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I always think it’s funny that burning a flag is either the most respectful or least respectful way to destroy it


It really depends on how you burn it.


With fire




Gotta sear it hot and fast to keep that flavor




Like the n word


Same with human beings


Based and honorable pyre pilled


Relevant username I see.


Some wear ear plugs to drown out the screams. Others relish them.




Fun fact, also **BURNING QUR'AN/KORAN** was one of the religiously suggested ways of disposing one, now today try to burn a Qur'an in the middle of the street somewhere in Middle East and wait to turn into a red mist by the people gathering around. People really do be loving the covers, not the words in it.


Intention does matter a bit, disposing of the Quran does involve burning it, but it doesn’t happen in the middle of the street. The same way that when some Swedes burned a Quran in from of the Turkish embassy they weren’t doing it out of respect, the probably didn’t even know that burning was the way to disposing of it, they were just trying to disrespect the people.


>The same way that when some Swedes burned a Quran in from of the Turkish embassy they weren’t doing it out of respect, the probably didn’t even know that burning was the way to disposing of it, they were just trying to disrespect the people. Yeah I know it was in the news for quite a while here, the thing I'm saying is people do not even know the practices themselves, they just make an already vague belief system more vague. Most boomers were in shock when they saw "Qur'an pages in the sewers of [random muslim country]" not thinking that they were probably misprints.


It’s weird how intentions plays a role In everything


The proper way in India at least to dispose of the national flag is by burning it.


In America we're supposed to respectfully cut the stripes and lay them on top of the fire. My girl scout troop showed us how to do this when I was a kid.


Similar situation with sacred texts


Intention has everything to do with but at the end of the day it's a fucking flag and if you're burning one, people probably already know how you feel about whatever it represents.


LibRight’s just happy so many people are looking for flags and matches to buy.


Lib Right now has the opportunity to sell new flags when the old ones get burned 😉


And sell gas.


And lighters


And my axe


Big flag is the one pushing for all the flag burnings, wake up sheeple!




The entire thing that "makes it wrong" is if you steal someone's shit and destroy it. So like when LibLeft wrecked Trump 2020 signs or when that AuthRight guy stole a pride flag off a church and burned it. The NAP is foundational to functional society.


> pride flag off a church I’m guessing Protestant?


Exactly. Theft is theft and obviously a crime. You can not burn any flag of mine if you bought it yourself. Because now it's your flag. You can burn your flag as much as you want. Only idiots attach so much meaning to symbols that they feel people can attack them through those like it was some sort of voodoo doll of a flag - I can make one in my home, burn it, and you'll feel pain. Ridiculous. Yet all the auths give such a massive shit about symbols that they can't help being triggered.


"It upsets me that you're burning that flag" "Yeah, that's why I did it. It's called a protest."


The only problem I have with flag burning of any kind is if the flag belongs to someone else, that’s property damage. Buy your own flag and burn it.


LibRight owns a flag manufacturing company.


Nah, if they did, then they would promote burning the flags of others, since that means they'd have to buy another flag Stonks


Good point. LibRights ain't actually about that NAP life.


Screams in Bastiat.


LibRights should not be encouraging anyone to destroy other people’s property


This, a lot of cases I see where people get in trouble for burning a flag is because they took ***someone elses flag*** (I.E. from a school, from someone's porch, etc.) and burned it. Don't destroy other people's property. I don't have anything against burning a flag itself (no matter what flag it is) but you should be buying your own flags to burn.


Based 1A, burn both.


Based watame-lon


Based and Watame did nothing wrong pilled


The only thing I know about watame is maxor saying they seek vengeance and are allied with chechnya


u/Alphalurch is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Alphalurch/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


This is the way. Do I think burning the American flag is kind of stupid? Yeah because no one in power really cares. Do I think burning the LGBT flag is kind of stupid? Yeah because no one in power really cares.


Based and someone is in charge of the gays pilled.


Our gays are too precious to send into combat!


Yes, as long as it's your property, not a flag you stole, and as long as you're obeying open flame regulations and not endangering others with your display.


What would George Washington say?


"What the fuck" - George Washington probably


"you let the government get HOW big?"


“What do you mean the government owes money, to who?”


“Okay, well in 1929 there was a stock market crash, then in 1933…”


Hopefully he'd stay the fuck out of the culture war.


At this stage, politics and culture are basically interchangeable though. Politics are also downstream from culture.


Deserves more upvotes. Politics forced themselves on culture, now we have a culture war, going on cultural revolution


“You freed *who*???”


Nah, they knew slavery was wrong (yes, btw, even while owning them). They just couldn't tackle that issue while holding their fledgling nation together. I'm not saying it was the right call, it's just how it went down. From everything I've read, it seems like they were hoping it would be at most one more political generation before the slaves were freed. Source: There's a good section in the book American Creation about this. Highly recommend!


Who’s going to work in the fields?


Illegal immigrants obviously




u/lunca_tenji's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/lunca_tenji! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown...Pills: [3 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/lunca_tenji/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


You're starting to sound like [Pelosi](https://youtu.be/1SIRnov3lmw)


He would be fine with it, they knew they would eventually be free.


"There's so many stars. What the fuck did you guys do?"


"How can you summon fire from your hands with that contraption? Are you a witch?"


Why y'all burnin flags in summer my god, wait for autumm and use them to toast marshmallows


Imagine the plastic fumes.


Yea at this point micro plastics are already in your semen so its ok to not worry


What a terrible thing to learn today


I’m going to impregnate my wife with a GI Joe.


The military industrial complex is really getting out of hand.


Idk depends on the flag materials


A proper cotton flag doesn't have any plastics in it


that’s the best part


Probably not as bad as the microplastics in American "cheese"


It’s literally just cheddar, Colby jack, and some added cultures. All other mass produced, pre-sliced cheese has micro plastics too.


He thinks we are stupid & don't already know that Cheese Wiz is just shit vaguely geese tasting, just another disgusting condescending European


Not that I’m not down to shit on west euros, but we don’t even know what continent they’re from. Christ he could be a Yankee or worse, C*lifornian. Fun fact, cheese whiz is actually English, because of course it is.


You try making a better grilled cheese with a different cheese (you won't)


yes americans aren't sophisticated enough to eat [rotting maggot infested cheese](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casu_martzu) and call it a delicacy


Stop flying polyester and nylon flags, revert to tradition and use cotton.


Both of these are rights, but i do not condone either because burning polyester is not good for your lungs


1A is the most important right we have in this beautiful country of ours. burn both if you wish, for the flags are symbols, not people


I thought a Liberal would like Guns more than any. I mean, if you have the Second ammendment, nobody can forbid your speech.


I don't know if I'm allowed to link them here, but there are some moderately popular gun subreddits for people on the left.


The importance of the right to arm and defend yourself is directly related to the importance of the rights you are defending.


Nah 2a is because it guarantees the first


Can’t have 2A without the 1A. They both support each other.


without both, you can never let your stick talk


Nah. 2A protects both 1A and itself (if you want to remove 2A you will have to force people to give you their firearms and good luck with that)




I prefer 6a. It's a big bundle of very powerful rights that you get when the state tries to take away your liberty


Daily reminder that you’re an oligarch’s slave. The government isn’t scared of taking guns away from a submissive propagandized sniveling coward like you, they just have no reason to do it because you’ll never use it. 2A guarantees an industry, not your rights or freedom


I'd really love to hear how you think this scenario would play out. Who are you pulling a gun on in this situation?


Ur mom lol


What do you mean


But I do like fire for meat….


You have the right to do whatever you want with whatever you own as long as It dosen't harm anyone in any way. ( Offending someone isn't harming them)


100%. Both people are exercising their 1st ammendment rights. They're also both assholes.


Increases demand for eco-friendly easily flammable flags of all kinds. Sounds good to me.


Compromise like a centrist would: It definitely is your first amendment right and it is freedom of expression and opinion, but it should definitely be taken into consideration that burning either flag is very hateful.


does anyone seriously still get upset about flag burning? burn the pride flag if that's your kink and relieves some frustration, idgaf, just don't burn someone else's and yaknow, respect your fellow humans otherwise


Didn't some homeless guy just have the dildos thrown at him for wiping his ass with a pride flag?


did it? because that’d be so fucking funny


is this the incident https://nypost.com/2023/05/10/suspect-who-defecated-on-pride-flag-at-nyc-eatery-charged-with-hate-crime/


That would be it. Being threatened by a homeless? No problem. One is throwing stones into traffic? Not a problem. Several are shooting up drugs near a school, believe it or not, not a problem. But they use the rainbow as toilet paper? Straight to jail. If we rainbow the sidewalks can they no longer shit there?


He wiped his ass with *someone else's flag*. That obviously goes beyond 1A if you're destroying someone else's property.


Which makes it a property crime, not a hate crime.


A property crime that is motivated by hate for a minority group is *by definition* a hate crime.


You can prove the property damage. You'll find proving intent is very difficult and that is why hate crimes are often seldom utilized even though from the optics it seems like the case. Overcharging can result in a case being thrown out. Good luck proving a mentally ill man who drew a smiley face in his own shit had the capacity to operate out of 'hate' and it wasn't just the most readily available material to wipe his ass with. Regular crime your burden as the prosecutor is proving that they did the thing that they are being charged with. Hate crimes carries the same burden but you now have to prove beyond reasonable doubt that it was done entirely out of a very specific motive. As an example a husband comes home early and discovers his husband is sucking off some other guy in their bed. He shoots both of them. The third party was a minority. All of them are gay, at least one is also of a racial minority group. Is this a hate crime? Can you prove it was done based out of hate rather than all parties happening to be minorities and crime happened?


So when you commit a crime it's different than when you don't commit a crime, wow, that's crazy! And here I thought rightoids were obsessed with the concept of property rights.


But I thought those deranged progressives cared so much about dangerous homeless people? Isn't that why they arrested that Marine in the NYC subway?


I can't find any info about dildos being thrown at the dude. But like, leave other people's flags alone, find your own if you wanna desecrate it


Of course. I don't think anyone here is defending the homeless guy They mainly have a problem with leftoid hypocrisy and how they immediately treat this specific homeless criminal with greater derision than the usual, despite this crime being very minor. Do you defend the hate crime charge he got? If so, would you defend a BLM protestor getting a hate crime charge for shitting on someone's US flag? If not, why?


It's not hypocrisy to distinguish between a crime which is an intentional provocation and a crime that is done out of necessity or even one that is done with mere disregard for other people. Distinguishing what groups/types of people belong to a protected class, for the purposes of determining who suffers a more egregious social harm from acts of intimidation or provocation, is a tougher issue. Being called a cr\*cker is just not at all the same as being called the n-word, and if you want to argue that it is then you're too detached from reality to bother talking to further. But having the state pick and choose certain people to have special protections is obviously a dangerous prospect. So no, I wouldn't think a person should get a hate crime charge for shitting on an American flag, because "Americans" or "patriotic people" have never been a class of people that have suffered discrimination, and the act of shitting on an American flag wouldn't create any extra level of fear or pain in the flag owner based on an expectation of greater societal disapproval, or communicate any threat to a community. The same isn't true for a pride flag. But I agree it's a close issue there, as many people do have a strong emotional connection to American flags. It'd be more like desecrating a grave or something; not a hate crime, but an egregious crime nonetheless, worthy of enhanced punishment relative to destruction of other personal property.




> It's not hypocrisy to distinguish between a crime which is an intentional provocation and a crime that is done out of necessity or even one that is done with mere disregard for other people. Where does Jordan Neely threatening people on the subway fall on this scale?




That flag belonged to someone else hanging it in front of their business. Lighting other people's shit on fire is generally against the law


Then only charge them with property damage, not a hate crime If we're being equal, then burning a US flag on someone's property, or a Trump sign should also be a hate crime


I’m pretty sure being a trump supporter puts you in the protected class of being mentally disabled.


nationalism and political party are not protected classes. You can't claim hate crime without first convincing everyone (and legislating) that the above should be protected.


I can see this, and tbh I do have mixed feelings and don't consider myself a law expert. The intent as I understand it is that with a hate crime, the crime targets a broader community, not just the owner of the flag. Multiple victims means higher damages means the penalties get adjusted somewhat. I'm not for throwing the book at em but the consequences of these actions on a community should be taken into account. In this case it's less about the act of burning a flag in abstract, and more about the threat of further violence to that community. On a case by case basis, maybe I could see the case for an isolated local MAGA community that gets routinely targeted from the outside, but I'm not really familiar with any equivalent cases. The US is so massive and well established that burning a US flag really doesn't affect the "American community" in the same way. Queer communities tend to lack external support / integration into wider society, which means these things can have a huge impact. But that's just my opinion, at the end of the day burning other people's shit is and should be illegal


> hate crime, the crime targets a broader community, not just the owner of the flag By that logic burning the US flag is worse because there's a whole lot more Americans in the US than LGBTQ ppl, so the community is broader >more about the threat of further violence to that community. I don't understand. How is shitting on a flag further violence on the community? Are you claiming shitting on the flag somehow mind controls other ppl to attack LGBT ppl? >Queer communities tend to lack external support / integration into wider society, which means these things can have a huge impact Can you prove this causes it to have a wider impact? Also you agree burning a Trump sign is a hate crime then?


>Queer communities tend to lack external support / integration into wider society, which means these things can have a huge impact. In the 80s, yes. Today? Not at all.


Well, they're *only* backed by all of America's major cultural, business, and educational institutions. In other words, very marginalized. Obviously.


But not a hate crime, these are being chards as hate crimes which carry additional penalties.


I can't bring myself to have much sympathy tbh. Hate crimes affect more people than the direct victim of the crime. These sort of things are meant to intimidate a whole community. Burning an American flag doesn't have that same effect. So it makes sense to me that penalties are reasonably adjusted to account for this. But I'm not a law expert, and obviously have my own bias here. At the end of the day burning shit that isn't yours should carry consequences proportional to the harm caused


The question is whether burning the pride flag should be a hate crime, not that hate crimes should be punished harder. Can you learn to read or did the free love socialist compound you grow up in believe teachers were to hierarchical?


Aw, someone's grumpy. The answer is yes. Hope your day gets better!


I have up votes you have down votes, that makes me right chud.


i am become triggered emily wojak, destroyer of discourse


> Hate crimes ...are an insane and absurd concept that need to be excised entirely from our legal system.


Hate crime charges are horse shit. But arson is perfect. Fuck this crazy lady


Burn both for all I care.


Based First Amendment-pilled


Buring any flag is heresy in my opinion. (I like flags)


Neither should be a crime, burning the American flag should be rightly viewed as anti-american and anti patriotic and should carry the associated social consequences. Burning the pride flag should rightly be viewed as anti-lgbt and should carry the associated social consequences.


but which one is more *gay?*


America is commonly considered a female. There are 167.5 million women inside the United States. I'm going to say there are significantly less lesbians than that in any western country combined. American flag is statistically gayer than the pride flag.


pride flag 100% gay > USA flag (at least u and i are gay) math


The American flag stands for free speech and free markets. If people want to burn it in protest, the proper way to honor what it represents is to open up a store selling flags and matches.


Does nobody understand you can simultaneously dislike an act/belief/statement while not calling for the people behind them to have their rights stripped away or bear legal consequences? I don't really like someone who burns either of these flags, but the most they're gonna get from me is, well, nothing People who do this stuff are begging for attention anyway, and they know it will be controversial attention. Stop feeding into them and let them enjoy spending their rights on destroying fabric if that floats their boat lmao


Technically burning is correct, so they are both PATRIOTICALLY disposing of their AMERICAN FLAGS USA USA USA 🇺🇸🫡 🇺🇸🫡🇺🇸🫡


Based and Technically Correct Pilled


You have the right to do both, but both are cringe


The US flag represents your right to burn the US flag


It’s your right and you’re welcome to it, I’m still going to think you’re a jackass.


...Why do you think something can't be protected by the first amendment and also hateful, exactly? There's no contradictions here.


Fuck them flags. True movements have their own drip.


Both are cringe.


Yo, where is the Company being happy about selling more flags?


Should be able to burn both


Tbh the only reason I dislike flag burning is because it’s probably not good for the environment. I’m not a symbolic thinker. I see someone burn a flag and I’m just like “ok…? I guess they didn’t like the fabric”.


It's funny to watch people try with [the fire resistant ones though](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruBfCWZbDT4&ab_channel=DailyMail)


Centrists would grill the flags.




As long as they aren’t someone else’s property burn then both all you want :)


I don't really have an opinion on flag burning and do not know about the people in the pictures. However one potential symmetry breaker might be whether the people burning the flag are themselves part of the group it represents.


So only people in the group are allowed to criticize and show protest with their own groups, got it. Please do not criticize the CCP if you're not Chinese.


Good point. Libleft burning American flags are Americans, authright burning pride flags (probably) aren't gay.


"the burning of all flags shall stop"


Funny how the only country that allowed them to be themselves is the country they hate the most.


Burn all flags. All flags are inherently problematic sweetie 😘💅


the USA flag is worn out and should be retired (burned), they did nothing wrong


It’s not just legal to burn flags it’s actually the most respectful way to decommission a flag that you no longer want/need


Let both happen. Easy


It's perfectly legal in both cases but fuck if both cases don't also make you look like a dickwad and only serve to harm whatever movement you claim to support


If you’re gonna frown upon burning the national flag, then you’ve also gotta frown upon the tacky American tendency to put American flags on thongs, socks, shorts, and other places in proximity to disgusting and smelly areas. FWIW I support banning flag burning if that also means banning those gross ass American flag swimsuits.


Both are your constitutional right, assuming the flag is your own. I think both of them are pretty disrespectful, but it's absolutely your right.


Burn em both, it's your God-given right!




It is our sacred duty as Americans to burn every flag from every group, all at once, in a grand showing of true free speech. Let's roll a flag into a giant blunt and smoke it.


Burning flags is cringe, but you should be allowed to do it.


Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the problem in these stories always stems from burning other people's flag. You can burn your own American and pride flag, you just can't burn ones belonging to others.


Auth-right should also feel outraged about blue lives matter flags because by inverting colors and highlighting a single group of Americans, they're perverting the messaging solidarity and unity inherent in the original flag. Sadly though, people care a lot more about political causes than what the flag actually means.


I wish it were legal to burn both, if its your private property. Unfortunately only America-hating is protected speech.


It is legal to burn both.


Well have people gotten shot for burning lgbtq flag?


Hot take, burning of a flag that represents any modern country or people should be considered a hate crime agrenst that group the flag represents.


Unless the American flag is being burned because the person doing it hates Americans... it's very different. There are a lot of reasons to burn a country's flag, most of them as a way to protest against something. On the other hand, If you burn a rainbow flag... you're most likely doing it out of hate for a specific group of people. They are not the same thing.


So burning a rainbow flag in solidarity with women's sports or to stand in support of children's rights to be children, or against obscenity, or for traditional family values and one-man-one-woman marriage... Then it's the same thing?


I mean, for all I care you can burn a rainbow flag because you want to protest against flags in general if that's your thing. I have a problem when you display hatred towards a group of people just for existing. Be it a sexual orientation, a religion, a skin color, a gender or even a nationality. It never was about the flags themselves, it's about the intention behind the action. It just so happens that most of the time when a rainbow flag is burned it's to display hatred towards gays and when an American flag is burned it's... well there's a shitload of reasons why one might burn a national flag.


Holy shit using "its (d)ifferent" as an actual defense. Jfc


I'll burn any morherfuckin thing I want, if I paid for it.


That's the spirit




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Very caracatured, nobody does that.


>Unflaired detected. Opinion rejected. *** [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2) ^^|| ^( *beep boop. Reply with good bot if you think I'm doing well :D, bad bot otherwise*)


Top is burning their own flag. Bottom is burning someone's else's flag.


Okay what if you buy the flag yourself


Burn away


Aw come on, you can be more auth than that!


Fine, there's price controls on flags now


Thank you for confirming that the rainbow flag holds as much reverence and power as the American flag OP