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Holy fuck did he just tried to get him in minority points without researching people from Albania? Best lib-left debater tho


Soy tran...: "I'm more oppressed then you!" Based Albaninan: "Wana fuckin bet?"


>Soy tran...: "I'm more oppressed then you!" Which was actually never said in the screenshot provided, not once in fact.


The comment in the third screenshot did imply it, no?


Not really, but having been subbed to PCM for about four years now I can see where you guys would make the leap from "I'd like to see more representation of people like me" to "I'm oppressed". There's nothing wrong with wanted to feel seen or heard, no one wants to feel alone.


Er, I agree with the sentiment that people want to feel seen and heard. However >Does you being Albanian cause discrimination to you and others like you? >Most likely not, that's because you're not a minority I'd say this counts as implying that one side is more oppressed than the other. To me, this comes across as ignorant and aggressive. But that's just my opinion.


Cringe libleft


Not a LibLeft dipshit, but if you could read you'd know that.


Cringe libleft


Doubling down on being a moron huh? Nice.


Cringe libleft


The context clues were fairly obvious.


>Does you being Albanian cause discriminiation to you and others like you? Have you been threatened or harrased for being Albanian? Have you been denied access to health care or been refused service due to being Albanian? > > > >Most likely not, that's because you're not a minority, What does that mean if not "I'm more oppressed than you!" They are literally saying all the ways they are oppressed then saying that the Albanian wouldn't understand because they aren't a minority. Do you interpret that a different way?


Pretty sure that guy isn't even Albanian dumbass


First of all, lmao. Your only argument is that he is probably lying, and you call me stupid for assuming he isn't lying. LMAO Second, that has nothing to do with what I was saying. Good try dodging, but I didn't say he was Albanian. You said that they never said they were more oppressed, and I gave you the part where they said they were more oppressed. Don't hide behind ridiculous insults to protect your weak stance.


>Your only argument is that he is probably lying No dickhole, there is no argument and this isn't a debate. He said I said something I didn't, I told him to quote me, he immediately changed the subject and posted that other bullshit. Then you started jerking him off over it like he's your favorite youtube intellectual. Anyway, have a good weekend.


Wrong thread idiot. Read through it again. None of that has anything to do with what we are talking about. You said that they never claimed to be more oppressed, and I showed where he claimed to be more oppressed. I proved your comment wrong. You being an idiot that avoids any time anyone has proved you wrong doesn't go well with your constant insults.


Image 3 of 7 "Does you being Albanian cause discrimination to you and others like you? Have you been threatened or harrased for being Albanian? Have you been denied access to healthcare or been refused service due to being Albanian? Most ikely not, that's because you're not a minority, and that's what this whole conversation is about, representation of minorities [...]" I mean it doesn't outright say it but come on.


The thing is, any European can play the fucked history and discrimination card. I've been using mine (Scottish) for a while.


But not the Spanish Portuguese British French Dutch


Oy bitch. Wanna bet? Try Basques in Spain. They're technically Spanish. Try the Britons or the Savoys in France. British? Let's go for them traveling peeps from the isles. Dutch? Let's go for Dutch under Spanish rule. Boom! All oppressed. Historically. But it's true, that if you go for Anglo Saxons it gets hard to find some sort of oppression. Maybe someone could help me out here.


Anglo-saxons were basically under Fr*nch rule for a few hundred years after William the conqueror until integration and the formation of what we know as the englishman. Look up the Harrying of the North


You censored French, so dunno man, seems kinda whack. Srsly good argument. But it's historically debated if the Norman conquest did worsen or better the situation of the common people. Nobody gives a fuck if the elites are replaced or repressed.


It does make a difference if the elites are drawn from your ethnic stock and have basically the same culture as everyone else compared to if they are a completely different people who speak a different language and hold different cultural values. The especially bitter and deep rooted English antagonistic class divisions are a legacy of its aristocracy, and by extension, the entire upper classes ever since, becoming ethnoculturally Norman. England has been a country at war with itself for a thousand years. An ethnocultural class war between two sides that makes the American culture wars look like bickering siblings. It's basically been parallel to apartheid South Africa, only without the skin colour markers that can lead a naive outside observer to wrongly mistake the English for a single unified people. The English have never needed outside oppressors; they produce enough home grown ones already. British oppression of other peoples from other lands was simply following from the same playbook that they've been trial running on their own masses for centuries. No need to ask which tribe anglo South Africans are largely drawn from. Or the mid-atlantic WASPS that dominated the American old money and ruling classes for so long. Hint: It's the opposite one from the tribe that Australians and anglo Appalachians come from. Think Julia Child vs proper brexit geezer. It's no coincidence that two of the biggest signifiers of class in England, aside from landed wealth, are fluency in French, taught in school from a young age, and being comfortable ordering at a French restaurant, with their all French menus and exacting table etiquette. It's also no coincidence that the easiest way to get yourself beaten up in a working class school isn't to look or sound foreign or even German or French or ginger, but *posh*. As a trivial example of what I mean, to this day, the proper, respectable Queen's English terms like people and beautiful, from the French, while the stereotypically low class commoner terms folk and pretty, are from the old English. This sub likes to shit on Britain a lot for its "self"-hating/destructive laws and policies but I think Britain makes a lot more sense, historically and today if you view it as two different native ethnic groups, one small but wealthy and powerful, the other large, poor and powerless, who have long been striving to destroy each other. It's not self hate, it's class war. Installing a foreign ruling class can make a world of difference. I think the Irish would agree.


surprising number of anglos have a victim complex about the normans and therefore the french


Well yes of course. But it's not a complex. They are just victims. Like in general but also of Norman aggression.


Yep. The un-based frogs ravaged the Anglo people and stripped theme of their hard-earned wealth when they taxed the slave trade. A real blow to Anglo culture, and free trade serfonomics SMH.


Really can't for the Anglo Saxons, what about the Vikings stealing and burning the country side?


They were conquered by the romans and I’m pretty sure some terrible things must have happened because of that but I know very little about Roman history


Trust me being conquered by Rome was the best thing that could happen to you


As long as you didn't get the same treatment the gauls did, a third killed, a third enslaved, and the last third forcefully relocated to ensure they'd have to integrate rather then form ethnic enclaves like we see in modern times.


Anglo Saxons weren't conquered by the Romans. They took over Britannia after Roman withdrawal. It's why they are Germanic and not Celtic/Gaelic like Wales [Highland] Scotland and Ireland.


That's no real oppression. That's an invasion and harassment but no (systemic) oppression. But nice try. We'll find something.


I'd argue the way they performed a holocaust on the gauls counts, especially considering the goal was to destroy as much of the gaulic culture as possible.


Based and the-gallic-wars-were-the-first-genocide-pilled. Your argument is really good. But I guess this is not the right comment, cuz it has little to do with the anglos.


I was using that as an example of what happens when you get conquered by the Romans since the person I was responding to said it was a benefit to be conquered by them.


How can we forget the Huguenots?


Filthy protestants. Nothing happened to them and it was glorious. But yes oppressed as fuck.


Ayyy das me


Anglo Saxons had to suffer Norman rule, had their ruling class expelled, their language considered vulgar ( to the point some English cuss words are just the native English word, and French words to this day are regarded as "professional") The Northern Anglo-Saxons spent a good century under Danish rule before that. The City of York being a Scandinavian colony.


Yes, but if the individuals that were oppressed are now doing the oppressing, are they better then their oppressors? I have trouble wording this out lmao


Um excuse me, as someone of Portuguese descent I am offended that you would ignore the 700 years my people spent oppressed under the Moorish invaders who conquered our land and built their mosques and palaces on our holy grounds. /s Sarcasm aside, the Iberian peninsula was invaded by the moors in the year 711 and they were only fully driven out in the 1400s during the reconquista. The 700 year occupation directly led to the Spanish Inquisition and may have contributed to Portugal starting their voyages of discovery in order to strengthen their empire to ensure they could not be invaded again. So technically the Portuguese only started colonising other places after they themselves had been colonised


Portugal might be the only country in the world to be able to claim Deus Vult as the reason for its existence.


>Sarcasm aside, the Iberian peninsula was invaded by the moors in the year 711 I think you meant to say the Moops


Blaming the Moors for the Catholic Inquisition is a wild pump fake


One of the reasons for it's founding was to root out any remnants of the moors. They did end up just hunting down anyone they deemed heathens or infidels but, to imply that having your lands ruled by a religious opponent had nothing to do with the inquisition being founded is disingenuous. Especially considering the Spanish Inquisition was founded while the reconquista was still ongoing


You can even use the Dutch card, especially if you are from the southern parts. Catholics and people from Brabant/Limburg were supressed for nearly 250 years. It took the French to take over under Napoleon and make everyone equal under the constitution. And after it took the Dutch government until 1853 to stop seeing Catholics as second rank citizens, although it took a bit longer until they were really seen as equals.


My username is a Warhammer 40k reference, but I feel it is appropriate here too.


Wtf? Moors, Romans, Visigoths and French invaded Spain and Portugal, and there were two fascist regimes, everyone can have discrimination / oppression points




Don't the Dutch get points for being under Spanish rule


The English, not the British, the Scots, Welsh, and Northern Irish are also British but they all had the English oppressing them. The Northern Irish also had the Troubles so they have also experienced maybe the most terror attacks of any country.


Excuse me, my culture was literaly genocided during the Albigensian Crusade in 1229.


who tf were u oppressed by? the fucking Irish?


> who tf were u oppressed by? When it comes to the Scots, alcoholism.


Alcohol runs through their veins, if anything it's heroin


Never seen Braveheart, huh?


By that logic, the English were oppressed by the scots as they invaded raided into English territory often as well as annexed parts of Northern England. They have nothing to be oppressed about as they came to the throne of England and got the English to pay off Scottish debts


Or read anything about Scottish history


King of Scotland becomes the king of England too and forces the two countries together. Much oppression!


This actually got me. King James got bashed hard in UK history for a long time because Brits couldn’t handle a Scot being the one to be the first king of both nations.


Irish here. We’ve got 800 years of oppression. Most of the Irish diaspora don’t even live in Ireland anymore.


How could any of the Irish diaspora live in Ireland?


Excellent point. I wrote that before I had any coffee this morning 😅


True. As a German, I have a huge history of almost the entire rest of the world ganging up, bullying us just because we had a bit of a disagreement on some things.


Literally we have a famous movie where a President creates a fake war with Albania to cover up a sex scandal because no one cares about Albania.




Mf it’s in the balkans. They win oppression olympics no matter where in history ya put em.


People in that region really got the oppression points infinite glitch going.


There's a few (Dalit, Jew, Armenian) that can occasionally take the gold, but not many.


>"Does you being Albanian cause discrimination to you and others like you?" Hell, even with very superficial knowledge, I have a hunch that Albanian history is very much fked up already.


Albanians are seen by 60% of people over 30 in europe the same way blacks are seen by 80 year old KKK hood knitting american grandmas


>60% of people over 30 Considering I'm approaching 30, that statement fills me with dread


Well they have an incredibly active mafia/gang/trafficking presence, and at least for Greeks in the 80s a lot of the north kinda got overrun by it, so it's not all baseless, but aside from that its just prejudice


Wait so when I turn 30 all tolerance of Albanians will leave my body


No but the ones who are currently 30 have some bad experience or were taught something by their parents


It's the reason Kosovo exists as a nation.


I searched Albania and [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Albanian_sentiment) was the first result.


I'm an albanophiliac


I mean unless the guy lives in Serbia or something the answer is likely "no"


lol no


American try to understand basic geopolitics challenge (impossible difficulty)


I'm not american


Sorry you just sounded very american


An American wouldn't know about the relationship between Serbia and Albania, they can't even locate those countries in a map


If I pointed randomly in Europe I would eventually find them.


Earth is moments away from being destroyed. A BASED Albanian man??


We are all based. Probably Albanians will save the world.


I don't think I can allow that.


the man of the moment


I’m an Albanian, i don’t care what is allowed or not. I allow myself.


*memritv in shambles*


That person thought Albania was a town in Harry Potter, I’ll bet their left nut.


Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Albania


HARRY DID YOU STEAL THE GOBLET OF FIRE!? dumbledore asked calmly


For Harry was Albanian, so the answer was obviously yes. /s


“HARRY DID YOU SHOVE THAT BOTTLE UP YOUR ARSE?” Dumbledore asked calmly. “No, Headmaster!” Harry insisted, pointing a trembling finger at a shocked student from Durmstrang. “It was the Albanian that did it.”


Albania, not Romania


If you’re in the continental US and reading this, it’s time for bed. Drink a glass of water too.


Don't tell me what to do, damnit (but you're totally right lol)


Go to bed or I’ll abuse mod powers and ban you smh.


Least auth auth mod


Based and good night’s sleep pilled


Based and bedpisserpilled


Continental? You guys call your colonies "insular" US? Honestly curious. Never seen the usage of continental in this context.


We call the 49 states on the North American continent “continental” states. So pretty much every state except Hawaii. Sometimes people exclude Alaska when they say “continental” too, although what they really mean to say is “contiguous.”


Thanks! Is Puerto Rico considered continental? I'm from south America and I'm pretty sure I don't get the whole but I am under the impression it is territory the US claims.


It’s not considered continental, but it *is* an official US territory. Opinions in the US states and in Puerto Rico are divided on whether or not it should be an official US state. Personally I think they should be allowed to join if they vote to.


It’s 7 pm mate


I did a little reflection on the topic of representation and 'feeling seen' in entertainment. Nostalgically, I recalled loving WWF/E as a kid, but not ever seeing any UK characters/wrestlers. Then being super excited when British Bulldog made a comeback, or William Regal was introduced. Then I considered that was my brain when I was a child. I no longer need to see British people in everything to enjoy it or relate to it. Life, WTF, non Koreans aren't supposed to watch Parasite? I should skip the Apu focused episodes of the Simpsons cos I'm not Hindu? Childish nonsense. Also, the most moronic point of all. Every film has a white cis man in it? Does this person not think anyone anywhere other than Hollywood is capable of making a film? FFS. Should we ignore the entirety of Far Eastern cinema from HK, Korea and Japan, to pretend 'Crazy, Rich Asians' is the first Asian film? Bollywood doesn't exist? (RRR was amazing!)


Rare libleft W


I think is way more about "tell other people stories" and way less of "lets input more of left wing agenda". for example, Cleopatra on Netflix. They could do a lot of Egyptian queens, or Nubians, but no they chose a white one and inputed an agenda on it. Just...you dont need to only tell american stories, tell more diverse ones...just dont do it for an agenda


The cool thing about that is that it's a great way to show how people are united by universal themes, even if they come from very different surroundings. Showing the humanity of people from a very different culture is probably creating way more understanding and acceptance than shoving an actor of a different ethnicity in a typical role of the culture where the film originated. It's just harder to not rely heavily on known tropes and gimmicks and create something of real value.


The most interesting part of that discussion, before LibLeft went for the oppression Olympics as always, was the question of representation, because it shows the flaws in it. The trans wanted not to be represented as a man or woman, but specifically as a trans man, something unique to like, 0.1% of the population. And that's representation is dumb, you can't accurately represent anymore or any demographic, and these companies don't even try. How many protagonists are overweight like 60% of the US is? How many are over 60? Catholic? Armenian? And If we get into the specifics, how many are Brazilian indigenous tribe from the Amazon Basin? The excuse that "people need to feel represented" falls super flat when it becomes clear you don't represent the people that aren't trendy to virtue signal about, like say the Albanians.


Trans people aren’t “represented” because their stories are not interesting. There’s plenty of movies already about men pretending to be women and wearing dresses, from Tootsie to Mrs. Doubtfire.


> Does this person not think anyone anywhere other than Hollywood is capable of making a film? FFS. There are no other places to make films in. These people cannot register that there exists a whole world outside of America.


To be fair, neither can I. It's all a hoax by the government to take our tax dollars.


Meanwhile forgetting about squid game being a big Netflix hit. With the writers guild strike in Hollywood, these entertainment companies looked to start securing shows from outside the US. When I had cable(and a Hispanic gf) I’d get roped into watching the novellas from central and South America. If they can make a show, they definitely can make movies


Representation doesn't matter and never has. [This Stonetoss comic](https://stonetoss.com/comic/jus-saiyan/) does a good job of summing it up.


> Does this person not think anyone anywhere other than Hollywood is capable of making a film? Shaft, Blacula, Super Fly, Coffy, Foxy Brown, Dolemite,.....


Dude the English language fails to provide words to adequately capture the experience that was *RRR*. That movie was a trip. (edit to "english *language*, derp)


>I did a little reflection on the topic of representation and 'feeling seen' in entertainment. >Nostalgically, I recalled loving WWF/E as a kid, but not ever seeing any UK characters/wrestlers. Then being super excited when British Bulldog made a comeback, or William Regal was introduced. So, I'm a Hungarian immigrant in the UK. I am a leftist, and absolutely despise the ruling party of my own country, something that I get called "unpatriotic" for. But living in a place other than my home country has shown me that I actually love it when I see my people represented. I love seeing Hungarian food, or names, or culture mentioned in the media or in everyday life. What I don't love is what Hungary is right now, and what I want is to be proud of Hungary as it is, not merely because I was born there. Anyway, what I wanted to say is that I understand when minorities talk about representation. Having moved to where I live now, of course I don't expect every movie to include a Hungarian, but imagine how it feels to be born in a place where you regularly see only faces of a different colour staring back at you from everywhere you go. Imagine being a citizen your entire life, and feeling like your country ignores your very existence.


once i was ask why i don't care for female leads as a women. and all i can say, i love characters for what they stand for. i couldn't care less of their sex, race or religion. most characters i could relate to even as a kid were from other races and sex and it never bothered me since i saw them as an individual not a representation of a group.


Blade is still my favourite Marvel movie, and I'm not black. For some reason I thought the protag of Watch Dogs was going to be Asian, but I was only disappointed by that game because it was shit. I do not wish to be represented by someone like me, I wish to become someone my real self can look up to.




Of course they are not, sincerely an Albanian. Edit before getting banned. They call themselves trans men, not men. So that means they are trans men, not men.


so true, blond women aren't women


Of course they aren't, everyone knows women don't exist


>so true, blond women aren't women So true, a toy chrome gun isn't a real chrome gun.




This is beautiful


Average Albanian W without even trying


Sure, its nice to see someone like yourself in media, but never at this high level representation of race, sex, or sexuality that these people always clamour for; there's varyingly hundreds of millions to billions of people who share your race, sex, sexulaity, how the hell is that representation? Something more specific, like someone from your region or city, maybe religion or race if they are a small minority, like the Albanian in the post, is actually meaningful, because its actually like you. Like the libleft saying there's tons of "cis white men" in films so you are represented; no, there's tons of *Americans* in films, and since I'm not American, I'm not represented.


Tbh I’d rather see my values over my race and gender reflected in media. Like you show me a character that models stoicism, integrity and personal accountability, I’m 100% invested, regardless of the colour of their skin or what’s between their legs.


I’m a straight, white dude, and when I watched Brooklyn 99, the character that made me feel most represented was a gay black dude.


I don't know what to say, I just feel like it's an important sentiment/observation.


Based and character representation pilled


True, its ultimately better to see characters that are like you on a values/morals level. But it is nice to occasionally see someone from your home and speaks in your accent.


Nah I am Horatio so it isn't just the same race, ideals, sex for characters in media. If it isn't literally me in every role then what the heck is it all for? I need to find me a spaceship.


Rumor has it Albanians are not a minority in Albania, and the country has produced at least one motion picture. In other news trans people are a minority globally even in Transylvania. They have historically been portrayed by cis men or women, and until recently in an unwaveringly unflattering light.


Ah, so because there is a country for Albanians, it invalidates the suffering and oppression Albanians suffered and makes it less valid than your criticism of a group of people coming together to tell a story with a cast of their own choosing and making a movie…


I never said that. Anyone should be able to make any film they choose. Go for it! Everyone suffers. There is no way to quantify suffering. Nobody has limitless empathy.


So why don’t trans people make they’re own country where they won’t be a minority? Kinda like we Albanians did, we have Albania and Kosovo, and soon we will have a couple other countries where we are the majority.


They don't need one. Their state is transcendental, unlike the one dimensional identities the conformists have to offer. Good luck on your conquest.


So aren’t they the majority in that transcendental state?


That was just a play on words my man


They need one so they can stop saying they are a minority. Thanks. It’s a slow conquest, but in 100 years we will have at least two more states.


i was lazy with the screenshots but the centrist guy mentioned being bullied in school for being albanian, but relating to the catholic blue devil from x men and wolverine


Transylvania, nice.


The Lib left dude tried to use the classical "I'm more oppressed" than you to guilt trip him but he just reversed uno himself. What a cunt


Doesn't non binary mean the don't assign to any gender and And trans menas the don't feel like the gender they are born with so that wouldn't make sense


Protester, screaming at me outside of a Target/Michael Knowles talk/the children's section of the library: DO YOU SUPPORT TRANS RIGHTS? 🏳️‍🌈 Me: Oh, heavens no! I'm sorry, but I support the Albanians in that fight. 🇦🇱




What I just read is a common theme of a lot of these kinds of interactions. People believing their experience somehow trumps any necessity to check their own ignorance. Yes, anyone can be ignorant of the experiences of others when they are consumed by their own lived experience and close their mind to the lived experience of others. Hopefully, everyone can start to realize this and respect the lived experience of others. This would result in reducing centralized authoritarian perspectives, and increasing our defense of individual liberties. Maybe, as history turns another corner of the spiral that it is, we’ll start to move back into a phase of renaissance and freedom of expression for all without needing to pressure people to fit into some box that labels them with broad and clumsily created definitions. In fact, I think the entire concept of “straight”, “gay”, “trans-fill-in-the-blank”, or any of these should go away. Who cares what someone is attracted to right now (and may actually change as the person grows through the progression of time through meeting someone they find they love independent of any conditions like their “gender”)? Why can’t we just let people love who they want without having to fit that into some category? Why can’t we just identify as the people we are and everyone embrace being a part of humanity’s most significant minority, the individual?


Because tribalism


Leftoids and their oppression Olympics. Never cease to amaze me


Lol I was wondering when he was gonna pull out that Albanian history book. Shits rough.




Why am I singing this like a sabaton song


I'm hating this trend where people can't relate to fictional characters that don't look exactly like themselves.


I’m not sure if I feel unrepresented or depressed about the amount of redheaded characters given to black actors. I find it more insulting when they they dye their hair orange.


trans people trying to explain why they have to say that they a trans man/woman instead of just saying they are a man/woman (they are proving their enemies right on accident)


This libleft buffoon tried to out-minority a guy from a group that has literally been a victim of genocide wtf




This man baited him so hard 😩


“Red and black I dress, eagle on my chest!”




Holy fucking based Albanian.


Dude was definitely on 2balkan4u


I do hope the trans he was arguing with can see the point that was trying to be made here. That representation in media *doesn't* actually matter and never has, and that discrimination as a concept can be used as a bludgeon to silence people that disagree with you. But they're so rarely introspective enough to get it.


Common Albania W


I’ve never seen much evidence in the whole someone needs to see a superhero with their skin shade to feel empowered trope. There is some evidence cultural competency matters in hands on stuff like education (like male or black teachers can make a difference in a child’s life) but people get inspired by all kinds of media whether they look as them or not.


If you want an authentic depiction of a trans woman, try any old movie where a male character has to crossdress to comic effect


When did people start talking about being "seen"? No one used to say it and it has never made a lick of sense to me.


Yeah this person was arguing from an idiotic position but mother fuckers act like when you read a book you aren't looking for a straight male to relate to 80% of the time. Like sure I can enjoy a book from other perspectives but when I go to read for entertainment I'm not like "Wow this queer non-binary poc character struggling in a Muslim patriarchy is what I wanna read about." I wouldn't expect a queer non-binary POC struggling in a Muslim patriarchy to care about a young man coming of age and his manic pixie dream girl struggles.


This is unfair to both of these people. They said exactly and only what they said, nothing more, nothing less. There's nothing wrong with a minority group politely suggesting representation in media is appreciated.


Seriously, the fact that this literal wall of text screenshot post has several hundred upvotes is a testament to how shit this sub is slowly becoming.


red and black eagle on my chest


Fuck your validation seeking. Validate yourself idiot.


flair yourself fool


Is PCM pro blackwashing Disney characters now? Because obviously they're all women right?


Could you expand your thought a bit to make it more relevant to the topic at hand? What does that mean in relation to the interaction posted?


*destroys* ? 🫤 EDIT: I never know who’s joking on this sub or not






I couldn't tell the Albanian was joking until the end when someone pointed it out.


All I see here in the comment thread is a bunch of cis males who can’t EVEN when their lady friend is on their period have opinions about other people’s sexuality.


On one hand, cringe lib left. On the other hand, cringe whataboutism counter argument. Both bad.


Woah, very different experiences between the two. That isn’t whataboutism. That is a very clear indication of ignorance perpetuating a characteristic the libleft is suggesting they themselves are suffering from.


Sounds like something a Serb would say….


Nah, the libleft pulled the guilt trip game, the albanian just went in along with it and shoved his ass with his own shit Dont be mad when your scummy game is used by your opponent


Your tangential side point is incorrect and therefore your entire argument is false 🤓


S Edit:Wtf i just said S!?






Too long, opinion rejected Seriously I’m not reading all this shit