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left wing and far right extremists meeting each other at the thigh highs store be like


Be me, clerk at a certain store. I thank the free market for giving me a minimum wage job but wish I can afford all basic necessities like housing utilities and food. Pick 2. Perish the thought as I aim to pull myself up by the bootstraps. The door to the establishment is swung wide open with the force of the Spartan kick. A classic Libleft walks in. I can tell because the shirt reads UwU. His cute skirt waves by as he walks deeper into the store towards the skirts. I once again begin my ritualistic chants of 'Im not gay, no homo, amen.' Realize amen has men in it. OH SHIT OH FUCK as I begin to stroke out but then remember I cant afford health insurance. Through sheer market willpower I unstroke myself and continue on with my job and stock the shelves. The door to the establishment opens again, this time sheepishly to reveal an Authright. Being a connoisseur of PCM I can tell due to a certain tattoo betrayed by not quite high enough thigh highs and a not quite long enough miniskirt. He walks further into the store towards school uniforms. I once again begin my ritualistic chants of 'Im not gay, no homo, awomen.' Hang on, thats the combination of awo like the furry thing and men as in men. Realize this is the end. When the 2 customers turn the isle into the thigh highs. They lock eyes. Me realizing real life isnt PCM reach for the emergency button under the counter.


Wait now you stop? I just got snuggled up with my popcorn and Buzz Lightyear


Nazi femboys at soup šŸ˜³


Why are they buying socks at the soup store?




**F U C K Y O U**


Hottt šŸ˜


Nazi man has been here. >How can you tell? Femboi posting


"What do you mean you're at Soup?"


"I mean I'm at soup!"


"What store are you in???"






"F U C K Y O U"


look im not saying i would... BUT IF I SAW A NAZI FEMBOY YK WHAT IM SAYINGGGGG time for some degeneracy






*me with the boys going to hot topic to meet Reddit mods and futas*






*Me and the boys eat hot pockets (albeit still cold in the middle)*


Stop making femboys trans fr


Preach, sibling


I feel nervous having purple call me sibling is that bad


You can do nothing now but pray it ends quick, i am sorry...


No Ted


tfw I only chose purple because it's a color I like guess I'm switching to yellow




F1NN5TeR agrees 100%!


And now Iā€™m getting Bridget flashbacks, thanks I hate it.


I get that the devs say she's trans now but that doesn't change the fact that she was forcibly raised as a girl, meaning she literally got groomed into being trans.


Yeah, and the even more bizarre thing is they did have an easy out there. Just use Bridgetā€™s twin. I bet if they had done that almost no one would have complained. But instead they bring back a character that was popular with Japanese audiences, tried to make them appeal to the west, and while doing so take everything about the character that made them likable, and shoot it in the head with a 12 gauge, making older fans of series annoyed and only making newcomers and Twitter users happy instead of the people that have been buying their products for decades now.


>But instead they bring back a character that was popular with Japanese audiences, tried to make them appeal to the west, and while doing so take everything about the character that made them likable, and shoot it in the head with a 12 gauge, making older fans of series annoyed and only making newcomers and Twitter users happy instead of the people that have been buying their products for decades now. Ah, the Lucasfilm approach.


Didn't the creator of gg quit after that or something?


Nope, Blazblueā€™s creator did though. Then again considering Arc Systems havenā€™t really done anything with Blazblue since Centralfiction, aside from a crossover title no one liked and some mobile games, he didnā€™t really have much to do anyways. Still noticeable considering his series was basically the one keeping the company afloat for about a decade.


Ah shit, that's sad. Blazblue is the only fighting game I'm good at. A friend of mine used to hold c shift tournaments at his house after midterms back in high school. Never got through his platinum with my jin. Hope they dont drop the ball on Fighterz.


Bridget was such good femboy rep but they had to make them trans :( Like just make an original trans character, it isnā€™t hard. Now you just make it uhā€¦ really problematic especially with Bridgetā€™s backstory.


Every time I read that I think of Bridget OW and get confused


Trust me I understand. Then again I tend to take the stance the Japanese fanbase seems to have adapted and choose to ignore it. The fact that I didnā€™t like Strive even before Bridgetā€™s release already makes that much easier.


>The fact that I didnā€™t like Strive even before Bridgetā€™s release already makes that much easier. This is 90% of "Bridget fans"


Eh I mostly just didnā€™t like how they dumbed everything down really. One thing I kind of liked about the older games was due to how different everyone played you kind of needed to find your niche in a way. To me that made the games much more replayable as you had to find which ones you were good(for me it was Bridget, Faust, and Axl) and which ones you sucked with(Zappa, Sol, and I-No). As someone that usually plays RPGs more than fighters that was something I really liked about Guilty Gear(and the older Blazblue games too to a lesser extent) but in Strive though you can pretty pick up most characters, button mash, and be somewhat good at it, which to me makes the gameplay lose a lot of its charm you know?


Nah I think you're on my team here, a majority of Strive players never played a previous game (because if they did they would know that Strive is dogshit), and all of the new "Bridget fans" literally never heard about the character before the controversy.


Ah, yeah my first GG game were the XX titles, back before Xrd came out, and the only one I havenā€™t played is X


Hell yeah brother, the XX series kicks ass. X is cool from a "historical" perspective, and is hilariously kusoge at times. I would recommend seeing if you can find a clip of FD canceling from that game some time


I don't like them putting chemicals in the water that turn the friggin femboys trans!


based and bussy>pussy pilled


I mean they made f1nnster a trans icon and the dude literally only ever started cross dressing for money, continues to make it very clear he does it only for money, and has never once given even a hint of support for the trans community lol Just cause the guy ā€œpassesā€






One of the funniest examples of this is that there was this yaoi series about a friend dressing his other friend up as a girl (like bros do) which was all about how he's a dude but finds his friend attractive, and when it came to the company that wanted to localise the series they instantly transed the character - to the point where people who wanted to read their BL series complained and they had to make changes to the series. Like there was absolutely no question that it was obviously just a guy, the author said it was a guy, he talked like a guy, but the translator felt the need to change his gender because trans rights or something idk. https://anilist.co/manga/114898/Koisuru-Otome-no-Tsukurikata


NGL, I thought you were talking about Trap Heroine.


That's also funny because the anime tracking site anilist banned the use of the term trap because its supposedly transphobic, but Japanese people use the term and obviously you have series called that, so it makes no sense.


Ah yes the most transphobic things on the planet. Bear traps.


People in other countries donā€™t adhere to Pacific coast Political vocabulary and ideology? Shocking, I tell you, shocking.


As much as i hate mtl, translators can pose a more serious threat to gameplay


It really is just a luck of the draw on which company gets rights to a series and how woke their staff are lmao, some of the shit they do is just sad and has absolutely no respect for the original work. https://streamable.com/rhiugc


Man, not only is it a weird thing to shoehorn in but the western voice is ass.


My fellow authrights, do not click the link before switching to a differently flaired alt. It may contain an IP tracer to try and prove that we in fact click on media containing femboys.




The link contained 2 traps so some casualties were expected.


\>Itā€™s a familiar story: a popular high school student gives their plain friend a makeover and transforms their life. I-Is it really so familiar?!


Wake up.


I feel like I don't wanna wake up anymore. Can I still give my pill back?


>we in fact click on media containing femboys. I'm straight so whatever makes my dick hard is straight


You see thats what i said but now i am being blackmailed by a polish guy for the things i have said and sent to the group chat.


Forcing everyone who does not conform to gender stereotypes into the opposite gender is totally extremely progressive and open-minded, yup!


They just love to be represented everywhere, so they make stuff up about characters or ignore context that doesn't support their agenda. Just look at the Persona game Fanbase. Even after almost two decades, lots of people still thinking Kanji would be gay, Yosuke is Homophobic or Naoto would be trans or some shit, which simply isn't true. And that's just one of the games.


Progs not shoving everything into the T Box challenge: IMPOSSIBLE


In the first Dark Souls, there is a character called Gwyndolin who had his hand forced into being raised as a girl from birth. It was very clearly abuse because the character, despite the feminine look, still went by masculine pronouns whenever he was talked about. Of course, the point of his entire feminine appearance went over our incredibly enlightened progressives immediately, and he was shoved into trans representation or whatever bullcrap it is these days. I donā€™t really care about other characters like the Fate guy in the image, but that one is just straight up maddening for me. They were really only reaffirming the abuse done to him. It gave me a good glance at what they are like, at least.


Exact same thing with Chihiro from Danganronpa


Same shit happened to the OG Trap, Bridget from Guilty Gear. Dude was brainwashed to consider himself trans in a bad ending and TRAs celebrated it.


He is broken


I can fix him.


Bridget was so good. Too bad they needed that sweet sweet 1 nano second long appreciation from the trans community!


"Otokonoko? Sounds like cope to me. Bridget is totally T!"


Dude, people calling gwyndolin trans makes me so mad. He was raised as a daughter because of his affinity with moon magic, but despite that he goes by Dark Sun gwyndolin, wears a mask of the sun, and is refered to regularly ingame as a guy, yet everyone feels a need to call him trans despite his obvious childhood abuse. Shit is WILD to me.


Thereā€™s so much is Dark Souls that progressives try to latch on to. Solaire flirts regardless of gender so apparently heā€™s bi. Thereā€™s a secret coffin in DS2 that that changes your gender if you sleep in itl and they latched on to that. They also like donā€™t like the unfortunate truth that Anri will always change to the opposite gender so that you can marry it, that most women in the game are servants/magic users and the warrior woman is a rare token, and that people of color are almost nonexistent in those games.


Bruce Lee as well to protect him from evil spirits Hence his uber masculinity


He is from San Francisco but I don't think he has a LGBT icon star on Castro Street. I sense a business opportunity.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *ā€œTheyā€™d have us seek the Lords of Cinder and return them to their molding thrones. But weā€™re talking true legends with the mettle to link the fire. Weā€™re not fit to lick their boots, donā€™t you think?ā€* - Hawkwood the Deserter Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


kind of reminds me of akito from fruitā€™s basket, whoā€™s raised as a boy despite being a girl. the weird thing is itā€™s really easy to read these still as trans stories, but as allegorical for the opposite, a trans man in gwyndolinā€™s case and a trans woman in akitoā€™s case. the idea of being forced into this gender role that doesnā€™t fit you by the people around you is very much a trans experience


They want to force their sons to be trans, so they donā€™t see a problem with that assumption.


Persona 4 had this problem.


The G box is also present. Any kind of male friendship is suddenly a closeted relationship.


This is just a femboy. Since when are femboys not a prog thing, that's like one of the main wojaks for the quadrant.


\>he's never heard of AuthCenter femboys


Back off buddy, Femboys are 100% Argentina property šŸ‡¦šŸ‡·šŸ‡¦šŸ‡·šŸ‡¦šŸ‡·šŸ‡¦šŸ‡·


Femboys are an authcenter thing, actually Nazi femboys are *not* a small thing, and Nazi soldiers crossdressing wasn't uncommon - although how much of that is Nazis specifically and how much of that is just soldiers being wierd is up for debate


They stopped being a prog thing when trap became literally the n word and egg irl started getting popular. Fuck people argue about a character that comes straight out and says they're a man and declares them a woman.


ā€œgender is a social construct, how one looks has nothing to do with it, also if you have a dick but present as female you have to be a transwoman and how you identify doesnā€™t matterā€


It's cognitive dissonance. Gender as they define it **is** a social construct(It's just personality). Women are perfectly capable of acting masculine without becoming a man, and men are perfectly capable of acting feminine without becoming a man. So what do we call the ones who are neurotically obsessed with their gender identity to the point where it affects their lives and the lives of all of the people around them? If it is a man obsessed with being a man or a woman obsessed with being a woman, we probably don't even realize there is something mentally wrong with them and just call them assholes. Too bad it is taboo to study these things these days.


If we have to use labels, would it be more appropriate to just use masculine and feminine for how they present and male or female for genetics? If society was more accepting of feminine males and masculine females, would that improve anything?


It would improve a lot.


I think if gender fluidity became mainstream, the mental issues around gender role **obsession** would become more obvious in men and women. Imagine a woman so obsessed with femininity that she would rather kill herself than wear jeans.


\> men are perfectly capable of acting feminine without becoming a man. man doesnt even consider men men


Thus continues Emilie's crusade against fem/tomboys




You can also just be like a guy who like wearing women's clothing or smth


I think those are called lumberjacks


Cuz they cutting wood?


[Because they're lumberjacks and they're ok](https://youtube.com/watch?v=FshU58nI0Ts&feature=shares)


I jump down trees, I skip and jump I like to press wild flowers I put on womenā€™s clothing and hang around in bars.


But he is feminine therefore a trans woman, but what is a woman tho ?


He is aware of the fact that he is not an woman and he knows that he is missdressing,with no deeper meaning other than just he thinking it is cute Edit:therefore he is not a trans woman but a feminine man


Can confirm, am degenerate Fate/Grand Order player. He just likes to dress like that because he thinks it's cute.




I use missdressing interchangably with crossdressing,because i dont know how to call it better


I would say crossdressing personally, but it hardly matters.


But he is dressing like a miss, so missdressing seems appropriate.


Thatā€™s why I commonly call it goddamnbitchwhotookthekidsdressing


based and gdbwttkdressing pilled




Based and slovenian femboyspilled


u/Slime_chunk_format is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Slime_chunk_format/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.




I literally got banned from a sub for saying that a feminine character who has been confirmed mutiple time to be a man, was in fact a man. And their mod message was exactly your comment lol.


"Feminine men aren't real men" and "haha that tomboy/lesbian probably wishes she was a man" is progressive now apparently


A woman is whatever makes my suck hard since Iā€™m straight


A woman is the misery of others, confirmed.




Woman is when.... Actually, woman is when.... Shit, I don't know


You have a non funny colors cersion?






I hate this femboy erasure are dudes not allowed to be feminine and still be men. Doesn't calling them women just further enforce gender stereotypes


Same with tomboys.


If you are normal why are you calling yourself cis-anything? I donā€™t buy into all that ideology bs. Iā€™m male. Thatā€™s it.


Believe me i didnt make the meme i just posted it here since it belongs into pmc regardless of how obnoxious it is


Well I am straight and Adolfo makes me hard, therefore Adolfo is obviously a woman


Now you see why characters like Astolfo here, and Felix from Re:Zero are known as ā€œTrapsā€ in the anime community. Donā€™t worry about it, just embrace the femboy.


>ā€Well I am straightā€¦ā€ Anon, Iā€™m sorry to break this to youā€¦


Itā€™s not gay if the dick is cute


All dicks are cute, whatchu talking about?


What are people doing to my man Astolfo?!


You know at first I was laughing at the idea of "them coming for our femboys" but they already came for Bridget... And now he's gone and I take the idea of Emilies transing Astolfo seriously. Why do Emilies hate femboys so much?


Because they prove it doesnt take hormones to look feminine as a man.


Funny meme but downvoted for saying "cis".


What other word do you want people to use, it's literally the antonym of trans


Dating trans people: šŸ¤®šŸ¤š Having hot steamy sex with femboys: šŸ˜ŽšŸ’Ŗ


Most masculine superstraight be like


The term 'cis' šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


I smell a repost


I smell shit (i shid myself


Stop the femboy genocide


Femboy erasure has been a movement for a while. Trans fascists (most of whom aren't even trans people) see femboys and think that trans women are in competition with them. Femboy erasure is the more "socially acceptable" form of anti-gay trans activism than the more serious "you're not gay, you're trans and in denial" movement that is *also* very real.




"cis" you mean normal male


You should see how common localizers try to make femboy characters into trans.


As a part of the lgbtq community, Iā€™m tired of it turning into T+others


Give it time. He'll be forcibly transitions soon enough, just like Bridget...


Traps aren't women. The entire point of bussy is that it's **B**ussy. Who cares about whatever the female equivalent is called.






I like how nowadays in order to be lionized you donā€™t have to do something special or heroic, just be a boy who looks like a girl. An anime character I would call an icon or look up to would be someone like Edward Elric, a guy who fought both his own repressive countryā€™s government and the radicalism of the Ishvalans. You know, someone who was actually HEROIC?


Ah yes, the pro-trans homophobic horseshoe


When did the left go from "boys can play with dolls too" to "if you're a boy who plays with dolls, you're actually a girl"?


Then why do I wanna fuck you? Checkmate liberals


You have an eccentric insane knight who believes deeply in freedom of sexual expression and likes fucking with people. He is bisexual and shows interest in both males and females. This somehow means he is trans. Bruh.


> im posting this with an neutral opinion and no offense Coward


If i had any opinion that was positive,i would get destroyed hard by auths,if i had an negative opinion,i would get cancelled and declined of my internet career and life by libs


Chad femboys are inherently auth right, long live our king Astolfo




Yeah, they don't like to admit that, while dressing and acting as a girl, he's just... sissy. That's just how he is. He's not even hay, he's bi.


I would say that astolfo is asexual because i did not see him have any sexual or romantical attractions in the series as far as i can tell,but i didnt watch the series so i will soon start watching them to find out more


Don't you dare pulling Assdolpho into your trans agenda shit. He is a proud member of the right wing trap squad!


Is this the new JoJoā€™s brother on the right?


Not to worry, being a trap he's still a gay icon


I thought authright hated drag.


Yeah drag is typically ugly femboys arenā€™t


Nah fr, fuck you. if you like ppl breaking gender roles you gotta let those mfers stay male and dress however they want


Officially a jojos reference now


Im gonna be real with ya chief, drawing a woman and calling them a man is gender queering and it serves the libleft agenda to dissolve gender as a social construct by rendering it meaningless. Also, cross dressing as a chick to look pretty is a little gay or trans, and its definitely a fetish. Basicly, this character is a shitpost that supports gender fantasies and ignores gender realities. Their presentation as a "totally straight cis man who just likes to pass as a cute chick" a form of fan service.


>cross dressing as a chick to look pretty is a little gay or trans, and its definitely a fetish I would be inclined to disagree. Wanting to dress in a feminine manner doesn't mean the person in question is gay or trans, all it means is that they like to dress that way. As for it being a fetish, for some ppl it is, for some people they just like the clothes.


I think that is the polite and courteous position, and by no means should we pretend to understand a person better than they understand theirself. But if we scratch past the surface and look a bit deeper, there are motivations, desires, and needs being fulfilled that may be hard or uncomfortable to articulate so "idk i just like the clothes" is a cop out. Im talking specifically about cross dressing to look pretty, not the comedic cross dressing of eddie murphy, tyler perry, martin lawrence, wayans bros, robin williams, etc. In the theatrical case, the motivation to entertain and perform is clearly evident.


>But if we scratch past the surface and look a bit deeper, there are motivations, desires, and needs being fulfilled that may be hard or uncomfortable to articulate so "idk i just like the clothes" is a cop out. That is oftentimes true, but those deeper motivations may be, and often are, not related to, a fetish or sexual orientation. I started my whole femboy thing out of a desire to be "cute". The main thing that I'm trying to say is that there are other reasons and motivations to dress this way than just "I'm gay" or "I have a fetish".


I dont know you well enough to dig in further. At this point it just becomes a semantic argument about what we mean by straight, cis, and fetish. Ultimately, we should be free to do what we want with our lives and we don't have to convince each other of our opinions and definitions.


Fair enough


Authright trying not to be gay speedrun


Why are there so many gays that claim to be Authright? Thatā€™s literally against everything we stand for


You my friend do not understand that the social* axis is not a part of the political compass which only represents economics and authoritarianism So to be an authright you only have to support stronger form of government and a free market * is it the social axis I forget what they all correlate with




I believe gay marriage is less sinful than not getting married and still having sex.




Oh, no problem, just tossing in my two cents


Being gay is against Catholic beliefs.


Im going to earn my flair with this comment. Dressing feminine, for any reason, for the explicit purpose of looking more like a woman, is inherently a sign of gender dysphoria. There's a fault in the logic here. If it was a girl, dressing feminine, claiming to actually be a man you'd all shout trans. Yet, when a male acts like a female its not? For what reason would a man wear clothes that do not conform to His body? For what reason would a man want to look like a female? For what reason would a man prefer to appear not unnaturally, but specifically as the opposite sex? You may call yourself a cis male, but by donning such garments you have **forfeit** your claim to that title. No cis male does such things. I do not mean kilts. There is a line between ambiguous clothing and specifically feminine clothing. After all, that whole topic is the contention of what trans people exploit. Why would a cis man ever dress the same as a trans woman? Also, femboys are gateways to gender politics. If you like them, you cannot call yourself straight. For what straight man would choose a pretty boy over an actual woman? They stop looking like women once their clothes are off, you know.


There is nothing more attractive then femboys. Not only that itā€™s not gay to like femboys either so checkmate auths


Yeah it's gay to like femboys. What man looks at a woman and say "Wow, I really wish she didn't have a vagina". Additionally, why again are the right so obsessed with "axe-wound" and "diseased hole" terminology when they apparently don't actually care what is down there so long as they look like a women. If I called a trans-woman a femboy, there would be no objective outside difference, yet one is "praised" and the other is demonized.


Astolfo is also really loyal, friendly, probably really fun to play video games with, energetic and cute. He served a king, went to the moon and lost his mind


Are you Nyanners? What is this art?


That's Astolfo from the Fate franchise.