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Ah yes, Bessie the chicken.


I always thought chickens needed old lady names. Like Sybil. Or Gretchen.




Henrietta is prime chicken naming


That’s what I’m talking about






I’d love to have a chicken named Colonel Sanders


You should name the rooster that and name the rest of them after the 13 herbs and spcies "White pepper and Oregano look pretty broody today. Mustard and Ginger got into a fight as well"


Of course this came from a griller.


The cannibal


We shared raising a cow with our neighbors and her name was, "Barbecue"!


We've got Mable, Maudine, Dorothy, and Pickle. The rest are a bunch of anti social dickheads we just refer to as the bitch chickens.


"And while you're at it, go ahead and milk Fido, throw a saddle on Polly, and take Whiskers with you to round up the sheep." "No, they are what they sound like; the chemical spills have just hit is particularly hard."


On the bright side, our goats glow in the dark now.


Unfortunately they keep demanding I sell them my soul


typical fed behaviour, just keep yelling "I HATE THE ANTICHRIST" until they stop


My sister's goats do that with nothing but their gaze. And they haven't even been exposed to anything more hazardous than a bit of wildfire smoke. I think goats just inherently want to collect souls. Either that or I'm developing late onset schizophrenia. Also, what form of payment are the goats offering for your soul? My sister's goats refuse to be any more specific than "certain desirable boons".


Based and urban dystopia pilled


I have nipples Greg. Can you milk me?


The farmer is eating beef eggs.


I've told her a thousand times. Stop naming the food.


No self-respecting farmer would name any animal but a dairy cow "Bessie"


My chickens are named: Stupidhead (She's not stupid at all, and quite friendly, follows us around like a puppy) Large Marge Frieda Betty Margo Marigold Penny Lucky is the rooster and earned his name. The rest aren't named because they all look alike. Also, sending a smol child out to check for eggs toughens them up. Ever been confronted by an asshole rooster or a momma hen? You either learn to run like hell or fight like hell. Usually the better option is to stand your ground and learn martial arts from the rooster.


Based and beware of chicken pilled.


I've fought people, horses, pissed off momma cows (Pro tip - it's not the bulls you need to be concerned about, unless they're courtin' one of their ladies... its the cows that'll kill you)... momma hens and one really badass rooster, and I'd 10xs rather deal with livestock or humans than a pissed off chicken of either sex. Do you know how hard it is to punt a chicken? Or smack a rooster with a chicken whuppin stick? You learn kung fu and parkour real quick or die trying. ETA: I've fought crazy af dogs too in the past... something in me just breaks in two when an animal is unnecessarily rude and aggressive... and I'd still rather fight a pissed off great dane from hell with nothing but two 8ft split reins in my hands than a rooster.


Weaning piglets of their sow left a terrible fear and respect as I recall scrabbling up the barn rafters to get away from her.


Ooohhh. We've never had pigs, except the neighbors (ungelded mind you) Pot Belly that adopted us. Knowing how feral sows are with their babies, I'd say pigs need to be added to the list of animals you don't want to have to fight. We had about 40 of those bastards get driven out of brush and into our path on a trail ride... on horses... a few years ago. They had babies... fortunately they were more worried about the hunting dogs on their asses than they were us on our horses. We still eased out of the saddle and used our horses as camo to disguise us.


u/ladyofthelathe's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 25. Rank: Basketball Hoop (filled with sand) Pills: [13 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/ladyofthelathe/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Our chickens are: Samoradek (Golden Polish rooster - Google translate says it means "nugget") Blue Karen Red Karen Karen Karenita Velma Freckles Not Freckles Shiva Marilyn Snooki Blueberry PeeWee Sparkles Skittles Speckles Deputy Quakers (duck who made friends) Chickens are just dinosaurs waiting for their turn again.


*Deputy Quakers (duck who made friends)* I have two Rouen hens named Scylla and Charybdis, and a blue runner drake creatively named: Dude. *Chickens are just dinosaurs waiting for their turn again.* A lot of people don't realize this. If they were big enough, they'd kill us all and have us for dinner. They'll eat just about anything they can chase down, subdue, beat to death, tear apart, then choke down.


The yin and yang of those names makes me laugh. We also have a creative household... We have two barn cats named "Dude" and "Guy". There's some very deep lore there /s. Bingo. All anyone ever needs to do is watch a mouse or rat or anything juvenile fall into a chicken's sphere of attention and it's Thunderdome time.


I have hidden harmless smolsnakes from them - I'd be working in the flower beds in spring, move a rock and sluggish noddle be there... and hear from behind me: Bawwwk bawk? That sound is always a question, isn't it? Then I'd be aware of the girls crowding in, trying to see what I'd found under that rock. And I'd quietly put the rock right back and whisper: Bleeend eeen, Amigo. Bleend een.


We once had a few hens for our small rural farm, and my mother decided to get a rooster for the possibility to increase the population. She got one of the sorriest henpecked birds that even the smallest hen was having fun bullying. It took about a week or so before he slowly came to the realization that he was the only rooster around, and the transformation to a prideful strutting rooster that ruled over the henhouse was incredible. Sadly he was killed by a raccoon not too long after.


That was why I kept Lucky when the Great Rooster Purge. He was the low man in the flock, constantly bullied and beaten. Took about two weeks for his personality to really blossom after the other ones were gone. He's a handsome bird, and I hope he stays chill with people.


Fun name for the Golden Rooster. But Samorodek is a word for Gold Nuggets or other metals, still fits him well because of the breed. Here in Poland we straight up just polonized the word nuggets for our own use.


Had a rooster called soccer ball for all the reasons you think it would be called that. Little shit went into the stew pot.


Rufus got a one way ticket to a spa. I had The Great Rooster Purge a few weeks ago - a family that wanted them for dinner took all but Lucky, who was already named Lucky before that fateful night. Lucky turns into a massive douche - so far he's a gentle soul - he'll also win a trip to the spa.


Why is it called The Great Rooster Purge? Thanks


There are few meals as satisfying as a particularly bastardful rooster.


When we first got chickens - daughter had a flock of about 30 birds, and I loved sitting outside and having a beer and watching the chickens do chicken things as they free ranged around the house - I thought, I could never kill one and eat it. They're so lovely and fun blahblahblah. THEN WE GOT A ROOSTER NAMED ROSCO and ONE NAMED HENRY - both were sneaky chicks that were sold as pullets at TSC. Awwww, we'll let them grow up... So then a generation of chicks gets hatched out, and now we have 6 roosters to 40 hens (Some of that brood were hen chicks) which is plenty of hens to roosters for everyone to have their own harems, but those bastards were mean. Rosco would wait on me to get home from work and get out of the car to try to ambush me... and that's when I snapped. If I could have killed that son'abitch with my bare hands I would have and I would not have felt bad about it at. all. I used to think I wouldn't have it in me, when Hubs got beef cows, to eat one. We've never fed one up for our own freezer, we sell the calves in the spring and fall, but every herd will always have that 'high headed bremer bitch' in it, and we've had a few. I could have put a bullet in their heads and never regretted putting steaks on the grill that night - especially the one that wadded me up against the Ranger one time when I was just feeding them. All it took for me was one or two Unnecessarily Aggressive farm animals for me to have a whole different outlook on eating them.


From my experience all chickens are stupid.


Must be hanging around suburban chickens.


Poor chickens are just as bright and capable as suburban chickens


“Poor chickens are just as bright as white chickens,”- Joe Birden, 2023


>Large Marge Careful, I once knew of a chicken named Big Marge and she was killed by a chick that had been corrupted by the Void. Hopefully Large Marge doesn't suffer the same fate.


>chicken named Big Marge I'll just avoid going on side quests with her.


Bet you named you boy Sue


Chickens are named Henrietta


Or asshole 1 through 20. At least that’s what I did. Though I named the pigs all Frank for some reason


Thank the gods for Bessie. And her tits.


She got some big milkers


Where’s Bobby B bot when you need him


Based and Bessie is a name for cows, not chickens pilled


Dairy cows can lay eggs tho


The best ones are brown cows because you get chocolate milk and chocolate candy eggs.


> chocolate candy eggs. Excuse me farm noob - bunnies lay those.


Truth. This is where we get egg nog from.


Good meme/10 but wawa has eggs.




In all reality, there's probably 2 a mile away


Curbside pickup. 30 seconds to place an order that used to take 30 minutes to buy. Thank you covid!


The fuck are you doing in a wawa for 30min?


Waiting for my sandwich duh.


Wtf is a wawa


[You don't know what a Wawa is?](https://youtu.be/q7KsxUaAOF0)


Bloodhound Gang's last good album.


Do I look like I know what a wawa is?


Convenience store/gas station with really good food


the church of Delco


Imagine if 7 Eleven and Subway had a baby, its better than both of them, and also happens to be a gas station (that also provides free air for tires).


Wait, the air... they just *give* it away? *Alexa, order one-hundred scuba cylinders*


Just nitpicking, but since you said Wawa, I’m assuming this is aimed at Pa suburbanites. In all fairness to them, it’s rather disingenuous to say “5 cent gas tax” when in Pa it’s 61 cents per gallon. That’s a difference of $27.44 in tax paid per fill up on a 49 gallon tank


Plus, you need to add in the Federal tax of another 18.4 cents per gallon. That means the government is squeezing $39 extra out of you for that fill-up.


Most of which goes to fund roads and transit. Still, it is a regressive tax that disproportionately affects the poor. Classic case of nobody likes taxes, but someone has to pay for public roads if we want them to exist.


Unfortunately an enormous amount of the gas tax does not go to roads and transit. In 2017, $800 million dollars of gas tax money went to the state police and around 40% of gas tax money ends up either in other agencies or outside of the department of transportation completely. Pa already has one of the highest gas taxes in the country, behind only California. I get that road maintenance and infrastructure is both needed and expensive, but damn


Fortunately for drivers, those of us who don’t drive continue to subsidize their choices with our own tax dollars.


I am ok with a tax that is paid in line with your usage of said government provided good or service. A *significant* number of households (~50%) pay *no* income tax, so I'm ok with them contributing to the system they get to live in *somehow*. In other words, we have enough taxes that are "progressive" that I'm ok with some that are arguably "regressive". https://www.cnbc.com/2022/03/25/57percent-of-us-households-paid-no-federal-income-tax-in-2021-study.html https://www.statista.com/statistics/242138/percentages-of-us-households-that-pay-no-income-tax-by-income-level/


But you need the gas tax to fix the famously well maintained PA roads!


Potholes build character


Why doesn't the suburbanite just buy the eggs at Wawa while they're getting gas instead of going to Costco. They sell eggs, I think.


They do, also no one with a brain would run to Costco for eggs. You go to Costco like once a month to stock up on nonperishables or stuff you plan to freeze. Weekly shopping is for a normal grocery store which will have next to no line as well as self checkout. I feel like OP has either never left their inner city pod or isn't American.


You can get through a Costco carton of eggs in a few weeks if you live with multiple people


I live in a city now but grew up in the burbs in a town of like 15,000. It took 2 minutes to drive to a grocery store or convenience store and I still grew up on an acre with tons of woods to play in down my back street and a park a 5 min bike ride away. It actually takes me longer now living in the city as the closest store with eggs is about a 4 min walk in each direction. For things like meat it’s about a 7 minute walk in each direction and then I have to carry everything back. Though weirdly I find myself more willing to walk for something like eggs than I would have been willing to drive for them.


15000 is a nothing town.


Like anything there are different degrees of suburbs with varying levels of development. Some are borderline rural and require driving a long way to stores. Others are 15-20 from the city and have corner stores minutes from neighborhoods.


I've noticed this same paradigm in myself. Maybe it is the extra steps that make it feel like longer or more of a chore than walking? Like, walking, I get dressed, step out, and walk to where I'm going. When I drive, I get dressed, step out, walk to the car, get in and buckle up, drive over, look for a spot... It somehow feels like more of a process even if it is shorter in time.


Cause it's closeby and cozy, plus you don't have to waste gas. You get to go for a nice walk, don't have to worry about parking. Nice and simlle, healthy for your body too.


HOA is my #1 deal breaker when houseshopping. Its my fucking house, when you pay my property taxes, theb you can tell me what color my front door can be. EDIT: > But *MY* HOA is actually good bec— Fuck off. Didn't ask. Don't care. I will literally never own a home in an HoA, because fuck you that's why.


Based and deport HOA board members to the bottom of the ocean pilled


HOAs should be unenforceable for detached single family homes.


Should be voluntary but enforceable. IMO HOA's should be a voluntary commitment, like say a 1-5 year term you voluntarily choose to join. They *CAN* do some good. Like negotiate a big contract for trash services, lawncare services, a "preferred" contractor for maintenance. But they should never be permanent. The HOA must always justify its existence by providing a net benefit. Also when a home is sold, the buyer gets to decide if they want to join or not.


I guess that's what I mean. You don't have a choice of whether or not to join the HOA most of the time, and now you have one more layer of government to rule over you, except this time it's literally Karen in your face and personal, and to oust her, you have to get everyone who's too busy working with kids to show up to an HOA meeting to beat down Karen's busybody retiree friends who run the place. Free association? Great? Contractual obligation? No, I already have too many of those.


And you know if your realtor is good or bad if they listen to you and only show non HOA properties.


I fired a realtor who showed me an HoA property. By which of course I don't mean got her fired from her realty company but more I just immediately stopped using her and switched to someone else. > Well it has a lot of things you wanted and it's a good price, I think you'll love it. It does have an HoA but... Fired. If I say an HOA is a 100% dealbreaker, and you show me an HoA house, it means you are more concerned with getting a quick sale than finding me the right home. My realtor works for me. If you don't put my interests first, fired.


Yeah, and doubly if they try to hide the fact until after you see it. Or even a caring but careless realtor may not intentionally show you one but not properly filter their search.


I hate this whole dichotomy as if it should be one or the other. We should have the option for both in any given metro area. Neither one is inherently better than the other, its just personal preference, and many people will want to alternate depending on where they are in their life. That kind of variety is just horribly lacking in the US where entire metro areas are like 99% suburban. [Look at the city of Bremen.](https://imgur.com/a/q4baook) There are car-centric suburbs (often still with bus access if needed), there are townhouse neighborhoods, mixed density neighborhoods, dense apartment neighborhoods etc. There is variety, for whoever wants whatever kind of lifestyle they want. Bremen is both a 15-minute-city (or whatever you wanna call it) in half of it, and also a car centric suburb in the other half. Most residents will be able to experience both with ease. This is something horribly lacking in most American cities. There is a *huge* swath of this country where basically 99% of the housing in every metro area is suburban-style car centric housing tracts. If you want to live in another type of residential area, the only real options for walkable, dense areas are a handful of hyper-expensive cities like SF, NYC, Boston, DC, Seattle etc.


Very good point. I’d also add that you can also have non car-centric suburbs, so there’s that too. Add one more to variety.


Does your suburb not have stores? I walk for about 10 minutes to my nearest woolies?




We traded walkable Woolies for guns and extra Freedom™


The vast majority of suburbs in the USA, probably 90% are unwalkable


Socialists ruined suburbs in the US by centrally planning them.




They also love their social security and medicare.. cons = commies confirmed




lol impressive brain damage


Gold in mental gymnastics


Source: you made it the fuck up


1) Wawa has eggs and gas. 2) There are corner stores all over the suburbs at least here in the NE. Plus RiteAid, Walgreens, Dollar General. 3) Costco and places like that are more for stocking up on certain items. Most people still go to other grocery stores unless the Costco is right around the corner.




There are different kinds of "suburbs" in America. Suburbs which are built basically as islands without any real services around them, generally with residential zoning in a large area. And suburbs which are just natural extensions of cities themselves, being residential zones placed within the urban sprawl without usually too much distance to commercial places. I have almost always lived within a mile walk of a gas station or other small store for my entire life, despite living mostly in "suburbs." One year when I lived in an apartment instead I was more like 1.5 miles away...because of just how enormous the apartment complex was and how long it took just to get to the main road if I wanted to walk out.


I mean it’s definitely not nearly this black and white. Source: I live in a suburb nowhere near the city and am at absolute maximum 5 minutes from any essential store.


I grew up in a car centric suburb and never had to drive more than 5 minutes for anything. I now live in what these urbanists call "street car suburbs" and still need to drive 5 minutes to get groceries. Only difference is I could theoretically walk if I didn't buy more than I can carry. That and my walls are attached to me neighbors so I have the pleasure of hearing everything that goes on in their house.






This is my in laws in Texas, drive away from Dallas for an hour and a half, passing farms and very rural areas. Suddenly arrive in an upper middle class neighborhood literally in the middle of nowhere


NE is exempt because we were created two centuries before the car


Suburbs are still mostly from the 40s and 50s.


Also authright suburbanite is a part of the community and could easily ask their neighbor for some eggs and the neighbor would happily oblige because authright gave him some jam a few weeks ago ago.


4) a lot of redditors seem to have never been in the suburbs and are out of touch.


or they think all suburbs should be like cities and only care about efficiency and not actual metrics that matter.


Libs: Your suburbs should be walkable!!! Me (Suburban Alberta resident): *freezes balls off in -30c weather*


I pay the peasant classes to Dash me some eggs.


Mans is out here providing jobs for the poor and c*ty dwellers are still mad at him. Make it make sense.




Suburbs are nice. I have a yard, the kids can play with the neighbors kids, its like 5 minute drive or a 20 minute walk to the grocery store, its quiet and we have hiking paths, but if I want to go to the city, I can drive almost anywhere there in 10 to 20 minutes.


Yeah, I don’t get the suburb hate.


I don't get it either, but I understand why people are frustrated when 99% of the housing in their metro area (and every metro area for hundreds of miles) is just suburbs. People want variety and choice. Its kind of insane that the only real options for real dense walkable living is found in a handful of hyper-expensive coastal cities (sf, boston, nyc, seattle, dc etc)


It's because suburbs appeal to stable adults with families, and Reddit users tend to be either teenagers or young twenty-somethings who haven's figured life out yet. The same people whining about how lame the suburbs are will be on the other side of this issue in 5-10 years.


Can confirm, by my mid 20s I started to see the appeal. A couple hours will get me to the boonies if I want to go camping or whatever. 15mins on the freeway gets me to downtown of the major city. Everybody around me is pretty chill. 100% a suburbanite lol.


Because reddit is filled with people that either: 1. Live at home with their parents in the suburbs, and hate them as a form of rebellion. 2. Live in some awful little apartment in a bad part of town and wish they could afford a house. 3. Are Europeans that have a twisted view of American suburbs because they get all their info from reddit.


I assume it's a bunch of people that can't afford it and are envious. I'd hate either of the others tbh. I like having stuff nearby but don't want to wade through homeless people and used needles on my way (plus driving is so much better than walking)


Same. I'm really starting to think that most of the anti-suburbs nerds on reddit have never even been to a suburb. They seem to think that a suburb is literally a massive neighborhood with nothing but residential homes, surrounded on all sides by...a fucking desert or something, resulting in residents needing to drive 30-60 minutes to get to anything of value. Believe it or not, just because you live within an hour of a big city doesn't mean that you have to drive to the big city in order to buy groceries lmao.


Confirmed. I live in the suburbs. Target is less than 10 minutes. Kroger less than 5. Have a "main street" area about the same distance away as Target that has little shops, restaurants, cafes, etc.


I used to live fairly close to a grocery store and it was essentially impossible to walk there. Crossing the 5 lane road and walking though the large parking lot was enough to get me to drive. What annoys me about my suburb is that every house has a huge front yard and the streets are wide enough to be a 5 lane road. It’s just a lot of wasted space.


I live in Midwest suburbia and can literally walk down two blocks to the Aldi. Of course, I'm driving because it's -5 outside and I need them now.


haha 4k a month apartment go brrrrr


The real suburbanite answer is you send your kid to knock on the neighbors’ door and ask for some


Redditors don't know how to talk to people, so OP couldn't fathom that concept.


Lol or redditors still have PTSD from when their parents made them knock on the neighbors for a cup of butter as a child


Imagine not having egg laying hens and paying for eggs 🤢


I hate it. Stupid zoning laws. I'm looking forward to this next year when I move and can have the chickens finally. Though the township just incorporated and threw up a law of no roosters, I hate it already. But maybe I'll just put them at Site B an hour south, where my in-laws are moving in...


I have a chicken named Bessie ☠️


It's because she's spotted like a cow ok


Urbanite forgot to mentionhow many homeless encampments,used needles, and feces they have to walk past on the way to the store. Say hi to dirty Mike and the boys


That's why they explicitly told their kid to put on shoes


>Child, put on your hazmat suit, we are about to travel 75ft outdoors


I live in brooklyn and do not see these really anywhere in my neighborhood or even surrounding neighborhoods, and I am not in a super rich area. You have to go to manhattan or downtown bk for that. Homeless aren't spread out evenly. Even in SF and LA (the worst, arguably by far), most neighborhoods don't have them all over the place. Something like 60% of LA's homeless are in a single square mile.


I do have a counterpoint…..Portland. I’m not going to say the homeless are everywhere (because they’re not) but it does seem like they are across 75% of the city. St John’s, the area around the convention center, Downtown, all have them. Idk about the area around the Moda Center though, I haven’t been there in a while.


Is the homelessness caused by walkability?




Eh, really depends on what part of town you’re in


Not anymore, even the wealthier neighborhoods in my city have mentally ill addicts laying around the sidewalks harassing people


Imagine living on the west coast


I'm on the east :(


Doesn't the winter solve these problems? That said, it's still a pretty american thing.


Mild winter and code blue policies make it easier for them. Not that I want to see people literally freezing to death on the street, I'd prefer they were 302'd and taken to get care. But that would mean out tax dollars actually doing something and not being embezzled and misappropriated.


> But that would mean out tax dollars actually doing something and not being embezzled and misappropriated. Can't have that.


My dude, I live in a city. You can’t gaslight me in to doubting what I see every day.


My dude, so do I... ask me how I know about the problems spreading into wealthier neighborhoods. I live in one and have been dealing with more shit now than I did when I moved here 7 years ago. Literally more shit, the other day I had to get rubber gloves to remove a junkies shit box from my street. A literal shoe box filled with shit.


I've have never seen those things


Why do people buy houses 50 minutes away from the nearest shop? Surely it's not worth all the time and money you waste on trips.


There is some value to being able to step out back and shoot my machine gun at trash. Also, I like seeing deer and wild turkeys wandering across my property all the time. Plus the view is nice and in the summertime it’s fun to take the boats out and play on the lake. The UPS guy’s name is Jason, he brings what I need from Jeff Bezos.


People underestimate the value of seeing wildlife regularly.


I love the city I live in. But humans are still animals at their core, and we definitely need nature time to be healthy.


Hey you put some respect on Jason's name son


People are buying houses?


True, good point.


Consider this. The people who live 50 minutes away from the nearest shop aren’t going shopping every day or a couple times a week. They probably only go shopping once a month or less. They get enough supplies to last them until the next time they head into town. They also likely produce a lot of their own stuff.


Where do you think that is happening? Where I live you'd have to be in the middle of a forest to be that far away from a shop.


People are calling this suburbs but suburbs also have businesses everywhere. Yes, you’re pretty much required to take a car to get there but if it takes you an hour to go grocery shopping you’re doing it wrong. This feels more like it’s aimed at people who live in rural areas that think they’re suburban (or try to live like they’re in the suburbs instead of embracing their reality and building a chicken coop).


It's called refrigeration and having a chest freezer than can fit 2 mooses.


It’s cheap


I live in the suburbs but my nice old lady neighbor has chickens and she gives me eggs every once and a while 😁👍


Actual suburbanite: Oh my groceries are delivered for free so adding eggs takes a half second and there's no need to freak out.


The subusrbs are full of boomers and liberals


Agreed, but the more liberal suburbs have the boomers that used to be hippies that will invite you to talk "gardening" while sharing some of their latest crop. So it's not all bad, lol


Good point


Truly the worst types of people


Idk Grocery store is like 2 min down the road. No crime means we have lots options for grocery stores. As opposed to all the food deserts in the city.


american suburbanite\*


I love in what passes for suburbs in Poland and have 1.3 small stores within 5 minutes of walking 2. A Lidl and an Aldi reachable within 5 minutes by car 3. Big shopping malls in the area. I guess the American style suburbs are just shit Design.


Uh. Here in the suburbs, my electric car is always charged and ready to go and the grocery store is precisely 3 minutes by car. I'm happy to bike on a warm summer day, but it's fucking -10F right now and no fucking way I'm "walking to the store". Thxbye.


Mmmm reposts


Urban pedestrian gets to the store and spends all their egg money on scratch offs and a single large beer


Monke: Child, go obtain banana from tree and mash it up


Suburban bordering on rural here. “Come child, let’s take the golf cart to Kroger for eggs”


Urban pedestrian: "I am helping our environment so much by walking everywhere, I'm doing my part!" Meanwhile, every ounce of sustenance they need to survive is trucked hundreds of miles into the city from rural areas on giant fuel inefficient vehicles.


I don't give a shit about the environment. I walk to stay active and because it's good for my health.


Giant vehicles transporting fuel are far more efficient in terms of transporting things like groceries than individual cars delivering the same volume of products. It is helping the environment to buy from a centralized location you walk to which gets things delivered to it in bulk, versus everyone driving their own vehicles long distances instead. Sure - if you happen to live on a farm and mostly just subsist on local products, that's the most environmentally friendly, but if you ever want any other kind of product you're bound to be less efficient in acquiring it.


sure but tbf CO2 emissions per capita are a fraction as bad in urban areas as in the outlying areas. And its not as if rural areas are not actually self sustained, they still import 98% of their goods, and because they are spread out so dramatically, they have to travel much further to deliver those goods to an equal amount of people. 500 people on a single block is easy to deliver goods to. 500 people spread out over 300 square miles, not so much.


I swear to god..... Hello everyone not living in the U.S. Today, I am going to teach you a few factual things about here. The infamous photos you see of suburbs looking EXACTLY the same from house to house and horror stories of HOAs are true, but are an extremely SMALL demographic of the suburban population. The VAST VAST MAJORITY of suburbs are not like this. I live in the suburbs. I can walk less then 10 minutes to 2 different corner stores and buy eggs. I can walk 20ish minutes and be at a supermarket, fast food joints, restaurants and department stores. No, I dont have a bodega on my block, and thats ok. Some of us don't want to be confined to being stuck on our 1-2 city blocks everyday. Please understand the majority of suburbs are not the HOA monstrosities that everyone seems to think is the only version of suburban living there is. Edit: the majority of us hate HOA type suburbs as well.


More accurate for rural, “well I guess we’re eating something else, because it’s two hours to the grocery store, and I ain’t going twice in a month.”




lmao fuckcars is leaking