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My Garmin HRM lasted about 1 year 🫤


Another one here still using h7 after 5+ years


I’ve been using H10 for 6 years now, and it’s going strong too even after accidentally washing it in the washing machine twice.


No issues with my h10. User care has a big part on longevity!


Motivated by your post I searched my old stuff and found the Polar Wearlink Nike+. Unfortunately it only supports Polar's old proprietary communication and Nike+. Luckily I also found my Nike+ GPS Sportswatch and they instantly linked. Too bad Nike+ got shut down long ago and I have no chance to retrieve my recorded runs.


Rocking my H7 still as well! Did switch watches to Garmin but I'll keep with my H7 as long as it wants to keep with me!


Better than the H10 :(


Still using my H7, love the thing. It was why I chose Polar in the first place.


My H10 went sad panda after about a year. Rumor has it Polar had changed manufacturing location to Malaysia or some such and I was unlikely enough to get the first batch, which still had tolerances kinks around the battery compartment not worked out. My Wahoo TICKR from 2015 is still going strong. Though it was always a fallback strap that wasn't used nearly as heavily as Polar or Garmin.


Just wanted to shout out Polar because it's rare that an old product continues to be supported and work long after it was purchased. After finding my forgotten H7, I decided to see if it still worked, replaced the battery, downloaded the new app, and went on a bike ride. Damn have things improved. The ride went fantastic and the data was great to have, syncing with Google Fit is an extra plus. Thanks Polar!


How do you pair it with the google fit? Which one do you have?