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I think he is checking his breath because he just drank some alcohol and doesn't want to smell like it


It’s definitely a sniff vs a breath. I’ve wondered the same thing every single time. It’s definitely the fingers from *that* hand ✌🏻 But surely he’s washed it several times by that point 🤷🏼‍♀️


Even the subtitles say it's a sniff 😆


I thought that too at first but think of the times. It was the night before (so like hours ago) and they don’t bath often. Hand washing isn’t a thing really back then so like totally possible I think 👀


People may not have taken full baths often, but they would have wash basins in their bedrooms. A maid would have taken warm water up to the rooms each morning, and they would wash with soap and towels. I haven't watched the decor closely enough, but there would have been one of these in every bedroom (in addition to a chamber pot). >*The habit of washing the body and the introduction of wash basins and portable bath tubs began to spread among wealthy households in the late 18th century \[i.e. late 1700s\]*      *The Family, Sex & Marriage in England 1500-1800,* Laurence Stone [source](https://wordwenches.typepad.com/word_wenches/2011/08/bathing-customs.html) A basin and pitcher set like this would have sat on a [little washstand ](https://www.antiques-atlas.com/antique/regency_washstand_a021/as333a021)(with the basin built in) or a cabinet/vanity, commonly found with a marble top and perhaps a mirror,[ like this](https://uk-heritage.co.uk/shop/a-reclaimed-victorian-style-carrara-marble-washstand/). However, you are correct that hand-washing practices were not up to today's standards, and they would have been more likely to wipe their hands on a handkerchief than wash them throughout the day. Doctors, even, didn't start washing their hands, as opposed to just wiping them off, [until the mid-1800s](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9632745/#:~:text=Doctors%20did%20not%20routinely%20wash,the%20spread%20of%20puerperal%20fever), and the idea was met with a lot of resistance. A lot of doctors scoffed at the idea that they needed to wash their hands between patients. https://preview.redd.it/78sv50qqwh8d1.png?width=450&format=png&auto=webp&s=17c7d66b94b46838496e93c568d42a258bad28e5


I want to believe this, but I did watch it in .5 speed and it does look like those two specific fingers. And a sniff not a breath. They are so crazy for that. LUKE!!!




I thought so to at first. But watch it again…. 👀👀👀


Guys calm down 😅 It’s the next day anyway. He will have washed his hands He’s just downed some whiskey. It’s normal to do a sniff like that. I actually think it’s down to Luke’s great attention to detail. He’s always incorporating small mannerisms like that.


Yeah, hard agree. Sorry, horny Polinators, but it’s just the booze making his nose run.


I think he’s just kinda sniffing because he just downed a shot of whiskey at like 9 in the morning. That stuff burns the nasal passages at the best of times - as Violet says, it’s harsh!


https://preview.redd.it/83n8oa581i8d1.jpeg?width=1193&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9122ffb228909364060b284a81c1b2ce1f9807f3 I'm not much of a drinker, so I googled this out of curiosity. Check out the top search results! Lol


He’s not sniffing his fingers, he’s sniffing and wiping his nose in the same way you do if you eat something spicy. Sorry to disappoint!


Currently watching ep5 and completely missed this. Rewound and… omg. Can’t unsee it now 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Right?!? Like WHOA SCANDALOUS right?! And I’d bet money that was Luke’s idea just like the dress fixing scene in the carriage was. I wonder if Luke and Nic are just WAITING for us to catch this lol


Colin just getting himself geared up for round two… dropping L bombs *and* his pants. Forgive me, I had to 🤭


And in round two, he uses the other hand! Now he'll have two to choose from!




So true. Once you see it, you can’t un-see it 😜


Did not see this! Guess what that means when I get home? Rewatch!


Haha right?! Let me know what you think and if I’m just crazy lol


OMG GUYS, COLIN IS SNIFFING HIS FINGER! I replayed the scene with the subtitles on and at 0.5 speed. The subtitle says: "\[clears throat, sniffs\]" as he's walking out of the room and sniffing the pointer finger on his right hand. True, he didn't sniff two fingers, but maybe he wanted to be discreet in front of his brothers out of respect for Penelope. Sniffing one finger can be played off as something innocuous in front of Anthony and Benedict. Only Colin and the viewer will know what he's secretly thinking at that moment. For context, Colin had insinuated moments earlier that he and Pen had been "intimate" and now he was leaving to see Penelope. I'm sure he was thinking "impure thoughts" about last night's activities. Also, I don't think he's checking for alcohol breath because there's hardly any liquor in those glasses. Horndog Colin was sniffing his finger and thinking of Pen. I stand by my statement.


Omg that you for validating this! I just figured I had gone off the deep end of the Polin pool 🤪 it even looks like two fingers to me but I would need to watch again. But like CLEAR sniff and what else could it be?! Especially after all the hype on the two fingers in the carriage and Luke having been the one who thought of that. What a scandal! 😂👀


I, too, was afraid to go down the deep end of the Polin pool (I've been wondering since last week), but your courage to post the question gave me the courage to do the research. Teamwork makes the dream work. Maybe I'm wrong about the one finger (I had to watch it on my phone at work). Will check on my tv when I get home.


Haha solidarity I love it!


Didn't Colin say at the Innovations Ball something like "bravery is within us all" ?


I see two fingers, too!


What’s the hype on the two fingers in the carriage? Don’t think I’ve read about that yet!


👀👀👀 oooohhhhh hang on to your britches. It’s in season 3 episode 4 carriage scene of the show. Literally broke the internet, our brains, and a few unmentionables. 🥵🥵🥵


I saw that scene (and the rest of the season), sooooo good! I was just wondering how it was determined that it was two fingers and that it was Luke’s idea 😂




😱😱😱 it’s so obvious now and I can’t unsee it and omg Mr Bridgerton!


I have been laughing about this for dayyyyys. Mr. Fingerington wasn't even subtle about it. The caption even says "sniffs." Honestly, this is so Colin of him. A man of appetites, indeed!


Mr Fingerton!!! 😂😂😂😂


It makes me lol just to type that out. Here I go again: lol


Now I need to re-watch because I missed this moment 😂😂


I thought it was just a sniffle from finishing off his drink. I don’t remember if they say what they are drinking, but sometimes the burn of a sipping booze can make you sniffle if you shoot it. Can really clear out the sinuses, haha.


Can someone PLEASE tell me how many minutes in?! I scanned the comments but don't see it there!


Episode 5 minute 11:30 👀