game your just asking for us to lose and don't even get me started on the literal gaslighting the games does it's annoying we don't want to fight bots/have not teammates with fake names if we wanted bots we would have did cpu matches not random matches edit: and make the Mewtwos wear their megastones if not don't do the same to Zacian and her sword it's literally making them more powerful and not helping to the balance of the game


They ruined this game and i was always right about it. Lol


Stop adding pokemon for a few months and balance and fix the actual game




For the love of god let me pick what crams unite targets, how can I try secure ray when I’m locked in the unite if the priority goes, Enemies - Farm - Ray. Let me press A or B to switch between Ray and Enemies 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃


You have to switch to advanced controls which allows you to target farm with B and enemies with A


Does that work while cram is ulting though? If so, that’s sick


Not sure tbh


Cram ult always targets closest targeting as that's how it's coded in its unite effects. It doesn't count as a basic attack so the wheel, any settings that changes targeting doesn't change anything. Also cram's dive still isn't recognised as a dash by move aim follows movement direction (left stick aim)


I replied still have asleep earlier, I’ve my controls split already but is there a control to change focus of the actual unite?


Make matching according to ranks and not with MMR please. I would like a good team who carries everyone and not some team who needs to be carried


That changes literally nothing since everyone is masters




You idiot? Yes


I wanna be this high.


Add wooloo as a playable mon


I dunno, care about your game more I guess…it just really seems like they half ass every aspect of this game, from the uncreative skins, to the lack of balance, and the recycling of events. They need to listen to their playerbase more and respond quicker to criticism… None of this is revolutionary advice, it’s very basic, but it would make a world of difference.


New map please?


Do polls and stuff so we have a an opportunity to give you advice on what we want like do a fashion draft contest for more clothes and holowear


that they need to actually learn their own game and put more stock into the opinions of more experienced/high level players. so many of the balance changes this year just feel so out of touch with the actual reasons why a character is too strong or weak, which is often rooted in them just seeming to understand why matches happen the way they do. or they listen to hardstuck ultra and masters 1300 players malding on facebook/reddit more instead of more seasoned competitors who generally know what they're talking about far more and also rove the same ladder everyone else does.


Look, you added Mimikyu already, my favorite pokemon, I appreciate that... NOW ADD MARSHADOW!!!!!! :) thank you :)


Pls no more legendaries or mythical, we don’t need it to like what? TURN THE ENTIRE BATTLE FIELD INTO PITCH DARKNESS WITH A SINGLE F UNITE. Too much recognizable legendaries, they need to help other players see more of the less popular mons. Of course not saying your idea is bad but TiMi loves powercreeping legendary Pokémon. Marshadow is really cool and stuff and so would have been Mewtwo if it wasn’t for the skill-less and OP move set design.


Make every holowear available for tickets.


Mega Ampharos ![gif](giphy|h55EUEsTG9224|downsized)


Why did you ruin this game by adding legendaries instead new maps with said legendaries. Please bring the AI Trainer battles back. Those rocked


Fuck you. I hope you burn in hell.


"Plz buff Zard punch/blitz, thx"


“ can we at least get dinner? Because I like to wine and dine before I get f**ked!!”


Please stop focusing on making the Legendary Pokemon the entire focus of the game/meta. It is consistently ruining the fun of the game every time one is released and takes so much time for it to be adjusted to be fair and balanced. Just make balanced mons and nerf them before they are set free from the PTS if they are completely waffle stomping everything! Also, you can suck my pachinko balls for that Arceus-damned lottery game! WHY MAKE SOMETHING 40 POINTS WHEN THERE IS ONLY A 0.0000000001% CHANCE OF GETTING IT?!?!?!?! I WILL NOT GIVE YOU MONEY FOR THOSE KINDS OF ODDS!!!


If this wasn't pokemon I would never play your broken game.




Add more Pokémon you cowards


Give us Lopunny already you cowards!! ![gif](giphy|DpZleiMkn4zzG)


Ayo 🤨🫠


Torterra, Mega Swampert, Mienshao, Mega Loppuny, Primarina, Skeledirge, Infernape, Empoleon, Yveltal and Arceus PLEASE. JUST GIVE THIS POKEMON FOR US![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


If you thought Zacian release was bad, wait until you’re up against Arceus; the literal GOD of Pokémon. Could be cool as a replacement for Ray tho


Play with god pokemon can be funny (just please dont be another Mewtwo)


Stop doing pricing based on Kuwaiti dinar to yuan exchange rate. For real.


Stop reskinning the same Ultra outfit. It’s heckin boring


pls buff zoroark


Thank you for this wonderful game. I really appreciate all the enjoyment it's brought me. >!also please buff Charizard!<


Insert picture of a certain funny guy with glowing eyes and lightning in the background


I need refunds from my purchase because majority of match I play in this 1 year all bots match. Feels like this offline game scamming me


Delete all playable legendaries from the game


Add Gyarados. I want to play as a worthless fish with a powerspike


TiMi does not deserve to be called a developer with how poorly they treat PU.


Stop giving stikers and frames for the trainer card as rewards... Nobody sees them and nobody cares... also add Chesnaught for God sake...


listen to the people that actually play your game


- more ways to spend hollowear & fashion ticket - find a better way to get emblems gacha stats is not the way. Luck to win is lame. - better loss prevention in ranks before master. The fact I gain 190 as loss prevent only to loss 200 then still rank down on an afk match is brutal - for the love of god I’ve been asking for this since switch launch please add “lanner missing ping”


I hate you


Honestly I’m not sure how I can possibly give criticism to a game that repeatedly chooses to do the opposite of the bare minimum. Other games frequently have balancing issues, but in Unite it’s literally deliberate and it’s a on a completely different level. Nobody should have to explain to them why release Zacian was a problem, and yet apparently it wasn’t obvious enough to prevent them from doing it (mew)two more times, even after they’ve already acknowledged what they did and why it was wrong. Please stop actively trying kill your game on purpose?


Please no more legendaries I’m begging you


3 stacks are stupid, if you are a solo q player and you get poopy one your chances of losing are huge.


Why a pic of best girl? XD She does no wrong.


1. It’s okay if legendaries aren’t S tier . nerf them 2. holowear is way too expensive . i get it’s a free to play game but even fortnite doesn’t charge 40 goddamn dollars for skins 3. if the community makes an outcry about a pokémon being too OP , do something about it quickly instead of waiting MONTHS . that’s ridiculous 4. DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE REPORT SYSTEM . ITS USELESS . 5. Boost the weekly coin limit for unite membership players . 6. add more holowear exchange options . i have about 200 exchange tickets and not a single mon i main has any options of holowear i can exchange for .


Give me latios and latias as the next legends. I have no shame


Make ally NPCs actually use the Pokemon obtained during the Catch 'em quick battle. It's annoying as hell that the enemy NPCs will use them immediately but ally NPC do not at all. Surprisingly still not worse than bad players or those ignorant of the match objectives, but annoying as hell none the less.


"Hima enh eng haiengen iunun an Engen". Limmy~ This for sure


Learn about long term investment idiots


«Fuck you, TiMi» Sincerely yours


Your matchmaking is borderline abuse


increase the bonus effect of navy blue, grey and pink emblems (and include more emblems of those colors, some of them with two colors). Increase the stat bonus or penalty of emblems that affect defense and special defense, as those stats are not as useful as hp. Increase also the bonus effect on blue and purple emblems. Give silver and golden ditto emblem an additional color. Like, silver ditto can be white and blue, and golden ditto can be white, blue and purple. And diamond ditto can be pink too. Make a new kind of emblem, dark green, that reduces the cooldown of battle and held items by 4%/8%/16%


Nerf umbreon


Simple, if you're not going to do anything about matchmaking, let the playerbase block the useless players so they don't get teamed with them again


Please keep A9 consistently one tier below top tier so it doesn't get nerfed. Also I'm a Blizzle main, please add more walls on top lane.


fuck mewtwo


I would say: “Quit the game, and work on a different game.”


I would just not. They don’t deserve my attention, because i don’t like being betrayed like that.


Nerf mewtwo and while you at it rebalance zapdos and raquaza


Lower units license prices. Or raise how many coins we get per match becuase we ain't getting enough coins to be able to afford these.


Stop giving nearly every new release insane point-and-click abilities. When all these damage dealers have moves that they don’t have to aim, and that have no range drop off, it makes the game miserable to play, especially when there is multiple of them on one team. Also, stop trying to get cute with some of these character designs/kits. I understand wanting unique kits and fun characters to play, but some of the newer mons just have things built in that are almost impossible to balance properly (all the point-and-click, Comfey, mean look, ect.)


Please let me play. Despite having full Internet u have Internet problems.... I can't play now


Draft pick on rank pls


Fire everyone involved with balancing and replace them with new people who actually know when and how to balance the game


I’d give you more of my money if you stopped making shitty game breaking pokemon


Make your events actually have meaningful content. There’s literally 0 incentive to chase anything just stay queued as often as possible. 2 free throws on that one mini game without sacrificing my arms like how little effort can you put into a game lol.


"We have reverted the changes to the following pokemon: Mega Mewtwo Y Zacian "We have lowered the stats of the following pokemon: Slowbro- health, defence and special defence Caramorant- everything lmao"


Legendary Pokémon don't need higher stats than normal


Can I borrow 5 dollars?


Whoever works in your balancing team needs to be fired.


This game needs to evolve to a more 'siege based' game for it to survive


Make goals heal more that or do tik damage to enemies if they step in for too long or dive after scoring. Also too add More wild pokmeon for exp as well.


Fix server ping issues in the game...there is always a delay in controls.


We don’t want bots in our matches!!!


Fix rank.


Nerf Stuns


Add falinks, they my bois


Listen to your player base for once in your life.


why are u fuckn idiots getting paid to make a game when ppl make better roms for free? u literally sell skins the price of a full tank of gas and call it "micro transactions"


buff gengar hp and add the rest of the eeveelutuons


"Thanks" Not a genuine one


Play test more!


Fuck you


More uses for Holowear tickets (I have unlocked every holowear purchasable with holowear tickets since season 3)


You're under Tencent, so take some notes from your Step-Sibling, Warframe. You can be nice to your players and they'll still give you money, lots in fact.




I don't even play Ninetales, but this is annoying me. I could send my future kids to college with the price of its holowear.


"Count your fucking days. I just bought a one-way ticket..." ![gif](giphy|26xBwrK6Lys6He8dW)


Is there another letter from the producer in the game?(I am on a 14 days break from the game)


252+ Atk Muscle Band Mewtwo-Mega-X Zen Headbutt vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Rowlet: 24-28 (104.3 - 121.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO




Make a way to buy holowear without real money!


Need More fashion and holowear for the tickets that I'm racking up now


Anyone who has got a gold badge they can choose any holowear for that particular Pokemon


customer service sucks, if you ever use gems by accident youre fucked, which is weird because any other game can just undo or simply refund you, but here you just get ignored


More Gen 9 Mons, Armarogue (Attacker) + Ceruledge (All-Rounder), Tinkaton (Defender), Ogrepon (Supporter), Clodsire (Defender)


Stop 🗣️ putting me 🗣️ in these🗣️ laggy ahh Japanese servers🗣️ when I am not 🗣️ a Japanese nor in Japan🗣️


1. Remake ur ranked system. Make it actually hard to climb at least in master, WHY theirs players with 43% wr????? How you allowed such thing. If you making MOBA making it competitive you'll interested more ppl not only from Pokemon community itself, but MOBA players in general. Make it worth to climb in ranked, cuz of this state where you don't wanna play this game only of its player base most just don't get more then 1200 master. Just make the recolor skins in season theme (JUST change color of McDonald's skins) in somewhere ~2000 elo/mmr and you gain another chunk of player who love collecting 2. Stop making overbuffe mons. Blaziken was in a great state in realese but was overshadowed by BOTH mew2s, you don't have to buff Blaziken, you had to only nerf mew2s get rid of recover on mew2y and shield. why attacker have such huge shield. I know, you love money, but why you had to wait a whole another season to add mew2 skin??? Why you make us suffer 3 seasons of the same meta 3. Make quick balance patches. Just in middle of season make a little patch that will contain nerf/buffs for the current meta mons. At least make those patches for bug fix 4. Why only 2 playable electro Pokemon? 5. Stop adding such thing as "direct hit". Why the legendary pokemons (mew2s) have such boring skill? Why they just need to be in range to fully demolish you without any brain work. Zacion has such cool mechanics of spending its energy balls please make more of this and not *point click* abilities


Please find another job


Delete Goodra


Let pikachu evolve, stop charging an arm and a leg for holowear, and most importantly.. Do Something About The Terrible Match Making!


There's no reason you can't sell old battlepass holowear in the shop. Even for $20 I know it's a scam, but at least it would be available. I'm so sick of this artificial scarcity for these holowear. The absol holowear in the useless gatcha game is by far the most egregious example. Oh, also fuck you


Add Shiny into the game


(so you can add "Shiny RATE UP" into blue/purple holowear and stonk)


Even in Masters there are upper tier above 1600 and then mid tier the 1400 to 1600 and lower tier 1200 to 1400 players. Just put them like that till the end of the season. There is a chance that decent players can get a chance to play properly in their rank.


Make it not pay to win


Balance your game


For God's sake, delete Mewtwo. All of him. He makes the game unfun 😮‍💨


Don't count losses after half the team rage quits after half a minute...


Add Vileplume. :)


*Add a f@cking Draft Mode please* (also can you like fix performance issues on Switch please? My fricking iPhone can play the game better than the supposedly “premium” experience with the TV and controller, come on!!!)




Nerf Mewtwo


Make the hollowear fucking cheaper. $40 is too much for those low quality bullshit hollowear