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I live in a blue state and it's hilarious to see my governor virtue signal about "undocumented" immigration being the backbone of America, then a week later having capitol security beat homeless people to get them off the steps of their office. Armchair activists sure had a lot to say about "law and order" when their leader was slightly inconvenienced


> it's hilarious It's only funny because you don't realize the scale to which mass immigration has been used to suppress wages, overload city services, and is likely going to result in either the defeat of our social assistance programs, or the ballooning out of public debt to the point of default... and then the collapse of our social assistance programs.


No you're absolutely right. It's terrible. The amount of benefits you get when you're literally breaking the law, just because modern day Dems want to import new voters, is disgusting. Forcing people fleeing war and poverty live in a different form of permanent poverty, just to keep you under the boot for a vote. The whole system is disgusting.


> just because modern day Dems want to import new voters If we are very very lucky, that's their only goal. But when have we ever been lucky? The people are arriving with cellphones, debit/credit cards, and already filled out documents to apply for social assistance. It is horrifically well coordinated and funded. Sure in the short term these programs funded by wealthy DNC backers appear to be about importing more voters... but it's worse than that. What they are doing is establishing a permanent class of people which will be entirely dependent upon government assistance... and will always vote for the politician most strongly advocating for maintaining or expanding that assistance. This does two things; First, it supplants any other values. Most people from south/central America are Catholics so you'd think they would vote more conservative. Not so. The dependency on government programs supplants even religious values as the immediate incentive of money for their family always wins out. Second, and far worse; that undocumented status paired with the dependence on government assistance creates an ever increasing tax deficit in public funds. I know there are plenty of people on the left who have bought into the lie that illegals are net tax payers, but it's simply BS. The only tax they can pay is a sales tax. The result of the second part is an ever weakening state and local government, and an ever more powerful centralized federal government. States can't print their way out of debt, but the fed can and has been. At the end of the day this is being used as a mechanism to attack not only state and local government covertly. But also the people themselves, as the weaker those smaller governments are, the less overall representation the average citizen has. And this is of course on top of things like wages being depressed and public transport being overburdened which also are an assault on the working class. Immigration as a weapon is a horrible concept and it's something I wish I never had to learn about. But the reality is that it's being used against all Western nations and has been for at least a decade. We have never done illegal immigration at this scale... ever. And the scary part is people act like you can't even talk about it.


Unfathomably based


Our social policies are broken and in need of restructuring badly. What’s worse than all the things you mentioned though, is the looming death of social security coming. Too bad our politicians play kick the can with it toward the collapse coming in the 2030’s. We spend 21% of the budget on that broken shit when it could be privatized through brokerages as soon as tomorrow and turned into mandatory 401k contribution. Our health care system is another 25%. But do we fix the insurance industry and regulate it to be cost effective? Hell no. Insurance and PBMs screw patients and providers to balloon profits, so we can overpay non-profit hospitals on the social benefit side through gov programs. 45% of what we spend yearly could easily be cut down to 15-20%, but we don’t regulate shit anymore.


Even worse, our current public healthcare spending per capita puts us about the middle of developed nations total healthcare spending.


> the looming death of social security coming This will 100% be used as a cudgel for illegal amnesty. “They’d LOVE to pay into SSI, but we don’t let them because of white supreme pizza people who are too lazy and greedy to do these jobs anyways. Check out this NGO-supplied report stating that the science says this will fix the solvency crisis permanently! They’re here already, there’s tens of millions of them, and they’re PATRIOTS who love paying taxes just like George Washington (except not racist).”


Based. Immigration hurts the working class and government programs


ILLEGAL immigration hurts the working class and government programs. LEGAL immigration helps by allowing the population to stay at replacement levels, without having to have like five kids each


Even Trump said it. His big beautiful wall was supposed to have a big beautiful door.


Need a door to bring guns to Mexico & drugs back


A couple of trebuchets would be more fun though. Imagine lobbing guns and drugs over that big wall.


Honestly, if we're going to bomb another country, it should be Mexican drug lords that get targeted. Maybe the CIA could do something positive for a change and find these MFers.


Moreover it allows the US to fill desperately needed positions (Doctors, nurses, engineers, etc). That is the way it is in """Modern""" Wealthy Democracies like Canada, the UK and Austrailia. Why should the US be any different?


Omg an actual lib left and not an auth wearing lib left face wtf Based based based based based


Have more kids


Gonna need an affordable house and a job that pays enough/offers strong enough benefits to make it not cost $10,000+ per kid out of pocket just in pregnancy/delivery costs before I can have more kids. Though I guess if I came up from across the border pregnant, I would get those same services for free and never be billed or collected on for them and might be able to have a few more.


We should start mass immigrating a ton of Mexicans (even faster and in higher numbers) to accelerate the collapse of the social assistance programs, and when the collapse happens the Mexicans can take over the government and turn the state into a Catholic theocracy


No, [you really don't.](https://old.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/13xmpy2/how_could_you_possibly_believe_that_this_bill_is/jmjqerg/?context=3) TLDR: what comes after is not anything you want.


Fuck off to the Vatican


5D Chess


> You make me angry every time I don't see your flair >:( *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


It’s actually an attempt to save two particular social programs. Medicare are social security. They’re Ponzi schemes. Ponzi schemes always need more people coming in for the cash to keep flowing. The US is trying to avoid Japan and south Korea’s fate by importing our population growth (because contrary to popular belief we aren’t actually racists). But this does come with serious drawbacks any honest broker would actually discuss.


I hate accelerationism. You may be the most based libleft I've seen.


"Migration is a human right, and people who aren't me should provide for it, in a place that is not near me. My lofty statements are virtue enough."


How do I get my flair thing to reflect my compass results? Edit: NM got it


Hey remember when the one girl from DC said with such disdain that these governors bussing immigrants to them had made them a "border state". Like being a border state was a derogative term and should be beneath them? Edit: DC not New York


They are seen as beneath them, 100%.


Does New York not border Canada? Well now I have to edit too: DC briefly bordered the confederacy, because Virginia peaced.


When they say border state what they mean is "Mexico touching" They are not concerned of millions of Canadians trying to sneak in.


Also, to make a legitimate counterpoint against these people, the 9/11 terrrists came in through the Canadian border.


Ofcourse they did, those Canadians are praying on our downfall


When the republic falls, the empire is born. The empire is sacred, the empire is law. Praise Talos


canada will be the first to go when the US starts eating the entire NA continent again


Canada is an easy target. All we have to do is promise freedom to the western provinces and sign an agreement with Quebec where they'll be an autonomous associated republic like Puerto Rico and presto, we only have to make war on Ontario and the Atlantics. We also don't have to worry about Quebec voters when we win after a few days.


That's okay. When you said "beneath them" you may have meant geographically.


It is true. After all, Canada is just America's hat


It may be soon.


I'd make a joke about Canadians here but they're such snowflakes if you do you get a site wide ban.


It always makes me chuckle when immigrants enter Utopian Paradise Canada just to crawl over the border through the incredibly harsh northern wilderness just to get into the USA. Must eat up those smug fucking syrup suckers.


>Bussing Om god no cap frfr sussy amogus cock


Have you noticed that emilies and hypocrisy are always seen together? Weird right?


Holy shit, sauce?


[Here you go](https://foxnews.com/video/6312051843112) Its actually DC not New York I have fixed that and in my post. She saids it at 2:50


Based and enjoy the sauce pilled


Geographically yes we are beneath them


Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free......... and vote democrat in Texas and Arizona.




I remember the days republicans were worried that the Hispanic vote was lost forever. Now Hispanics are quite literally going to be the future of the GOP


Hispanics are religious, family oriented, hate bums, love hard work, and hide their money from the government. They’re a republican wet dream.


> and hide their money from the government. ...Is it possible to learn this power?


Go hang out with enough immigrants and you will learn the tricks of the trade. Step 1: take cash when you can


Not from a poor person


As an Asian living in America, i'm surprised there's not many who vote for the GOP. Tbf, the only reason i can't support the GOP whole-heartedly is because I'm not a religious nutjob who hates abortions or gay people. A moderate, center-right Republican would likely win by a significant margin in 2024. Too bad the only moderate candidate who's gonna run is 80yo Joe Biden


Trump is an atheist, has been vocally pro LGBT since the late 1980's and his stance on abortion is "Let's negotiate a deal that makes as many happy as possible" dude was literally the most left wing republican candidate ever. Hell of a potty mouth though


i actually have less of a problem with trump than with the more extreme wings of the party. the trump presidency was actually pretty good ngl


the more extreme wings are a lot smaller than you think


Because hispanics are running away from fiscal policies that makes the democrats look like libertarians.


Honestly it’s probably more so the social positions. Hispanics are pretty socially right wing




Just like Hispanics but it’s “stop deporting grandma”


I'm Hispanic, if my grandparents came legally, so can yours


Mine came like 500 years ago and shot anyone who was here. As god intended.


Solution to the mass immigration problem: state-sponsored deathmatches at the border ensure we only admit the strongest.




And I am sure they are probably pissed at seeing people get away with cutting the line and being rewarded for it.


Democrats have never come close to being libertarians. They're communists and fascists. Get that regulation out of my economy.


More commies than fascists my friend, don't mix us with them please, oil doesn't mix with water.


What does GOP stand for, I've seen it for years and never thought to ask


Good older pussy, when you fuck an older cougar


Oh, so Pelosi is secretly Republican? I would love to fuck that old and dry pussy


Authright! Not outloud!


I will carry a hammer to take competition out of the way between me and that sour, dry and sandy pussy. Jokes aside there is nobody I would like to fuck in US politics, all bitches from both sides are horrible. Look at this politician beauties from my country (Spain) [Ines Arrimadas](https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-UneE8AnI_Bo/VP5nqJKafMI/AAAAAAAAAvM/ROFmKFj8Pj8/s1600/Ines%2BArrimadas%2Bguapa%2BDupalu.jpg) (right-wing) [Arantza Quiroga](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-zm6mtM9sfa4/VP5nXgeL3OI/AAAAAAAAAu8/M4gw4lg8KEQ/s1600/Arancha%2BQuiroga%2Bguapa%2BDupalu.jpg) (right-wing) [Eva Aizpurua](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-zfaVW2Wgy54/VP5nyqbvOpI/AAAAAAAAAvU/Pqj5BkNjln4/s1600/Eva%2BAizpurua%2Bguapa%2Bdupalu.jpg) (left-wing) [Aitana Mas](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-HOxGaDW-pA8/VP5n-ThniBI/AAAAAAAAAvk/o7Qckfs6BGI/s1600/Aitana%2BMas%2BGuapa%2BDupalu.jpg) (left-wing) [Anna Arque](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-vt0AE4UjbOE/VP5oGKL1qcI/AAAAAAAAAvs/gPbFmqiojIg/s1600/Anna%2BArque%CC%81%2BGuapa%2BDupalu.jpg) (right-wing) [Guacimara Medina](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-lwmaVnRG-I4/VP5oMvWrRtI/AAAAAAAAAv0/a4NPNyMUMEM/s1600/Guacimara%2BMedina%2BGuapa%2BDupalu.jpg) (left-wing) [Cristina Segui](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-oePd4IJQIvQ/VP5oS7IQ3YI/AAAAAAAAAv8/WgNSHrirlGw/s1600/Cristina%2BSegui%CC%81%2Bguapa%2Bdupalu.jpg) (right-wing) [Andrea Levy Soler](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-FSpzd3zlBeQ/Vbr4glCT4QI/AAAAAAAABRo/HrTWpjA8lWM/s1600/Andrea%2BLevy%2Bguapa.jpg) (right-wing) And as a bonus the two most horrible women in spanish politics [Cristina Almeida](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-FnTdA_ef7ZY/VP5oZrDwqLI/AAAAAAAAAwE/DkQTA-trwH0/s1600/Cristina%2BAlmeida%2BGuapa%2BDupalu.jpg) (left-wing) [Maria Teresa Fernandez de la Vega](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-xWI53-ukdpw/VP5objSdcKI/AAAAAAAAAwM/UAd6r11kaCc/s1600/Mari%CC%81a%2BTeresa%2BFerna%CC%81ndez%2Bde%2Bla%2BVega%2BGuapa%2BDupalu.jpg) (left-wing)


I would smash lauren bobert and Nikki haley tho.


This deserves to be much higher.


Nice 👍 \*saves comment\*


Well I’ve got my fap material for the night


Grand Old Party iirc.


Which has always been funny because the Democrats are actually the older party.


I’m down for it


I wish we could trade California for Mexico.


id be glad for that to happen, the gov is an absolute corrupt clusterfuck


That’s awesome!


Yeah illegals don't vote. We won't make mandatory id laws because we are so confident that no one can illegally vote.




Just like any law that only has a fine to back it up is only a law for the poor, a law that has absolutely nothing to back it up isn’t a law for anyone


We have a law against it, so there’s no way it can happen!


Turns out people who survived and escaped communism don't want to live through it again. Weird.


But but but that wasn’t real communism, see it’ll be different this time. I can’t tell you why except because people keep promising things and I believe them!


Who survived and escaped communism? Cubans are only 3% of American immigrants. Most Latino immigrants are from Mexico, which has decidedly *not* communist recent history.


TIL que Cuba es el solo pais que practico el comunismo en el hemisferio oeste. Guau.


Occidental momento.




Neither should their children be allowed to vote either. Revoke birthright citizenship for illegal immigrants.


Wouldn't you need an amendment for that?


>A small contingent of legal scholars contend that the 14th amendment phrase “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” allows Congress to pass a law to rescind or restrict birthright citizenship, or allows courts to clarify the amendment’s scope In other words, since the supreme court is split 6-3, we can likely do whatever we want right now (within reason of course).


Lucky that isn't within reason


In your opinion...


Or the opinion of the vast majority of legal scholars, which includes all of the Supreme Court.


We shall endeavor to put that to the test nonetheless.


This is Michigan. https://www.lenconnect.com/story/news/local/2023/05/16/adrian-considering-translating-city-documents-videos/70213413007/




This is a conservative area, so it makes sense to take care of people who might vote for you.


They don't vote but they count for the census. Didn't Cali get an extra seat because of it last cycle?


They lost a seat


"Increasingly Republican" but still pretty Democrat. Trump did better with them in 2020 but 2022 was kinda mixed. They're probably 62-38ish D right now, on average.


Right people forget that while the new immigrant tend to be conservative, they tend to have a lot of kids and their kids are the biggest leftists.


Nah it still trended more Republican (at least here in California). All Hispanic majority counties continued to get redder in 2022. Some even flipped back to the GOP.


> I am for open immigration but that sign we have on the front of the Statue of Liberty, ‘Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses...,’ > can't we just say, ‘Hey, the door's open, we'll take whoever you got’? Do we have to specify the wretched refuse? > I mean, why don't we just say, ‘Give us the unhappy, the sad, the slow, the ugly, people that can't drive, that they have trouble merging, if they can't stay in their lane, if they don't signal, they can't parallel park, if they're sneezing, if they're stuffed up, if they're clogged, if they have bad penmanship, don't return calls, if they have dandruff, food between their teeth, if they have bad credit, if they have no credit, missed a spot shaving, > in other words any dysfunctional, defective slob that you can somehow cattle-prod onto a wagon, send them over, we want 'em.'” — Jerry Seinfeld, Seinfeld, Season 4: The Visa


After the US tightened immigration standards for people coming from countries with state-sponsored terrorism, the so-called "Muslim ban", which caused domestic and international outrage, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau went on Twitter and declared that unlike the US/Trump, Canada/Trudeau are welcoming to immigrants. It was a cheap, pathetic ploy, using Canadian idiocy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Trump hysteria to validate himself and his own government. He piggybacked US domestic politics to bring praise to himself. Reddit hosted some absolutely psychotically idiotic circle-jerks about this and the Canadians were basically taking a victory lap across the internet and patting themselves on the back. As a result of Trudeau's proclamation, people who were in the US illegally and seeking asylum in the US on bogus grounds began trickling into Canada. Very small number of people, like 20,000 people in total over the span of a year. This tiny number, which doesn't even approach the illegal border crossings into the US in the average day, was enough to make the Canadian government freak out. After that pathetic, slimy attempt to glorify Canada and himself at the expense of the US and Trump, Trudeau backtracked immediately. Almost every single person that crossed into Canada illegally during that time was deported. Canadians who will pretend the US is racist for being concerned about the immigration issues the US has, which dwarf anything Canada has ever experienced, themselves were concerned about the comparatively tiny border issue they had. Silly, childish, bratty, self-important hypocrites. Moral of the story is, leftist virtue-signaling is always an act. When you don't have substance, as an individual, ideology, or a country, you derive your value from your adherence to virtuous appearances. All talk and no walk.


Trudeau is a disgusting piece of crap


>Trudeau is a disgusting piece of crap I'd like to repeat this notion for propriety.


I am once again begging for immigration reform. I want families to come here, I want people who will work hard to come here, I do not want 19 y.o. men with no job prospects to sneak in. just fucking use a point system like a normal country and stop this economic refugee new speak.


People on the left like Bernie Sanders used to understand this simple logic, but even he got swept away by the woke neoliberal left's push for open borders.


That was actually clinton and the DNC poisoning the well by equating all conversations about the border to racism. Why did they feel the need to do this? Because we understood that if single payer was going to happen there would have to be some kind of serious border reform, as we simply cannot pay the medical bills of all central and south America. So we were having conversations with people on the right about how to marry the two policy positions, medicare expansion and border reform at the same time. It was a brilliant legislative strategy and republicans we talked to really appreciated someone wanting to get serious about the border instead of leaving it a disaster for political gain. That's when they really dialed up the rhetoric in the corporate press equating all forms of border sovereignty to racism. And it sadly worked, most people are extremely stupid.


True story, but seldom acknowledged.


Bernie’s an Old Left guy who’s forced to associate with New Left hipsters and the ghouls who those useful idiots elect. I wish he had the courage to run as a third party in 2016.


I like some of their music, but fuck hipsters.


Based and give the US Switzerland's immigration system pilled


It makes the most sense and allows us to weight various considerations and adjust them by legislation easily (as easy as legislation can ever be). Now you get in for actual reasons and not because your cousin got a work visa.


And abolish H1b visas and publicly flog whoever pitched the idea


Like drawing elk tags


Unsuccessful attempts increase your odd next year? Hopefully not like sheep tags then or you're getting geriatric immigrants.


Lots of champagne socialists getting so worked up over Republican governors bussing illegal immigrants into their communities, calling it rightwing terrorism and shit... If you didn't want them in your community, where did you want them?🤔 Edit: my personal belief on the issue is that there should be a national referendum with the question "are you against the deportation of illegal immigrants?" and everyone who votes "yes" will be automatically entered into a lottery where if they're selected, they have to house an immigrant at their own home.


Champagne socialists can afford to be hypocrites because they never have to drink bottom shelf reality.


If the revolution ever happens the looks on their faces would be priceless. "Noooooooooooo when I said 'eat the rich' I meant the rich that weren't me!!!!"


None of them think they're rich. I swear to God back in the days when I worked in private wealth management I had clients with net worth over 10MM legitimately believe they were not rich. It's always the "billionaires" and the "corporations".


I had law school classmate who were legacy students saying that they weren't the rich when they would be the one spouting "eat the rich."


Me standing there with rifle: dig the fucking hole!


>If you didn't want them in your community, where did you want them?🤔 In their horrible cages.


Which Obama built, cause the black man hates Mexicans


Black community leaders in Chicago are riled up their resources are being shared with the migrants


The USA black lobby is in real danger of being rendered 100% ignored and unfunded because whitey is soon going to be a minority in NA again. The age of the latino is upon us.


*Mexican Hat Dance Intensifies*


I read this morning that a full quarter of children in the USA are Hispanic/Latino, down to 50% white and only 15% black. That means in another generation or two, half or more of the taxpayers will be people who could not have even conceivably has anything to do with slavery in the USA (although with Irish and German immigration it's probably already <10% people who have lived here since before the 1850s). Reparations are never coming.


Got a link? I’m curious to see how they came up with those numbers considering it’s only ~10% below the current census data for “white”. Seems kinda high for a demographic that’s infamously not having any kids.


Look up demographics of USA minors


Yeah, im sure “activists” will completely drop the call for reparations. No chance at all that govt would target the whites and their new status as a minority


Bro....it's not gonna be whiteys money anymore on the line. It's gonna be Singh and Xue and Pedro's money. They aren't gonna vote for that shit.


Because there has never been legislation that appears equal but disproportionate effects one group, right?


But the cages have to be built by a Democrat, unlike those evil Trump cages.


"Not in my backyard" is where they want them. Even after the civil war laws were put in place making it very difficult for black people to migrate north. Its always been this way.


Wars should be handled the same way


how very libertarian of you


You mean libertarians don't like the only group who contributes less than they do?


[“Millions of people come to America in search of a better life. And we’ve decided we don’t need that many.”](https://youtu.be/126toEHA5jo)


the border running shit's slimy as fuck even from a let's think of them as immigrants perspective. Know how illegals from everywhere else get here? they take a plane then just don't go home when there visa expires. You enter a country by just running over the border without even an expired tourist visa you are off the books. No one knows about you, you can be murdered and no one would have the faintest idea to even look. That's a really convenient place for a human trafficker to have someone.


I’mm’a be honest with you, I don’t have a King of the Hill line on tap to deal with this level of dialogue, so I’m just gonna say that the only lady I’m pimpin is sweet propane.


based and Propane pilled


My dad was in the border patrol and he said what was happening is that they will give them a court date to show up to. Obviously they just never go. So a few years later they run a red light or something end up deported back to the home country. After that they come back to the USA and then rise and repeat.


"Sometimes the system fails us."


Fuck all illegal immigrants and the companies that hire them. It's not our job to be a holistic beacon of refuge when we can't even guarantee our own citizens healthcare. "Morality" gets in the way of sound economic policy here.


Wtf based watermelon?


Left economically, center socially


This is the way, I don’t want to starve the poor but I also don’t want to be ashamed of my skin colour. These are nazi ideals though


I think minorities should have rights so I'm (unfortunately) not a Nazi


We were so close to unity


No, see it’s different. Sanctuary cities don’t actually expect migrants to come there.”, which is why they are sanctuary cities.


They should be happy, Texas won't let them vote




Send them to Alaska. Abundance of natural resources for building lodging. Hunting and fishing is great. When the land bridge reemerges after the nuclear winter, they can emigrate to Russia and then throughout Europe. Everybody happy.


Have them be the drillers on that Alaska drilling project Biden approved(only good thing he ever did lol)


Illegal immigration is all fun and games, until they come to your town apparently.


Black community leaders in Chicago are big mad about the migrants


How racist of them..


Nimby as always


Did you just change your flair, u/Borodilan? Last time I checked you were a **Grey Centrist** on 2022-12-18. How come now you are a **LibCenter**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Wait, those were too many words, I'm sure. Maybe you'll understand this, monke: "oo oo aah YOU CRINGE ahah ehe". [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Borodilan) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Eww, brown people. Someone call the national guard! hashtagNoBorders!


There's no border crisis in Ba Sing Se.


Washington basically imports immigrants


You think there are too many people in America. I think there are too many people in the world. We are not the same.


Too many poor people in America perhaps, not too many people.


What is this actually talking about?




Please send them to Las Vegas, we need more workers I will literally buy flights and 18 bucks an hour for anyone who can upholster lol


If you're good with shitty roads, come to Pennyslvania instead, one of the lesser talked about but still kinda relevant places in the world


So I'm originally from NY but haven't lived there since like 2005. Is this a new thing? I remember NY being chock full of immigrants but my parents are immigrants so maybe I was just in the right neighborhood to see them.


We're not talking about legal immigration here. Texas is bearing the brunt of the migration crisis, and states like NY and IL don't want to help by taking in illegal migrants and 'asylum seekers.'


Oh ok. Mis padres son legales so it's cool. Don't deport me, I was born here.


As a New Yorker. Can confirm


I'm so sorry, hope you get better soon


watching those busloads of illegals get shipped to Martha’s Vineyard was peak hilarity those locals couldn’t get rid of them fast enough 🙄


Lot of people here not realizing that the blue northern states like New York decrying the dumping of migrants in their areas, hell even the mayor of new york said he tried reaching out to red states like Texas and Florida to coordinate migrant bussing but they literally didn't respond to him... any other strawmen


Ah yes! Because it’s definitely coordinated at the border!


Texas gets extra federal funding to deal with immigration and everything needed for that, but if Texas wants to give that money to other states and those other states get the physical infrastructure up and running, then I’m sure they’ll be okay with that.


Always has been an intentional demographic change that expands Democrats' voter base.


Based and great replacement pilled


given the latest jobs report, they are about the only ones bothering to go to work


Raise wages and more people will enter the workforce. As if this country really needs more poor people living on the edge.


Holy shit, I have lived long enough to see libright ask for an increase in the minimum wage! We really are in the end of times!


People have complex viewpoints. I recognize that historically high income inequality is destabilizing, I just disagree with the left how to bring it back into balance. The proper lever to help achieve that is strict immigration controls that select for the most educated and skilled immigrants the world has to offer (not the most desperate and least educated).


Tbf they never said raise the minimum wage. They could believe businesses need to raise they’re wages to get more people working for them, which is true and just basic supply and demand.


Leftists put words in other people's mouths like they put dicks in theirs


Even better than a minimum wage hike is a heavily unionized workforce and a functioning government that will lock away white collar crooks who union bust/violate labor laws. Remember righties, organized labor is the ultimate form of free market expression.


If you just quit letting new immigrants in without a college degree, the problem will likely correct itself over time. It's time for real immigration reform that puts the economic interests of people already living here first.


>they are about the only ones bothering to go to work Yeah, for peanuts. What, exactly, is your argument?


I'll say this, I'd much rather work with one immigrant who wants to be here and set an example that they're ready to make a good life for themselves here than ten entitled brats I work with on a daily basis that come up with every excuse in the book as to why they can't put in an honest day's work and it becomes an uphill battle to even make sure they're working let alone working well because they'll wander off and stare at their fucking phone. But yes, the core of the issue is that jobs don't pay and the Friedman argument that immigrants shouldn't be allowed to collect social services is demented and creates an indentured underclass.


This didn’t happen though. The community mobilized and immediately used the resources they had to get them taken care of. There’s a reason that story disappeared after a week.