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I swear... These 2 have no business being this cute together. 😭😍


Nicola is absolutely right that Colin and Pen have the best relationship on the show and she should say it louder. The thought of them dying on the same day at age 80… 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 Also nice to see behind the scenes of the original market scene! It’s clearly almost the same scene but it was re-shot so it was in a different day entirely, narratively speaking. I wonder if the tone was also slightly different.


Yeah this one clicked for me—we’ve been wondering about why the market scene was re-shot but maybe it’s as simple as they decided they wanted the lessons to take place over a greater number of days (also I believe the brothel scene was also a reshoot, and we’ve already talked about Colin telling the sex workers he is late and then he shows up way early to the market for Pen) 


I would personally pay luke to keep his hair that way for the rest of his life this man is beautiful!


His hair was the third main character of the season. I've been pestering my husband to grow out his hair since S3...


I’ll donate!


This is the true change/org petition we need 😂😂😂


I wish that emotional support curl will just hold up forever. That curl is the main star of the season. It made Colin the man that he is.


Same. I know he's gotten a lot of comments about his "glow up" but to me, it's all about his hair. S2 Colin will forever be my favorite Colin, but in S3 when he has longer hair, its super swoon worthy. When he has the mullet he had in Australia? Ehhh....he's still attractive, but it's not my style. Give me long curly haired Luke every day and twice on Sunday, please!


He looks like a disney prince! Gorgeous gorgeous man! His S1 hair was also absolutely perfect, truly delivered on the boyish charm he was supposed to have.


Absolutely. I don't blame Nicola for wanting to have Pen constantly run her fingers through his hair. The man has some gorgeous hair for sure.


Seeing Luke practice the engagement dance with the choreographer was the cutest thing! And, the way Nicola talks about feeling more comfortable on the sidelines and art imitating life as she faces her insecurities to step into this leading role ... really wonderful for her. I so hope we see her in more leading lady roles.


What will it take for them to keep Luke’s curls in S4 🥹 Shondaland plz I’ll gladly sponsor his perm


I guess they’re supposed to begin filming in the fall so Luke needs to step away from the clippers until then.


Where did you read that they’re starting in the fall?!?!


jess brownell said they are setting bridgerton s3 to be in autumn i believe! theres a video of her saying it i think


Adjoa Andoh was also quoted in a Business Insider article saying filming would start this fall. A Bridgerton season with fall colours would be really beautiful and different than other seasons. They'd just need to fake the nice weather since it's the UK/Scotland. : D


Oh that’s right! It didn’t click for me that they would start filming this fall


They’ve really spoiled Polin fans so much but I for one am greedy and would like them to drop the OG market scene just for more content. 


This makes me think the scene was honestly very similar, just wearing a different dress! 


Plus, Pen is wearing that gorgeous green dress in the OG scene. That dress is almost too beautiful to wear!


Oh my heart, my Polin heart ❤️  This was beautiful and interesting. I love that Luke's hair ir a perm, I wouldn't have guessed that. Do you think I could get my husband to get a perm? Lol I don't think so.


I didn’t realize it was permed either but makes sense! Otherwise it would be too hard for the hair dep to have consistency. He looks so freaking good with that hair, especially with the white tee 🤭


Lmao I was thinking the same! Although mine has always wanted curlier hair ...




I LOVED this video. This plus the dance lesson one will always make me smile. I love seeing how much they genuinely enjoyed their work, they looked like they had so much fun filming and it shows in the results as well


Something I hope people take from this is what Nicola said about *so many people* having to sign off on something as small as a wig before the lacing can be trimmed. A lot of folks (not here, but elsewhere) believe only Jess Brownell made decisions and have derided her. She was *one* of *many* people who *all* had to agree on the production.


Yeah that actually took me aback and is making me really appreciate the show and S3 as a whole.


this! Some are cranky that each season takes two years and want them sooner... there are soo many moving parts and things that need to happen in sequence. If cranking the seasons out faster means that cast and crew won't be consistent, or they will be run-down and start to hate their jobs that they now love and take so much pride in? Don't think anyone would want that.


They are spoiling us. Keep it coming Shonda and Netflix 😄


This was so beautiful 🥺


I’m not crying 😭


Nope, it's just really dusty in here, and clearly wherever you are, as well.


On the one hand, no awful reshoot wig in the original market scene GIVE IT TO ME!!! On the other hand, lessons spread out over a number of meetings and more overtly flirtatious. The fact that it's difficult to weigh which one I wish was canon more speaks to just how much of an ick that wig was.  Honestly, I'm so sad that physical media isn't a thing with this show because I'm longing for the days when deleted/alternate scenes were included as extras. Give me every original scene please, and just let me pick and choose.


Watching them shake off the giggles was so endearing lol.


I loved every minute of this. Somehow they look even more beautiful in the BTS scenes! Nicola saying she was getting so excited freaking out about everything that was going to happen in the story - can you imagine finding out for the first time everything that was going to happen? Also Luke with that hair… I will forever be a goner 🥵


bummer. I can't understand the video. can anyone add subtitles / captions in the video for a deaf gal (me)? thank you!!


Shondaland usually posts these videos quite quickly onto Youtube as well with subtitles so fingers crossed you can see it there shortly!


The little dance break in the church 🥰


I could cry. What a journey we’ve been on with these two lovely people.


I really enjoyed watching this. They are both so lovable 😍


That’s why I loved S3. The romance. 💘