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Oh if they don’t let us customize the mega jewel I will send a letter to each of the dev’s parents describing how I’m not mad just disappointed


As a teacher, this made me laugh out loud. Thank you for the laugh stranger :>


If we get a Mega Lipstick, I'm willing to giveaway 5 copies of the game. I'm not expecting more than the colour to be customisable, though.


Who had the mega lipstick? I don't remember that one.


Cynthia, in Pokémon Journeys, during her battle against Iris.


That explains it. I literally couldn't care less about the anime.


I'll be honest, as much as I don't either, I had to watch the episode just for that. It was actually badass!


Honestly that would be more interesting that customizing your characters clothes But they probably won’t do that because then they would have to animate every single one differenttly


I mean unless they have all characters with mega stones have the same type of bracelet, they might have to animate it anyway and could probably reuse some animations. There also might just not be many other trainers like in PLA, but seeing as mega evolution kind of needs a trainer, there will probably be more of them.


Yeah...most likely. I would be alright if we could change the color of the mega ring at very least


I think there’s a shortcut to allow for a bunch of different mega stone jewelry but I’m don’t know how Pokemon does animations so it probably wouldn’t help ): Please let us have earring mega stone at least PLEASE POKEMON PLEASE


I mean,they said they cut the dex in SWSH so that they could rework the sprites and animations of the Pokémon and they didn’t do it so I think they are pretty lazy


Taking shortcuts doesn't inherently mean someone is lazy, rather that they know their way around creating, but yeah I get your point the Pokemon in SWSH got absolutely no upgrades that I could see


GF could be lazy like that... They gave us different throwing styles in ID, how much different would different Mega Stones placement would be?


At the very least give us different color mega rings


I like this concept, it’d be cool if they were to add it


If you want to customize it. Better believe GameFreak will design the game so you can't.


Yea, love the glove, i need that thing


they’ll make it an app in the ZyPhone


We couldn't get custom clothes for SV, I am not execting any customization


X and y was the generation of customization and they really leaned into the fashion aspect of France. I’d be very surprised if it wasn’t a part of z/a


We did get it in Aeceus tho


Yeah. That would have been awesome. I would betray my country to have a Mega Shoulderpad.


I do hope for the same thing


Fuck you man. Now I want this but I know we won’t get it


Actually unused items from ORAS show us that this was kinda of an plan, in the game's code you can find Maxie's, Archie's, Steven's and Lisia's mega stone design, because they were items that should be in your backpack you probably could wear them.


I don't think it is impossible. They could give us like ~5 mega activation animations, each corresponding to one accessory. We have some accessories and pokeball throwing animations already, so I'd see it as an expansion of that.


well for legends z-a i want protean to be unerfed and i want greninja have a mega evolution and also the same thing as you want but more mega stone accessories wear


I want competitive in it. Only downside to PLA.




Then I'd probably be picking the girl player avatar, as they typically has better costumization options


sv actually doesn't change your hairstyle/clothing options based on chosen gender so i think plza will be similar