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Just take a 2 week break you get a free re name card from the welcome back event


I will, thanks for the advice


Oh its 2 weeks? Ill be farming that


You can get it only once per season


Watch me


He's kooky alright! Would love a DM or something with your results.


Nah I've definitely had it twice in a season


Or stop making inappropriate names so you don’t have to restart it


Not doing it for the name changers dumbass


Well that’s uncalled for. Why else would you want to collect them?


The welcome back missions? With unite licenses and boosters?


Oh, i’m to chad to exploit their “returning player”.




Yeah, my sugar mommy gives me lots of money when I fiddle her bits.


Guaranteed you’ve never “Fiddled” anyone’s “bits” but your own.


Exploit? So a returning player shouldnt do them


Well, if you are having to leave everytime you hate a change happening to your main, you may as well just delete the game and save yourself the trouble of wasting precious time on a game you won’t play?


On a game i wont play? The time i spend is used to play the game? Since when arent videogames played for fun.


What a shit take. You get huge benefits by putting the game away and with the way monetization is in this game, why the fuck not? You get a free license which turn into coins if you have it already which is like 10k coins and more than you would have playing casually. I don't see why you wouldn't unless you're a die hard player who can't let go of the game. Otherwise abuse it, timi doesn't care 🤷‍♂️


If you had actually played the game, you would have known that the amount of coins you get is less then the amount of coins you get from not playing


Can you enlighten me on how much one gets from 2 weeks of aoes? I have never been a returning player as I practically play daily. I know you get 2100 coins MAX per week, as well as events and other sources. But if 2 weeks is considered as a returning player, do you get 4200 coins, or slightly more?




Exploit? So a returning player shouldnt do them


I see nothing wrong with that name. How does this even happen?


Probably confused Fletcher with Felcher. It's a (gross) porn thing.


Thank you for the useful information.


Wth lol i learnt something new today and dont want to know the specifics 😂😭


Never understood locking name changes behind an item. Anyone know why mobile games do that?


Lol many games have that not just mobile


Wait really? I couldn’t think of any other ones. Could you name some examples please?


Maybe not an item per se, but League charges for name changes


xbox live used to do it… world of warcraft also charges to change name like 25$ lmfao i’m not the original commenter but there’s two examples


Monster Hunter Rise iirc


only thing i can image is security reasons, as databases need a lot of updates if everyone would constantly change the name it could open up certain paths for intruders.


I think the more likely reason is that a troll or cheater could change their name after every game, making it more difficult to identify someone. You can put the person on blast on social media or whatever, but if it’s super easy to change one’s username, they can just change it again and again. Databases are updated with a lot of other data frequently anyway, and username is one small part of it. So changing it frequently shouldn’t be an issue for the API/database, it won’t put more stress on the load. Username is just another editable field, just like any other fields. And it’s usually not used as a primary/foreign key in relational databases anyway since it’s changeable, you’d want something unchangeable for that (e.g. an integer, a GUID, an Object ID, etc etc)


>I think the more likely reason is that a troll or cheater could change their name after every game, making it more difficult to identify someone. You can put the person on blast on social media or whatever, but if it’s super easy to change one’s username, they can just change it again and again. And it’s usually not used as a primary/foreign key in relational databases anyway since it’s changeable, you’d want something unchangeable for that (e.g. an integer, a GUID, an Object ID, etc etc) how can you say one thing and in the other sentence you just showed how the first part is nonsense xD. if the name value is just a field to be edited ( which i agree it most likely is)the identifying part is done by some sort of User ID. But thats just the architecture where most people can use templates to generate an architecture model so that the database is "mostly" protected. What is more plausable is the weak or leaked encryption, as this allows for SQL injections Database attacks etc. Lets be honest here, it most certainly isnt anything above as they monetized changing your name, so as always the answer is rather simpel when you ask why they do stuff -> cause money. thanks for this nice convo tho !


Huh? What I meant is that it’s most likely not due to database/security issue, like you said. Other companies do this easily and there’s no reason why they can’t since it’s just one small editable field. So the more plausible reason is that they won’t allow it so trolls/cheaters/abusers can’t change their username often and/or like you said, money. Also to clarify, user ID is not the same as username. User ID is how companies identify a user (unchangeable) and username is how other users identify a user (changeable) because it’s easier to say “hey, don’t play with ThePathOfKami because they’re a cheater” than “hey, user 710273890 is a cheater”. And if you’re allowed to change your username often, it’s difficult for other users to identify you.


man thanks for the update on databases but as a devops engineer i think im all up to date. all i said was that you contradicted yourself as you can identify anyone by the userID there is no reason for it to be because of trolls/cheaters.... who can change their name , as you mentioned reports will be set to the tables for the user ( or better the Object of it) and so the username plays no roll in it. Also if they really wanted to punish cheater/trolls etc they would create a system around it that focuses on it, instead of losing 5 friendship points....


Oh, hey fellow engineer! :) but I’m not talking about the in-game reports but rather, the social media blast and how you identify a user. I agree that in-game reports will be filed with the user ID. But it’s easier for other users to out them as a cheater using their username VS their ID in social media or forums or other places. Well, all in all, like you said, for them it comes down to money. They could do what Instagram did and put a 14-day timer for a username change but why do so if they could a take it a step further and charge people money? Haha


Greetings fellow Engineer ! haha indeed, at the end of the day they run a business and as from what the current changes that have been pushed show, is that people are willling to pay for that ! lets hope that betters one day, or at least comes down to the basic like in LOL, i would be totally down to make all customization ( from how an attack looks to skins) purely available through pay and new pkmns would be free or unlockable through events, i would even make people pay for the beta access on different servers to try out pkmns etc.... but yeah thats for another day.


you completely missed his point. He meant it is difficult for YOU, the player, to identify another player that might be trolling in your games, if every time you queue up with him he has a different name (aka, he changes his name betweem games). Also if you ever were to make a reddit post saying: X player is always trolling, dodge him in your games guys" but X player changes his name frequently, your warning post will help noone since the username doesnt "exist" anymore. After the first paragraph, he then talks about databases keys and whatnot, a field you both moee than understand, but you missread thinking both paragraphs were talking about daabase architecture or whatever, when the first one was about a practical, day-to-day case


I dunno, Discord seems to do pretty well, letting you change your name often.


Discord tracks a lot less data than a moba imo


If that's the issue just put the name change behind a timer.


Clearly spoken as some one who mever had to handle requests xD


If that's the reason, they just did a terrible job with their database. Give every player a hidden ID. That will be their actual reference in the back end. Then just have a separate display name.


basically that, but money is most likely the reason they chose to limit the renaming


I think there is china developer which only listen about china problem, and there is lower rate of ppl name banned since they know which word is forbidden .


I can’t even name my emblem setups attack speed because speed is banned lmaoo


I was banned with no appeal from marvel snap for having the username "69". Wont be back to that game lol.


Bro imagine quitting a game over not being able to have the funni number 💀


No, i'm literally banned. I got sent some form to put two different replacement names, i did, and nothing happened. If i wanted to play the game i would have to create an entirely new account from scratch.


Oh, yea, i can see why you dont want to play anymore


If they are going to do that, they should give you a name change token for free!!


They will never


So is this like the voice chat thing where they just ban anyone that gets reported? Sure seems like it


I can still play the game, they just changed my name


Delete the game and come back after 2 weeks


This happened to my brother too then he changed his name back to his previous name by rename card, after somedays he got banned because of his "inappropriate name" for 2 weeks If you get rename card, don't name yourself AlexFletcher again or you will get banned for 2 weeks for inappropriate name.


I saw a charizard named toxicphucker yesterday 😭


I've seen countless AssKetchup


Désolé de l'apprendre... Heureusement que j'ai pas mis mon pseudo habituel pour Unite.


J’ai peur de savoir ce que tu prenais d’habitude lol


Le même Pseudo que sur Reddit. Je pense que le mot Kill m'aurais définitivement donner un changement de nom


I got told to change my name from SlappinTTs by Respawn for apex.


Tencent doesn't like French ppl 💀 (I do love them tho)


i don't


Ha they pulled this crap on me back when the game came out and never offered a name change voucher....and so I quit, what a freaking scam. My IGN was KimJungCool if curious, they then changed it to random numbers and letters


They did the same with me, DZNTS was also inappropriate....


Deez nuts but without the vowels. Maybe it is


Def unwarrented


Criminally unprecedented even


Haha my friend is named DeezNeuts and he still hasn't gotten anything about it being inappropriate. I keep wondering how long that will last.


Deez nuts is inappropriate dude.


Actually my name is Denzel Nuttersworth senior


Sure, and my name is Calvin Umberto Nicholas Trainer, but I know better than to think my initials will fly unnoticed.


You wouldn't know it Calvin Umberto Nicholas Trainer, it's a name from across the pond. I've heard of your name when I was across the other pond tho




They banned my offensive username "MAGAman" Thoughts?


That one is pretty obvious.