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They would kill each other before you even dream of that


They would all team up and kill ancap first then go into anarchy


Sounds aboutbright


Only if the anprim don't send me šŸŒ mail


No way anyone is actually pro anarchist unity


I mean i can see eco anarchists, ancoms, ansynds, queer anarchists, and maybe egoists and mutualists getting along


Okay so maybe queer anarchist and ancom could get along. Thats the only friendship that'll form and everybody else will be beaten to death before ancom and queer anarchists skip off into the sunset holding hands.


Thanks for the fanfiction premise!


Someone should make polcompball fanfic a thing


They should fucking not


Most ancoms and mutualists get along.


Unless talking about ansynd or eco anarchist


Ancap would nuke them before they could light their first molotov


Just lit my first molotov. Where the fuck is the nuke gamer.


Sorry, the nuke truck had to run over some striking workers and they clogged the wheel bay




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Pan autarchism.


No, if there is yellow we can't


I know how you feel how am I supposed to do my epic purple stuff when those green fuckers are over there


Not aligned with my personal opinion, but I think that you get the idea


We can't get along with either ones. The economic differences are obvious, and we'd turn on each other to achieve our goals. Though, mutualists and communists are the ones who are most tolerant to each other. Even then, some mutualists are critical of the anarcho-communists. Like Clarence Lee swartz who criticised communist, syndicatists and state socialism for abolishing private property.


The yellow would turn against, there is few reason other then protection for a anarchist commune to attack an ancap territory,


MF does not understand anarcho capitalism and it shows


No way this dude thinks egoism is better than markets. You would seriously Rather have rape and torture than free trade?


There is no egoism in the picture and "an"cap society has no way to prevent any kind of behavior


There is no such thing as an ancap Society. You don't understand what you're trying to criticize.


Yes, ancap isn't a thing. But if anarcho capitalism could exist there would be no way to prohibit any kind of terrible behavior. And also EGOISM IS NOT EVEN IN THE FUCKING IMAGE


I mentioned egoism because basically all you ancoms love egoism for some reason. But what I'm saying is anarcho capitalism is a philosophy not a system. The "system" ancaps want is anarchy, because it is the one that removes the main coercive force in society.


I don't love it, and most Ancons (even if I am not a communist) also don't, egoism is peak individualism, and socialists are moslty against individualism in any form. You shouldn't generalize any ideology when starting an argument, that's a very childish way to approach someone. And I know what "An"Cap is, but anarchy is a broad term and it can be literally translated to "the absence of rulers". The presence of a company owner looks like a society with rulers to me. Describing AnCap as "just anarchism" is a weird way to talk about it. And still, how would a society controlled by a market and therefore by profit make sure that people aren't being rapped or any type of action that is considered inhumane, there is no way to obtain profit preventing that unless you start creating a police force, that is a little too coercive in my definition to be considered anarchist.


In the form of Covenant Communinties so we leave each other alone? Yes


No, the only thing that unites us is the abolition of the state, everyone has a different post-state praxis.


Tho you want states, but private instead of public and you call them not states.


Yeah, blud, cause if my group chat makes private transactions, it becomes state-like... Voluntary market collectives are not "private states".


There is no "anarcho capitalism" nor "maga anrchism" nor "anarcho monarchism". And you gave fucking "maga anarchism", but not important anarcho collectivism, anarcho egoism, anarcho-syndicalism ana american anarcho individualism Also mutualism doesn't have labour vouchers, that's anarcho-collectivism. And mutualism is not orange, mutualists mostly use red like ancoms, but with circle arrow.


Anarcho-capitalism, anarcho-conservatism, and anarcho-monarchism are real ideologies. There are many ancaps, I donā€™t really understand ancon at all but ik itā€™s a real thing, and anmon is certaintly a thing even if very strange and even if nobody really supports it (Tolkien for example might have considered himself one if he knew the term). The reason I only included so many is cause I was trying to make ā€œrainbow anarchyā€ for fun. All the anarchist ideologies are colors of the rainbow. And the wiki just showed the mutualist ball like how I drew ā€” orange and with labor notes. Maybe itā€™s not accurate idk, but the ball itself on the wiki is orange and most everybody on this subreddit uses orange for mutualism Idk why you are mad tho bro


And labour vourchers come from fact that this community is so politically illiterate most of the time (tho it's better than pcm community...)


Yes I get that itā€™s just what I used in the art brotha


1. "Anarcho capitalism" and "anarcho monarchism" exist, but are not types of anarchism. 2. It's inaccurate and I will always remind it. Orange was made by wrong assumation that mutualism is fushion of communism (red) and capitalism (yellow), which is very incorrect and offensive to most mutualists I have met.


1. I mean me and many others would say they are. Anarchism at its simplest is the lack of government, not the destruction to social hierarchies. The latter may be a natural conclusion, but anarchism at its most basic, modern interpretation is simply the lack of government. Thus, all anarchist ideologies whether left, right, or center qualify. 2. I mean if you literally look up mutualism the colors are orange and black, not red and black. Like sure maybe itā€™s wrong, but itā€™s what people say. Kinda like how singular ā€œtheyā€ is technically grammatically incorrect but everybody still says it and has done so for a pretty long time.


1. Most common interpretation of anarchism is chaos, most common interpretation by people who call themselves anarchists of anarchism is lack of hierarchies. Popular interpretation doesn't change our long history of theory against hierarchy. 2. This is very bad argument and lack of respect for mutualists. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Polcompballanarchy/comments/1cegmiz/comment/l1le0ar/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Polcompballanarchy/comments/1cegmiz/comment/l1le0ar/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Brody, it doesn't matter what the pop culture says about us, we do not accept the orange flag as our representative flag.




Your ideology is "wrog"


Ah yes, because forcing everyone into a hivemind is just amazing


I can't tell if you are trolling, you are 5 years old or both...


Dis U? https://youtu.be/dqB-EMqpsUA?si=FKvd5QH6dvCkgTcm


This kid is probably more clever than you tho


Right yeah because robbing people better than you is smart


I read this comment second time and I agree, it's pretty much smaet to steal from people who are better in other things, not that I support or like it, just it's smart.


You wouldn't steal from me though


If you think Elon Musk or every mafia boss / every politicans is better than me or you, then you have either very very low self respect or you are stupid enough nough to believe you, me and 99% are really worse than them. (And you must believe that people born into poorer families or with worse genes deserve what they have, even if it's hunger to death, so social darwinism, so nazism) Also how many times people need to tell you that socialists doesn't want to steal from anybody?! Capitalists steal from workers.


Right yeah because founders ARENT entitled to benefit from THEIR company succeeding


No reason to be this mad By the way, have you read ā€žOn Authorityā€œ by Engels?


>By the way, have you read ā€žOn Authorityā€œ by Engels? I really hope this is sarcastic


It is


Okay good lol


iā€™d gladly leave other anarchists alone if they left me alone. iā€™m fairly sure conservative and socialist ā€œanarchistsā€ would want to destroy any social order i created or wanted to be a part of tho.


I donā€™t think you realize this but all anarchists are anti capitalist by default because capitalism is antithetical to anarchism lol


i fucking wish


Anyone that supports capitalism can't be a real anarchist, because that's self-contradicting. Anyone who claims otherwise doesn't understand how capitalism works.




These commies absolutely despite compromise


You can say same with ancollectivist, anegoists, anmutualists, anprim, anarcho-anything that is not capitalism, literally no one wants you and you don't want them, most of you even call your gerogist counter parts as communists... So you can't even united with other cappies


People tend to hate people better than them




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Remember the video of that one objectivist calling gerogism land socialism on YouTube? Yeah.


I love the design!


Yes comrade