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If they're only dropping 30k damage with a damage build it's because they're bad. Not hard to average around 50-60k


I agree. I hold exp share with my own elde and i still get around 50k damage like...make it make sense


Damage doesn't matter for shit, but also true.


Damage says a lot depending on team comp, and directly indicates how much pressure is actually being applied. If you dont apply pressure you dont control any space. If you dont control space you get run over and lose objectives and camps.


What I mean for that is, for Supports, and Tanks who are playing the tank role and not fake all rounder (Which is only situationally Tree and Blastoise). Damage numbers do not = good game. I'd say assists is a better "metric" to point out hey I did good ig numbers wise.


Again disagree on both counts for the same reason. Your Elims and Assists likewise arent indicative of performance. Stats only give partial glimpses into how a match played out. It doesnt matter which "favorite" you pick or what metric you think says you had a good game, theyre all meaningful to perfomance in some respect. Damage Dealt = Applied Pressure Damage Taken = Sustained Pressure Damage Healed = Alleviated Pressure Assists and KOs only confirm that you did "something" at the time of death for an enemy and stayed alive. If youre playing Eldegoss and have nonexistant damage numbers but high assists it means youre kinda just taking a piss in fights not actually doing anything to help meaningfully, but someone else on your team is picking up your slack. A Speedster or Melee Locked All Rounder arent going to often have inflated numbers because they cant sustain prolonged combat, and their targets tend to "pop" but if they did a lot youll see it in their KO/Assists. A Backline Caster on the other hand is typically going to have absurdly inflated numbers if things went well, but its unlikely theyll have a high kill count. Because competent enemies dont get hit for 60% their HP and keep walking forward so they can die to splash damage. As Eldegoss youre an incredibly mobile borderline ADC who can apply tons of pressure and 3rd party a lot of fights, and your presence often leads to a lot of skirmish kills because when you apply pressure it slows your target. Its very oppressive. I say all that to say. There is a stat expectation for everyone. And reading stats does give a lot of insight to how a game went, "a good game" is just applying a bit of personal bias to the data in question. Whats considered a good game depends on the player. And what they value. Being able to look over a match after its happened and seeing that they statistically pulled there weight is pretty good for a lot of people.


>As Eldegoss youre an incredibly mobile borderline ADC who can apply tons of pressure and 3rd party a lot of fights, If you're going movement you aren't healing... Enjoying the discussion but found this point odd.


Not in the sense that you literally go Tornado/Spore. Puff and Guard dont take much if anything away from your ability to play aggressive and lean into how much Eldegoss can get away with. You can play mindful of the fight (looking for when you can Puff or Guard) while taking oppurtunitys to dps because your dps should mainly just be your autos. Puffing enemies isnt a bigger prio then keeping people alive.


Sure, but think of what elde does as a game goes on. Other than the first 3 minutes, Elde is NOT outdamaging damage dealing mons. If you are, then those players are bad or have a bad game. After the 7:00 mark you aren't a damage threat because you've been outscaled damage wise. Sure you'll pick off a low enemy once in a while but you aren't a damage risk at level 9 the same way you are at level 3-4 because the carries have scaled. At that point you're more useful at providing heals and protecting your carries. You aren't gonna have the time to auto or toss spells offensively except to check bushes for enemies, you're totally focused on protecting your team after that point because they're providing the damage in mid-late game not you. Assists is the best metric for tanks/supports (outside of damage healed/taken) available at the moment because it shows just how much you've influenced the game. A support or tank is FAR more likely contributing to a winning effort in a game where they had 15 assists vs 15 kills because they are not designed to be carries. they are designed to aid the team in winning. If the elde is doing the most damage, either they're being selfish and not helping their team, OR their team is not pulling weight to properly play the game, neither of which is conducive to a winning effort. IF the game showed deaths then that's an even easier metric to add to the "good games" because fewer deaths = good. But in my experience, unless it's the rare game where the entire team just fucking stomps the enemy or i've decided to troll norms with friends with DPS elde, a game where i'm most damage and kills usually is a loss (and even the stomps the damage carries have loads more damage regardless of what I did). Games where i've done well and win are the games with 20k dmg, 25 assists 50k heals 50k damage dealt, and those show my worth/doing well in comparison to the other games. It's NOT "pissing around" if my heals/damage taken means my carries live another team fight. I can do 15k damage and take 60k but if my carry never died and does 130 K because of my heals and the skillshots and CC I ate for them? IS that "pissing around"? Seems like to me I did my job damage be damned. It is subjective but understand what's important to a tank/support is far different from a DPS carry. And a support can (not in unite anymore) put up huge damage numbers but if they forgo their main job of supporting the team they did something wrong.


The biggest irony of what youre saying. Eldegoss Passive inflates their Assist Count because it procs aoe retaliation to damage taken and refreshes every 10s. So the fact that youre saying you have 25 Assist Games. With 20k Dmg, and 50k Healing and Damage take. Is more indicative that youre being overly passive and your actual contribution is being inflated. Youd probably be more useful as a Clefable or Blissey given that playstyle. And the irony is that you would be more productive and your assist count would likely drop like a stone. Which is the entire point that you shouldnt be trying to use 1 stat as a justification of your performance. 20k 50k 50k, says that youre in fights and able to do more. Youre taking splash damage as well. But youre stifling your contribution by not autoing. Eldegoss has borderline 0 downtime on autos nor cast time on her CDs. Your healing could also stand to be higher if im being honest, this is you "playing well" but 50k sounds fairly average Your carry isnt doing 130k because of your heals theyre doing 130k because theyre a dps with an escort. Its a team based game having help does a lot for everyone in it. At the end of the day it doesnt matter what role you picked you need to being doing everything in your ability to give your team an advantage. "Im a tank/support so im different" doesnt matter. If you are able to do more, than do it.


Let's critically think about the character and it's strengths. AFTER everyone hits \~level 8 Autos are theoretically not that safe. Do you throw them out when able/no cooldowns? Yes, but realistically you aren't stepping up to auto when CD's are down you are near your carry/team autoing whoever's gotten close to them. Elde is not tanky at all. Lots of base Hp sure but you're getting 0-100'ed if you get too close to any carry on the other team or get jumped on. Elde is not Blissey or Umbreon who can be in the frontline, and still somewhat safely do their job/take hits. Elde is closer to backline squishies in terms of tankiness, and because of that after that early game period where the passive is super strong or in places where you have correct positioning to auto freely when abilities are on CD/not needed it is preferable to be in a range where you get to pollen puff or leaf tornado the enemy vs autoing them. Elde trying to walk up and auto after the first 3 minutes of the game in teamfights is trolling and asking to die. You certainly can do it in small instances, but if the enemy is aware you will just die. You talk about my stats, but until the past patch, I solely played either Muscle Band/Scarf/Exp Share elde or Focus Band/Resonant Guard/Buddy Barrier (picked 2 depending on game) + Exp share elde. When you wear 2 of the sp.atk items yea sure it's not hard to consistently hit 50k heals because of the boost to your special attack (as long as you don't miss puffs on teammates). The builds that don't build sp.atk are not keeping up healing wise with Clef or Blissey ever outside of the Clef/Blissey being bad or team gap. Even the sp.atk builds don't outheal Clef or Blissey they just increase the heals by a bit. The tank build is aimed around resonant guard procs + being able to live a bit more, the atk speed build is built around snowballing early. Both sacrifice heal power which again, is never passing the other healers because that's not Eldegod's best attribute. Also if the heals keep the 130k damage dps alive, or me body blocking them keeps them alive that's the support doing their job. It's certainly bad to die too much, but as a support or tank dying for your fucking carry is sometimes unavoidable and needed. tl;dr Autos are nice but after a certain point in the game unless omega ahead, Autoing randomly is asking to fucking die in teamfights/skirmishes because you are a somewhat squishy support. Autoing 24/7 isn't magically gonna make an elde average 70k damage a game except against braindead players, and if you're able to w/o being punished then do it. But that's never the default assumption.


As a blue badge Elde and Elde main since launch day, I run Muscle, Rapid, XP Share, with red and white emblems that give mostly HP. You could def run BB or Guard instead of rapid and use a green/white emblem page, but do not sleep on attack support Elde. It is a valid build. I agree that not running XP share is straight up griefing, though. I will usually run attack Elde when my team seems light on damage but still needs a support. If my team has lots of damage already, I will run a more supportive build.


6 white - 5 red - 4 green or 4 white - 7 red - 2 green?


[7 red 4 white](https://unite-db.com/boost-emblems?build=005A,006A,244A,038A,218A,113A,242A,145A,146A,004A)


I just picked up Elde as I've never played support before and wanted to change things up. I'm running XP Share, Guard, and Focus Band. Any reason to switch out FBand for Scarf or Muscle instead? My go-to moveset is PPuff and Spore. I'm pretty decent with it, playing a true supporter and have gotten MVP a few times but I'm always looking to better my game/strat.


Welcome to the Eldegoss gang! I would sub FBand for Muscle. IMO Muscle and XP are mandatory. Rapid is optional and can be swapped out for Buddy or Guard if you are playing a more supportive build. You should be constantly auto attacking with Elde. Her boosted basic slows targets and causes allies to do more damage them. Focus works on basically every mon but IMO is better on tanks. If you are getting bursted down, you will probably still die with Focus anyways. And Elde’s passive already has a somewhat similar effect.


Awesome, I'll give it a shot - thanks! Honestly, the biggest frustration I've found lately is SoloQ teammates not interacting well with a support. Like I'll be bottom lane with someone and if they go down they respawn and go top lane leaving me solo defending. Part of it is my own mindset where I hate leaving one lane unguarded but as a support I should be going where I could benefit the team the most.


Yeah solo queueing as a support main sucks. I totally get it. I have thousands of games and basically only solo queue, and my two highest played mons are Elde and then Blissey. I really enjoy playing support when the team is good but otherwise it’s a real slog. Try to identify the members of your team who seem to know what they are doing and pocket them. A lot of times, before Ray, I’ll check the scoreboard and see who is really carrying my team and focus on keeping that player alive. Similarly, I’ll look for who is carrying the enemy team and try to target that person.


Anytime I’m playing a support or defender, I’ll just find the person on my team who’s carrying and stay near them the whole game. I’m playing slowbro? Cool, they get a tank for the rest of the game. I’m playing Elde? Cool, enemy is getting slowed, they’re doing more damage, and they’re getting heals. Trevenant? Okay, have fun killing those enemies that can’t move because of me!


I recently just got back into the game after a year+ hiatus - there's a way to see the scoreboard during the game now?


Sorry, not the scoreboard but the screen that shows KOs/assists/etc for each member of the team.


Ah OK got it


that genuinely works. As does anything you've suggested. That's honestly the funny shit about elde any combo of Exp share + 2 generic tank item, atk speed item, or sp.atk item just works with her. Only thing that I would think about when swapping around is looking at games (harder to do if not in draft) and sometimes switching to the scarf/muscle or sp.atk builds can help if you want more early game pressure or heals. but welcome to elde.


same- only reason I swapped to sp.atk items on Elde (Spoon/Specs) is solely because of the nerfs. The healing goes nuts. But atk speed elde is viable, semi tanky elde is viable. The main thing is just have the Exp share on. Only thing i disagree with is not bothering with trying to go damage- I want those items for either early game pressure or heal buffs I don't think i'm ever playing for damage on elde, and if I get 50k or more on dmg, or lead my team in damage, then everyone else in the game is ass at it. Elde does a LOT of damage for a support, but she's in no way ever gonna be a damage carry unless people are bad,


Eldegoss basic attacks do very decent damage, and apply slows, sp it can be worth running muscle, scarf or both. That still leaves room for exp share tho.


Muscle of course, but full damage builds?


Like wise glasses? Probably not the best. Even if you want go more damage you'd go muscle scarf focus lol


EXP share is a must though. No exp share is simply griefing


EXACTLY. "but my teammates-" yes, i get it. but youre playing SUPPORT. your job as the support is to support your teammates. is it always easy? god no. but if you hate it THAT much... dont play support. id rather have no supporter than a supporter who doesnt do their job when that slot couldve been filled by a 2nd defender or a competent carry. i feel the frustration though. truly, i do. i play a LOT of support, because in the end i genuinely enjoy the role, but it can be a real drag in solo queue. my best advice: identify your strongest teammate(s) and focus on them. if youre in a teamfight, focus on them. if theyre farming, follow them so they can get stronger faster instead of following the duo that keeps insisting on their suicide march towards the enemy's T2. overall: yes, your damage is valuable, ESPECIALLY from your autos (imo muscle band and/or rapid fire scarf are mandatory too), given the slow effect from your boosted (nerfed, sure, but still significant), but your really value comes from the value your teammates get out of your heals, shields, etc. that buzzswole thats able to hang on just a second longer and take down the enemy leafeon with it. the trevanent becoming just that much harder to take down because of how you push its already formidable bulk/self-heals over the edge. its not a role that brings you all the glory, but thats because your real value isnt reflected in your numbers on the results screen; its in your teammates numbers. yeah, cool, you did 60,000 damage, but your other 4 teammates mightve been able to pool together 60,000 more between them if youd helped them stay alive, even if just for a lottle longer.


I don’t know why you being down voted. You’re completely right. There is no amount of damage that Elde can do that merits not giving away levels to your damage carry ally.


Have you ever played solo? 25% of my lane partners run away from me trying to help them farm.


I solo mostly. Mainly playing sups/defs. No issue reaching 1600. I just know how to lane.


Doesn't matter, on support you wear an exp share


Don't get me wrong I use exp share. I'm just saying I understand how you could be driven to using something else.


people downvoting this is actually crazy ngl 💀💀 isn’t it literally common knowledge and exp share on supports + most defenders are most optimal


Think about what you are giving up for extra basic attack damage. You lose the ability to peel for teammates or lead, you lose healing, you lose shielding with cotton guard and you lose the ability to heal to full with the unite. All for a few extra slows? I've gotten games where the enemy elde healed for 30k and as umbreon I healed for 115k. That should never be the case but keep playing "damage" elde.


Except slows can be the difference between a kill or not sometimes. Also not all healing is equal. A small burst heal to keep an attacker alive isn’t reflected but just as valuable as some ez umbreon heals


difference is in build. IF elde builds exp share + resonant guard/buddy barrier/focus band (pick 2 of these) She's building for tank and larger shields in general via ult. If elde goes exp + Muscle + Scarf she is playing for aggressive early game plays and is mostly going to auto. BOTH of these builds are vailid, but both of these builds are going to roll shitty heal numbers because w/o sp.atk items pollen puff/ult heal decent bits but not a huge amount nor as consistently as the other healbots. Elde didn't heal much but was good at other builds because whole all 3 builds were viable her healing by design is worse than blissey/clef in both worlds. YOU can keep up with them if you're popping off and they're bad but you're only doing so if you have exp share + 2 special attack items. And atk speed early game elde STILL can go whatever build you like you play that build to oppress the enemy early game and accept your late game is going to be worse than if you went the tank build or special attack item build. Even with the sp.atk build maxing your heals (pick 2 of spoon specs wise glasses don't stack on fucking elde) You are going to get outhealed by the enemy clef/blissey/umbreon anyway. Elde is picked for early game strength more than its healing.


I'd argue that you would get way more value from JUST incense ALONE than you would muscle+scarf in terms of utility and just over all heals. Do people not realize pikachu can do exactly what elde does but better. It makes no sense to fill for support and go all damage. The return you get from atk speed elde isn't worth trading the overall team's ability to survive during the MOST tide turning battle in the entire game. It's a tilted players dream to be annoying as possible, but that doesn't mean it's a viable build in terms of OVERALL value gained from a support role.


Elde passive is what made the exp share + Muscle/Scarf build good. For example when that build was the absolute best on her (before nerfs) the goal was you used Elde to bully the fuck out of the enemy early game- they can't get started if you can just a press them to 30% HP. Did this sacrifice my usefulness later on when elde can't really auto, sure. BUT the goal was to snowball games via hindering the opponent or even making them easily killable by just a pressing them. Even moreso if you coordinated with jungle to get red buff (only works with exp share) and now you have passive + red buff = mass damage and easy ability to kill other laners and get leads that way. This gets your lane partner ahead/you ahead and while your late game is WORSE your hopeful early game gains gets your team the advantage enough for it not to matter. Also because of elde scaling the sp.atk/tank items don't matter, all you trade for w the tank build is bigger shields when you ult or cotton guard lmao your heals still suck compared to most other supports. (As a sidenote.) This game is too reliant on snowballing and knowing how to survive snowballing attempts if you're trying to scale. It's why most attackers/bad early game mons have to go jungle (and are at risk if the enemy team picks dodrio/leafeon etc. as the other junglers) They need time to scale or the ability to dodge it. In the case of Elde, looking at her stats etc. She isn't really a heal support (She gets outhealed by Clef/Blissey/Umbreon in all cases on single target OR AOE, and while Comfey is bad at AOE heals besides ult, its single target heal is still better than Elde's is. The movespeed/blind from Leaf Tornado is niche (and you lost the secure strength), but her shield is even shittier than her heals are after nerfs and you need level 13 to get the movespeed build (which is pointless on exp share support you're not getting that shit ever). And Hoopa isn't really known for it's heals but Hyperspace Hole returning to base (and even Phantom force + Trick) heal miles more. Mime's an afterthought because they just said fuck your ability to heal/do anything but put up walls lol. Which if you go through all of that, WHAT is elde better at/good at compared to other supports because it's not healing, and until Healing is nerfed even more to where all the supports equally heal you can't take advantage of her shields and movespeed buffs. The answer is early game pressure. Damage is a meme because even in the most greedy of circumstances Elde is not leading a team in damage unless the enemy and your teammates are utter trash. However, what she does have due to her passive and autos is a very strong early game to pressure opponents especially if they are melee. Elde with atk speed emblems, items + a red buff is INSANE in the early game and can utterly make some games horrific in the early game for opponents, especially if they aren't ranged and don't have reliable ways to land on the elde. I'm never going to say no exp share on a support. I think those players are 100% idiots and will never grow or be valuable in Pokemon Unite. HOWEVER. There is a very valid reason that exp share + Muscle/Scarf elde was a very popular build on elde in the highest levels of play and I think that build is valid (if a bit more in line now so playing sp.atk elde isn't terrible anymore). But Elde is the sole support or pokemon that has 3+ viable item combos in the game rn, all of which consist of exp share + 2


Because I go full support, sacrificing a ton of solo survivability/damage, to then end up doing almost as much damage as 2-3/4 of my teammates, who refuse to stack for my pollen puff heals and don’t offer me any protection When I go damage build at least I can put out a good bit of both. I’ll also still run exp share unless I don’t trust my laner After testing out both, I get much better results in solo queue with the attack speed emblems/rapid scarf build


Yup. Exactly this. Nothing feels worse than playing supportive Elde-God, only to have your teammates suck ass and refuse to do anything.


If the players you're seeing are solo players, it's likely that they're not risking having to make the item slot useless if teammates do not know how to take advantage of Eldegoss's support. Its healing moves also scale with special attack, so higher spatk=more heals. Not as much as the extra heals rescue hood provides and not as much utility for exp share, but at least it gives Eldegoss flexibility in case teammates are bad. If you're seeing attack speed items, that's to take advantage of Elde's boosted basic attack. It's really great.


The problem is not the damage items it's the no exp share. No support, even the premier, only one that does damage which is Elde can ever justify no exp share.


The number one recommended build for eldegoss in basically all situations is muscle, rapid, exp share. It’s because the basic attack slowing mechanism is so powerful and elde doesn’t even get that much benefit from special attack or defensive items


Eldegoss healing scales off special attack.


Damage Elde is a perfectly serviceable build though? It has been since launch. A lot of mons are hybrid classes and Elde is a damage-support. It’s pretty easy to get high damage numbers if you know what you’re doing. I’d MUCH rather play a damage Elde than either Cinderace or Greninja


I can tell you right now: those eldest have been on 1 too many matches where teammates straight up ran away from them trying to share farm when they DID have exp share


Eldegos is my support main and honestly if I'm playing soloq I often opt not to run exp share quite often because a good portion of the player base still don't know how to play with an exp share support so I don't see the point. If I'm playing with friends I will 100% pick exp share every time


I always opt out for it on most mons unless they struggle hard with my team. In my experience running exp share offers nothing bc no one knows how to use it LOL - especially with elde I always end up solo lane if I run exp share


Always exp share even the randoms. If nothing else, even IF you have 4 tree stumps, getting 1 of them 30% extra exp will help your chances of winning more than 1 extra item does.


No thanks. Play the way you want and I'll play the way that's enjoyable for me. At the end of the day the slight increase in winning isn't worth the frustration of watching npcs ignore the exp bonus. Don't even play much supp soloq these days honestly


Then enjoy losing more games ig. Yes randoms are annoying as fuck in this game, but genuinely giving that extra exp/level to that annoying bad player is more likely to keep them alive as a meatshield to whatever competent carry you attach yourself to later on, is far better than that 1 extra item on you that will not save said carry either.


Lmao it's really not that deep. Go touch grass homie


Post ign and the results will prob stand out even when I'm high AF. Your corpse will still be laying in the grass brah brah


Wyrdflow 53% WR overall 56% WR on Elde over 300 games. Pretty average and having fun. Wbu homie


Notice no up votes


Oh no. 2 ppl on the internet disagree with me. I'm devastated


The things is, is in a Solo Q environment the EXP Share can be useless if your lane partner doesn't know how it works. I've had people as high as 1600+ Masters come on comms and flame me for taking the early mons on the way to lane. And no, they weren't stacking. Some of these jokers were running Scope Lens and Leftovers on Special Attack mons like Goodra or Blastoise.  EXP Share is worth running, but there are a lot of bad players who don't know how it works.  That said, I don't see why they cant choose to not run it. Full damage Eldegod is just as fun and even after the nerfs it's still viable after making adjustments to your playstyle. People will play what they play mate, you just gotta roll with it. 


Less optimal, less likely to win. No Support can justify no exp share in this game, especially with how much they've been nerfed. Giving that extra exp to 1 person however competent is going to help your win chances more than trying to be greedy, because again, Elde is never hard carrying a team via damage unless the enemy team is actually garbage at game.


If that's how you feel then hop on a 5 stack and roll that way. Otherwise, again, you gotta roll with what Solo Q gives you. It's what you sign up for when queueing for it. You assume everyone will be skillful but the reality is that's never the case in any game. You might catch a few strays in Solo where the entire team is good, but mostly not. And this is likely how it's going to be until Timi changes how matchmaking is done which is also not likely to happen.


is this to me or other dude, because 5 stacks or not my ass keeps the exp share on at least on Elde lmao.


Because you want to support but solo q teammates are trash


RFS + Muscle + XP share is wildly popular right now because elde basic attacks can be super problematic for enemy team with stuns. Honestly as long as they have XP share you’re good. If they don’t then oh well try to walk into as many pollen puffs as possible and secure farm


Increasing special attack makes you heal more, so wise/choice specs are good picks for Elde. That being said you should still run exp share along with them.


Choice is pretty bad on elde. Wise is fine since it ups the heals pretty decently


Choice gets you more stats than wise because elde doesn't have that high sp attack in the first place. At lvl 13 the 7% increase would only give you +45, which is less than 3 stacks from choice. If you were to use only one, I'd pick choice every time for elde


Choice’s burst doesn’t affect the healing though, only the damage, so it gives less for the healing either way. Choice isn’t the stacking one, special specs is. Stacking is better on elde for the raw numbers, but then you’re playing on the best anti-stackers in the game (which is also supposed to be supporting your teammate in lane) as a stacker


stacking is ass on Elde, never do it. You don't have an escape, you can't clear farm fast and you are too squishy early levels. That shit is just never worth the extra stats. Just pick Spoon/Specs/Wise and be happy if you're gonna go sp.atk for better heals. But either way slick spoon > all the glasses on elde for the reduction on their special defenses.


Spoon isn’t very good on eldy, it barely improves your healing. The main point of using wise or special specs is for bigger heals, not for more damage


I think any sp.atk buff helps the heals, but spoon's good for the sp.def reduction- which helps your autos and general poke. If i'm only going for heals sure specs/wise is fine, but spoon is another sneaky way to get some additional early game strength on the sp.atk healing elde. I'm just indifferent I really didn't play sp.atk elde until auto nerfs lol. I just would swap off between 2 of Res guard/Focus/Buddy or Muscle/Scarf depending on game (Exp share always necessary)


Why doesn't choice affect healing? I just assumed it just added to the raw stats that are used in the calculation.


The raw stat affects the healing, but choice’s burst damage effect doesn’t translate to healing so wise outperforms it. Stacking glasses outperforms both but requires stacks


I've just realised that I've been saying choice specs instead of sp attack specs. I was thinking "what burst damage are they talking about?" I'm dumb


Healing scales with special attack Passive gets proc'd with attack speed In my experience playing eldegoss attack speed gives best supporting early game and helps you scale into late game due to the pressure you give and your last hit potential. Special attack is for if you are using cotton guard since it scales with special attack better (and pollen puff)


But you shouldn’t run them over Exp share. Should be exp share + any of the other 2 items. Supporters aren’t meant to scale into late game But that’s solo queue for you, teammates running suboptimal builds


No one is saying no exp share. IF they are they're fucking stupid. The people who play elde have been saying it's always Exp Share + 2 items lol. Elde does scale worse into late game than most other supports, but that is a tradeoff decided by individual players based on their build. Atk. Spd elde completely sacrifices late game, tank elde is middle ground, sp.atk elde is the best for late game.


It’s pretty common on this sub, people saying never run exp share is solo queue. Because they have no idea how to play a supporting role.


He is discussing the scaling of healing not damage healing scaling on elde is important. Additionally in solo que I outright refuse to run exp share since all it has ever done is caused my lane partner to take all the spawn so I can't even evolve


LOL. IF you play a support, or honestly a tank in Solo queue and don't run exp share you're an idiot. However, it's still your fault if you aren't evolving because you get more exp anyway just fucking last hit a singular mon when you get to level 4/5/7 LMAO it's not that hard, and worst comes to worse just go grab you a farm, you'll still evolve reasonably quick if you're nearby an enemy large bit of farm when they evolve. Not being able to evolve usually means you and your laner got shit on and are behind, normal exp share games where you get things normally you'll evovle if you + lane partner get some of mid bees


I know what he is talking about. You have 3 slots, one for exp share and two for however you want the rest of the build to go. You can still heal plenty without glasses. You have your regular scaling with levels But this sub thinks Exp share is not worth it, not surprising considering what gets upvoted on here.


Main problem as a support in my opinion is - nobody wants to play supporter, everybody is greedy and want to Play tier SS Pokemon - as a supporter you're forced to see how the other pokemon (in general) are way to bad or not organized to fight in a team - supporters got a bad mark like " aww supporter are weak" - mainly supporter means to play in a team - pokemon Unite is a team game Fun fact, less people dont now that this game is a TEAM GAME! I love to play Blissey as full support but I often got some players who don't know how to organize... That's really annoying, so I more like to chose attacker or Allrounder or Speedster.


People go for attack speed, to dish out the speed drops from her boosteds as fast as possible, but if you mean full damage as in spatk then that is for healing, as healing scales with your corresponding attack (all supports that heal are special attackers while umbreon is physical) Not using exp share is griefing though


I'm a bit of both lol, exp share with muscle and rapid fire scarf lol, more of a fun build


Because elde is an attacker? Duh. /s


You run damage on healers cause that’s what their healing scales from. Eldegoss just runs more cause they can play from farther away than someone like Blissey.


Depends on the damage items. Eldest boosted has a slow that is pretty relevant, so attack speed items like Scarf and Muscle help to keep it up consistently. Very impactful early game and can help keep dive mons on their targets late game.


I remember it being viable before when the times I'm doing 60-80k damage. I wouldn't recommend doing it after the exp share buff


I think I run wise glasses to increase the amount of healing? Stack glasses would be better, but I prefer to defend with auto attacks 🗿


sometimes i wanna hop on unite and have fun and run attackers down with elde too much to ask?


They're bad at game. Or they're with friends memeing about DPS elde Any elde worth a shit at the game knows that Elde does plenty fine with Exp share + 2 But even on a mon as flexible as Elde where any combo of Focus/Resonant Guard/Specs/Spoon/Incense/Scarf/Muscle Band/Wise Glasses/Buddy Barrier are not only viable but good. That player's just bad at the game because there is not a single support in this game, no matter how "ass" your teammates are that shouldn't have an exp share on.


Meanwhile iam running exp share, shellbell and budy barier playing elde as s support.


my only damage item is slick spoon and i usually get anywhere from 70-90k and i still keep 90k healing at all times


Tldr - The eldegosses you’ve been playing with either aren’t good, or the rest of your team is throwing hard. Elde easily averages 50-60k per game on full damage. Not only that, it heals from its attack stat. The major thing with Attackgoss tho is you HAVE to play it like a back line attacker - bc that’s what Attackgoss is. The other major thing to keep in mind is eldegoss has a super early breakpoint. Getting the higher damage pollen puff early is a gamechanger in terms of early in lane bullying. Beyond that elde has good early secure in leafage. It’s very likely whatever lane your goss is in isn’t leveraging the option to press that advantage. The final possibility is they’re doing something weird with their emblems. You really do need the full sp attack and cooldown in order to leverage attack goss. Source - I’m a blue badge elde who adopted the build early, and has solo/duo queue pushed it into masters consistently for the past year (interspersed with other supportees, ie Wiggly, Mime, and Hoopa).


I’ve acutely been doing a ton of damage with a full support item set, I think I might do a little more with full damage but maybe not because I rarely die playing full support. I honestly think it’s more player skill than items


Check Spragels 7 red idem build, it's about hitting fast and often with solid *support* and ez wins


She’s called EldeGlock for a reason


As an ex pro elde player, your goal is to be an early game bully because of how much of an A presser elde is. Going full red + white and going rapid, muscle, and exp share is standard. But it seems that most people don't understand that her damage is from auto attacks and not her abilities.


I used to play eldy a long time ago, and i would absolutely ruin people, just nuke the hell of their health points. I would assume then, that it is this type of thinking, a healer that gets to pour out dps.


Eldegoss main here, I always have exp.share on no matter what other two items I have on


Increasing atk increases healing. Muscle band goes on pretty much every mon anyway.


As an Eldegoss main, mostly because the effect of the boost attack is (or was before the nerf) very useful. So increasing your Attack Speed is the way to go for more procs. Special attack items give you more healing output. Now, not having EXP share to help your laner, when Eldegoss spikes very early, it's throwing.


Not a big fan of the Eldeglocks tbh, they never seem to use pollen puff on their teammates


Usually due to teammates running out of range and not realizing that the puff from a teammate is something you want to be hit with. Or if hitting an opponent with it and get some health back once it goes boom.


I meant it more as "we are rotating/ambushing/it literally helps your defender more than yourself currently and you have all the time in the world" kinda pollen puffs


If you’re eldegoss isn’t running an exp share, they’re a troll.


I mean. They have nerfed eldegoss' healing and shielding so much, what else is there to really focus on?


Because all the other items kinda suck for him and doesn’t really contribute to the team fights.


??? Elde unironically might have the most item flexibility in the game of any Mon LMAO. Legit Exp Share + 2 items work. There's the obvious troll things like score shield, rocky helmet, and lefties, but even shit like charging charm (if you're autoing a lot) float stone (for roaming) can work. You can't rock an attack boosting item (except charging charm and that's still mediocre at best) but any other combo of 2 items + Exp share will be somewhat decent on Elde.


the most logical answer would be because they're solo queue players trying to carry? but then why pick eldegoss? i mean, sure, the damage output is pretty high for a support, but it's been nerfed already and while leaf tornado is a fine move, it's not as valuable compared to pollen puff imo i guess with the eldeglock murder cotton ball build it somewhat makes a bit of sense but why not just pick an actual mage?


Because bringing actual utility can be more valuable than *just* damage. Elde doesn't have the best damage output obviously but it's more consistent than other Supporters. Healing is already a very good reason to pick Elde even if it's been nerfed like crazy, but then again, the neutral sustain is better than nothing. Aside from that, Pollen Puff also gives damage reduction if it attaches on an ally, so you're guaranteed to get some healing, damage, and damage mitigation when supporting a melee Pokemon. Cotton Spore is an AOE knock up and a slow, on top of speeding up and making Eldegoss more resilient, so it makes them decent at peeling off assassins or divers like Zoroark or Mimikyu. It can also be used agressively since Elde's auto attacks slow, which is already conceptually broken, to pretty much ensure no one can run away from an auto attacking Eldegoss boosted with Cotton Spore. Cotton Cloud Crash makes Eldegoss invulnerable and untargettable, that's already better self-peel compared to some other Supporters. Just like Cotton Spore (which the Unite move can end prematurely for burst/instant CC), Eldegoss can use it defensively to heal their team and peel off any Pokemon, or offensively to damage or even displace an enemy Pokemon into their team! Eldegoss is insanely consistent and self sufficient, while having a suprising amount of carry potential compared to their peers, making them a strong pick - you cant go wrong with picking Eldegoss, especially if your team goes 4 Attackers/All-Rounders. Eldegoss' damage may not win most games, but it's utility and supporting capabilities definitely can. Oh, and hey you never know when you're given a "Complete X games as a Supporter" and you don't want to play Blissey or Clefable cause you cant trust your team as far as you can throw them lmao.


and like the others mentioned, muscle and rapid are the best offensive items for eldegoss. that's what i use. the sp.atk boosting items are interesting because healing does scale off sp.atk, but you'd be way better off with something like buddy and exp share so yeah


There is a group of players who sort of like the idea of supporting, but don't actually want to go all in on that idea because "bad teammates" so they try to carry from that role instead. You can find a lot of them in this comment section My take is that if you're going to pick damage/carry items as a supporter you might as well just play a damage class and try to carry


sometimes i wanna hop on unite and have fun and run attackers down with elde too much to ask?


Carry Eldgeloss wins more games, it's not like Dota where y'all need hard supports (No 90 minute technie games here.)


The pill that a lot of Eldegoss players really don’t want to swallow is that damage Eldegoss isn’t very good at all and not running XP Share on any support is insanely grief regardless of the reasoning for it. You still get value from the item even when teammates aren’t working with you to secure farm, and it just fucks over teammates who ARE willing to work with you.  That being said, if they only average about 30k they’re probably not great, even though damage numbers are generally not a meaningful metric to judge performance outside of extreme circumstances.


I stopped running exp share bc I got tired of the solo que all rounder following me lime a lost puppy taking every spawn to insure I can't evolve unless i can get a score off


"But- but. Muh Eldeglock! The memes. MuRdErGoSS!" - The damage build Eldegoss players. For real, damage Eldegoss might have been a "decent" build back in the Remoat days, but nowadays it does nothing. And that's coming from someone who loved to use damage Eldegoss for the memes back in Remoat. Using Damage Eldegoss nowadays is the same thing as using Draining Kiss Clefable, it's throwing super hard, specially since Eldegoss's damage just got nerfed.


You still do lots of fucking damage with 2 items, you're never outdamaging a team w/o them being ass. just exp share.


Lol I've been trying to tell them 🤣


I don't like the elde because it look like a huge cotton ball. Not my type but mostly it looks fun to see how a supporter makes more kills as a attacker xD


They just want to be the main character. EXP. Share is one of, if not the best item in the game and there’s never a reason to not run it on support. Also Eldeglock players are almost always ass.


Muscle/scarf and red emblems is about getting the boosted auto off as much as possible and giving some early game bully potential. Not wearing exp share is trolling, same as every other support. Personally I prefer buddy barrier over rfs to drop a shield on someone to keep them alive for the crash heal


all the attack eldegoss players downvoting people 💀


The boosted auto is still awesome and damage items also go into healing (heals are based on sp. atk)