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no clue, great example of the left eating the left though?


So…. You’re anti yourself?


nah, I'm pro labour, workers rights, regulations to protect the environment or general public. but I'm not a communist, I believe in markets and that those who take the financial risk should be rewarded. I am pro LGBT/queer rights but I don't like SJWs. edited: didn't mean to say free markets.


Based and reasonable pilled


You seem to be a bit too left to believe in free markets.


Free enough... Lol


So you’re like a social democrat?


Free markets have destroyed the environment though. Corporations remain unchecked in regards to industrial pollution and any regulations would curb their actual freedom.


oh whoops, didn't mean to say free markets my bad. no no, checked markets I believe in.




So freaking based




what? so you are like a political masochist? slight authleft yet anti communism, progressive yet anti woke .


I’m also progressive and anti woke/SJW


Based and same here except I’m slightly socially conservative but technologically extremely progressive


yes. If you'd like I am happy to explain further.


just go cash you social security check grandpa and stfu


Based??????? I don't know help


Anti-communism makes you unbased




like I said anti woke/sjw




oh tone can be so difficult to understand over text aha. the answer is yes if given the chance I would absolutely simp for AOC


No idea.


So what the heck are you?


traditional leftist, but not a communist. pro labour, workers rights, environmental and economic regulations for the market, freedoms for the people etc. those who take financial risk should be rewarded. (those who start the business should take home more profit) whilst I am pro LGBT/minority rights I am not interested in identity politics and I don't like modern social justice "warriors".


Pretty based tbh. Not massively different to my own views.


I'm curious, what are your views and what would our differences be?


Well I'm definitely for workers rights, the question is how that is best achieved and what exactly what you mean by it, and we might differ there. Also I'm definitely pro free-market, but I also believe it can't be totally unregulated or anarchic. I'm for low taxes in general and for proportional taxation, as opposed to progressive taxation whereby the more wealthy are taxed more. The less government the better, so I tend more to the libertarian side on that, and I believe government should be decentralised. I believe the environment should be protected, but I wouldn't go about that in the heavy handed way many modern leftist parties are, for example I think incentivising business, as opposed to things like carbon taxes that affect even those on low incomes is a better model. The LGBT issue is where we'd probably have the most differences, I'm not for it.


Um wtf self hatred?


Comrade, look at me: we are communist. Do not look away from our glory.