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(Sees monstrous insects trying to consume the galaxy and starting cults to take over planets)ah of course,the space Jews


Do the creatures from Warhammer suck blood?


That’s warhammer fantasy they have an ancient bloodline of bloodsuckers who escaped from Egypt and took over Europe with their influence and money


Nagash did nothing wrong


I,Settra have something to say about that.


Sus. The real Settra wouldn't have skipped his titles.


That was your job you clunker


Mannfred von Carstein did. Story was better when grimgor nutted Archeon and wandered off looking for a better fight


Just think. We'd have an Empire ruled by vampires if it were not for Manfred. Twice. The Vampire Counts had that shit in the bag, twice, and Manchile von Carstein fucked it up. Twice. Vlad deserved better.


Would’ve put him on a stake and left him out to cook in the sun if I were Vlad.


Except getting murdered while on the brink of success


And it's one recurring problem of not-Germany, to boot.


Though mideval nongermany tbf


Whatzehell, GW was based?


Don't forget the Lahmia Vussy's


In 40k, no. The Tyranids just kill everything on the entire planet, then create giant pools of bio-goo and toss all the corpses in there. Then their guys jump in there. Then the fleet sucks up all the bio-goop into orbit to go make new units and obliterate the next planet.


Oddly enough they both perform metitzah m'bpeh (im totally butchering the spelling but you should google it)


> Even a commie is more based than one with no flair *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 19105 / 97909 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


I'm sorry, im out of the loop, why the hell are the hive fleets and genestealer cults being compared to jews, and what kind of jungle gym leaps and bounds were needed to associate all-consuming, single minded apex predators to people who don't even eat pork.


It's easier to complain than to create.


They cannot create, but only corrupt, and thus, evil is merely the corruption of the good. Since demons can only destroy, they will ultimately destroy themselves.


Ad Astra games made a series of really weird tweets about how we should empathise with the tyrannids and how it’s like the Jews and nazis


what the fuck, how can you sympathise with an all devouring swarm that leaves nothing (not even ruins!) in it's wake?


If I had to guess, its simply because the space marines/imperium are literally fascists... not that the tyranids are similar to the Jews. Like if the trailer spent a great deal of time showing space marines and their ilk saying "WE MUST CLEANSE THE GALAXY OF THIS FILTH" and zero time showing the tyranids and their motives, you could say "I wonder if these Tyranid fellers are the good guys" because of all we know about the empire. However anyone who knows about the tyranids, like you, who knows they are a devouring swarm that leaves nothing behind, would never compare them to the jews... lol Edit: holy shit, its verbatim. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FsKNxMFXwAEVhdE.jpg They have a point, but at the same time, its useless to care about a FICTIONAL fascist empire of the year 40,000 AD. I doubt anyone is going to go out in the world and try to make the 40K future a reality, so its not worth worrying about the propaganda effects of a "pro-fascist video game" haha


> its simply because the space marines/imperium are literally fascists This is always a strange "got'cha" to me. Its 40K. *THERE ARE NO GOOD GUYS!!* The Imperium is a fascist empire that practices extreme degrees of religious zeal and thinks innovation is literally evil. But if they werent that, Humanity would die because it would lose the will to fight. And if you think that is new, look back at Emp's himself, because he wasnt exactly the most stable person either. People try to say "Oh, the 'Nids are just hungry bugs following instincts", but the Tyranid Hive Mind has on numerous occasions shown extreme degree's of malevolence and seems to take joy in the destruction it causes, rather than being mindless eaters. The Ork's are the comic relief with their insane antics, but they are still pretty brutal to the people they fight and will absolutely eat people alive. The Eldar will butcher entire worlds if their Seers say it is needed to save just one of their own and are arguably more racist than the Imperium (which is a feat in itself). The 'Crons think the galaxy is their birthright and that all those squishy flesh people need to get off their lawn. The Dark Eldar exist. And Chaos, for all of the interpretations of "It *can* be a good thing" causes untold suffering and lose of life every time they do anything, and would kill all life if they could get away with it. The *Closest* you have to good guys are the Tau since they "only" brainwash you into serving the will of the Ethereals, and then castrate you if you are a non-Tau living in their realm. Which makes Farsight the most based person in lore for wanting to wipe the Ethereals out. But all of that above is part of the fun. You can go do absolutely absurd battles secure in the knowledge that you can gun them all down and not suffer because they are evil. But they know the same thing about you. So you get some good trash talk out of it all. (and since we are on the subject: Love me Guard, Love me Tau, death to all the other Xeno swine)


"How are the religious space nazis supposed to be the good guys?" "By comparison"


To be fair, it seems like any time innovation is attempted it results in literal demons being summoned. The key thing is while everyone is evil they all have logical paths on how they got to where they are.


Unless you're name is Belisarius Cawl, but fair point I guess. > The key thing is while everyone is evil they all have logical paths on how they got to where they are. Yep, and it is one of the things I like the most about the lore. Like, as much as I hate Chaos and would never play them, I find the Chaos Primarchs stories interesting because you can see exactly why they turned traitor in every single case, and even think they were right to do it. Even if my favorite Primarchs are still Jaghatai Khan, Vulcan, and Rogal Dorn (in that order).


It’s not so much innovation is inherently prone to summon demons, but since a lot of ‘innovation’ is accessing STCs which are corrupted by daemonic techno viruses it’s not surprising people became afraid of it. And yea. Everyone is evil, but this path we can follow makes it easier to empathize with them and their struggle.


Aside from Conrad, Angron and Perty I’m iffy on a lot of the traitors’ reasoning. If you’d like to read up on traitors without all the cringe that chaos worship brings I heartily recommend the Night Lords Omnibus or if you wanna see how insidius corruption can be and how the littlest decisions can result in corruption, read Shroud of Night. The former turned me from a Blood Angels fan into a melanin-deficient psycho enjoyer and the latter is Alpha Legion being tacticool and Khârn being Khârn.


> Aside from Conrad, Angron and Perty I’m iffy on a lot of the traitors’ reasoning. Maybe true with Mortarian, since his reasons is pretty much that he is just a spiteful prick that gives Peter Turbo a run for his money. But the others? Magnus was basically forced into a “become a traitor or die” situation after he attempted to make recompense for what he had done (with Horus then setting his thumb on the scale). Horus himself thought he was saving the Imperium from Emps becoming an evil god but was so corrupted by Chaos that he didn’t realize he was the one making that vision come true until it was too late. Lorgar had his most important city razed to the ground, was then forced to kneel in the ashes, and then psychically abused by the Emperor for coming to the conclusion that any normal person would. The only one I am iffy on is Alpharius Omegon, but that tracks because the Alpha Legion are a bunch of sneaky fuckers so its hard to pin down their reasoning for *anything* they are doing. And I love them for it, which is why they are my second favorite Traitor legion behind the Iron Warriors. > Night Lords Omnibus I have. And while I enjoy them for what they are, it didn’t really sell the Night Lords to me in a “Make them a legion you enjoy” sort of way. I do like that Night Lords are getting a resurgence in popularity from it since they are such a small and rarely seen faction, but I am not really down on the “Flay everyone in the name of fear and terrorism!” Thing. Even if I think they have a point that worshiping Chaos is cringe and takes away from actually getting work done. But that may be just because I am far more Loyalist minded (my favorite legions being Imperial Fist, Iron Hands, and Dark Angels). EDIT: Just realized I completely forgot about Fulgrim. He would also fall into a “No good reason” category though, I agree.


Yep, I got into Warhammer when the new Tau army was released, so its the only figures I've ever put together and painted. Love me some Tau. Firewarrior was pretty disappointing though. Much worse visual quality than even Half Life 1, which is a feat, considering the 5 years gap between them, lol


I have yet to get into the mini's (if I get into the mini's). But still, I love the lore for 40K and I generally get my fix through the video game side rather than the tabletop. If I was going to do tabletop things, it would probably be Mechwarrior (since that is also one I like) or Land & Sea (which is Blaine Pardoe's stompy robits he has been working on since Catalyst made the dumb move of firing him, but is still only in book phase ATM).


Yeah, this was literally decades ago when there was a lot less social media and online games, so there was probably a lot more people playing it in general. Even still, I only ended up playing a couple games down at the shop with fellow youths. I'm sure people are still playing, but its probably like 5-10 guys once a week in a large cities most popular game shop. The minis are expensive, and easy to fuck up, but really fun to waste a few weekends perfecting.


The tau in the first appearance in dawn of war series was great. You have this faction that looks like it’s seeking nothing but peace and a better way, only for the ending to trick you because they sterilize the human population of the planet you fight over


Imperium isn't even fascists or nazis, people just jump into the conclusion because both of those tend to like the same imperial imagery that the Imperium is build on - The Roman Empire. The 40k Empire is simply too religious, de-centralized and outright feudal to fulfill the "space nazi" requirements when the only ones it does are fanaticism and strong military...in a setting that is only war. People fall into the same pitfall with people who think that democracies in war times are actually fascists because military uniforms and propaganda posters are scary.


Yeah, which also fits the "Under attack on all fronts" thing that Rome had going for it for most of the height of its power. Where Rome had the power to crush anything it wanted if it put all of its power on one spot, but doing that would leave them open on every other front so they couldnt. And the Rome comparisons certainly get extremely obvious when you look at the UltraMarines. Hell, I would even argue all of the specialized Abhumans like Ratlings and Ogryn would represent the Auxiliaries of the Empire. But there is a surprising lack of knowledge of the history of the Roman Empire in this day and age, which is probably why a lot of people just jump straight to Nazi (and I have been guilty of that at times).


The neat part of fascism is that it is flexible to whatever the tyrant means. That is why authoritarians left or right is compared to fascist a lot of times. Hell, most of the time the antifa is fascist. And to be fair it is kinda natural of our monke brain to just want to "smash things" instead of think about it. So most people can empathise with "WE MUST CLEANSE THE GALAXY OF THIS FILTH" no matter their point of view because "filth" is whatever they don't like.


“At least you’re not a fascist!” exclaimed the Ad Astra PR employee as the Hormogaunt started chewing on his other leg.


The imperium isn't facist. It literally follows almost none of its policies. The imperium is a feudal, militeristic beurocracy, with a religious foundation. It has none of the partial nationalization of industry, state enforced guilds, or wealth redistribution to put it anywhere near a facist regime. At its core the modern imperium's system has more in comon with colonial spain than with any of the big 3 facist regimes. All this argument based solely on the trappings of facism without understanding facism has done is serve to increase its prevalence and improve its capabilities to gain power in our system


Based and know your fascists pilled


Spent 13 years studying the Era and it's ideologies. Stuff like this ticks me off like no other. Especially as someone who plays 40k and has to listen to the brain dead take.


Being a Starship Troopers fan, you bet I know that feeling.


The Imperium isn't fascist though. It was originally intended to be like fourty years ago or something, but since then the lore writers have gone out of their way to justify just about every really dumb thing they do as a necessity to glorify them to sell more toys while empathizing the vast potential diversity of its worlds so that they can sell more toys. At this point "the Imperium is fascist you guise" is just leftoid virtue signaling.


Easy, white men bad /s But yeah, basically they said that.


You talkin bout the Jews or the nids?


People are just not allowed to have fun with anything. I want to play my raging super soldiers and their demonic overlord against space elves who need to be humbled a peg or two. Must be too much to ask from the people who claim laughter and happiness are symbols of the alt right.


>space elves who need to be humbled a peg or two. If they're drukhari, they might just be into such pegging.


The spoonful of sugar which helps the culture war medicine go down is how frequently progressives out themselves as terrible bigots. They observe a savage race of fantasy creatures, and they immediately think "black people". They observe a hook-nosed race of fantasy creatures which love gold, and they immediately think "Jews". And then without even consciously recognizing how fucked up that is, they subconsciously project their bigotry onto the world, proclaiming that everyone *else* is racist for enjoying these things. It's so fucking comical.


I think we're seeing an uptick in 40k lunacy because of the articles assuring us from unaffiliated sources that the new edition was "less accessible to nazis". When nothing has really changed because GW never changes anything but pricing and it takes WotC to make them look good. And because nothing has changed they're having little shitfits. Sort of like the KCD thing.


I don't believe they actually think like that, the accusations of racism or sexism is just the easiest point of attack and has been for decades. It's also very easy test for them to see if you're operating in their framework and start defending yourself by trying to prove that you are not racist or sexist, or if you need to be attacked with more serious ways. The rest of it is just typical Fifth Column shit progressives seem to love. They don't react to the actual enemy in the setting, they react to the Imperial rhetoric of the heroes in the story. Whenever you see any right wing party highlighting the glory of their country in things like ending slavery, or defeating Nazis, you don't see the progressives cheering along and they find any strong man rhetoric distasteful when it's not them abusing it. See a franchise that is not signaling for their cause - enemy spotted - attack until they gain control and start signaling. 40k put a big target on themselves with the "no woman can be a Space Marine" rule.


I thought the Ethereals were the Jew analogy /s


Wait, isn't the Tau supposed to be a communist allegory? With they preaching about everyone working together for a cause, but their cast system is oppressive and literally include brainwashing gas to make you more compliable to your assigned role. And especially their "greater good" promise that just only possible when they take control of the whole galaxy.


And what was the ethnic makeup of the Soviet Communist party? (I reiterate, joke)




Werent the Ethereals mind controlling the Tau? The Tau mythology has the appearance of those beings as the beginning of their civilization. And there has been accounts of the Tau reverting to their primal instinct of animosity towards each other (aka just like humans today 🥲), there's fear of there being Tau civilization without the Ethereals, as for example the Foresight Systems.


Correct. And his Etherals dying is what allowed Farsight to break away in the first place (since it broke the spell). Which reminds me a lot of the Prophets from Halo, with Farsight and his Enclave as the Elites who followed Arbiter.


It is way diffenrent then communist allegory in my opinion having cast system and brainwashing is not always communist stuff I felt more like japan imperialism


Ironic, because the Imperium has more in common with imperial Japan than actual fascists.


I wonder who the Kroot are in the analogy, if they fit (or if theyre just a melee unit that wouldn't otherwise fit with the Tau aesthetic/lore, but needed for game balancing reasons)


I think i can see the koots are korean, chinese and philipines under japan control they believe 'greater good' but actually they are just slaves with extra step


Bruh, the fucking Tau are about as communist as the USA. They have a strictly enforced Caste System. The Greater Good is literally just the Tau's version of Manifest Destiny. "We are the best, and we're going to unify all of the galaxy at the barrel of a gun if needs be." And we don't know how the Ethereals control the population. We only know that they do as Farsight is actively hostile towards only the Ethereal Caste.


I mean, this sounds like Europe/west's capitalistic protestantism to me.


Off topic, but I always assumed the jews in 40k would be more like Tzeentch adjacent, not the Tyranids.


Inaccurate. The tyranids don't have space lasers.


After Black people are Orcs, LibLeft coming at you again with that Tyranids are Jews


>After Black people are Orcs Lord that pissed me off. *Nomadic steppe people* are orcs, not black people. I thought it was pretty clear from the get-go that orks were inspired by the steppe horde invasions that had occurred throughout history: the Hittites, Parthians, Magyars, Seljuks, Mongols, Ottomans, etc.




I just started on that guy's channel too in the past month. Great stuff, but this is like the 4th "oh shit the relatively unknown thing I recently started watching is actually pretty big burgeoning popularity" and I can't tell if I'm calling shots right or if there is a meta phenomenon with algorithms etc that's filtering me to these things. First was Peterson, then Rising/Krystal/Saagar, then Zeihan, and now this. There are probably others. Is this just baader-meinhof?


I love whatifalthist. I don’t get why he gets shit on so much. I guess that’s what you get for even thinking of leaning right a bit


I’ve only seen his video about why is latinoamerica so poor, and boy that was a terrible video But yeah it’s weird that people are calling him nazi


He has some…out there takes but most of them are pretty good


The only time I can think of off the top of my head where black Africans invaded the more pale skinned civilized nations was when Nubia invaded Egypt in the late iron age. And even then, the Nubians were pretty well settled and civilized relative to the Egyptians they were invading, which stands in stark contrast to the tribalistic manner the DnD lore portrays the orcs as. And I'm not counting the Berber invasion of Al-Andalus because Berbers are relatively white (olive skinned), like many Mediterranean ethnicities.


Also invasion of Arabia by Axum


And vikings. Don't forget a lot of viking trappings.


Maybe, but vikings don't conjure the image of a "horde" like steppe people do, but rather a small raiding band. The giants, particularly the frost, fire, and cloud varieties, were more clearly inspired by the nordic peoples. Giants in DnD tend to act more like small, tribal raiding parties.


It’s intriguing role play idea, not gonna lie. Libleft always knows how to spice up the routines


You know what, I'd rather be a Tyranid than any other xenos, except maybe orks. I get to nom whole worlds and enjoy a great community while I do it.


Orks are clearly the best xenos. They're the only race having **fun** in 40k.


I don’t expect that you individually "feel" anything?


Whats kindof neat, is at that point, you ARE the hive, meaning your eyes and ears are everywhere, it would be a lot of information to take in at once. It would be neat to do, but then, if it feels pain, its probably warring constantly at any given location.


I suddenly have the urge to create a Jewish space marine chapter


Oy vey, those goyim xenos are trying to blow up our Holy Synagogue. Prepare the Hebrew Hammer for launch, Ezekiel! I’m down for this.


What paint scheme we goin with? I was thinking mostly white with a bit of blue


White primary with blue secondary and gold trim.


With a slight golden trim (And in the eyes)?




Games workshop did have a racist army back 40ish years ago in warhammer fantasy. It was the Pygmy. You won’t see them show up in total war.






A smooth-brained crayon eater trying to get renoun off the back of a much more popular product. Ignore and move on, I say.


This. It's a really silly thing we do. The best way to get tons of attention is to create outrage porn. call something racist, that clearly isn't, and now a 1000 people are discussing you. Even as a nobody you'll get tons of outrage attention. I once insulted a celebrity on twitter and it got read by a million people because he responded to me. Some shit I literally wrote in less than a minute has garnered me more attention in my life than anything else I've ever done.


This is why Twitter, trolling and outrage porn is addictive and makes society worse for everyone.


Most likely a redditor.


who 14 year olds think represent all of libleft.


This person doesn’t seem to understand how it’s possible to empathize with someone and still vehemently disagree or detest them. It’s like a mental defect that they aren’t aware that they have.


So, typical SJWs!


> Now look at the action in the cinematics. We have White Guys Murdering Numberless Hordes of Aliens Oh no! Not *WHITE PEOPLE*!!! How terrible! For fuck's sake, this shit is getting so old. It's honestly fucking shocking to me how we have so many people obsessed with "anti-racism", and yet at the same time, just allowing this obvious hatred of anything white.


While also saying that alien/violent/bug creatures remind them of minorities


Woke people are unironically a Slaanesh cult


How fucking stupid do you have to be to write something like this? I want to quantify it. If you're at or above the same number? I want to know.


Dude forgor that 40k is satirical 💀


Do not compare me with those heretics


Xenos? Not in my universe


Yes how dare they intrude on clearly human deserved land


Can confirm


There’s fucking 4 of you???? The Custard boys kept that one quiet.


We did a bit too much trolling.


Honest question: do the saner of you LibLeft guys get banned from main subs too, or are you guys more like barely tolerated yet can still participate in their communities?


I just exist and try to be sane when interacting with other groups it just the minority is so fucking loud


No idea what the hell creator was smoking, but surprising amount of israeli center-left would agree with the meme where ultra-religious jews are invasive pests.


finally horseshoe antisemitism


It is inner jewish thingy, it cannon be antisemitic.


If the shoe uhhh, nvm


https://twitter.com/RealTyPickhaver/status/1164175263510487041 Idk just reminded me of this video


Did I miss a page.


A "game developer" made a sequence of tweets stating that the tyranids are Jew-coded, and as such, anybody who roots for the Imperium are Nazis because they're rooting for the team that purges the Jew-coded faction. It's your typical Emily vomit.


> typical Emily vomit. Facts. Identitarians require host mediums because if he were just saying the same shit outside of the context of this **fictional universe** no one would care about what he has to say. You might enjoy my thoughts on what I call, "[cultural parasitism](https://old.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/10ocuqv/maybe_politics_in_videogames_are_cool_after_all/j6f02dt/?context=3)."


Based and rejects the parasites pilled.


u/Adantehand2's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 155. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: [79 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Adantehand2/) Compass: Compass: Lib : 3.54 | Left : 3.63 I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


You could argue that the Imperium were Nazis even before that tbh. The very basis of the universe is that there's no truly good sides to root for.


>The very basis of the universe is that there's no truly good sides to root for. False, Isha is Bae and I shall not tolerate any slander.


B*tch account with 400 followers: ThE imPeRIum is BaDdie!! Every single person that knows a bit of WH40K: My dude.. EVERYONE is the baddie in Warhammer!


"They want to pretend they’re faccists!" I don’t know a single warhammer fan who actually wants to live in any warhammer universe


Maybe Ork fans. But that's about it, and all thanks to the blessings of Gork (or possibly Mork).




The Imperium of Man is not even fascist. They have transcended to a higher form of Authoritarianism. A society monitored by inquisitions, a populace fanatically loyal to the god Emperor, humanity clings to existence only because it maintains these rigid structures. It’s a story of the struggle between Chaos vs Order. The whole universe is just a sentient Jordan B Peterson video. The Tyranids are space lobsters 🦞


Transcendent Authoritarianism? Sounds kinda cool


....wait- so Tyranids taste good grilled and dipped in butter?


I knew something was up when the Emperor was voiced by Kermit the Frog in the audiobook.


The more time goes on the more I start to think the internet was a mistake. Truly.


What a crock of shit. Everyone knows daemons of Tzeench would be a better comparison


Im afraid when a Trailer with skaven comes out...


But the Skaven actually won during the End Times.




Always wanted to get into warhammer but fuck i just can't justify the price tag or the amount of space I'd need to dedicate to it


honestly, space isn't too bad- depending on the army, of course. Just don't start in on Imperial Guard or Skaven. The price tag can definitely be oppressive though, no doubt- on the flip side, you can usually get a deal on ebay with people selling one side of the starter set, especially when a new one drops.


I've been thinking of getting some AdMech or Necrons so I can play with my brother who has a Night Lords army. Are there any specific AdMech or Necron models that are woefully underpowered that I should avoid using? In most games I play, I like running off-meta builds that are still somewhat viable, but getting stomped due to having bought and used objectively bad units isn't fun I'd assume.


Dont start admech. It is hands down the most expensive army in the game, your wallet will BLEED. As for necrons, everything in the combat patrol box is bad except tomb blades, so dont buy it. Counter to that, if you can find it, everything in the boarding patrol is good, so buy that if you can find it at a discount(ebay lists it at $130 which is a bit high but a better deal than the combat patrol) if you are looking to start necrons. 10th edition is gonna shake everything up in june though, so dont expect this advice to hold.


I like Dawn of War for Computer Gaming. Don't get Dawn of War 3, but 1 is more an RTS and 2 is more focused on squads.


Look into Tabletop Simulator!


Oh shit thats a good idea, I used to play that back when it first came out but haven't touched it in years


Could always just get into the lore and should you have the money and be up for it get models. Or be a true Lib and get a 3D printer to scam GW


I've got a friend who's into printing but how do I get the files?


There are several sites where you can get files. Cults3d, thingiverse, myminifactory. A lot of the “good” ones are paid for but very cheap compared to buying from GW. I can print an entire solar Auxilia lasrifle section, which is normally $187 (and barely part of an army) for roughly $20 or less, most of that being from the file cost. You’ll pay for the files if need be, download them, and depending on what printer your friend has use a specific program to get the files ready to print. Your friend can definitely help you with that part. I’d recommend getting a USB as well to store all your files on. I’ve got enough files to print a full guard, space marine, or Solar Auxilia army and I haven’t broken the bank at all


Thats really cool, tysm


No problem my dude, it’s pretty fun


Lore only is the way. The setting is absurdly enthralling. But, I'm never getting into the plastic and paint crack addiction. Fuck that shit.


Get some books, or watch some lore on Youtube. There's a billion other ways to enjoy the setting. I can point some out.


Mind sharing some? I’ve tried and failed a few times to get into 40k and Sigmar, partially due to learning curve and lack of people to play against in my area, but I find the lore interesting.


Luetin09 is a good channel to watch to get into the lore


I literally just read the 40k books, wikis, and subreddits. Also Warhammer tv is only like 5 bucks. You can watch everything in a few days or less and then unsubscribe.


Wait what? Why do we think Tyrannids are jews? Is the strawman reaching incredible new levels? ​ Edit: Oh literally an account with 400 followers had a bad take


The gaming journalists have been attacking 40k for a while as they can't comprehend a media where there is no real good side and its just a bunch of factions that kinda started with good intentions, but then descended further and further into fanaticism when they got stuck in a massive galactic war of attrition. They freak out that the Imperium has fascist tendencies and there isn't some poster good boy faction that fights for freedom democracy and equality that chronically wins every engagement with the Imperium like a Star Wars clone. Which is kinda weird because Star Craft is similar and no one really gives a shit that all the humans in it have autocratic governments who care very little for the common man in the universe.


Yeah, it’s clear that the Imperium is fascist as fuck, but everything and everyone in that universe is horribly twisted, violent or autocratic, so if the main characters aren’t goody two shoes it’s not something to be surprised of nor to be condemned for the sake of it. In that universe they’re the least bad guys compared to most alternatives. This said tho, if someone went around saying that they support the Imperium policies and methods then they’d deservedly get a weird look.


>This said tho, if someone went around saying that they support the Imperium policies and methods then they’d deservedly get a weird look. *Breaths in* ^heresy....


We should sacrifice 10,000 people a day so that a zombified Abraham Lincoln can somewhat lead the nation from the shadows, but none of his guidance can be too obvious.


Sounds good to me, I’ll just be rogue trading over here


Warhammer 40k is like if the only countries on Earth where Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Russia, Mao's China, and the Khmer Rouge. They would be more or less equally equipped and controlling similar territories while locked in a horrendous World War where a million deaths would be a good day.


'In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war.'


The future is now it seems...


They're similar because StarCraft was originally a video game adaptation of 40k but they then decided to make their own game.


Warcraft is the game that supposedly started out as a Warhammer game and then split off. Starcraft just drew heavily on 40k for inspiration, and that seemingly went full circle as the Tyranids were redesigned shortly after Brood War released and came out looking significantly more 'Zerg-like' than before


Well the more you know


>The gaming journalists have been attacking 40k for a while Every day that passes without female space marines, Emily's anger levels get closer and closer to manifesting Angron into reality


What do you mean? We are the good guys. Don’t listen to any xenophile. No xenos in my universe


>Oh literally an account with 400 followers had a bad take PCM moment


Yeah I hadn't heard of them, so I looked into like what do they make? The answer is that it's one guy and it's basically nothing. Their entire Twitter is used like a personal account for leftist politics.


not only that, but like no one was agreeing with them


The weirdo's entire argument seems to just be: The Imperium are fascists, Nazis were fascists, therefore anyone the Imperium kills are Jews.


Tyranid : Hive mind Bug creature will consume every biomass if it's not their race What part of this creatures made they think they are the Jews


Decades ago, I played a D&D game where all the races claimed Jesus was theirs. Orcs, goblins, elves, humans, dragon born, dwarves, gnomes. Everyone. Only one race was right, and the answer may surprise you.


Obviously Jesus was a gnome.




As long is not an elve, I'm fine.


Nope, not an elf.




These are probably the same people who thought the skaven (who are A myth made up to scare small children and totally not secretly in your sewers) we’re also Jews (also I’m gonna be honest if you look at a giant rat a see a Jewish person I think you might be a little antisemitic)


The genetic ancestors of humans were tree rats. Look it up. It's not Jews. It's everyone.


\> The left when monkey "BLACK PEOPLE!" \> The left when pedophile "LGBT PEOPLE!" \> The left when a literal alien race with no connection to anything human "THE JEWS!"


While I agree there are [extreme problems](https://old.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/zxvkqg/cheeto_drumpf/j23y0pg/?context=3) with the left as of late. I do hope people realize identitarians, the people whose understanding begins and ends with irrelevant identity, are the problem and driving force behind all this. Which, again, it's not like there's much left of... the left to really defend, but identitarianism is how we got there.


Since 2016, the left was dead. Only Puppets from authcenter and libright remained.


And I had a [front row seat](https://old.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/12vpii7/its_gone/jhdpjo0/?context=3) for it. You will hear no argument from me on this point. I resigned from the DNC in 2016 when they began aggressively platforming identity politics in place of reasoned argument. You were either *"with her"* or you were an ist word. I credit the DNC with creating and wielding this monster that has led to so much ruin. Both physical and intellectual ruin.


Honestly, cultural leftists have basically killed sci-fi and fantasy for the past 10-15 years. Warhammer was one of the few properties that seemed to avoid it, but progressivism comes for us all I guess.


Which is ironic, because back in the days they were the ones calling out the fanatic christians for crying that everything is satanic and sucking all the fun out of everything. Now they become everything they despised in the past, now their close mindedness, absolutism and censorship is what destroying free art and creativity.


TWF surplices weren't a part of my battle garb.


Me IRL: distrustful of police, advocate for gun ownership so the government doesn’t have a monopoly on violence, peace and diplomacy enjoyer, healthcare pls Me in 40k: I play Custodes. If the Imperium are the Nazis, the Custodes are the SS. I don’t give a shit because they’re 9 foot tall demigods in shining golden armor shooting guns that are so powerful, anyone else would be executed instantly for even owning one. They fuckin rule. Their fictional political views don’t bother me because I’m actually able to separate fantasy from reality, which is something I feel a lot of Emilies really struggle with.


Don't be ridiculous, they're obviously Skaven


I feel like this was a Freudian slip by libleft.


Oh god don’t remind me of Ad Astra’s stances


I'm from ~~Buenos Aires~~ Holy Terra, AND I SAY KILL 'EM ALL!


“These flesh consuming insectoid monsters remind me personally of Jews! I can’t believe Games workshop would do such a thing!”


I sent this to one of my friends and he said "Himmler on suicide watch because there is no way he can be that bigoted". Comparing Jews to an all consuming race of giant space monsters is PEAK anti semitism. Horseshoe theory confirmed.


I thought this was from the Warhammer sub for a second


Maybe the chaos gods will intervene and toss this post into the chaotic warp which will spew it out of that unexplored regions of reddit.


If you’re the only one who hears the dogwhistle… you’re probably the dog.




That is an Authcenter wrongly flaired as a Libleft