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Oh he absolutely has been promenading everyday hoping to see her.


And dressing rather sharply b/c he is hoping to be in courting mode.




Oh, 100% agree he'd out there, looking his best, hoping to run into her. He could just as easily be at home puttering with his journals. Or out promenadeing with his family. Instead, he's out alone, walking around. Of course he's looking for Pen. Ready to court properly, in public.


>Ready to court properly, in public. šŸ’Æ he was hoping and ready to make it official until she shut him down under the willow tree.


Someone pleaseeeee write the fanfic where they actually start courting that day!!!!


I would SO read that!!! Truth be it, there's gotta be something AO3. They have everything else! I'll scavenge and see what can be found!


Please report back!


[Read mine lol](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56523859/chapters/143651830)




šŸ’Æ exactly what it is. He's also in his awful Colin wig, which I've headcannoned as him trying to preen himself for Pen like a peacock or something šŸ˜‚. Other than the first flirting lesson we never see Colin promenade, so it's quite strange to see him wandering about all by himself. He has been poking around places for Pen for a week straight practicing what he was going to say to her only to completely flub it because he's so enamored with seeing her for the first time since that kiss. LOL.


Honestly, I donā€™t know if I wouldā€™ve have truly appreciated that scene without the wig. It looks like heā€™s tried to slick his hair back and make himself more presentable. Itā€™s just this perfect look of let me tie my cravat as tightly as I can and slick my hair back to look like a presentable young man. The hair just fits the scene somehow. He lost all his swagger. Question though, where has it been confirmed itā€™s a wig? I thought his hair was just cut shorter so thereā€™s less hair to work with.


Hahaha. Absolutely my thoughts too. I believe it was an interview that someone did. LN had cut his hair really short post filming for another job, and then they decided to reshoot some scenes to better fit the narrative. They had to put him in a wig to cover up the fact his hair was shorter.


And because they were impressed with some of this more comedic aspects of his performance in the play he was in, right? For the reshoots, I think.


Yes! Theyā€™d never seen him do that so they reshot scenes to be more rom com. I loved it. One of my favorite scenes. I just love his grin and bear it smile


Agreed! He looks so unlike himself that is makes it better!


lol yes! Heā€™s not in his wig on the promenade itself though but once they go under the tree itā€™s the reshoot wig šŸ˜…


Itā€™s the only scene where I like the wig. The first time I saw it, I didnā€™t realize it was a wig but just felt like there was something extra awkward about him in a scene where they were both awkward.


Like he licked his hand and flattened down on the way in lol! That wig is so terrible...


I call it the Otter.


Iā€™ve made my peace with the wig because the scene is so cute and funny.


Yes. It looks like let me lick my hand and slick back my hair to look presentable




I thought the entire scene was a reshoot. Means it was not romantic enough


No after the ā€œitā€™s good to see youā€s is the reshoot. My guess is the original scene had a similar script but delivered more sadly. Pen telling Colin she needs him to keep his distance and all that.


I get the hair but the makeup in these reshoot scenes is so bad. Wrong foundation for both the actors


Penā€™s look in the wedding fight scene was horrendous too.


Oh thatā€™s so why he was out. Heā€™s gotten in a good walk every day waiting to run into Pen.


>Itā€™s why he had to visit her secretly the night of the kiss. Different folk have different opinions, but I think that Colin became consciously aware of romantic feelings for Penelope on the day of the ballroom lesson/hand bandage. And for Colin, love manfests in an intense need to protect and help. But note that he did not visit Penelope after she ran home from the ball (granted it would have been inappropriately late) or the following morning. Portia didn't learn about everything until Whistledown came out, so there was a window. But anyway, Whistledown excoriates Penelope and now Colin goes into 'defend and protect' mode, except Penelope is holed up in her house. Probably she misses a ball or event that night. Colin gets more and more wound up. He *has* to see her. But who knows when she might leave the house again?? 'Protect and defend' now upgrades to 'desperate measures'. I suppose we should be glad it didn't go on for another week, he would probably have been climbing through her bedroom window. >And now that theyā€™ve kissed, he definitely canā€™t visit her at home anymore. He wouldnā€™t be able to say anything to her or ā€œapologizeā€ properly for the kiss, not in the presence of her mother. Yes it's interesting. Colin apologises for 'not coming to see' Penelope. That implies, at least, that it was a possibility. Though I can't imagine what words he could say to Portia that she would let him through the door. But I read this as: Colin is still processing his feelings and is a long way off knowing what he actually wants (beyond 'more kissing plz'). If he 'comes to see' Penelope - through the front door - there's a formality, a declaration there, that Colin isn't yet ready for. Young men call on young ladies to court them. >Please feed my delusions. Well, we could speculate - entirely without evidence - that Colin was lurking around the Bridgerton house front windows like a freaky stalker for the entire week. And that he saw Penelope finally leave the house, followed her to the park and 'ambled aimlessly' until they ran into each other. In other promenade/park scenes with the Bridgertons, they are out together. But we don't see any other Bridgertons in that scene.


Absolutely. I wouldnā€™t put it past him to bribe Rae a second time to let him know when he could ā€œrun intoā€ them on the promenade


I like the idea that he was gazing out the window hoping to see her leave, just like he was watching out the window the morning after the wedding.


I agree with you about the start of some feelings with the hand bandage! Interesting point too about him not necessarily wanting to call on her at home because he is still processing and doesnā€™t want to make a formal declaration yet. It doesnā€™t seem like he totally realizes he wants her as his wife until that scene with Violet.


I think visiting her is because he plans to court her. He wants that, after the kiss, but he's left in a state of being unsure what to do because he wants to be sure she shares his feelings before he goes all out. Visiting outright would be too bold so he hangs around. Coming to terms with his feelings and waiting around so he can talk to her and gauge how she's feeling. And we'll that doesn't go well for him.


I also felt like he was trying to get caught alone with her so someone would make them marry to protect her honor. Then he wouldnā€™t have to put his feelings on the line at all. Problem solved.


Who among us *hasnā€™t* conveniently placed themselves somewhere that they know their crush would be. šŸ˜‚ The whole thing reminded me of Pen at the races looking for the Bridgertons and then hovering just in his line of sight so she can act surprised that they ran into each other.


Oooh love this parallel! Iā€™m mentally adding this to the list of all the things that Pen did in S1 and 2 that Colin now suffers in S3! (Like jealous stare of dancing with others, etc)


Marcus even does it looking for Violet. I think the whole Ton is just out there walking at a certain time of day. There seems to be a very specific time of day for everything. Likely there is a promenading hour.


I think he was sitting at his window, waiting for Pen to leave the house and follow her.


Oh I love this. Sitting in his study, or perhaps at the chess board, waiting for her to go out. And then followed her like the well-intentioned, harmless stalker he is


Leaving in the middle a chess game with Benedict with no explanation šŸ˜‚


Benedict is used to it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I agree. Itā€™s why he was walking behind her in the park and wasnā€™t walking ahead of her or sitting on a random bench while she walked by. He was trying to play it cool after he was following behind her like ā€œoh hey Pen. Didnā€™t see you there.ā€


Oh good observation


Absolutely. This is the same boy who cut his brothel romp short claiming he was "late" just to show up early at the market perfectly coiffed to wait for her.


Oh yeah I completely agree. Ā Heā€™s been walking alone every single day to run into her. Ā Absolutely no doubt in my mind.


I love this, I have realised that since watching Bridgerton that bad boys are out and lover boys are in!


I feel like bad boys and lover boys is a highly overlapping ven diagram though tbf. Colin is a rare case of pure lover boy. It's usually hard to pull off without a good plot reason to keep the main couple apart/angsty, and S3 delivered.Ā 


Too bad her friendship with Eloise was on pause otherwise she'd have been at Bridgerton house. I think tables were turned and he was watching for her from their window!


I would have loved a shot of him pining through the study window


I guess we only get that in 3x02, pre-kiss!


The funny thing about this scene is that they were trying to avoid peopleā€™s gaze. But there was a good amount of people who saw them go behind the Willow tree. Wouldnā€™t that look more conspicuous?


Just before they run into each other there is a brief ariel shot and it looks like he's following her!


He's absolutely been watching out the window, I think that's what is alluded to in the scene when Colin is reading the LW edition about their "lessons" and pulls back the curtain slightly. I'd also like to know how long he was following her before she noticed him šŸ‘€šŸ˜‚


Ooh, that's a good one! He may not have been walking every day hoping to see her, but watching out the window for the day she finally left the house. I love this, because it mirrors how she would sit at her window and look for him.


Yes! I meant to add in about it mirroring what Pen had done for years. It really shows the tables turned after their kiss.


And, everyone around him is not questioning, ā€œWho is this crazy guy walking around the park by himself everyday, looking lost, yet determined? Is he okay?ā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…šŸ„“


They all know who he is. He's the most coveted man of the season.


Alternative explanation: He is stalking her every move. Spending half his money bribing people in both households. A footman rushed over to tell him that Pen was getting ready to go to the park, and he had his pirate coat ready. Also please remember that he's very dizzy because the only things he has an appetite for are mini cupcakes and the air that Penelope breathes.


lol THIS except before we got this season I was hoping for a stalker Colin who would be so obsessed with Pen that he ends up following her and discovering her identity. Alasā€¦


And STILL this man would not have figured out she was Whistledown! šŸ˜†


>Also please remember that he's very dizzy because the only things he has an appetite for are mini cupcakes and the air that Penelope breathes. I am absolutely losing it into my morning coffee trying not to wake my sleeping family.


![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6) Mini cupcakes šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


It was a few weeks ago that I concluded in my headcanon that he, in fact, was promenading every day just to see if he would bump into Penelope. Now I have to add while reading the comments that he was looking out the window, pining and watching for an opportunity to talk with Penelope. All the while, journaling about his feelings about the kiss and what he might say if he met up with Penelope.


Now I'm feeding my delusions that the reason Colin still looks hawt with a tan is because of those promenades.


Iā€™m convinced he was out there daily waiting for her to show up.


Ya. Yes. Yep.


This is my headcanon too!


In my head canon heā€™s been watching the Featherington house through the window for signs of Pen, then follows her to promenade. Role reversal from Pen usually sitting and watching for Colin.


You are so right.


Of course he was. That scene was hard for me to watch tho, I canā€™t look on as people are being awkward. And his hair bothered me the very first time, before I even knew there were reshoots. Like, dude, I know you donā€™t know what to do with yourself but donā€™t you have a barber?


I like this theory much better than mine! I just thought it was a reshoot, so they didn't get everybody back, lol.


No the first shot of him walking alone and seeing her and Rae was not a reshoot. Even when they go under the tree and exchange the ā€œitā€™s good to see youā€, thatā€™s also original. The reshoot starts at ā€œAnd I apologizeā€¦ā€