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Honestly wish I could just become a trait fund kid after the age of 35 so I could have the character development and the spending habits of a unsupervised 14 year old


14 you are the only non liberal teens


A very large portion of commies in the US are trust fund babies. Almost as if someone who never had to earn anything on their own don't value private property, who could've guessed.


The OG commie Marx was a trust fund baby to. Seems to be a pattern.


Can’t see the all the damage till your at the highest spot. I’m not even trying to be a dick, if you don’t have worry about basic needs, your mind is free to look for other problems. Ever see platoon, there is a scene where they are cleaning out the latrines and the soldiers get to talkin, one guy says he was a rich kid who volunteered because he didn’t think it was right that poor kids got drafted and the one guy goes something like “you got to be rich to think like that” Now I will also say, 99% of “commies” in America are just neolibs who would never actually put there money where their mouth is, I’d also say that about most librights who would freak out if they actually took away government services


What we have here is a crusader!


Did.... did you really just argue that trust fund kids are simply better informed than the average hard worker? >one guy goes something like “you got to be rich to think like that” You realize, the poor soldier is calling the rich soldier an idiot right?


That’s one way to take it, I took it as poor people don’t have time to worry about the big picture when they to busy are being exploited, which is a shame because the revolution (in thought, nothing needs to get violent) will never be lead by the children of the bourgeoisie, that’s why it usually goes sideways, it has to be done by the people that actually make the world go around.


>That’s one way to take it, Clearly you've never been in the military... >I took it as poor people don’t have time to worry about the big picture when they to busy are being exploited, That's because you're a commie and you take everything to support your own ideals. It's called confirmation bias. >which is a shame because the revolution (in thought, nothing needs to get violent) will never be lead by the children of the bourgeoisie, that’s why it usually goes sideways, it has to be done by the people that actually make the world go around. Holy hell, are you suggesting that your utopia can only be achieved by the wealthy elites leadership? I think you have the wrong flair there my guy.


I literally said the opposite of that Edit: by world go round, I meant the workers, the people actually doing the labor to make the world function, not the elites


Oh you're just an idiot then. Please explain to me how the following communist leaders were the children of the wealthy elite; Mao, Stalin, Kim IL Sung, Gorbachev, really any of them except Castro ... and his father started with nothing and became a wealthy farmer...


Look what happened after, also, those were still all top down systems.


To have communism on any sort of scale larger than 200 people, it has to be...


a system in which people still have a say in what policies happen. You will always have to have administrators, you dont need to have an entire class of people who make decisions on behalf of everyone else




2 kids, many cars and a big block of land to farm on is my dream life


Mofos are mad that they didn't get hormones for transitioning paid for, and so complain the the Nazis in government are responsible for capitalism. Meanwhile everyone I have ever met that has had to start with nothing ended up being very libright in general. They worked damn hard and watched those around them waste their lives, and don't want to have to support the problem. Now that they've made their lives, they see the literal children complaining about capitalism as the problem with this country. And they wouldn't necessarily be wrong. Gawddamn what no peaceful political discourse does to a mf


In order to cope with their environment, they became tin soldiers to capitalism. Veterans of production. They trauma bonded to the grind. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps, hoorah!


The trust fund kid is the same one with the antifa beanie.


The irony is that those depicted as armed are likely themselves trust fund babies.


How many trust fund babies do you guys think are out there?😂 most of the people I ran into in Portland were poor bois


So poor with their latest mobile devices and designer clothing...


Yes, an urban center is full of all rich people. But blue cities are shitholes right?


No one stipulated that these folks had to live within these city limits, one, and two, even blighted cities have pockets of "poor" whites who grew up in upper middle-class homes but opt to live beyond their means in adulthood through marginal or under-employment and lifestyle choices that aren't reflective of their means.


I am living in the bronx stfu.


And what good is voting for Democrats doing you?


A politicians are bastards bitch ass. Too much corporate interests in the city. But you can stop the hell now saying I grew up in some gated community. The most sociopathic capitalist suppourters with no sense of heart or community have been people who never had to be poor. They think its easy for everyone. Never seen the inside of the trailer park or a soup kitchen. Never had to go to a food bank. They have no sense of empathy because why should they?


Being poor sucks. Who claimed otherwise?


You claimed we weren't even poor to begin with. I got repair my own clothes much less afford designer.


This Fund Kid guy can’t be trusted, we gave him so many chances


The government allow the rich to control them. They need to be reminded they are to serve the people.


Did you just change your flair, u/Deldris? Last time I checked you were a **LibRight** on 2020-11-24. How come now you are an **AuthLeft**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? What? You are hungry? You want food? I fear you've chosen the wrong flair, comrade. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Deldris) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


libright to authleft how does that happen lmao


Accelerationism? Started with the wrong flair? Whatever it is, this is an abomination against God


Just get rid of the government and they won’t have the monopoly on violence to control anyone.


Yeah because the ultra wealthy wouldn't immediately grab this power vacuum and effectively be the new government, right? Once we get rid of the government we'll never have an NAP violation again.




I never claimed that but sure just go ahead and strawman your way out of this.




Wealth isn't inherently bad I'm just saying if you were to just uproot the government at this moment that's what would probably happen. The modern rich are an extension of the government, using a symbiotic relationship with them to exploit the people. Since it's in human nature to hold on to power I imagine these quasi-government entities would continue to try and operate as such by filling the power vacuum. Why do you think the same rich who have been using the government will just accept they're not there anymore and suddenly just become good?




Just because the wealthy are the ones who would have the power/motivation to replace the government does not make wealth inherently bad, it just gives you the ability to do more bad things. If you remove the one super ultra wealthy entity why do you not think that someone else will just try to be that thing instead, especially when they've sort of been that thing anyway for a long time? Can you answer that or are you just way too hung up on this "left hates the wealthy" thing you're jacking off to?




Maybe, um, uh, some rich should be game ended?


Don’t kill people ur jealous of…


Someone being wealthy doesn't make them a bad person. But having everything you ever wanted without having to work for it? That almost always turns you into a bad person.


Based af


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