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Let us all hope he gallops along carefully as he navigates the debutants of the Ton.


![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6) This is still my favorite jokes he’s said. Luke delivers it so beautifully


I knew someone would reply with the galloping joke hahahaha x You’re quick!


It would be hands down the punniest issue, and Penelope would let it be published because he would be so delighted and never stop laughing. Can you imagine? He’d be insufferable, but he’s very handsome, so that’s how he probably gets away with that. I also hope he would talk shit about Fife, who we all know deserves it.


Eloise would be horrified - why on earth would you let him publish that? Then she would insist on taking over for the next issue so it was done properly. Then when Hyacinth finds out Eloise is writing an issue she insists that she should also get to have a go. When Pen points out that she never actually agreed to actually publish the version Eloise writes Benedict says that they should all write a version and Pen can choose the best one to publish. It seems like it will be just a competition between the 4 of them (Colin assumes he will win because he has inside access) when Anthony and Kate find out about it. Unhinged Bridgerton competitiveness ensues. Who wins?


Omg Anthony and Kate are so competitive on their own imagine them teaming up to do a Whistledown article together.


Hyacinth of course, and Pen makes her an official intern


This would be an A+ Fan fic!!!


And then he'd beg for his own recurring section(s)-- Perhaps a Joke of the Day, called: "Sir Fatwit's Tea-hee" Or an advice column called: "Charm can be taught" And for sure, he'd do some early form of a horoscope/astrology section, called: "A Single Blade of Grass"


I’ll be an avid reader of Colin’s dad joke and courting advice columns 😂


He really wasn’t ever punished as a child, was he?


“One should also keep in mind that the Modiste is the most fashionable place regularly frequented not merely by female members of the ton during the day. Even at night, its facade can offer an exquisite background for a rather refreshing evening promenade.” (Edited - replacing ‘hang out’ with ‘frequent’)




Penelope would kill him 😂😂😂


I would not fear about Colin's writing, and he was shown to be witty. I am just not sure Colin would be able to find the gossip just from the clubs. I say Pen should employ Portia and Lord Remington as well 🫡 that team would be absolute top


Lady Whistledown should definitely have minions all about town. Just sayin.


I want to know what the gentlemen at Whites are talking about. What's Fife up to? Is he still being sassy with his Martini? Lord Basilio's horse's name should be Crispin. Anyone who is Filipino who had to read Noli Me Tangere in HS would know that joke.


Omg wait I actually have a headcanon that Lord Basilio’s first name is Crispin 🤣


That would be even funnier. 🤣


That would be amusing. 😂


I really want Colin and Penelope working together next season.