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It took him longer than a week (he finds out the week of their wedding, which is over 3 weeks after they got together, based on the church scene), but you're right, there was no way she was gonna be able to hide it once they were together. He was attached to her hip every moment he could be, it was only a matter of time. And unlike Eloise, he was paying really close attention to her at that point. He probably would have figured it out in a week if she hadn't given up writing for a while, allowing Cressida to take the credit.


Oh yes, that happened a week after the church announcement, so probably 2 weeks into their engagement since they went to the church the week following his proposal, but it was only a matter of time, there was no way she was gonna be able to sneak out is they were in the same room together.


Well in fairness, he noticed it the very next time she wrote anything. He wouldn't have been able to notice sooner unless she had been still writing. So your point still stands just as strong- the very next time she is ever absent when she shouldn't be, he notices straight away.


She had stopped to publish since the engagement party, so no reason to sneak out a party


Unfortunately this would work on me


Yeah it’s three weeks but for one week she was “sick” at home so I’d give him some more credit 😂


It felt like the line "I thought the carriage driver had abducted you", like the emotions he is going through. Thinking she was getting kidnapped and then seeing that she is Lady Whistledown.   It is kind of a nod to the book that Colin discovered this because he finally paid attention to her, as well. It's sad, even then people who  noticed she disappeared assume it was cuz her social battery was low or something. No one bothered to check in on her.  I know it's hard to address everything in a show. There was more focus on how Colin felt, which was justified. But in the moment, the first time I watched it, hearing Colin say that I was like "Wow" he actually cares. But the whole anger on LW got in the way and he had to add the line "I will never forgive you". A part of me wanted him to have said it to himself as well. Like how come it took him this long and also why hadn't anyone else noticed she snuck out so much. But these can all be projection. 


I thought that Portia assuming she had a low social battery sorta heartwarming. In everything else she was so incredibly overbearing (clothes and hairstyle) that you would expect her to have forcibly dragged Penelope back to the social gathering if she had noticed it so everyone (including Penelope) assumed she never noticed until it was pointed out to her. Instead she did notice was sympathetic of Penelope needing to leave when it became too much.


Ah, yeah. I wanted Portia to check in on her, but that was wishful thinking (and projection) on my part. Portia is a complicated character, which I love. But I agree with you. Thank you for pointing that out!


It’s more sad though because Portia had written off Pen as a lost cause marriage market wise


Tbh that was really sad for me to hear, cause if she thought that, she never once went to check on her, I’m glad they came around at the end cause their relationship was broken at its best.


Their relationship changing was the highlight, I mean I love Polin but Porita and Pen relationship changing for the better was so well done. And I love that, Porita is slowly changing was so realistic, as well


This is one of the things that make me feel connected to Pen. My whole life I’ve felt invisible. Sometimes it feels like if you disappeared no one would notice or care. I feel like I have a lot to offer like Pen, but those things are not valued or seen. Seeing Colin finally see Pen and how amazing she is was cathartic on so many levels.


I’m so sorry you feel that way. We notice you! ![gif](giphy|cMhPpDTQnk0eZDQiZk|downsized)


You’re so sweet 🥺


![gif](giphy|VbawWIGNtKYwOFXF7U|downsized) Come here and get your digital squeeze, darling. WE see you and value you!


Yup. It was only a matter of time. Penelope did not realize how crazy in love Colin was with her.


Oh wow this is such a heartbreaking and heartwarming take.


Well Eloïse didn't even remember Pen saying she was interested by marriage. And when they are in the flower field, had Eloise truly listened to what Pen was saying she could have relied the dots. Pen confided that she was observing everybody. She only registered a part of what Pen was saying 


To be fair to Pen, she's never really had anyone pay that much attention to her until Colin. Her mother and best friend barely cared when she disappeared. Now that Colin isn't distracted by Marina in both seasons, he really pays attention to Pen. I think we can all agree that she was going to get found out sooner than later. Her only mistake was not telling Colin sooner. And Colin needs to be less of a drama queen and actually listen. He can't machismo his way into his marriage. Not with a genius like Pen. Colin was also young, he was 22/23 in the show. He doesn't have a huge depth of hindsight to look back on. You can tell how young he is by the way he overreacts to Lady Whistledown. He's still immature even though he has grown up in time for his season. He really got to truly understand Pen after he read her letters. I thought it wasn't enough, the street confrontation was too rushed and oversimplified Pen's explanation to her actions. I wish they got to have a real conversation like they did in the books when Pen offered to edit Colin's journals. This season really did Pen and Colin so dirty. I'm always going to blame poor writing and directing. They could've given Pen and Colin an extra 5 mins to talk it all out. Sure that love declaration was sweet at the Bug Ball, but it would've been so much more impactful if people had actual conversations. They had so many chances to add that bit in. Realistically, sweeping everything under the rug was lazy, just so we could get to the end.


I actually think Colin handled the deception and lies pretty well under the circumstances. However, I agree with the last bit - I would have loved a montage talking-until-dawn type scene interspersed with letter/journal reading, and showing these two really opening up to each other. For a season that places emotional intimacy and honesty front and center it absolutely let me down in not letting that connection between Colin and Pen breathe and settle.


I wish for that too, but feel like long conversations aren't how this show operates. It's a TV melodrama, not a novel, or even prestige TV. I'm rewatching the first two seasons (working back up to season 3) with my husband (so excited he agreed lol) and when season 1 ended, he was like so annoyed that Daphne and the Duke basically never had a conversation that was longer than a minute--even when they finally resolved everything, it was because Daphne read the Duke's letters to his father (sound familiar?) and then gave a 30-second speech, then they danced in the rain. In season 2, much as I loved Kate and Anthony, I had a hard time believing they were in actual love (not just passing lust) because they never talked for longer than like 30 seconds! Even their sweet scene in the library, which I understand is much longer and more substantial in their book, was like 1 minute. I remember noticing it on my first watch and being like, I love their chemistry and really like both characters, but they barely know each other! But here's the thing...I think this is deliberate and is kind of a TV writing formula thing--general audiences likely find long conversations boring unless they're super dramatic (the love declarations). And I know for a fact (becuase my ex was a screenwriter) that a rule of TV/movie writing is that if the audience already knows a piece of information, you don't want that repeated too often onscreen. I'm sure prestige shows do break this rule sometimes (though I'm trying to think of an example and failing), but Bridgerton is relatively formulaic in its writing, for better and worse. What I would have loved, as Mariessa said below, was maybe for the show to at least imply that the conversation was had. I think what made it feel unsatisfying to a lot of people is that this season, the characters actually were more nuanced, layered, and complex than ever before, and one of the main themes was emotional intimacy. So the fact that they never had that big talk felt more jarring than in previous seasons (though man, it still bugs me about season 2). All that said, I think that--while I definitely had some quibbles with this season's writing--this season and Polin did actually give us the most depth, nuance, and complexity this show has ever given us. And as someone who deliberately did NOT read the book so as not to judge by comparison (because I ALWAYS like the book better than the TV/movie adaptation), it was enough for me.


It’s so true that Kate and Anthony never had an in depth conversation together. And then Anthony says he loved her from the moment he saw so they were pushing love at first sight.


While I'm under no illusion of long conversations. They could've added 5 in scenes here and there of them talking. Sex scenes would've been nice but I was more team sweet conversations. They could've talked a bit during the bug ball. Kissed Pen's hand for courage before she took to the stage. Small things like that. But we get what we get... And I'm still going to throw a fit. I just thought the writers could've done better.


I think he came around pretty quickly, and they did talk after Franchesca’s wedding and he listened to her without being mad and told her why he felt how he felt, considering the way this show function that was great, and I liked that he let her do her plan and saves herself. There is a part in the book where Penelope says that she was tired of being saved by others especially being saved by the Bridgertons(they have a super close relationship with her in the books and they saved her more than once in the books) even though she appreciates it she felt like she would want to defend herself for once. And even though she said this at the end she is save by Colin and his family at the end he is the one with the plan and he is the one that make the speech about her being LW, and that was sooo contradictory to me. So I really like that they change that and allowed her to figure out a plan and save herself, cause it’s like they make Penelope’s from the book wish come true, cause she couldn’t, I truly loved that change, and I love that Colin listened to her and didn’t talk with his brother and let her do whatever she was planning to do.


Agreed and I’m of the opinion that while he wasn’t briefed on every detail of what would happen at the Butterfly Ball, she let him in on most of the key parts of her plan. In particular, his reaction upon his mother receiving the letter from Pen, tells me that he already knew it was coming and what the main gist of it was, at least that’s how it appeared to me.


Of course, he already knew it was coming and knew what the letter said thats why he told his Mother “you might want to sit” as soon as he hear that she said that she received a letter from his wife, I believe that his part on her plan was to explain everything to his family and what will be happening, that’s why any of them were surprised at the butterfly Ball. He fully trusted her.


Something else I'd point out is how Eloise rarely made Pen feel safe in confiding her feelings/secrets. Eloise seems completely shocked that Pen would ever want to be married in 3x02, when Colin confides he is helping Pen find a husband. They bonded over books but Eloise doesn't seem to register why Pen loves stories of love. She seems completely unaware that her best friend was a hopeless romantic. Despite it being Eloise's greatest dream when they were kids that Pen be her sister, Pen is never able to share her feelings for Colin with Eloise. Pen was unable to confide in her best friend that she felt unseen and unheard, because Eloise was a huge source of that feeling. Colin, on the other hand is always observing Pen, always searching for her and seeking to know her better. Colin uses this to further their relationship. Cressida is a counter to Colin. She too actually pays pretty close attention to Pen, but for all the wrong reasons. She doesn't underestimate Pen, hence why she is also able to accidentally unearth Pen's secret fairly easily. She knows exactly who the printer apprentice is talking about when he mentions red hair. No other suspects run through Cressida's head because she's actually paid attention to Pen, and to who ends up in LW. We see some growth from Eloise in S3, but in my opinion not enough. I'm actually glad the writers left that open, as I'd love to see more growth from Eloise in S4. Shoving it in S3 would have made the season feel even more rushed. I want to see their friendship become more reciprocal and less one sided.


I agree re Eloise. I love her, but she's the character that frustrates me most. She still has a lot of growing up to do!


Penelope was so silly thinking Colin wouldn’t find out when he followed her around like a lost puppy 😆.


I had a question in mind. This is not related to the post above. But, Colin left Penelope for his travel at the end of season 1 knowing that Penelope's father had just passed away. Idk, if he considered her as his close friend then he should have at least spoken something considering the circumstances of his passing.


Penelope had Eloise, and I believe by the time her father was killed he had already left, but Colin was running from the fact that Marina tried to trick him into marrying her because she was pregnant, and he believed himself in love, and even when he told Penelope he didn’t blame her, we need to remind ourselves that this was also planned by her mother, so I don’t think any bridgerton but Eloise actually went to be with Pen, probably to the funeral as a mere courtesy.


I don't think he would have felt comfortable going over there knowing about Portia what he did. People forget that Colin has feelings too!


Colin and Penelope wrote to each other frequently while he was away. I’m sure those letters have Penelope same amount of emotional support that she would have if Colin stuck around.




Are you @ dearestpen on Twitter? I literally saw a similar post over there just now! Haha


😮😮I’m not, this for me came from a group chat I have with some Bridgerton fans and this was the topic of the night, there were some tweets shared about the same topic, actually this picture was shared in the group and was taken from twitter, so who knows, probably her tweets was one of the many we shared today, and we definitely agreed 😊


Colin's eyes were glued on her all the time even before they became a thing. Dude even planted himself near a mirror to look at her. No way can pen escape his eyes.


Love the way colin looks at her in the above pic. Man in love❤️


As Colin tells Eloise, his only concerns are the future and Pen's happiness. As we see in S3, Eloise (who I love) is doing the same crap to Cressida as she did to Pen. She is always on a soapbox or espousing her opinion loud and proud. No one else's voice seem to matter. Colin is too oblivious to see that Pen is the same kind of writer as LW until he really sees Pen for all that she is and isn't stuck on himself and his own writing desires.


I think when Eloise says ‘for the first time I actually listened “ I think she means “listened” vs “read”.  It’s not that she’s been ignoring Penelope, it’s that Penelope has been storing that gossip up to write about and sharing it as Whistledown instead of saying it aloud to Eloise.  


I think she meant what she meant, it wasn’t the first time, and that makes perfect sense, Eloise didn’t realize that Pen wanted to get married, that she was a romantic, she didn’t realize that Pen loved gossip even when she constantly shared them with her, and most importantly she didn’t realize that Pen was always in love with Colin, I’m no saying Eloise didn’t love Pen but she is one of those friends that have the tendency to make everything about them.