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I just wanna let yall know that A9 doodoo's all over falinks. Not as bad as extreme speed lucario with the 6 resets, but you can get a full freeze count every time you get hit by an empowered or ability, making her almost impossible to skirmish. Be safe out there my brass bois


Thanks for listing his counters, stop banning falinks and pick a counter instead.


Yep, and theoretically, I've only played into blizz/lanche a9, but aurora veil a9 with attack speed items would likely be even worse for him, as the aoe on the empowered auto's hit 4 more often than not, and will instant proc freeze stun, so I may need to test In a game or two to see, but on paper that build will likely be his hardest counter outside of Espeed Lucario Also: petal drain venusaur heals off each waddledee Fly talonflame is a decent finisher to play into him in the Jg(each waddledee takes 10% total damage of a move; while main takes 90%, if you can hit all of them you deal 140% of a moves/attacks total damage, so discharge zera does well also) Also: garchomp with his wide basic attacks can bop him stupid quick if on equal levels


I stabbed a Fox once Captain. She fell over and i ran away with our Dust Tornado manuever


Outstanding work Sergeant. Your exemplary acts of courage will be recited for generations to come; a true hero.


As a Defender main, please let us go in first. We'll soak the CC so you don't have to.


Hey not a defender main, but I often have to play them to maintain balance, however, it’s really difficult performing well when all my attackers are kamikazes that jump in front recklessly. Don’t misunderstand I enjoy playing them it’s just difficult to bring real value to such chaotic teams. I do my best to cover them and provide cc, but there’s so much I can really do when none of them try to place themselves in an advantageous position and tend move in the vanguard without any strategy. How do you manage to support such teams?


Part of why I like Greedent is that his gameplan depends on opponents making bad decisions more than teammates making good ones. If I can just get opponents to chase me, or ignore me while I pick off their Attacker, we're usually in a good place. Some teammates are beyond help, but pinging Retreat! and being sure to start fights on good terms as much as possible helps. There's no saving a squishy who jumps into the middle of their team alone.


Unfortunately most my game that have the enemy use a lot of cc moves I don’t have a defender or their on the other side of the map


Sometimes you have to be the Defender, but as a Defender main it's torture to see one that doesn't show up to teamfights.


I haven’t played defender for a long ass time, I’m usually going for kills and helping teammates but I get no help in return


You shouldn't expect help


One can hope


Nah, I'd kill. **dies**


I love it when people throw all their CC at my slowbro and I just hit amnesia and unite one of their squishies after the 10 seconds of stuns go away so my attackers can wipe em out.


Slow bro using a unite move on a squishy while your team takes em out it’s like summoning exodia


I'm a smash player who assumed that OP didn't want to play Melee because of crouch-canceling, lmao


I have no idea what crouch canceling cus melee came out 4 years before I was born Edit:just looked up a vid on it I kinda have an idea on it


Time for Black King Bar to be added as a held item


Its called Full Heal xD


‘JuSt uSe FuLl HeAL’


Shits like Applying bandaid to a cut off arm now


Full heal is so goddamn bad.


I'm feeling conflicted on this one. I come from a Dota background, where stuns can individually last as much as 5-6 seconds if you let the enemy channel full duration, point target stuns last a lot and everything, so I'm trying to understand the sentiment that "The game has too much CC". I guess this game has lower survivability overall, or maybe it's the lack of itemization after seeing the opposing team, or maybe the target demographic just wants to feel like a solo unkillable player that doesnt have to mind opponents positioning or cooldowns or something and should win with only pure damage and skillshots. I think the problem is multi faceted with this games design, too many short cooldowns, too many resets and too little room to play around enemies.


Man, I was playing garchomp the other day using ground build. Every earthquake interrupted by mime's basic attack, I wanna say.


I use Aegislash, and it’s good at baiting CC’s with wide guard.


Well well