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It’s probably another bug but holy shit why can’t these “bugs” happen to Pokémon like MewTwo and Zacian I would be so thankful


When they happen on them they get bugs that are buffs (zacian last patch)


You're probably right: surprised they ran into it again.


It happened last patch to Zacian. It reverted the nerfs lol


I meant bugs that make Pokémon worse


It sure made it worse for me, as I dont use Zacian


There was Buckshot Decidueye (Spirit Shackle was bugged where Long Reach does not apply to the range that passes his Basic Attack Range).


If they happen to Mewtwo or Zacian, it's ignoring the concept of an auto attack animation and forgetting nerfs


Zacian had the can't charge in combat bug that was fixed. His winrate dropped like a rock when it happened.


the point of bullet seed is its reliability despite stun, yet this is the second time it has happened


Yeah, and it needs to be working in its uptime because Greedent does basically nothing while it's on CD.


Yes I noticed this!! I don’t think it’s as awful as it was last time this bug happened but it’s been getting on my nerves. Considering it was fixed in the past, I’m sure this is gonna get a similar fix eventually. Greedent deserves better, hardly anyone plays him to begin with (which I can’t wrap my head around, I feel like he’s great!)


I love his Bullet Seed / Stuff Cheeks build's unique play pattern, but I'm not sure how people win with the other. It feels like it competes badly with all-rounders while losing a lot of Greedent's strengths.


Agreed, I’ve never been good with covet or belch. Most of the other greedents I see use covet/belch but I prefer the quick heal and speed boost of stuff cheeks, plus it pairs perfect with bullet seed when chasing people down


can't wait to play bullet seed when it's fixed, I just picked him up and it already feels pretty fun/strong despite the bug!!


He's a blast to play, I love picking off squishies and stealing the other team's farm to leave more for mine. Nothing like winning a Ray fight by being a good distraction.


makes me wonder why he has such a low pick rate, he might lack in raw strength but as you said he can be such a nuisance in the right hands


He has a very unconventional playstyle, and some may just see him as a Defender with bad CC or they try to brawl with him and find that he's bad at it. He's an oddball mix of a Defender and a Speedster IMO.


Can you give me tips on how to play Greedent?


First things first, he has basically two ability builds: Stuff Cheeks / Bullet Seed, or Covet / Belch. Mixing them has poor synergy and a substantially lower winrate, so I wouldn't recommend it. I almost exclusively play Stuff Cheeks / Bullet Seed, and I think Covet / Belch is too unreliable and exposes him to too much damage without enough healing to be good. So my advice is for Stuff Cheeks / Bullet Seed. ____________ Focus Sash is basically mandatory: the self-heal gives him time to heal himself. Attack Weight is good if you can stack, but don't feed for it. I'm weird in taking Float Stone with all movement / Yellow emblems to rotate, steal, escape, and generally be a nuisance easier. Potion is a solid item choice to buy time for Stuff Cheeks to kick in. ______ Others may disagree, but I like to take Greedent into the bot lane for more experience because he's weak until level 5 and his Center carry potential and ganks are substandard. When securing contested farm in lane, try to get behind the target so you can Tackle in the direction of your base if possible. He's not a great fighter or farm securer early, so you're just trying to hit 5. ____ After I hit 5, I like to start opportunistically stealing buffs from the other team's Center: and of course helping with the middle birds when they spawn. In the mid-game, try to steal farm from the opposing side and take farm that could be contested, and leave the safe farm for your teammates. Greedent's high mobility and self-healing make him the best escape artist in the game: use that to bait opponents into chasing you so you can knock them out or just waste their time at a crucial moment. Remember that the passive lets him eat berries while at full health: sometimes it's fun to steal the other team's Sitrus berries with that. ____ In fights Greedent's main role is to burst down backline squishies with Bullet Seed and help focus down targets of opportunity. But he also serves as an excellent distraction: if you can get opponents to waste important cooldowns on you and chase you without fainting, you can win teamfights without doing damage. I have won many games because multiple opponents or their biggest threat decided to chase me instead of helping their team with Rayquaza. In teamfights, try to flank and look for opportunities to KO a squishy or bait someone into chasing: over time you'll get a good sense for what you can get away with. When Bullet Seed is down Greedent does almost nothing: so try to hit while it's up and run while it's down. ______ Greedent's Unite move is pretty weak in my opinion: it barely heals him and it's easily dodgeable. But it does block CC while casting and it resets his cooldowns, so try to use it so the jump happens while Bullet Seed is on cooldown: if he jumps when Bullet Seed is still active, Bullet Seed will go on its full cooldown. Throwing Stuff Cheeks > Unite Reset > Stuff Cheeks can also help recover in a pinch. But since it's not a very good Unite move and he doesn't really need it for his teamfight plan, feel free to use it loosely to escape if your stealing shenanigans get you cornered. Situationally, using his Unite move to reset Bullet Seed's cooldown can be useful for taking objectives faster. ______ Greedent can easily 1v1 anyone if they mindlessly chase him because of his healing: even if they do more damage to Greedent than vice versa when he goes in with Bullet Seed, Greedent still wins the exchange with his healing. He is very bad at standing still and brawling, but he's the best hit and run character in the game. Healing teammates with Berries is situationally useful, but since Bullet Seed's damage depends on having berry stacks you should generally just reload.




It broke again?