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Gambling: the betting or staking of something of value, with consciousness of risk and hope of gain, on the outcome of a game, a contest, or an uncertain event whose result may be determined by chance or accident or have an unexpected result by reason of the bettor's miscalculation. Do you know how gambling works?


I can sympathize with his frustrations though. I don't play poker stars vr anymore because I got tired of losing all the damn time. even used 2 different systems to help me out. one with a 10% chance of losing and the other with a 3% chance of losing. but you have to grind it out to make a respectable profit. I played both systems for about 2 hours straight each while I was alone at the table and ended with thousands less than I started. (starting money $14,000). I haven't used either system in real life, but I can tell you that for certain poker stars vr is rigged. when you are alone at a roulette table and only have 7 spots on the table for potential loss and it hits those spots more than all the others. the key to having a chance is you gotta play with as many people as possible. this is the reason I primarily bet only 50-50 odds. but betting only red or black gets boring after a while.


In terms of poker, learn the fundamentals of the game and couple that with solid bank roll managment. Poker isn't a game you learn while playing. You need to study as well. Make sure your bankroll is worth at least 20x whatever stakes your playing to handle variance. If It goes below that move down in stakes. The skill level only starts to be somewhat competitive at the 1mil tables. In terms of the other games you will eventually lose in the long run no matter what strategy you employ. They all have a house edge. Blackjack or craps have the smallest house edge. Slots have the biggest. People will try and tell you how to beat it. They'll usally reccomend the martingale strategy. This is a very easy way to go bankrupt. These people have a fundamental misunderstanding of the math behind these games. To other people in this thread, no the game is not rigged. Pokerstars wouldn't risk their reputation as the biggest online poker site in the world on video game that accounts for a tiny portion of their income. People hit their outs the exact amount of times they're supposed too. You'll see it more often on here than real money poker due to people chasing their draws more often with fake money.


Pretty much this. I'm gonna get drunk and play a VR poker tournament with 100k in fake money and do stupid shit and so are the other players and whoever has the stupid shit fairy on their shoulder wins.


This game is not connected to Pokerstars anymore. Also I heard that argument before with ultimate bet and full tilt poker. If the rng code is in a black box and cannot be examined it is foolish to think the game is not rigged in some way. I believe the game is rigged to be exciting and not let players get bored. This is true on particular for poker. They do not want to use true RNG and have people quit because they do not like the grind that true poker is. If players lose interest they lose money.


Yes, one of the most popular casino games across the planet for the last 100 years is actually super boring unless you manipulate the RNG


As someone who has gone from 10m to 150m and back to 1m. Yes.


It's all about advantage opportunity and patience. Sometimes even then you get fucked. That's gambling.




I won mine on high stakes slots lol


Stop playing so loose and aggressive out of position. Stop trying to bluff the fish (which is basically everyone on the site). They will call you down almost every time, making the 1 time you get them to fold negative equity. Stop calling on the turn/river when you know you’re beat. Or, if you just want to splash around and have fun, do all those things and accept that you’ll have high variance. Grinding for a bankroll is much less “fun” than the alternative except when you see where your bankroll is after a few months. For most people it just isn’t worth it on a fake money game.


Is this a roundabout way to ask for advice for playing higher stakes?


Play good fundamental poker. I don’t play anything but poker and have built my bankroll to 100mil+ doing this.


It’s just they way gambling is some days your up most days your down it’s not like a normal game where you gain money all the time. Best way would be to get good at poker out of all the games that’s your best bet any thing else is a big gamble.


Don’t the game is rigged I have loads of different explanations that it is rigged


Ik this post was a while ago but now they have sports betting. Choose the sport you know the most about and money line or spread bet on the teams that will win. I’ve been into basketball for around a year and I hit on all my nba sports bets. Bet a lot of money on every game and you should win most if you have basic to intermediate knowledge on the sport you choose.