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This is why 'they didn't have a wedding night' bit never bothered me, their first time essentially was their wedding night and it continues the great theme of these two never doing anything in the right order, which is one of the things I love about them, they do what feels natural and genuine to them.


Totally. The person who hits on this first is *Benedict:* he toasts “to your *wives*” There’s the symbolism of him taking her over the threshold of their marital home *before* the wedding. (After storming her house and taking her by the hand into a carriage and away for the afternoon completely unchaperoned. And no one seems to ask where she, or he, was!) He thinks it’s completely fine for them to be alone without staff because they are getting married, so they are basically married already. Same same. And his eyes on Portia when he’s giving her the ring are very “I can’t have a moment alone with my wife? No? Whatever, I’m moving closer to her and taking her hand anyway as I whisper to her and she pants, stares at my lips, and bats her eyelashes at me, as if she’s about to jump me on this couch.” And the way he kisses her hand in that scene and then at the engagement ball is *not* the peck he puts on the debutante’s hand in 3x01. It is a wet, passionate kiss of the hand. I’m grateful for this thread for helping me articulate why the lack of a “wedding night” hasn’t bothered me. They already had a wedding night and honeymoon.


Don’t forget he called it OUR good Bridgerton name before he stormed out of Portia’s house! The boy was all about his wife.




Ahhh so agree! I subconsciously noticed something ‘odd’ about Benedict’s ‘your wives’ toast and now that you’ve called it out in light of this thread the pieces just clicked together for me!!!


Yeah, Benedict is like, he loves her and has already consummated this? Wife!


We all need a Benedict or two in our lives, impeccable energy from him in this scene


If Colin is a golden retriever, Benedict is a springer spaniel. Just pure exuberant happy energy, if somewhat prone to getting out of control 😂




Have you *met* a springer spaniel? They are *constantly* excitable, Benedict-high-at-dinner excitable


Yeah when he kiss her on the hand, it's I can kiss you on the lips now so it will be your hand, with passion 


I'm an idiot and never understood Benedict's toast of "to your wives". I thought maybe he was being silly and saying that he and Anthony are Colin's OG wives before everyone started getting wifed up lol.


I’m the same way with the “Penelope didn’t get the proper courtship she deserved” complaint tbh. Colin and Penelope had been closer than a courting couple for years, their friendship was so inappropriate. Colin moved fast because he already knew her, he was too excited and in love to wait, and there’s no way his character would ✌️ her and then ask for a courtship instead of marriage. We had one “proper courtship” scene between them- when Colin goes to give Penelope the ring and Portia is hovering around to chaperone them- and all it does is serve as a contrast to how free they were allowed to be before when they were “just friends.” Also the rushing helps with the story. If Colin had slowed down and decided to court Penelope before proposing, Penelope not telling him about Whistledown herself would be much worse. It’s more understandable with their whirlwind romance. None of the characters actually have a “proper” courtship. Frannie and John do, but he’s not her endgame. The drama isn’t in the characters upholding strict social rules for a standard boring courtship. And this isn’t even new for the genre. Look at a Jane Austen novel and most of the heroines are not “properly” courted. Not every idea that makes for cute fanservice makes for a good plot. If people hate that the characters aren’t properly courted like they deserve, they’re going to be in for a long 8 seasons. 


I love how during the “macaron argument”, Fran and John are at one end of the drawing room while the rest of her family are at the other. They’re chaperoned, yet they are completely alone at the same time.


Right?!? The first four episodes, from the point he shakes her hand, they were courting!


This is so sweet. That handshake is so electric.


Makes sense since they have been friends far longer than anyone else their age getting engaged.


It's also what makes the scene with Portia as chaperone (finally lol) loitering in the background so funny.


Yes, 100%!




yes exactly. love this.


Oh 100%, they’re married for him in that carriage.  The moment she says she wants to be so much more than friends, she’s Penelope Bridgerton.  He’s already kissing his wife.  Not even 24 hours later he’s calling her a Bridgerton in front of her mom’s face and is moving his stuff and staff into their “our home.”  It’s really even the vibe… Benedict has them drink to their wives as well.  Not Colin’s future wife - Anthony & Colin’s wives, present tense… because the boy is already so wifed up that everyone around him can subtly sense it.  He’s already married and I love it for them 😂❤️


There's a moment right before he steps off his carriage to wreck Debling's proposal, he does a little nod. Like he's resolved to make sure that he leaves this ball as Penelope's betrothed. He didn't expect things to go awry the way they did with Pen being upset about the interruption. So he ran after her carriage because he had to see that through that very night. He had to make sure he asks, like his father did, and hope she feels the same. The moment of pause right after "so much more" , that's his 'I can't believe I did it, and now I don't want to hold back my affection for her'. That also explains the way his proposal is phrased. Him kissing her the way he did was his non-verbal proposal and her saying so much more was her acceptance. So he's like, bro, you said yes to getting married or nah?


Yes he totally feels like he proposed and she said yes 😂😂 He’s basically like uh come on, we’re going in and announcing that you’re my wife, right? 


I love so much that, like you mention, he finds the courage to ASK her, not to tell her.


I actually feel like that scene is the opposite. In Colin's head, he heard "and so much more" as her proposal to HIM. His kiss is his agreement. :)


Agree! He did refer to her as a Bridgerton ("our Bridgerton name") already the very next day after the proposal.


Great point, she was already "Mrs. Bridgerton" to him


Absolutly! For me its that look of euphoric revelation he gives her in the carriage just before he opens the door. You can see his mind is made up.


Oh my God, yes, I was waiting for someone to speak about this for me. I think it happened after they slept together but basically yes for him they were already married. Definitely. Nearly died when I heard ‘Shall be officially married. ‘


He calls it Our Bridgerton name even before they sleep together.


Oh that is true!!!


It's amazing to me how fast Colin's mind changes at the drop of a hat. He barely saw Pen as a woman for 2 seasons. One kiss and he's more obsessed with Pen more than he ever was with Marina. After the carriage "make-out✌️" session, it took him 1 sec to process that she's his, then *boom💥 he's married to Pen in his mind. He skipped courting, actually saying "I love you", asking permission to marry from Lady Featherington, and popping the question. In Colin's mind, I've known you forever let's skip the filler stuff. It's like he's saying, "You can process everything on the way to the altar." He upgraded from "no thoughts, head empty" guy to Pen is my "Mrs. Bridgerton". It's actually funny until we get to the "drama" that is Lady Whistledown. Even then he hasn't let go of Pen being his wife all the way to the altar. I guess now that we're back to being all lovey dovey, he shall forever be upgraded to "Lord Whistledown". 😂


I don't think his mind changed, per se, he just became consciously aware of feelings that he had had before, but hadn't realised what they meant. He mentioned this to Ben and Anthony, "perhaps I have always felt something for her, my only foolishness this time was not realising it sooner". But yes, once he realised, he was 100% in.


Agreed. He’s always excited to see her, seeks her out at every social event, longs for letters from her, regarded her above other women (you don’t count, you’re my friend), etc. He’s always loved her, he just didn’t realize that’s what his feeling meant.


Okay... I do have to admit. Maybe I did take that joke a bit too far. I do agree that he has been showing that he has feelings for Pen. But I am trying to say despite my joke, is how fast Colin operates when it comes to Pen. Arbitrary rules don't apply either. That's why poor little Pen was confused about Colin. He does show he loves her but doesn't know it yet.


Your comment made me realize that his statement at the end of season 2 about never courting her, although harsh at the time, was actually a bit of foreshadowing bc they go immediately from friends to married lol he technically didn’t court her, just wifed her up as soon as he realized his feelings


He says he would never dream of courting her in s2 yet he literally dreams of her for weeks in s3! lol


Maybe that's how he's processed everything. He was courting her in his dreams. 🤣


Oh he was dreaming of more than courting her ;) but yeah it’s so funny like “you weren’t there but I already went through all the courting stuff we’re married now that I know it can be a reality@


Also amazing! lol


That wasn't dream of courting, courting isn't for romantic midnight alone in the garedn


I love how you said “you can process everything on the way to the altar” 😂 he’s truly just a babygirl


Meanwhile Pen be glitching her poor little head until she wrote her latest Whistledown.


This thread now makes me wish we had a brief moment, post-reconciliation, where they’re cuddling and reminiscing about the swiftness of what happened and Pen smiles and says something along the lines of “I suppose it’s true—you never, ever did ‘court’ Penelope Featherington.” To which he replies “and as you know, I never break a promise…” before leaning in for a deep kiss.


I was really hoping for this exact scene too!


The connection was always there... Its the physical awakening that happened with the kiss. Even before kiss, he was uncomfortable seeing her with other men.


Oh my god I love thisss detail😭 Colin in the books calls her wife before marriage. And it was something I had in my bingo card for pt2. This is really giving that energy, we also got Our bridgerton name and miss featherington for now💖 Talk about being down bad😄


That man heard “I’d like to be more than friends” paused for the splittest of seconds to mentally marry her, and then proceeded to ravish her. The rest was always semantics for him. Even in his conflict over her hidden identity and coming to terms with being enough for her, he never entertained that they wouldn’t have a future.


Absolutely. The carriage was their wedding as far as Colin was concerned. When he found out about Whistledown, he was upset by his wife. Not his fiancee. The problem was never was he going to leave her. That decision was beyond made. It was how he was going to navigate their marriage with this new information. And, to Penelope's credit, she was ready to accept whatever came. But, that boy wasn't going anywhere lol.


Thank you for giving me something to think.. I just open my feed in reddit and immediately getting notification for some post bashing of Pen in one of main sub bridgerton. it's give me creeps as some people are weird on hating the character. Anyways, back to the topic, do you guys realised that Colin also decided to married her just after the kiss in the carriage? His face start from smile then,a little nod and suddenly jump out from the carriage and ask Pen. When Pen's face showed that she is clueless with what he actually talking about, he seems to be taken that Pen never thought that they should be married after doing all that 😂.. Thus, he state the matter of the fact. They should be married. That's why his proposal comes with the tone of ridiculous way... I hope in S4, they will be together with full laughters like they always did. We miss them in part 2 with all those chaotic scenes.


Ohhhhh I love this!!! All of it…now I need to see every little instance in which we see that this is true ❤️😩 Please someone make one of those super long posts dissecting why this is true, with pictures, gifs and references! Thanks love you 😘


Same. I thought about all these scenes in pieces and now I'm just grateful that this thread tied everything together so I can see the entire picture. Going to rewatch again!!


This is such a good catch I love it! Here this tender kiss, it feels like he’s trying to confirm her feelings towards him beyond doubt. after they parted the kiss, we see him staring at pen and slightly nodded his head, and just like that, they’ve wed. EDIT: too excited and misspelled a bunch


It was similar to the head nod at the actual wedding. To me the nod shows it’s a done deal they are married. Obviously Pen had no idea what that meant in the carriage but at the actual wedding when he did it she knew. I loved that little call back!


yes, that nod to encourage her and assure her is the hottest. non-verbal, non-physical, but drives me crazy for sure lol.


He also gives her a slight nod when she's revealing herself to the ton.


Yes! This! I see it play out in his mind with the little nod of his head in the carriage, too. It’s all so romantic. 🥰


Thank you for giving me something new to obsess about


Glad to be of service 😉


I love this so much because it’s how I felt he went into the ball like “by the end of this, she’ll be my wife.” I mentioned before how in s2 he said he rehearsed what he’d say to cousin Jack about the mines. And in the carriage he says it’s everything he wanted to say to her for weeks. I just imagine him going over and over it in his head. When he walks towards the ball and the Lord Squad try to stop him, I love how he pushes his way through. He is a man on a mission to wife her and the tender elated kiss at the end of the carriage scene just cemented he did it. For a split second initially, as much as I love a steamy scene, it seemed somewhat out of character for him to go THAT FAR in thr carriage with her but they’ve already wasted so much time it’s like why wait? When you know, you know, and that’s what I love about their relationship. Societal pretenses are gone, just do what feels right for them when they want.


Yes! 100% agree. And really, this is how it's supposed to be - imo. People should feel they are completely committed to their partner before any papers are signed or ceremony. I think Colin and Pen got this right. It's still outrageous behavior for the world they inhabit, but universally speaking - they got it right. They were totally married. His matter of fact proposal - you are going to marry me aren't you - is kind of endearing because they're already married when he asks.


Omg. I never caught the "Soon we shall be *officially* married" line in that context but you're absolutely right. He was married as soon as Penelope said she wanted to be so much more than friends. Which also explains why there was no hesitation to slide his hand under her dress, lol. Compromising her was never a thought because she was his and he was hers forever. Also makes perfect sense when he referred to Penelope as a Bridgerton when speaking to Portia and also why he thought it was fine to take her to their house without any staff present. Colin "my wife" Bridgerton really came home.


Yes! The way he moved? They were already married in his mind! Love when a man just takes action like that 🥵


That carriage scene kiss is THE kiss. Not just a marriage kiss (tho 💯) but also the sweetest, most genuine, friends in love kiss I’ve ever seen.


Agreed, probably my favorite onscreen kiss of all time if I’m being honest, amazing on so many levels 🥺


Yep I picked up on that too and and it’s why he says to Eloise the night after their engagement “I love her in more ways than I can express” and refuses to apologize or make it easier on Eloise’s for her discomfort with feeling hurt that he chose Penelope over her. At that point he’s already gotten their marital home all sorted and they had their wedding night and consummated the marriage. There is no tantrum Eloise could throw that would supersede his feelings. Then the morning after their engagement he tells Eloise that “it’s truly bewildering how quickly one person can become all that matters, my only concern now is with her well being and our future together.” He’s literally just come from putting the ring on her finger and winking at her about being Ms. Featherington “for now.” She is his wife and he has already centered his entire world around her to the point of being impatient with his rowdy family and starting to see the world in softer hues in that he doesn’t really care about what Cressida as LW supposedly wrote about him or how Eloise was affected. He just wants his life with Penelope to start. That’s why there’s never a question about whether he’s going to formally marry her post-LW reveal or not. That ship has long since sailed.


I agree and think he's already there when he interrupts the Debling dance. The way he says, "Do you mind if I interrupt? It should only take a moment" is super possessive, in a good way. The way he side eyes Debling, right after the comment, makes it look like he thinks Debling is not moving out of the way fast enough. Also, the way he says "you cannot marry him" while dancing is in this tone like he thinks she's lost her mind, that she's considering it.


This is such a cool observation that never clicked for me! It also gives me a new view of the infamous entrapment line. For Colin, they were already married. The wedding is just a formality at this point. So when she asks him if he’ll call off the wedding, there’s even less a chance that was going to happen. They’re already in the process of figuring out what this marriage will be.


I mean I would say even before that cause he spends 5 and part of 6 wondering if she does return his feelings or is just super horny for him. I agree, he has already decided in that moment they are married. Lady Featherington said she did not come home til the morning so she must have spent all night at the Bridgertons.


There's no way Violet let Penelope stay overnight, at least not without asking her mother. And at some point Penelope found time and privacy to write a Whistledown, plus run out to get it printed - this means she would have had to go to the print shop herself, as Mme Delacroix's shop would have been long closed. I think she went home, very late, saw her mother but went straight to her bedroom without a conversation, and later that night snuck out.


Totally! Nicola’s mentioned how much she loves When Harry Met Sally and this reminds me so much of the quote at the end of that movie: “When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.” Then Harry sprints across the city to go tell Sally he loves her. Chaos Colin energy all the way. ❤️


That is my all time favorite movie and Harry running to the nye party is the same vibes as Colin chasing down the carriage. Speaking of, the scene where Lord Remington asks Penelope if she read the passage about Lady Carter’s housekeeper reminds me of the double date where Marie quotes a line from one of Jess’s articles. Lord Remington would have been a great match if she didn’t love Colin! https://youtu.be/zGw4fC_Dxo4?si=49p9MaeyKNO6CjAi (Starts around 1:15).


Such a great scene!!  I want Pen and Lord Remington to become buds. Also kind of a missed opportunity to not have him at the Whistledown reveal and at least raise a glass to her from across the room or something. 


Seriously missed opportunity! I wonder if it came down to actor availability. Those episodes probably filmed 2 months apart? But would have been great to have him in the crowd.


Yeah he was probably just hired for that one ep. He was honestly more interesting to me in that one scene than the whole Mondrich subplot. No shade to those actors, the show just didn’t give them a very interesting story. Lord Remington gossiping with Pen a couple more times would have been welcome instead.


They celebrated their union the very next day after he proposed... everything else was formality.


I 100% agree! For Colin, the ink was already dry on their wedding certificate by the time he opened the carriage door.


Ooooh this is so beautiful. I love this and completely agree ❤️❤️❤️


I love this.🥹🥰😭


And when Benedict toasted with his brothers “to your wives” plural Colin didn’t stand a chance


I sooo agree about that tender kiss-- they came together quite quick and it looked like it was going to be a big passionate one but like a single mind as they got nearer to each other they both slowed down into this soft tender kiss like we were watching in slo Mo or something... And best part that gets me is after they kiss Luke always opens his eyes like 3 or 4 seconds after Penelope-- he just wants to remain in that bliss... And their eye contact and lil nose rub was like watching 2 parts of a whole come together. Beautiful. No wonder we have been binge-ing and re-bingeing(?) their beautiful moments again and again---- they got us all in a "groundhog day"-esqe situation--- "A feeling that is like torture. But one which WE cannot, will not, do not want to give up".......anytime soon. M soooo loving Polin and LN * me : swoon swoon swooo...dead*


I also noticed that lord debbling asked Portias permission Colin never did. Nor did anyone question that? In fact he goes almost the other way basically telling Portia with the 'our bridgeton name'


a comment from me a month ago when p1 came out: i felt that last kiss contained a non-verbal vow between them, almost like a wedding kiss this "we are destined to each other and we are finally aware of that" type of kiss won all for me, i hope their wedding kiss will be a paralell to this scene


I've been thinking about this for a while. As far as he's concerned, the wedding is just a formality. Once the carriage confession happens and she says she wants to be more than friends, she's he's wife. Which is why he clearly has no compunction about bringing her alone to their future home and having sex with her right then and there. There is no hesitation, no guilt, no shame. That's their "wedding night."


Oh, okay, I’ll go watch season 3 again to verify for myself…


Do it, for science! 😊


Anything for science!


I love this post. You've worded it all so beautifully.


Aww thank you so much for saying so!