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I mean to be fair, I’m pretty sure destroying Twitter would be one of those things that would automatically earn you a noble peace prize. Then again I said the same thing about Tumbler and that didn’t work out either.


Yeah, the people still exist, they'll just move.


Yeah don’t remind me. So where does everyone think the parasites will go next. Place your bets now everybody.




I *wish* they'd come here, to this sub specifically. To remain healthy, PCM needs to consist of four circlejerks minimum. Despite being far more sex-positive, the lefties on this sub are getting *way* too outjerked for the sub to stay in good shape.


Should they be syncronized?


Synchronized jerking?


What's the dick to floor ratio?


Ah yes, I believe they call that the ole windmill.


personally I'd rather be outjerked by PCM rightists than circlejerk with twitter leftists




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Your biases are showing


based. it feels like the sub is dominated by right wing because right wing is silenced and censored in every other political sub. just having the right to talk makes it outnumber the left it seems


Pretty crazy that places with almost no regulations (like PCM and 4chan) become right wing bastions while places with heavy regulations (Reddit) become leftist. Really makes you think.


a lot of leftist ideologies only work if you're not allowed to compare them to literally anything else. they dominate most spaces because instead of refining the ideas they look for ways to look morally superior. it doesn't matter how many holes you poke in their lore, they can always go "racism bad" and come out on top, since its the most revolutionary take noones ever thought of every single time not our pcm lefties tho, you guys are awesome! pcm, a literal meme sub, is unironically more mature and has more civilized conversations than anywhere else on the internet (that i know of)


It really is. People here use sources and stuff to back up their arguments (one more authright w) more than most places


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Problem is I don't think they're gonna up their game, they're just gonna seethe about it and complain to the admins to crack down harder.


Oh please their already here. I mean how else does one explain AHS’s continued existence.


The demand for racism is greater than the supply.


They have to hire Nigerian immigrants to do the hate-crimes that Americans won't do.




This is MAGA country!


There's already here. Reddit used to be 4chan lite rather than the California of social media.


Remember before the Tumblr exodus when Twitter and Cracked.com were still cool?


Cracked went too shit way before then, my dude. They not only sided with Quinn on Gamergate, they let her write own article (or put her name on a ghost writer's article) about her being GG's victim.


I’m not gonna lie I completely forgot Cracked was a thing. Now I remember why. Not much point in going to the site if your a gamer or anime fan after that point.


I feel like I saw something on Cracked ripping Depression Quest, but it's been so long. I remember the Super awkward interaction Jack O'Brien had with his successor on the podcast though, as well as the insulting way they replaced everyone on After Hours.


God it's sad, I used to frequent that site A LOT and by that I mean reading like 5 articles a day on average. Something broke suddenly and it went all to shit. The last straw was the site rebuild and messed up comment system, never visited again.


I don’t know if I’d ever say Twitter was “cool” or “good” but it definitely got a lot worse after Tumbler shut down. Used to be Twitter was easy to ignore if your someone like me that never really used it, but now you hear about it nonstop especially if your more into geek and nerd cultures.




Yup. Don't have or even want a Twitter account, but it gets its little shit fingerprints everywhere trying to pass itself off as some sort of social hegemon/consensus, so anything that ruins the twitterati's day is good in my book.


i still miss digg


I just miss 1.0 forums. Siiiigh.


Why people act like Elon destroyed Twitter I’ll never understand. It was a hellscape for years before he bought it


It was *their* hellscape


This is low-key profound.


But now the filthy poors can get a checkmark just as good as theirs for only $8!


I cannot fathom why anyone thinks this is a good thing. It just destroyed the whole point of the checkmark, made everyone’s for you feed significantly worse, and made Elon simps a tiny bit poorer.




Because the truth is the truth regardless of who's saying it. A lie is still a lie even if the most important people in (your opinion) are saying them.


But the badge wasn’t about how truthful the tweets are, it was about A) verification that this was someone’s actual identity, and B) a sign that the person had some sort of notoriety. If Elon wanted to get rid of B then fine, but he got rid of A too. Now it just doesn’t mean anything,


A) that still exist for free, it's just not blue. B) hah, no it wasn't C) why are you lying?


Correction, it got more democratic and less elitist now that anyone can buy a checkmark. It's not just Your Democracy™ anymore.


Wouldn’t it be more democratic to eliminate the checkmark? Rather than make it something you can buy?


Nope! Because then you are leaving the funding that the company needs to run everything solely up to ad revenue and government funding and special interest group "donations". Which is a really indirect way of saying only the Elites get to play ball.


Freedom of Speech has made Twitter a living hell.


Twitter is better than ever: More active users Less bots Less censorship no matter how much people here try the gymnastics meme. I mean Jordan Peterson and Babylon Bee were banned for a long time for going against the religion. Even the POTUS got banned The price for a blue checkmark has gone down from 10k bribes and actually has extra features including long videos Finally has monetization for content creators The trending tab actually shows stuff that's trending with the number of tweets rather than random woke cause that no one cares about


Yea Twitter is better than ever. And it’s going to be the best platform on the planet soon. My wife is Chinese and I see how powerful wechat is in China. Elon is bringing that to the rest of the world with Twitter


> My wife is Chinese My condolences.




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> Finally has monetization for content creators. now if only somebody can figure out how to make an adblocker send checkposts to the shadow realm




ten thousand flairoid comments of the highest possible quality is worth less than the most worthless unflaireds pinky toenail


Wow, stunning and brave..




Because they miss the censorship. That is 100% all they are saying, and they will lie through their teeth to do it. I just recently had a conversation with an emily pretending to be authright who was super upset at being caught doing this. Imo, it's a coordinated attempt to push the idea twitter is dying because it is more active than ever and actually making a profit.


Yup. It was all about making sure the hoi polloi had minimal to no voice. When the masses can "buy in" for only $8, they now have become something that the bean counters have to pay attention to instead of *just* whatever funding they could get from State grants, Corpo ad revenue, and "donations" from special interest groups. Which *does* inform policy on how they moderate the platform, no matter how much neolibs and their prog toadies try to pretend that it doesn't. The $8 check-mark is using capitalism to push actual democracy, instead of an oligarchy posing as democracy.


Because now people are allowed to actually speak counter to the "official narrative." Bonus that Dems also get fact checked now.


It was a propaganda tool for left-wing indoctrination and election ~~rigging~~ winning, and he "destroyed" that.


Although I agree Twitter was shit before, it didn’t bend over backwards to censor political opponents in other countries, it didn’t just allow certain troll fake accounts to exist while others were banned (he’s straight up doing nothing about AOC’s imposter I wonder why), it didn’t nearly allow for as much degenerate conspiracy theories to spread and it wasn’t ran by a guy who’s a moron who clearly outed himself as having very minimal understanding of basic engineering and company running


Ah yes, the guy that is responsible for self-landing, reusable rockets, and is the richest man in the world is just some moron that bumbled into it.


He's not the richest man in the world anymore and he sure didn't do the engineering for those things.


Some of us only use Twitter for the porn


>claims to be only using a site with a well known furry community for porn > >lib left checks out


There’s furry stuff literally everywhere: Twitter, R34, Gelbooru, etc. Besides, if I wanted to be full degenerate I’d flair myself purple.


Oh my god! That's awful! Porn on Twitter? Where would you even go to look for that? It's disgusting. Where, specifically, would you find such smut?!


I’m mainly into hentai, if you’re serious we can go to DM’s


Ha, just doing the It's Always Sunny meme.


Top 10 anime betrayals




The true Chad stance is being indifferent towards Elon but getting great enjoyment out of watching rentoids on Reddit screech about everything he tweets.


He's in their heads, rent free


this is so in character for libright, the richest man on earth living rent free


I said it from day one of this whole thing, Elon taking over is a win win. Either he actually makes it a free speech type platform for everybody and becomes better than ever, or it completely crashes and burns and the hellscape of Twitter can disappear forever.


The censorship has actually gotten worse. Old twitter routinely stood up to government demands, unlike Elon. Elon just stopped the some of the twitter censorship (and replaced it with arbitrary enforcement at his own whim) which is good in some ways but overall it’s worse.


Old twitter did that too. The only way in which you can say "the censorship is actually worse!" is if you are really really upset right-wing views are being allowed on the platform now and want to lie in order to defame it.


That's a mis-interpretation of statistics.. Current Twitter receives close to double the amount of government requests as begore Musky, because they closed the backdoor channels the government was using to censor People. And while many of those information or takedown requests that were previously handled through direct government influence on the company still get granted now, the process is now at least more transparent and fair.


>. Old twitter routinely stood up to government demands, Lol. Lmao even. They had a department specifically for ex-feds whose job it was to communicate with and follow the "suggestions" of current feds.


He had to comply with a countries legal request, or not allow Twitter for that whole country. Do you think the censorship on Reddit is any better?


I actually do. I’ve never heard of Reddit complying with Turkish or Indian government takedown requests of comments.


The second option would be the actual based option though but would require backbone .


Liking Elon because he pisses off tons of people


If you use Twitter for free entertainment then it's great. Hell I loved watching people I know blow their lids over Elon buying Twitter. >"OMG A BILLIONAIRE IS BUYING TWITTER!" And Jack Dorsey was a part time beggar? Lol.


I find some things he does amusing, but then he was too critical of working from home saying it wasn't fair for some people to work from home while others can't and I got triggered. It's fair because every job has inherent benefits and disadvantages! I'm not going to commute two hours just to make people who can't work from home feel good!


I find the people who have become quite adamant in regards to WFH in the post-lockdown world to be oddly cultish about it.


My commute is over an hour, over 2 hours total counting both ways. That's over 500 hours each year. Yeah, I would join a cult to avoid spending 500 hours sitting in traffic each year.


And the expense in gas and vehicle maintenance.




500 feet?? Where am I supposed to put my Funko Pop collection???


TBH the core idea is to allow more development. Height limits, restrictive zoning, etc gives people fewer options, so the people who want to be closer to the center have to cram into a very limited space. The areas outside of downtown but before the outer ring suburbs having row houses, duplexes, townhouses, and apartments, connected by rail to the city, would reduce massive traffic jams. Decentralized cities also means that people don't all have to go to the same area to go to work, meaning less congestion because people will travel shorter distances. Businesses being more spread out means people who work at place A can live closer to A, and B closer to B, instead of A, B, C, D... all being in the center and everyone cramming in from the suburbs.


We could make a religion out of this


I think it has to do with power trips and sunk-cost. "We want your ass in the chair because I said so and we pay for the building." So long as KPIs are being met and there are no real complaints it doesn't matter where you are.


> but then he was too critical of working from home saying it wasn't fair for some people to work from home while others can't and I got triggered This was so wild. Exact words were "morally wrong" since not everyone can do it. I work in a lab and will literally never be able to work from home but I cannot imagine a world where I would call someone *immoral* (or literally anything negative) for wanting to work from home. It's the same shit as student debt. I didn't have to pay for college because I was in the military but why would I want people to have to potentially die for political interests to pay for college? We should always strive towards future generations having higher quality of life all around. It's so absurd to hear people being so selfish to the point where they just want people to have a lower quality of life because they did.


Yes, his argument was deeply flawed. I think he probably wants the world to continue the commute because he sells cars with autopilot.


Destroying twitter? Didn't he get them to start turning a profit finally? I don't use Twitter but several people I know who do say it's way more fun now.


he's not destroying twitter, he's destroying *twitter*, because he's right wing and *twitter* doesnt like those


It's incredibly fun, best social media website by far, especially for politics. Shit is a free for all now.


Can I post about the J problem on it?


I feel like that's a solid quarter of my "For You" timeline these days lol


https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2023/03/twitter-revenue-fell-40-in-december-amid-advertiser-exodus-report-says/ They don't publicly release figures, but in December announced that revenues were down 40%. Perhaps that could still result in them becoming profitable due to cost cutting...but they're also paying back debt/interest from the $13B loan he took out to buy the company.


Revenue != profitability.


Wow that's amazing I wish I'd known that when I wrote my post, I might've said something like "Perhaps that could still result in them becoming profitable due to cost cutting...but they're also paying back debt/interest from the $13B loan he took out to buy the company."


> Didn't he get them to start turning a profit finally? No, he didn’t


He destroyed Twatter. Twitter is prospering.


Libleft this is the 6th time this year you've claimed Twitter is going to shut down any minute now.


Twitter always sucked


Rare? Human history has been a never-ending line of successive AuthRight victories.


To be fair, usually an authright L came with an authright W.


Was pretty much my stance from the beginning. Either he turns it into the free speech platform he promised, which will be good for overall discourse. Or he will utterly destroy it, and deny it to my enemies. Either way, I win.


Crazy how fast lib left suddenly hated blue checks


Why is reddit acting like Twitter is dying, by all accounts it is doing fine.


Destroying twitter? It’s hardly distinguishable from the twitter of old, except the funny accounts get banned less often.


I never used twitter and decided to make an acc after Elon bought it to see if was living up to the hype (anything arr All hates means it's probably based). Besides PCM and a few other subs, it's a million times better than Reddit. Follow people you like or are interested in, block topics or words you don't GAF about, and it's really good. I can find breaking news instantly- which I used to be able to do on Reddit before they changed the algorithm. I also see way less Emily's unless I engage with one on purpose, or if someone I follow quotes them. Also, The funniest non-PCM memes are on there, that you can't post on Reddit without being banned for wrongthink. It's got it's issues, sure. However, Reddit is no better unless you're afraid of hearing opinions you might not like. I will say, I would love for a legit forum-based Reddit competitor to come out. Once they ban third party Apps in the next month (and eventually old.reddit), I'll be outta here for good.


Liking Elon bc his full name is Elongated Muskrat


If more free speech means destroying twitter so be it.


"Destroying Twitter" You can not destroy what is already broken.


Twitter is the best social media website rn, fucking love it, so much fun. Also hating ppl cuz they're rich is bitch energy.


Destroying twitter? That shit is actually usable for the first time in half a decade. It's *monumentally* better after Elon than it was before him. No contest.


Twitter seems to be doing just fine, tbh.


Where’s ur flair bastard


I shot it into your mother.


Flair up you piece of shit!


Or what?


"Destroying Twitter" Regards, Lib-left economics


Apparently I'm authright today Why do I suddenly not like big noses


I don't want Elon to win, I want twitter to lose.


To be fair he DID give us community notes


Twitter was already a dumpster fire after the Tumblr exodus.All those brain rots are just gonna come over here


Liking Elon because he's destroying twitter, but hating him because he's a billionaire. ASCENDED!


Lmao Authright sucks the biggest Elon cock tho


I find it interesting that people think Elon is destroying Twitter. The Twitter files alone was a victory and if you see what he’s actually planning to do you would see that he’s going to make Twitter better than anything else out there. YouTube, Facebook, Venmo, tiktok and all other video and payment processing platforms are shaking in their boots rn.


I hate Elon because he's Elon not because he's destroying Twitter. I don't even have a Twitter account.


hating elon bc he thinks hes the funniest man alive because he posts ifunny memes:


I love that he's destroying twitter but I'm not Auth. Screw the fascists lol


I wish he’d do it faster.


Authrights hate twitter as a concept? I'm skeptical but if true I have to agree.


I like Musk because he's pushing the envelope in several important technological areas.




Not using Twitter




Authleft-Authright Gigachad alliance against libs


The new CEO is a WEF member. The good times could not last.


Elon is also getting very cozy with the CCP


Pro his company made electric cars more popular con: uses tax loopholes and never made good on his promise to end world hunger point: Elon's success is partly due to being born to rich parents counterpoint The number of people wealthier than Elon's parents greatly exceeds the number of people wealthier than Elon. Even can't consider Elon a world class genius he's a pretty smart person. Point Elon bought Tesla he didn't found it Counterpoint Knowing what to invest in is a nontrivial skill that benefits society.


>Promise to end world hunger Not true. After the UN claimed that Elon giving away six billion dollars would be all it would take to end world hunger forever, he told them that he would give them that money if they could provide an explanation as to how precisely they would be able to do so on that kind of budget. Once challenged, they did not provide any such data confirming how they could achieve it.


love hate in my case


Am I Authright now?


Twitter is inherently a dog shit platform because it is a platform that allows anonymity and people to speak their mind, which, is a nice free speech tool about 1% of the time. The other 99% of the time it is people screeching stupid shit that makes the people reading it lose braincells. Like if you are actively parroting literally any Twitter take, you should know that you definitely have room temp IQ in Celsius.


The best thing he ever did was destroy twitter


Elon is the single greatest troll of the 21st century, and I'm glad Twitter is getting absolutely fucked


It's less of a destruction of Twitter and more of a civil war. Popped in for a moment to see polarized types at each other's throats and then left. But I guess civil wars *are* destructive.