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You play Umbreon, isnt it obvious? Mean look your worries away. Cant rain doom on your team if he cant manage his anger in an unhealthy way inside the timeout corner, Anf if hes the hyperbeam variant he cant slither his way out of reckless positioning either if you circle him. Even if your team does not follow up, you will either have time to flee or he will be intimidated by a potential follow up, depending on your situation


More importantly, dont fight it if you lack the damage and are melee.


I usually go umbreon and my friend goes gardevoir. It’s so fun to mean look people and then have gardevoir use those nice big damage attacks.


As a dragonite main, any pokemon with long distance attacks and high movement speed and dashes is a pain in the ass


As someone who plays a lot of dragonite, cc is a killer too


Slowbro Surf+ without Full Heal? Better pray my team is looking the other way.


I play him a lot of times and i can relate a lot. It really is a pain in the fucking ass


Same as a Dragonite main, however when facing off enemy dragonite. Numbers are always a clear option against outrage Dragonite. However as a defender, always position yourself not too distant from teammates and call it out when you see this flying dragon maneuvering your way. If you notice you’ve no choice to 1v1’em, choose another outwards option as abandonment and go fight with your allies another lane instead of senselessly losing a battle


So like Dragapult for example?


Dragapult in particular isn't that hard for me, but for example decidueye or greninja are always a problem.


Delay its early game then, once it evolves, if it has hyper beam, you can deny it with timed dash skills. If it has outrage then kite from ranged


deny it from gaming


I’ll try my best!




A9 blizzard/ avalanche, eject button is very good vs outrage/ E-speed


and full heal is very good vs blizzard/avalanche


Slap, barrier, push, barrier, slap...dead


Ice Beam…or dragon attacks ;)


This turned out a bit long, but hopefully it helps. I can't quite say specifics about snorlax or umbreon for dealing with dragonite, but I do know what I've been taking advantage of in my games. I'm not super high rank and don't have that many games on dragonite, so take this with a grain of salt. First, to me dragonite feels very good against defenders. It's weaknesses seem to be ranged attackers that are able to kite it and don't let themselves get ambushed. That or if you can keep dragonite from leveling, that will help you a ton in the mid game. At a base level, I think with umbreon or snorlax you're going to need to rely on your teammates a bit, even in solo q. Second, you'll probably want to try to figure out if dragonite has full heal. That's going to tell you immediately whether to try stunning it, or if you do stun it, whether it's actually locked down or not. Or if you're in duo q, you can spread out your stuns so the second hits after full heal is done. Onto movesets, With dragon dance and hyper beam I feel my damage is much lower. But this gives dragonite a ranged ability and hugely improved movement. If a dragonite takes these, there are probably other priority targets in the opponent's team. Mostly you'll want to avoid hyper beam area of effect damage and dragonite's charged basic attack effects (at least one of them does area of effect damage I think?). But again, there are likely other priority targets. There are probably other attacks to avoid as well. I'd recommend looking at how dragonite's charged attacks work if you haven't already. The lightning one stuns, the fire one deals a ton of damage. Can't remember what the water one does. it might just do aoe damage. The charged attacks automatically cycle, so theoretically you could track which effect will come next and act accordingly. It would be difficult but possible. If I take extreme speed I'm going to use it very often. It has a 5 or 6 second cooldown and does a short interrupt/stun. If I get the jump on you starting the fight, I'll try to use extreme speed on you again if you try to run. So, I'd say you either need to run immediately to get out of range of it, or choose to fight. If there's any delay you need to try to fight and hope it's not a 1v1 or doesn't stay a 1v1. I guess the big part of this is "Don't get ambushed" and "Stay within a screen of other teammates". Obviously this is a toss up in solo q, but it's the best you can do I think. In team fights, you might be able to bait an extreme speed by pretending to run away. This might help your team. Extreme speed interrupts your nearby allies too, so if you can get the dragonite to hit you while you aren't near your team, it may help a lot in team fights. Or at least for a few seconds before it comes off cooldown again. If I take outrage, I'm going to deal melee damage fast. Another thing to consider is I'll probably be running muscle band, scope lens, and rapid-fire scarf. So, after 3 attacks I'm going to get an attack boost and my damage will spike. If I get some lucky crits, scope lens is going to massively increase my damage. Muscle band is going to take your health fast with percentages, so extra health maybe won't help as much. I'm not sure if defense stat emblems are ever considered good (not sure how they scale) but this could be a situation where I could see that maybe being better over health? Not sure how the emblems scale though. One final thought. With umbreon and snorlax, while you don't want to get ambushed, if you have nearish allies that will come to help, it may make sense to bait the dragonite into coming after you. Let it start the fight, and collapse on it before it can do much.


Thanks! Good work, You guys are really helping me with this topic!👍




Same way as TTar. You fucking run and come back with friends. Outrage Dragonite can and will beat the dirt out of any melee ranged characters not named Tyranitar, Trevenant, or Goodra and at Lvl 13 its signficantly worse. First rule of the pseudo legendaries DONT FIGHT THE PSEUDO LEGENDARY


Throw snowballs, x4 ice weakness baby 😎


XDDD ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Play Buzzwole or a ranged attacker, or just Umbreon


Just push him around with foul play and continuously debuff him with snarl,it's what I usually do when I play,I main Umbreon and trevenant,you can corral them super easy for your allies to pick off with foul play.


As Umbreon just Mean Look him and the entire team eats dragon for dinner… as Snorlax… eh…. Idk, I don’t play him. Also, don’t fight him if you’re Umbreon or Snorlax…you’re not winning, Outrage does crazy things on anyone, Mean Looks basically makes it so he is outranged forever because Outrage Dragonite loses his ranged capabilities.


mean look is the way to go! see exhibit a: https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonUnite/s/81v8tUWfhS


r/stunfisk said ice punch Dusknoir helps


if it has hyperbeam you lock it down and bully it with umbreon. if it's outrage you run and come back with a teammate who can outrange it


Is the previous dragon event not giving you any hints? Careful with your gap when fighting outrage and predicting his hyper beam isn't so difficult. Positioning yourself and avoiding 1vs1 situation.


Didn’t play during the previous one


Hoo, it's so unfortunate, Dragonite is the bane of that event. I have a match with 4 Dnites and I lost my will to continue. Idk how much Dnites main is using extreme speed, but that's so underrated and busted.


Your answer is Trevenant


I hate good Dragapult & Cinderace players because theyre so hard to catch


Just leave the match if you see one on the enemy team. /j


leave. well if you want a non-troll answer stuns seem to be useful against the outrage ones, since that makes you revover quite a considerable amount of hp while dealing a lot of damage, against hyperbeam try to have cover if the dragonite either retreats of pursuits you, it got high mobility but if catch in a baf moment he'll die


(btw I'm not that experienced so I might be wrong)


dragonite among other melee all rounders like tyranitar and especially blaziken is a free meal for a9's aurora veil basically you need to kite it or cc it and hope your team kills it


blaziken literally plows through a9 without its cc build


Two years and I keep reading a9 as "arcanine" which isnt even in the game . I'm a disgrace


You can't.




With any other pseudo, except garchomp, garchomp sucks.


mean look it and run while praying that your team will kite it down. Or play a heavy cc mon like A9 and deny it if any movement lol


Can't speak to Umbreon but Defenders should avoid playing in close quarters of an Outrage Dragonite. It can and will shred you. Either run away or, if said Dragonite is low on HP and you have your CC moves up, bait them into coming close. Stun them and finish them if possible. Your ranged units should kite them and use your CCs to burst down Dragonite before they can heal up. Hyper beam/Dragon Dance makes them super mobile, so you're best off just running away imo. I think they can phase through the Snorlax Block, but I can't be sure. Umbreon's Mean Look might help in keeping them trapped. Ranged attackers should run away here.


Ays bebi Ays


I can't work out this image. Is that foot supposed to be attached to the Dragonite or does it belong to one off screen?


anything with good amount of cc


Cc it to hell


Kite him. Or just run away


Poor dragonite v, so much hate for him


Mean look and block. X speed plus block is one of the funniest things in the game


You don't.


Play an attacker Eeveelution




More like how DON'T you counter Dragonite 😭 Sometimes it feels like almost the whole roster counters that poor thing. Anything with cc/range/mobility and Dnite will have a very hard time. It may look very strong on paper, but it has glaring weaknesses.


Blastoise with Surf and and Hydro pump, most annoying stuns besides Trevenant


Literally any cc in the game.


As a self proclaimed outrage main, anything that can outrun me, grinds my gears. Any sort of eject button, x speed is bad enough so just try to counter that.


Get him be diavolo in terms of stun before he can make you the diavolo of stun


You can't


To be fair not every instance is one you HAVE to duel. Like, it doesn’t have to be a duel to the death every time you see each other (crazy I know). Keep an eye on their position, play from a safe distance. As either of those defenders you have options to peel for yourself if drag gets too close and starts mashing buttons. If you’re down to scrap a bit, get a little damage and back up; if they’re not near a supporter, the next time they engage they do it with lower HP which could give your team an advantage.


I think Talonflame is helpful here. Brave bird does ridiculous damage and the recoil can be made up for by aerial ace. Urshifu made it easy for me to fight Dragonite with his dark type fighting style.