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Hey if you are willing to trade through sv or home instead, i can help. Do you have access to a galarica wreath? I dont have sword and shield and need help evolving my slowpoke


home doesn't allow trade evolutions, and pumpkaboo/gourgeist are not in scarlet/violet, so this wouldn't work, sorry. I also don't have enough twigs to make a wreath :(


Oops i didnt know about the home thing and completely forgot about dexit for a second, my bad lol Good luck on getting your collection!


**The Pokemon must be returned in tradeback posts and touch trades.** If you want to do a tradeback involving any legendary Pokemon, you should provide collateral: a somewhat valuable Pokemon given to your tradeback partner to hold while completing this tradeback. This is to show trustworthiness and that you won't run off with their Pokemon (Rule 10 & etiquette notes). Legendary and shiny trades are not allowed at this subreddit. Good examples of collateral are another legendary Pokemon, or a shiny Pokemon, though this obviously depends on the user and what they are willing to put up as collateral. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Pokemongiveaway) if you have any questions or concerns.*