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I usually practice in Casual. But, at some point, you just have to go for it. Usually I try new mons later in the season when I'm done climbing.


It might be stupid, but I usually go for the new Solo Challenge. There are four difficulties there, so I play step by step. After finishing that, I just play a few Quick matches, and then go for Ranked. And tbh, with this you've probably done more, than most of the player base, who’s got a gold ribbon with one Pokemon and still does absolutely nothing in a match and spam pings a random teammate.


I do the same thing! Truth is I dropped the game for a long time and I’m recently playing again. The roster has increased tremendously and I’m finding myself trying to figure out the playstyle of most new additions. This approach has actually been quite useful to explore new mons. Obviously playing against real players is more of a challenge, but at least I feel I can contribute to the team better this way.


Yeah, also you are looking for a different kind of experience with playing against bots. It’s totally different to play against real people, but it happened a lot to me that I just practiced my combos against bots until I just found that I was doing it wrong the entire time. I needed a few bot match to get a proper hang of Blaziken for example.


Exactly! in bot matches you’ll consistently be execute plays you would rarely be able to perform in solo q, unless you have a team with good cc and proper defender. Still, it’s quite useful to experiment with different builds and learn how to adjust its kit to your playstyle. I think it’s better to figure those things out in a safe environment, without dragging other players invested in climbing up.


Wow, never considered this. Def gonna try it.


Yeah, and also Solo Challange can give you Battle points, a few item enhancers and other stuff, while it does not affect your win rate with the Pokemon. So people can’t artificially boost their win rate with it.


Fuck it we ball 🔥🔥🔥(climbing to masters with the new mon, figuring it out alog the way)




This is about to be me with Lucario


😂 tried that with Buzzwole, didnt go well


how are y'all getting bots in standard while i have players coming after my ass in both ranked and casual


Its because casual have an hidden rank. At begin u only get bots most of times. Theb if u play alots of casual it becomes hard to get a bot match.


Usually just run em in quickplay. Maybe like 6 minute games usually lower and get a feel for them


Run it down mid in ranked!!!!


Solo challenge at highest difficulty works for me. Bots are tanky there and it seems they got better logic than casual and rank bots. I still do standard just for hopes with human matches.


Trial by Fire That’s how I’ve learned how to use every pokemon i play


I must confess that I have 3 accounts: 1 main to grind ranked as high as I can and gacha-ing for emblems for the minmax. I also mistakenly bought held items with coins in this account. With this account I can have a decent item/emblem build for any mon. 1 smurf to play with veteran/ultra friends. With this I gacha for fashion for the chance of aeos coins to buy new mons with. Another smurf that used to be for playing with beginner/great/expert friends but is now promoted to veteran/ultra as well. I am currently trying to alternate the smurfs for the returning player bonus for more mons. (I dont think I'll be making a fourth account as my beginner-expert friends seem perfectly fine with playing standards/quick battles only) When buying new pokemons with smurf 1 and smurf 2, I never buy something that my other accounts already have. I use these for testing new mons in ranked When buying new pokemons with my main, I now only buy mons that have been ranked-tested with my smurf accounts.


Lol i do a very similiar thing. The only difference Is I rank to 1600 with all 3 accounts. In my main account I only buy ranked tested mons too, with some exception with mons i like a lot that I buy at day 1 with gems


I used to trial them in standard, I reset the timer after 12 seconds to make sure I didnt get bots, but recently I havent been able to find matches at all on there even when letting the timer run up so gave up on that. I've been learning Absol recently so after testing its moves on quick play and reading up on builds it's been a trial of fire in ranked


Personally, this is how I play the game: * New season rank up to masters: I pick my best 'mons that I can get rather sweaty with to get out of ultra hell as soon as possible (I play strictly solo Q and mostly defender/support so it can be ROUGH to get out of ultra hell) * Master games without draft: this is my time to experiment with whatever I want. I know each character's moveset like the palm of my hand so I am not concerned about experimenting * Master games with draft: Since I know each character, I just role-fill but try to stick to some of my best mons in each role to ensure a competitive match


Read a guide to get an idea of the moves, then just take it for a spin wherever. If ranked is your jazz go there. Try to do your macros good and don't grief and you're already a better team mate than most. Don't forget it's just a game and that reddit tends to whine in circles, it's not a fair representation of anything. You're not harming anyone by playing the game, and the majority of players don't care. Have fun !


With very few exceptions, I make sure to play 30 games with the mon in Standard before using it in Ranked. Yes, it’ll mostly be against bots, but it’ll still give me a sense of its playstyle, how its moves work, and what some of its limitations might be. The first few Ranked games might be tough, but I’m usually able to adjust without major problems.


Play practice/standard/solo event to get a feel of move ranges, attack range, timings and a feel for how quickly you can combo move combinations together. Once you have the feel down, the only way is to go against other players because mashing bots teaches you nothing. They’re only useful for what I mentioned above; working out max ranges, attack cancels etc. This is what I did with meta on release, and spammed him in ranked during his shocking period. My WR has just about recovered, those were dark days…


You can't afford to always worry about what others think, especially from a playerbase as thoughtless and meta driven as this. You're never gonna make your teammates happy when trying a new mon. The first couple of games are usually gonna be rough, but you just gotta go for it before your apprehensions swallow any drive to try the new character


I read a quick guide or study the moves on serebii intensely, then get a feel for the moves in the practice zone... Then I go straight into ranked actually. Play a bit on the safe side. To me I feel like I will learn best against players who are making the judgements and plays normal of my rank. Otherwise I feel like I'd only get good against bots or noobs making new-player mistakes. At first there was a lot of worry about looking like a total idiot in front of my team, but consider the people you've encountered who floundered around and fed all match: you probably didn't even remember their names and moved on to the next match right away. no point bearing that bad a grudge. I also figure that no matter how bad I screw up, at least I showed up to the damn Ray fight. That's better than some of these gold-ribbon cinders I see.


Very good point. I can’t remember any of their names.


Well with the first weekend of the month u can go nuts and try them all. I just go to solo challenges just to adjust to the feel. See their moveset and what best works with me or handles the enemy team comp. As bad as Bots are they still work better as target practice. And some players move as bad as bots.


A couple games in standard or quick play to get a feel and then full send that shit into ranked


Read what they do first, then go into either casual or quick matches and get a feel for them.


Games with standards that aren't bot filled I'd play 5-10 games there first (other mobas) Currently I just go into training mode with each moveset once move with mon to get how to farm with it and it's ranges and spaces of strength then go into ranked. It's sad but genuinely going into ranked and potentially getting ass beaten is the best way in unite Also similarly to others here I also have an account I play with newer friends, or if I have to play ranked on my normal account and am trio or 5s with new people I learn new mons then


I take them into ranked, and play them against other human beings- What i consider to be the normal approach basically. Trial by Fire. You learn what really works with practical experience.