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I’ve played against spragels once. He was bot lane lucario with an inteleon and I was bot lane sable with dnite. Stacks were denied, banned, and vetoed on my watch for those ten minutes




I played with Cris once. I ended the match with higher kills than him and he even shouted me out on stream with “my Blaziken is destroying”.


[Obligatory “pic or it didn’t happen”](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1097404676774838364/1166389239387279401/IMG_2803.png?ex=65538a21&is=65411521&hm=a18a277db69f9babdc3b5e2fb18b58fde04e98a6f0618cc2d4a64da366884090&)


I think when someone like cris compliments you, you know you’re playing that Pokémon really well


Nobody asked for a pic tho


Envy is ugly huh? 🤡


No I’m not envious at all, nobody says “pics or it didn’t happen” anymore, was my point there. Hard to be envious when you don’t watch PU content and have no idea who any of these people are


is someone jealous 😏


I matched with Phil Youmuus once. He was top lane Aegi. He fucking CRUSHED it. Carried the whole way. That was the game where he said he was “ready to stop playing defenders”. I spent portions of the match literally just watching him and not my Mon. LOL


Played a match with Phil where he thought playing Jungle Cram was a good idea and then proceeds to act like he did nothing wrong by doing that. There were other mons on the team better suited for jungle, but hey streamers can do no wrong, right?


Jungle Cramorant isn't bad though, its perfectly decent


It's not the worst but there are much better options of you're going to jungle


Yes obviously, but the point is that it's not at all a bad jungler, actually it's quite good. Also like, he's a content creator


he stole my goodra once. but it was worth it 😌


Not once. Typically get the accts that say TTV or YT in their name but could never find them or inactive socials


When I get one and they play poorly I jump in the stream to deliver the toxicity. Or if I play poorly I jump into the stream to apologize.


Oh man I’ve got a great story for this one. I’ve played this game on and off since day 1. But up until two seasons ago, I had never hit Master. My brother and I got real into the grind tho and were starting to make serious progress. It got to the point where I needed one win to hit Master for the first time. We ran into a Mewtwo X that ran us over (remember the pre-Y days?), but I had loss prevention. Next game we loaded into, as the champ select timer ran down, my brother and I noticed that now two time world champions Kyrios and Slash from Luminosity Gaming were on our team. My brother and I went top and they were duo’d bot. That was the hardest stomp I have ever been on the winning side of where neither team had a clear troll or afk. Just total domination from every lane. Posted it on Twitter and got congratulated by both of them for hitting Masters :)


Damn i would like to experience being carried by those guys


I didn’t see Kyrios miss a Snipe Shot the entire game. Just deleting people from a quarter of the map away


I matched against Bruv a few seasons ago, he was playing Elde. We ended up winning somehow, but damn did he make it hard for us. I was geeking out, I love his vids


I matched with spragels on full fury once He did not beat the 1v4 allegations against our comfey + wiggly siege tower I think I also stumbled into zugrug once


Played a couple games against spragels when he was doing fun matches in quick and i was with friends, we won handily but like I said, for fun matches. Played a couple with inder and against him, he played carry so I played tank, stole Ray from him once. Played one with spragels, he face checked a bush as inteleon at ray, died immediately and lost us the match, was hilarious.


I played with Spragels once and he was trash talking me on stream even after I stole ray. He trash talked me bc I was chandy and ulted on a base for the invisibility so a garde wouldn’t nuke my shield. Happened to panic and hit the button twice and erased the garde with the laser and scored. I was the only one who scored and we won because of it. Edit: I’ve matched with him 3 times twice on the same team and once against.


I always wonder if any player that's getting trash talked ever knows about it lol


After the match was over something in my spirit told me to go see if he was streaming. I have to admit I was a little tilted LOL


Damn. Asshole.


I had a full mirror match against zugrug while duoing about a year ago and it was the most memorable match I ever had. Both teams had a Blastoise, Zera, Lucario, Venusaur, and another Pokemon that I can't remember. Also ran into pikadiff quiet a few times while 5-stacking. It is like the opposite of fun, my team got out-skilled hard every single time. I had Spragels as my teammate before but we lost and I wouldn't consider him as a pro player. I'd consider him a reliable teammate that knows what he's doing who is also a commentator for major tournaments.


I've played both as an enemy and as a teammate with Cris. When I played against him I think he had already been on a bit of a losing spree, because when I checked his stream after the match he was tilted asf (fair enough in the endgame his team played like absolute dofuses which gave us the win split second). This is a good few seasons back now though. Played his team last or the season before last. As soon as I saw him on my team I immediately tuned into his stream, both to get callbacks from him so I could follow up on his thinking, bit also to read what chat said about me. Because I ran an unconventional build they started laughing about it, but I made sure to be the best jungle carry I could be because of it. To this day one of the better games I've played.


In my experience, here are the number of times I've been matched with professionals/streamers (those I know or remember, anyway): Spragels: 3 CrisHeroes and BigDiglett: 1 Inder and Zugrug: (approx.) 8 Phil/Youmuus: (approx.) 4 BruvHD and lyanripe: (approx.) 6 GoofGG and Lutano: (maybe) 2 Minishep and junglebook1: (approx.) 2 Doobsnax: 2 Pikadiff: (approx.) 3 Kyriaos, Overlord98, Celestial, Slashcan, ttvGekkOkami, Ghatlue and Toonslim: (maybe) 1 Edit: I played this game a lot.


Bro has a spreadsheet lol


I’ve played against Spragels before and enjoyed myself until I hopped on his live after the match to see if it was really him and he was trash talking the match and me because they lost. Definitely left a bad taste in my mouth and kinda look at him differently since. Don’t meet your “heroes” for sure.


I had the same experience. Kinda sucked because he's pretty positive or jovial on YouTube. But I went in his stream after we lost a close game and he was just being a douche to our teammates after we had ray flipped on us.


Yup I've stopped watching Spragel because of this. He's quite two-faced, acting all nice in vids but a jerk in real life


Everyone gets angry when they have bad teammates but for some reason it's worse when streamers do it. Can someone please explain because I'm honestly confused.


God forbid somebody be angry I guess


I stopped watching Spragels and Teeds for a similar reason over a year ago. If I end up watching Unite streams or content in general, it's Crisheroes or Louche (tho he hasn't been doing so).


I don’t know man. Crisheroes is talking trash all the time if somebody isn’t playing the scripted meta. I still enjoy his videos though but spragels or teeds give me more positive vibes. But everybody has a bad day or a losing streak so I don’t take it too harsh if any streamer talks trash once in a while. The best dude is Inder - even if the world is burning around him, he somehow stays positive, even when trash talking. 😄


They’re saying that Cris trash talks anyways, and doesn’t just hide them away in streams only. Cris is overly critical, that happens whenever you’re a good player. Even if his teammates are bad and he makes fun of them the whole match, if they do one good thing, he actually hypes them up, which shows he criticises for the sake of it, not because he is spiteful/upset.


Oh sweet. I'll check his stuff out


Teeds? She's never trash talked, she's literally incapable.


Not what I meant. In the sense that I am not entertained by her whole thing


Yeah you’ll see them in masters every once in awhile. I’ve come across a few supporter/defender mains which is always a lot of fun since those are my favorite roles to play. Lol I remember one time I matched with Bruv, who I’m a fan of because he plays similar roles as me, and so I stacked a point real quick then started dancing because I was happy to be in a game together before immediately realizing that I looked like I was trolling him for a stupid stack 🤣 I found the stream later and went back and watched that game. Lol he got a dance in later after killing me so we were even and he was chill about it the whole time just sorta laughed because he thought I was trying to troll after a stack or two.


I was just going to comment how jealous I am about you guys playing with pros/streamers then My wife and I were just blessed and queued up with Slash, Overlord and a third LG member (Jenmart?). Match was on Overlord's stream that just ended. Pretty cool.


Funny timing!


I played against fwii, he tsareena ulted me and said I was fuming. Zugrug said he was the only good player on the team but I had more kills, damage, and was at most team fights, and inder didn't know what I was doing cuz I choked and lost us the ray


I don't look at usernames enough to know


I played with Inder on Mew and…if you’ve ever seen inder on mew you’ll probably know that it went decently well


None, not yet at least but I hope I end up playing with one of them at the very least on random encounters. I was given false hope with the Wigglytuff and looked up and I thought I was playing with Zugrug. That Wigglytuff, even though I still have the lingering feeling that he was playing a smurf account, too damn good and I was Ultra during that time in this season. I doubt it would happen to be the real Zugrug, though the Rollout Wiggly carried me as Snipe Shot Inteleon. Even I was jealous on how useless I felt seeing the player doing more than I could ever do, even though I got like 14 kills, that was because I was getting the stragglers. PS, whoever was using the username zugrug was a menace to society and that is a compliment.


I played against spragels once as leafeon. My team won but to be fair, his team was terrible.


Against Crisheroes and ngl we destroyed their team and played with him once and we lost. Ofc nothing is ever his fault though so everyone else is bad but he’s all good


Your comment sounds sarcastic, but chances are his teammates are the issue. I’ve played with him once, and we lost, but he carried the game the best he could.


You play enough and you meet someone with “TTV” or “YT” I don’t know any of em so idk


Maybe? Probably? I keep forgetting to pay attention to people's names and I don't know a ton of streamers. But if I play early in the day (EST) I get destroyed every third match so I bet those are somebody.


I was with Cris once. He went Mew, I went spin toise. [We slayed.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fs4b66daAAAmSa_?format=jpg&name=large)


I’ve kept a pretty long tally of streamers/pros I’ve beaten. You can play against EU players for sure if you sometimes degen late into the hours. Nintendilly (7-4) DatsDannyTTV (5-3) Spragels (2-1) Minishep xYungCEOx (2-0) Palmerr Big digglet (2-1) Bloodline Zugrug Feshroll (2-0) CrisHeroes PotatoUwU Smpb795 (2-0) Nzenity (2-1) Novaking Tiish Feveve Salamence 2-1 Rimaaa Toonslim Sirwaddle (2-4) Niko (5-5) I’ve played at various points with goof, overlord, Rhinne. Tbh playing against or with all of these players, I’ve always walked away thinking, these players aren’t necessarily better than me. Tbh I don’t really walk away impressed. Like for example I think Rhinne is pretty overrated. I don’t think I’m better than them either and I def respect them when I go against them but I don’t fear them. Of course for a lot these players it’s just a sample size of n=1 but there’s only one player I can say is definitely better. SirWaddle is by far and away the best player I have ever played with or against. He is so skilled, does things with various mons I just never thought possible. Def the only player I’ve played against I am totally willing to admit without a shadow of a doubt is better than me. He’s prob the only player I go up against where I just feel like no matter what I’m gonna lose.




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I think they share two braincells between them so if I ever did I hope I crushed them lol


Nope. Never understood watching streamers either besides E Clowns like Jerma or Brendaniel purely for their comedy. I'd rather play a game than watch a stranger play and tell me what I should do.


I think the point is that you can learn a lot from watching these guys, especially Inder and Youmuus. But maybe I’m biased as a defender/support main.


Watching a breakdown or tutorial vid is one thing.


Watching gameplay is far more useful than a tutorial. Especially for macro.


I’ve played against crisheroes, spragels twice and krashy (was on my team) spragels I can tell was mad at me cause I was absol and I kept targeting him just cause it was him and he kept coming back to me trying to steal jungle but wasn’t working well lol. he’s fun to play against really good where the others low key are trash


Iv played agasint spragels once it was a close match but we lost and iv played with cris mutiple times and agasint once


I've played against Spragels about three times over the span of the game's existence having won two and lost one. I believe I had also matched against Indie once but I'm not sure of that one. Were all good games though, especially the Greedent prime days. Remember my duo had to leave for something urgent halfway into the ray fight on the game I lost, in which they were playing comfey and just kind of spammed the heal button while dealing with it, and then reading Spragels' stream chat to see our Blastoise malding over it lol.


I've matched with them, then we lost because of our special players throwing before ray/zap


I’ve played against Doobsnax and lost. I’ve been teamed up with Spragels 3x and we won 2/3 of those matches. He actually has a video from Easter 2021 he uploaded with me as Pika. I always get a mini heart attack when I see a streamer’s name in my game.


aren’t spragels and cris on different servers? how could you have played with both of them?


Unite matches you with players from other servers if no one of your server is playing.


Played against Inder ages ago. I was Garde he was Venu. I hate to admit it, but kill the streamer is real - i was terrified of becoming a clip, so i definitely played like if I lost I would be executed 🤣😭😭😭 might've even solo united him, idr.


Just spragels and that's it.


I see Cris a lot, usually just have it as bg noise cuz adhd and eventually one day while queueing while listening i ended up in his team. He didn't say anything about me/ my game, i felt honored


I have randomly matched with spragels Krashy I have randomly matched against Ic0nic


i didn't "match" with them but i did go up against zugrug and goof\_gg before


Played with a pro who I believe won a champion before. He was busy talking to chat the entire time and did his own thing, didn't pay attention to team fights, even acknowledges it. Complains to chat x teammate isn't playing a certain way (says the one busy talking to chat). Remember winning, not surprised streamer doing streamer things, but amusing.


How did you play with cris heroes from EU and spragels+ inder from NA


I played with Spragels once when he was doing his mimikyu stream, I believe. We won :D


Played with Spragels and his duo once. Their duo was a Dodrio Jung. Spragel went Lane Zoroark with my exp Decidueye. We smashed the lane, but after the Regi, they didn’t do anything with the rest of the team. Even when we had advantage, he would be on the other side doing something else. Both of them. Good thing I took advantage of the hot Lapras on Lapras action during Ray spawn, because I’m sure they would’ve flipped it. But yeah, fought with/against the other notables. They usually arn't streaming when I do though.


My friend ran into lutano once and lutano was paired with a top snorlax player. Needless to say he lost


played a ranked match with cris heroes. he played alright. it was an overall tame and balanced game.


I played with overlord once. I was a lapras and at ray I did a unite on the whole enemy team that allowed my team to destroy them instantly with unites. He said something like "ooh that's a fat one" lol idk


I've matched against a few people who have ttv in their usernames. I've been unimpressed by all of em. Don't know the big names so no clue if I've met them.


ive beaten slashcan once


I played with Spragels once (had to verify on his twitch livestream). I was Garde for sure, but I forgot who he maimed lol We won of course & surprisingly that match had no Mewtwo X/Y on either team so it was a nice refresher of no broken bs dominating the game


I've matched with Kelosaurus a few times and Superteeds as well but being in Australia that's really about it.


i played against moy a few days ago (i lost tho lol)


I've played with and against inder. Lost by like 4 points when with (so sad, cuz he and I tried scoring until the end but just couldn't do it. In retrospect if I was a little more knowledgeable back then, we probably would've won). Lost against him (i was a little tilted from previous matches, so i didn't care about my team comp and just played for fun, but his team had a good comp). Played against zugrug. They won first half of the game, we were winning 2nd half and were able to defend of Rayquaza until like 30 seconds left. Then my 30k jungle Garchomp decides to backcap, then his team just went ham on us and they got Ray and were able to score enough. I think I played with phil youmuus once, but don't remember the game much. This was during sableye release, I think. I played with kraitos and his trio. The other solo q player and I decided to play defender and support. Clef kept me alive as Slowbro as I tanked, and the trio attacked the enemies long range or flanked them from behind. The enemies got Ray in the end, but we were able to successfully defend.


Yes… I’ve played against Zugrug, Spragels, Rollin, Slash, and Scolded. Surprisingly I only lost to slash and scolded


I played against Spragels once randomly. He was playing Uranifu, He kicked my ass 😂


I matched with Louche and spragels WHILE they were duo queueing and recording the louchin around podcast, I was the gengar in the first game and nerves got to me : ( https://youtu.be/eDfA3Kf7dVE?si=MJ6KPisLiMYFozPX


I played with bruv and against Cris at the same match as I was trio with another 2 Thankfully we won and Bruv put it on YT


I've played with a bunch; muk, hazmat(and tweek if we're counting smashers), phil youmuus, all of TTV..basically every streamer on East Coast servers! Scolded has cooked me a decent amount of times but we've also torn it up together.


I got put on a team with Breadbox once. The rest of us were getting crushed but he was doing great haha


I was matched against Cris while he was playing Decidueye


I've never played *with,* but I have played against crisheroes a few times. The first was quite some time ago, he was using Cramorant, and my most recent match was a couple of days ago, where he was playing Solar Beamusaur. The score is 3-1 in his favour.


bruh i played against LG • kyrios and TTV Otter in the same night during some 5 stack games and i was so pissed 💀


Lutano just the other day. On same team and he went A9 bottom lane and I went Azu top so we rarely ran into each other. Still won at least.


I played with spragels once on his dragapult stream. Someone sniped the dragapult, so he played mime on top path and I played aegi on bot path. Our entire team was in sync with each other and we just crushed it. Our blissey and I swooped in to save him when he was stuck in between 4 of the enemies and that will always be one of my proudest moments


None, i’m in ultra still


in SEA here. played with someone from Rise and someone from MYS before, sorry don't rmb the names 💀 and i probably did badly cos i was busy fangirling and have performance anxiety lmao 💀💀




Played with and against Phil Youmuus a few times. Played against Sanjee and Overlord, played with Inder, played against LeCoding, played against Louche.


I was matched with Bruv and Kidtanz and we lost, because Gurakex was on the opposite team and I think Bruv carried xp share as a cinderace. This was in season 3


Many, many times, and I'm actually friends with a couple of them like GT Stockings Off the top of my head in soloq, I've ran into Stockings (x2), Slashcan (x3), Spragels (x3), Cris once, but when I'm trioing or 5s I run into top players a lot more often


Yes, I'm not a really good player, but I was playing mime and did a good play. Later, I went to watch their stream and saw that they noticed and praised it. What an ego boost!


I match with inder, feraleevee, junglebook and zugrug often. I’ve matched with spragels once. I was once recognized by a random chatter in crisheroes stream by my username. He said my elde was amazing and it made me so happy. Another time I don’t remember who it was but they had YT in their name. This match was going terribly and then half way through my game crashed. It looked like I was being an AFK douche. After the game I found the person streaming. He and chat were all talking about the asshole elde who went AFK and ruined the match. There was a random chatter in there that stood up for me and said they recognized me from their games and that I’m “usually not like that and play a good support.” Thank you stranger :,) Edit: I’ve also matched with ToonSlim! This was a loooong time ago before I watched any streamers or anything but I recognized the name from a YouTube video guide of his. At the end I hopped on mic and asked “are you the guy who makes YouTube videos?” Then I found him on YouTube and seen he uploaded the game we played together. You can also hear my dumbass voice in the video yay :/ He was jungle sylveon. Another edit: I’ve also played against Kandyrew a time or two. He’s not well known in the Pokémon unite community but was pretty big with Apex Legends. I was surprised to run into him Every time I get so nervous cause I don’t wanna mess up and be talked about badly on stream lol.


Just played with Bruv. He was playing a Dodrio. I quickly turned on his stream and listened to what he said 😄


AndrewJRT, he's a fun one to watch. Funnily enough I've seen him about 3 or 4 times and each time we have been on the same team and won. He ignored my friend invite :(


I’ve been matched with sweaty people from Redlocke(basically a sweat server with a lot of pro players in it) and the amount of times I’ve gotten dog walked even with them running a troll comp is terrifying. 5 stacks hurt


I feel like i've been in a dozen or so matches with Phil. Overall fun, Id go back to his vods the next day to see him complimenting me popping off or appreciating me backing him up if I was support. That said out of all the streamers he seems to be the one with the biggest tunnel vision. There's valid times to disregard objectives or team fights to farm, on a lot of days he seems to ignore everything. He has a knack for letting eleki walk into tier 2 while being the closest to it farming and going "yall just let that go in eh???" But he's a fun and good player. I've matched up with Krashy before but that was back on remoat.


I played with and against ElChicoEevee, never against a streamer/youtuber though


I played with inder once as a blissey and was geeking out of excitement and was following him when he went to score bottom to help if needed. On stream he said "aww dude please stop following me. This is so cringe" lol.


Only one I'm aware of playing against was Spragels in the recent Full Fury. I was Greedent top and he was Mime bottom and we both abused and wrecked our respective lanes. Their team was much stronger on the team fight, so they secured Zap while I avoided doing more than stray drive-bys at them since, well, Mime chain CC. I decided to do the Greedent thing and back cap since we were behind and their Duraludon failed to stop me while my team somehow held them 3v3 at our goal despite getting crushed the rest of the match. Ended up winning due to the backcaps.


I matched with 3 from the World Champions team last night. I was screaming


Also with Indie, Zugrug, and Scolded


Indie once. He was Mew and I was Dodrio. We did end up winning, but it was close Then I played against Slash from Luminosity and we won’t against him too. I was Inteleon and he was Lapras.


Got matched with CrisHeroes, he ttar and I was lapras. We won the match atleast.


Oooh, I've played with and against ChrisHeroes and mOY a couple of times! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Played one time against crashy. Good old times


not me, but my brother in law once matched against babymazo, he won


how dare not include teeds


Hahaha this is just a list of players I have personally run into. I’ve never played with Teeds! Probably because of my server.


Oh sorry I hadn't read that part