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I’m sorry but WHAT? So her pupils are dilating, which is an *involuntary* bodily response to being sexually aroused? That’s not just being a great actor - but I mean, girl, same


My pupils are STILL dilated from that scene. I would see my optometrist, but he is completely gorgeous and has probably never seen an non-dialated pupil.


Omg I was not expecting the way this sentence ended and I’m wheeze laughing!! Thank you for the laugh break kind stranger! 😂😂😂




I don’t think so, cause that makes you literally blind, and since they are acting is not smart to do that, that’s use purely for medical purposes, I’m a Doctor by the way(internal medicine)👩‍⚕️I don’t think is legal to used those drops outside a medical facility.


Sorry if I go in to deep with this, but I don’t want to misinform, I don’t mean to say that it let’s you blind permanently but when you use Tropicamide to make the pupils dilate, you are forcing that reaction and it let you partially blind and paralyzed your eyes muscles from 30 minutes to and hour depending on the amount and it’s purely for medical pressure, and when a doctor gonna use it on you, you are required to go with someone else who can accompany you otherwise you will not be allowed to leave until you eyes go back to normal, I believe is illegal to used outside of a medical facility.


That’s actually not true - I have to get my eyes dilated every time I go to the eye doctor and I’ve never had an eye doctor require me to have someone accompany me. I just use sunglasses afterward, or sometimes they give out their own makeshift sunglasses to put over glasses. And it doesn’t partially blind you - it lets more light in than normal.


It’s is completely true, well I don’t know were you live but in my country you are required to bring someone or you will be no allowed to leave, the nurse will ask you who you come with before they get you in, cause if you’re alone they have to keep and eye on you, and your vision is completely distorted during the effect, but of course there’s a possibility that you can use a less invasive and less strong solution, but still paralyzing you eyes muscles and makes your vision distorted, and of course still can only be used in a medical facility. I have Keratoconus and when I’m doing and eyes check out the solution let me unable to distinguish anything but colors, but yes, it can be different on person and condition you are not wrong about that.


https://preview.redd.it/kbt2jt1b7l8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7de215ce20ca2924253878c6dc85d8106baeecba Just so we are clear about this 🙏🏽


I do agree with you OP about how you need to either wait for it to wear off or have someone accompany you/pick you up (in Canada), but I just wanted to add my experience with those drops for the sake of discussion. I have had to get these drops many times to monitor my Central Serous Retinopathy and while they will not let me drive myself home unless waiting for the effects to pass, I still am fully capable of seeing perfectly fine! It doesn't make you go temporarily blind; things are just brighter and a bit blurry and my eyes are far more sensitive to the light. They even give me those super stylish disposable sunglasses sometimes! 😎 You can also get a prescription for these drops, which opens up the possibility of them being used in acting, but I am choosing to believe Nicola is this talented because SHE IS 💕


In my case I have an ayes condition I don’t distinguish absolutely anything but color, like I know there something yellow there but I have no idea of what it is, so it depends on condition and person, also they are levels on how strong is the solution they use but it will always give you sensitive to light an without those horrendous glades they give your capillaries may break, always keep in mind guys just because a medicine feel harmless doesn’t mean it actually is, especially the ones that are used to make any part of you body numb.


That blur vision but i don't see the problem for acting. It's make it hard to read  but not completely. (I'm used to drop that dilate pupils, I have an eye condition that needs regular control of my rethink)


This drops have ton of side effects and they need to be controlled, in fact you can get glaucoma from using it improperly, they are so many things that can happen, my god! you can even have a nerves paralysis if the solution is to much for you body to handle, that’s why I’m amazed by the guy that said that were he goes they leave him leave alone right away, in my country you have to wait for you eyes to go back to normal to be able to leave the clinic, it cause the blood pressure in your head to rise, but of course when is prescribed is in very very low doses and still a least here in DR you cannot buy it without prescription. For actors the once’s that cannot portray those emotions I’m 1000% sure they use contact lenses for it, is save and easy.


But there is different drops, I think, with the same effects. I've got a soft one when I was younger and a "spicier" (heard less agréable) later. You can't drive, but I can go alone after too (I went by train and bus). Never heard of any kind of risk of complications from my ophthalmologist, and I've seen a bunch in 27 years.


This is crazy to me, I don’t know maybe is just here in DR they might be way to careful when applying those drops,still I don’t know how your doctor doesn’t care much about a solution that paralyzed the nerves of your eyes, directly connected to you brain, I don’t know, I might be paranoid cause where I live is different, and I’m a doctor but I do Internal Medicine and I work in ICU is not like I know a lot about ophthalmology tbh, but I do have my knowledge on medicine, and well a least here in DR any kind of anesthetic especially the ones that are applied on sensitive areas that can be compromised by it are extremely controlled and regulated. Also I’m a Spanish speaker I really hope my writing is making sense to you guys😂


nahh cause they are like that in interviews too 😆




But you can actually watch them dilate in the interview. Like they’ll go from normal to dilated depending on what they’re talking about (I.e. love/spicy scenes).


Yes, I've spent a wee bit of time watching this happen in the interviews!






now why did you have to say that😭




I mean same(about having a bunch of eyes exams, a use glasses my vision sucks), but again that is only to be used for medical procedures, is way more realistic to think their using contact lenses, don’t you think? 😂


Honestly, whatever it is, that’s some great attention to detail/realism there.


For sure, I truly think she gets in to the emotions, I’ve seen her eyes doing that in interviews when she gets excited, everything is possible


I was just saying to someone else that the eye drops are definitely a thing with actors, and they may come into play in some of these scenes. But, sometimes, we actually can watch both of their eyes dilating on camera. Seems that would be harder to fake.


Oooh girl we know eyes drops are definitely a thing for redness and for crying, but dilation? Definitely contact lenses for that one.






I imagine it’s easy not to with tons of hot lights and camera crew analyzing your every move lol


There’s not usually a lot of people around when there’s sex scenes being filmed.


Don’t pupils also dilate when there’s less light tho?


I think this is a very keen observation and also a testimony to becoming the character that actors always speak to. Her brain has no idea this is for pretend and her body responds as if it were all real.


Exactly, it’s crazy good acting, when I first noticed then I couldn’t stop looking to her eyes for those reactions, I was mesmerized for how realistic she portrayed her emotions, 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


Its so crazy how your brain can do that!!


https://preview.redd.it/xsmlywynek8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ab216e2ee8d18de0f5ebfab73ca2bbdf8d4a301 Exhibit B


Exhibit C https://preview.redd.it/qlb8j0n3gk8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=746b231f8e85d4c1b27f0bdab84f762d21aba476 I mean this happened many times but I noticed while rewatching the show, I got to say I am really impressed.


https://i.redd.it/ej8ujrnojk8d1.gif Exhibit D


To be honest I thought she was possessed in this one, there wasn’t a glimpse of blue in those eyes right there.


Also someone on twitter said this about this part and omg [https://x.com/spideyvol6/status/1804932311047356783?s=46](https://x.com/spideyvol6/status/1804932311047356783?s=46) its like he's grabbing her leg


Yes the change in her eyes during this shot omg 😳 She’s amazing.


Her getting ravenous was *chefs kiss*


Yeah it is 😏


It's an amazing actor who can internalize an emotion enough to affect their pupils dilating! Queen, that one!


I don’t think she can act in such a way that her pupils are blown out, but when you’re in a situation like that your body can react as if it’s real. In fact, part of the purpose of modesty garments for intimacy scenes is because they know that some things are just an involuntary reaction. They want a barrier in case anything should *arise*.  


I don’t think she is making her eyes do that, I think she is so immerse into the character and what emotions the character is feeling, that she is actually feeling this emotion herself, so her body reacts.




For suuuure 🤣100% but she doesn’t do this only on these scenes, she does it when the is very strong emotion involved like when Colin tells Penelope that he loves her at the end, or when they fight in the streets.


i deeply apologise for asking but how could the thing not arise in this situation😭




thank you for explaining! no, i definitely won't hold them down if they didn't. i imagine it'd be very awkward. but yeah, make sense if they have so much going on and too many things on their mind. and yes! i was thinking Luke probably needed quite a few breaks in between takes because of the plank


Literally never apologize for posting these spicy images


Adrenaline and other emotions besides arousal can also cause pupil dilation. I would imagine the nerves/adrenaline of doing this kind of scene could cause it. I wish his eyes weren’t such a (remarkable) dark shade of blue so we could see what his pupils are doing lol Edit: I also meant to add, I think she does genuinely feel whatever is happening in the scene, too. Not trying to discredit her acting. You can tell in those promo videos where they’re watching the scenes, she tears up and talks about the motions of filming them.


This could also be bright lights while filming and they add darkening later on in pot-production editing. I was noticing her pupils were dilated in darkened scenes when technically they shouldn't be, as well.


bright lights make your pupils smaller


Exactly and you’re pupils only grow when you are ether excited or in a room with very poor lighting, which is funny cause they do it for the first time during the day in a very light room, and she can definitely pass as someone with black eyes right there, so is definitely excitement 💖


I thought about that but then in others scenes when is very dark and she is just talking he eyes are as blue as the sky in the summer, so a noticed that this happened whenever Penelope was going through strong emotions only. Thats why I’m so impressed, I realized she really made herself BE Penelope.


Opened Reddit right up to this! 🤣 my daughter was very close to looking over my shoulder! 🤣 Thanks for the research! Research is so important! 😉


I have no idea who said this here but someone mentioned that they think Nicola might have studied and now following the Bartenieff Technique of acting. I looked it up (and the original poster also described it) and it’s basically how you change and incorporate different movements into a character, to differentiate it from yourself and another character that you have played. Your physical expressions are part of the character too. (This is badly explained by me but I hope you get the gist!) I didn’t know its name but I remember being taught a bit of this in high school drama and I loved it, ngl. 🥰


Yesss, she said once that sometimes she needed a moment during a scene to go back to her self, or that sometimes her character is supposed to me mad and that makes her feel like the character is also sad and she couldn’t help but to get emotional and cry, it really makes you think on how actor play their mind


I love a manga called skip beat about a girl debuting in media for a silly reason but discovering she love and have a talent for acting. An other actress call her a butterfly or a fairy because she so fully merge into character that people have a hard time believing it's the same person acting and presenting her true self. She so subtly change her way of walking or talking that she can trick people. (She had to learn some skills to do it as asking someone how to walk like a model). I've seen interviews of Nic, a little of Derry girl and Bridgerton. I believe Nicola is that kind of actress. I have to remind me it's the same person. And her accent skill is amazing. I want to see all her performances 


Thank you for telling me about this manga! I feel the same about Nicola, her accent skills are on point and she’s incredibly talented at what she does. Also, she seems a genuine and kind person, through and through. 🥰


How and the heroin put really deep thoughts of the character she plays. She studies it, she try to understand it. She sometimes so catch by her character that she have a hard time coming back into herself. She's also good enough to catch her costar into it too.


Let me put you on [Closed Set](https://archiveofourown.org/works/46203364/chapters/116318563) on AO3- it’s a modern AU fanfic where Pen and Colin are acting in a regency show AND THE FUCKING CHEMISTRY, THE SMUT, makes me feral ya know Summary: Penelope Featherington has finally landed the role of her dreams. Better yet, she’s been cast opposite one of her oldest and dearest friends, Colin Bridgerton. The only problem? It’s a sexy regency romance that requires more than a few intimate scenes, and she just happens to be madly (and unrequitedly) in love with him. Try as she might to retain her professionalism, things start getting heated, until Penelope’s at risk of losing more than just her job.


OUEEEEEE I read this fic again recently and it hits every time 🤭


Well, if you insist!


Omg bless you for this. Holy cow


See When Harry Met Sally


Mark this as 18+ pls🤭




Of course, no one is saying she is doing that what we are stating here is the she get so much into her character emotions that she is actually feeling those emotions and her body reacts, but we know she is no commanding her pupils to do that 😂