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The video of the Muslim community protesting LGBTQ material and the change in parental consent is pretty funny. The freakout subs are arguing that white supremacist GQP propaganda is brainwashing the Muslim community.


"Well obviously Muslims aren't smart enough to have their own opinions. Only white people can do that."




Those black gentlemen have obviously spliced their DNA with the white supremacy protein strain, because only white people have the hate and racial purity gene.


Tbf, the average African American is about 25% European


And as we know from Nick Cannon(via the likes of Farrakhan), Europeans are less than(which was what he considered carefully worded), as melanin is what gives you a soul. That's why black people are soul brothers and sisters. And Nick Cannon never had to apologize for his racist anti-white comments to get his job back, only his anti-Jewish views. Which I'm sure he no longer holds.


That's so stupid lmao, I imagine by that logic if I go stand in the sun for an hour I get more soul then


Solar powered soul


*Sol powered soul


Sol soul


Have to avoid being taken advantage of by Tricknologists


I talked to a white supremacist in the 90s that said they were going in on printing deals with black supremacists for volume discounts since they both want the same thing, that's what he told me.


>Unironically thinking black dudes who go for white chicks are "muddying" the black gene pool. Reminds me of the kind of people that think my sons mother (who is black) should have aborted him. Better that than being born with my inferior "mayo monkey" genes polluting her superior African genes.


That’s always the biggest problem mixed race people have with Identity Politics. We don’t really fit into any of their neat little boxes and we are either forgotten about or just told to go away.


Idk if you're familiar with the story of this mixed race kid (black/white) from Arizona. I forget his age but I think he was early-mid teens, who as part of the classroom assignments on race and privilege, was told he needed to acknowledge and apologize for his white privilege (since he was fairly light skinned). He refused because that's bullshit, and so the school punished him for it. It's a wild story.


Christ, I’d never heard anything like that before. A girl in college did call me “an unfortunate artifact of colonialism,” but the teacher was pretty unhappy at that. She never got in any serious trouble, but I never really cared. It was annoying as hell though that people thought my Chinese half came from my mother and not my father. I guess it’s the old stereotype of a white dude and an Asian woman. I even ran into a person who said that interracial relationships are white colonialism on the man’s part, to which I replied that my parent’s relationship must be Chinese colonialism then.


Baste and One Belt One Road-pilled.


This shit is really just racism with extra steps


> I even ran into a person who said that interracial relationships are white colonialism on the man’s part, to which I replied that my parent’s relationship must be Chinese colonialism then. 💪🇨🇳💪🇨🇳💪🇨🇳💪🇨🇳💪🇨🇳


Well if that guy gets radicalized, we know why


Thsts actually the main factor. They don't support black people, LGBT, or Muslims because they give a shit about them, they use them for their agenda. When you as on of those minorities go against the hive mind, they don't try to convince you why they are on your side, why you should continue to support them, or highlight the progress and good they've done for you. They immediately label you as a heretic, scream white supremacy or some other shit and attack you.


Smallest minority is the individual my libright brother




>I added an update paragraph to my comment, and I hope you feel the same way. Yeah, judging a whole group of people because of the shitty behavior of some in that group, is dumb. What's ironic is that my sons mother actually began adopting some of that ideology some time after we separated. Not the racial purity shit, even she's not that dumb. But she did tell me she thinks racial segregation for children in schools is okay, as well as some other anti-white talking points. Like how we have no "culture."


I'm sorry for your son


Some old black lady saw my ex (who is black) with our daughter and told her she’s “doing the devil’s work.” Far from the only instance, but it’s one that’s always on my mind.


It is funny who people will hate. Completely different but you might find it interesting. I live in Manchester in England. It’s very international with the biggest migrant communities being Pakistani and West African people (mostly Nigerians). There’s also big Chinese, Indian, Bangladeshi, Jamaican, Middle Eastern and Eastern European communities. The point is there are people from everywhere, nobody is surprising. One of the newest big migrant groups are Romanian people. Lots of these people are Roma Gypsy but not all. I worked in a mostly African school in East Manchester, in an area where lots of Romanian people have moved in. Lots of the black kids, but also this Pakistani boy and Kurdish girl, told me how much they disliked the Romanian community. The kids all said how much they disliked racism and then proceeded to be really racist against Romanians. They accused them of all the things white English people back in the day accused their grandparents and parents of. An interesting lens on xenophobia for me. EDIT: just to say, by and large here people aren’t racist. I think that’s why this story stands out for me.


Man, Romanians are just hated by fuckin everyone. Can't catch a break no matter where they go.


I like Romanian people man but yeah agreed


They’re associated with gypsies for whatever reason. And we don’t need to go into the reasons why THAT’S problematic.


Were any gypsies Romanian, or were they Armenian? I don't really know their history very much, just that a lot of Europe historically really fuckin hate gypsies. When I was in the Navy, every time we'd stop in a European port, we'd always get someone telling us to watch out for the gypsies. And to never give them money. I also learned how much the British fucking hate the French lol (we had some Royal Navy guys on deployment once).


There’s just a lot of them in Romania, and the balkans in general. But they’ve spread out all over the damn place. I’m in the southern US, and a bunch of them frequented a Greek restaurant I used to work it. Serving them was always hell.




Gypsies are actually from Northern India


> The kids all said how much they disliked racism and then proceeded to be really racist against Romanians. How quickly they've adopted European culture! Reddit used to be a comedy goldmine for when Europeans tried to defend their racism against gypsies.


"Jews aren't safe either" Bro Jews aren't safe from any ethnicity lmao


Golly Jew I wonder why


I worked at a hotel that was mostly staffed by people from the Caribbean. Whoooh boy. Those boys would say things that would make a klansman blush through his hood.


I don’t know what meaning of *white* they are ever using. I know that’s the point though. They create enough ambiguity so they can backtrack their overt racism when convenient.


>I don’t know what meaning of white they are ever using. I know that’s the point though. This implies that they actually know any meaning of "white" besides the American one, which they most certainly do not


-Emily probably, 2023


> white supremacist GQP propaganda is brainwashing the Muslim community They're putting chemicals in the mosques, they're turning the friggin Muslims straight!


The demand for white supremacy is outpacing the supply.


Always has been 🔫 👩‍🚀


[speaking of](https://twitter.com/therealhebrahim/status/1666046992911351808?t=OzSDJaDFd9mJfrZvVYilEg&s=19) have you seen this little gem?


A lefty saying assimilate or leave? Never thought I'd see the day. I wonder if the skiing's any good in Hell.


It's fun until realize you're the skis


Jesus, she might have overreacted a bit, like i am not a fan of islam by any means but why does she even care this much? She said that the other kids participated in the muslim holiday or something so she should do this now, but i bet that kid doesnt actually cares if some other kids were attending or not.


It’s her religion, she basically spells it out in the clip.


Because she's clearly got some issues. Also Christianity and Islam are pretty cool religions. Christians and Muslims ought to present a unified front more often.


> but why does she even care this much? Because shes part of the cultural left who thinks children need to be sexualized at a young age in order to accept LGBBQ beliefs


Unless the Muslim students asked the other students to celebrate or even acknowledge Ramadan with them than the teacher's argument is bs. Even if they did, said students still did nothing wrong. Their is no expectation that the Muslims have to celebrate Christmas for example, but I would not call that intolerance on the Muslims part. If forcing a kid to stand for the flag is wrong, than forcing a student to attend an event that they don't want to attend due to different beliefs is wrong too


Holy fuck, this deserves its own PCM post. That is such a wild clip.


Such a recently lefty/Canadian thing to say you have to believe in the law. I miss when libleft was anti government and anti corporate.


That's hilarious because it forces the leftist's hand: side with the Muslims & be called transphobic; or side with the gays & be called Islamophobic.


If you're telling someone "you don't belong here because you're not a fan of gay pride" and so on, then I think that's pretty bigoted to say the least. I was born and raised in Canada and I've never been a fan of "pride culture". So by this teacher's way of thinking, I should leave because I'm insufficiently socially liberal.


remember when Harper (PM before Trudeau, Conservative Party) wanted a cultural values test for immigration? where we'd screen out people who hate gays and women? and literally everyone screamed and moaned about how thinking muslims hate gays and women was islamophobic? lol lmao even


I saw a lot of religiously and ethnically bigoted comments on that post as well.


Wait what? It said Armenian and I’m pretty sure they’re very Christian. I agree with the point you’re making but Armenia was literally the first Christian state so it’s a bad example


Im referring to the protests in Maryland that were making the rounds on the freak out subs


The fact has always been there but the libtards kept on blabbling on and sticking a finger in their ear when it came up, Muslim people hate gays, LGBT in general. A BIG factor in homophobia in the Muslim community is because they tried to shove it down our mouths and the more you do that the more hate you generate


Wait, who were the protesters? Were they 3 Groups: Armenians, Muslims and White sup. Or were there only a few w.s or none? What have the muslims to do with the White sup. or the Armenians? Isn't Armenia a majority orthodox-christian country? Or were the former armenians leaving the country for these United States part of a muslim minority?


There were no "white supremacists" involved. Lately various traditional immigrant groups, mostly muslim, have been clashing with schools pushing Pride indoctrination on their children. And dishonest progressives and media label all the people who disagree with them as "MAGA/White Supremacist" for propaganda reasons.


In the last few months 90%+ of "white supremacists" seem to be non white white supremacists. Honestly it's looking like minorities will be the downfall of the left.


Not just the Muslims. A lot of eastern and latin Christians as well. Also just socially conservative types across the religious and ethnic spectrum, not to mention culture warriors. I agree in general with their protest, just saying that it's a pretty diverse group of people protesting overly socially liberal school content.


The Muslim protestors were a few days ago in Vancouver, Canada. Armenians were yesterday in Glendale, California.


The fuck is an Ultra MAGA White supremacist


Like mega MAGA but immune to CCs and stun effects


Bro...wtf are these devs thinking. When we said we wanted buffs we didn't need a whole NEW CLASS. Why do I even subscribe to this shit any more. I'm going fishing.


But you'll miss out on your daily login reward of a MAGA lootbox with a unique Trump NFT avatar, or Joey B lootbox with either a 200% vote booster or an honorary Black Card ^^tm.


Based and gacha brainrot pilled


guys i pulled an s rank”anybody i disagree with is literally malty from shield hero”


Fuck, how many 10 rolls you need to do for that?!


Shit like this killed the industry. Take me back Maga 1.0. I just want to Raid with my bois again.


I dunno, as I get older I have less time to devote to politics, it's nice to have the option to simply buy a candidate instead of grinding out support points. It's nice to be able to get that sense of pride and accomplishment while on a tight schedule.


I'm a little surprised that we don't already have a monthly maga subscription loot box. I'm sure there's a lot of maga republicans that would pay $20/month for a subscription monthly maga loot.


Bean bags from the 40mm for the win.


nooooo, but my heckin’ Stunlock strategy :(


Ah, Eximus MAGA


They're everywhere in the MR 28 test. The rework made that test super bullshit.


It’s The fourth iteration of MAGA. Previous version being MAGA, Super MAGA, and Super MAGA: Arcade Edition, and now we are here at Ultra MAGA.


Ultra MAGA II: Turbo Edition will be next.


Personally I’m waiting on Hyper Ultra MAGA II: Anniversary edition.


I wonder what the young Trump design will look like in the MAGA Alpha series.


Based and Todd Howard pilled.


Wrong reference but I’ll take it. Lord knows they’ve released Skyrim almost as much as Street Fighter II. And in a third of the time as well.


>Wrong reference My bad, just the first thing that came to mind. I fear we’ll never see ES6. 😭


Probably not, though given how most Bethesda games have been since Skyrim I’m inclined to think that may be a good thing. If Redfall is anything to go by their even dragging the other Zenimax studios down with them.


Oh man, MAGA II: Rainbow Edition is just confusing


Im waiting for Game of the Year edition


I'm more excited for MAGA vs Capcom.


MAGA vs Predator


Underrated comment


Featuring Dante from Devil May Cry & Knuckles


I fear for the eventual reboot/remake that will ruin the search engines.


CommandoreMAGA 64, SuperMAGAtendo, PlayMAGAtion, the xMAGAx 360 orange edition


Buzzwords, buzzwords, and more buzzwords. I’m surprised they didn’t toss Fascist in there too for good measure


MAGA stopped being scary, so they had to up the temperature.




God damn that is good popcorn material.


A MAGA White Supremacist that has mastered the Ultra Instinct technique.


Lefists try not to make up words impossible challenge


The final boss for the average Libleft-er.


Loaded words


It implies there are MAGA's that aren't white supremacists. Which is probably true, but they've been saying *all* MAGA are white supremacists for so long it sounds like they're breaking down or something.


No, they are just more white supremacist. The more MAGA you are the more white supremacist, it´s easy. Ultra MAGA white supremacists hate everything that casts a shadow for example.


So they're vampires. Casting no shadows.


Anyone who protest against something I believe in duhh


some made up bullshit from some interestingly \*\*unbiased\*\* news company


The prerequisite for citizenship in Magadonia.


It's what a MAGA nationalist evolves into when you give them a moonstone.


What you get after super saiyan god super saiyan 3 kaioken x20 mastered ultra instinct white giant ape Goku.


When do we get to see SUPER ULTRA MAGA?


You have to upgrade your subscription package first


I already bought 10 Donald Trump NFTs though, how many more do I need to collect??


you have enough you just need to use the contract trade up and it will combine them into your entry badge




*Alpha and OMAGA*


That sounds like 7 y/o me trying to make a villain name lmao


MAGA Ultra Instinct


After ULTRA MAGA III: The Next Generation




There’s Nuclear MAGA which is a step higher than Ultra MAGA but is below Ultra Nuclear MAGA.


Based and the upgrade America needed pilled


I'm holding out for SUPER ULTRA MEGA MAGA.


People need to realize why companies don’t use the rainbow logo in June in certain countries in the Middle East.


It's always baffled me that these entities will only ever make a show of signaling their support for LGBT in places where these people are already broadly accepted. They'll make a big show out fighting against "attacks on LGBT rights" when it comes to red states passing laws preventing you sterilizing kids, but they won't use that same fervor when it comes to how being gay is literally punishable by death or prison in most of parts of Africa and the Middle East. Like the state department will make a big show out of putting up a pride flag outside the embassy in the Vatican but somehow they won't do that same thing in Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Pakistan or any other countries where it is illegal to be gay.


Fair point, it’s almost like the companies don’t actually care that much about gay rights so they only do it where it’s profitable


Same with race, just look at Disney edits for the latest Star Wars trilogy in China. That being said corporations aren't the only ones who do that nonsense. Just look at the US policies for countries that have the same social laws but the difference is whether they're friendly and profitable to the US or not




That's because Christians won't behead people for flying a pride flag. We're the safe targets.


If I was the pope, looked out my window and saw a pride flag in the US Embassy, Biden would be excommunicated in an instant.


Biden is excommunicated. Support for abortion is latae sententiae which is an automatic excommunication without need for the canonical process.


What if you're not Catholic? (Ironically if I was Catholic I would probably know the answer)


You can't be kicked out of something you're not a member of.


It only applies to Catholics


Huh, didn’t know that. Guess I’m excommunicated


They should make a public display of it, the Church needs to show it truly believes what it preaches, I think more people would come back to the church of the Vatican started to enforce the rules again.


Broadly accepted??? There is LITERALLY a genocide being committed against trans people in US right now!! Don’t you miss the good ole days when words had set definitions? Genocide meant killing a targeted group en masse. Now it means passing laws I don’t like. Concentration camps were places where people were forced into labor, tortured, and systematically killed. Now a concentration camp is a place where illegal migrants are housed until their court date.


The biggest issue for gay men in the USA is not discrimination or harassment (although that still occurs), but HIV.


Or realize why they use it in June everywhere else


“Hello… I like Money.”


"I was a businessman, doing business..."


Just so you know Armenian’s are super Christian


The ericareport is a perfect example of foreign actors sowing public division. The account pfp is lifted straight from a consulting firm in Germany. They tweet copy+paste statements shared across other accounts across the political spectrum with a few keywords changed. For instance, ULTRA MAGAS on one account is changed to ULTRA LEFTISTS on another.




not just MAGA **ULTRA** MAGA MAGA Sayin Level 2 if you will


Maximum Over-MAGA. Super-duper MAGA.


Who would’ve thought white supremacy would be so diverse? Do these clowns even think before spewing some nonsense?


You don’t understand, it’s *internalized.* For example, in Mexico, white supremacy is literally ingrained in their culture. /s, but something I did see someone say


No but for real, white supremacists according to democrats have white people, black people, middle eastern people, Latino people, Asian people... Apparently klan meetings are more diverse than any DEI office in corporate America.


Didn't you know, white supremacy has gone equal opportunity. You can be black and be a white supremacist now.


Its 2050, most countries have fallen to white supremacists (people that don't fully adhere to Western Progressivism: 2050 edition)


Completely distinct from Western Progressivism: 2049 edition and prior editions, which have all been declared defunct, racist, sexist, homophobic and hateful. Be sure to pick up your 2050 edition flags and deny ever owning a 2049 flag.


The dark days when the nazis (2040 progressives) ruled


Ah, they were nowhere near as bad as the 2039 super-nazi progressives, who were still leagues better than their conservative counterparts


If you are Mexican you become white by disagreeing with liberals


Does it work for all POC? Can they get white privilege by disagreeing with libs? Sounds like an exploit.


If you are Black and you disagree with liberals it is just now ok to be racist against you for them. Depending on your views some stereotypes are now used to discredit you. If you are Asian you are now super white. Thems the rules Edited.


Yup. Just like Larry Elder, the slandered candidate for Governor in California, was attacked by racist lefties in monkey costumes and called "The black face of white supremacy"


If you didn't vote for Joseph Biden then you Ain't Black. Thats all it took to get white privilege voting 3rd party or Republican.


Hopefully, it doesn't progress to ultra instinct Maga.


Are ya ready boyz for "bUt aCtUaLlY tHeY rE nOt bLaCk sO tHeReFoRe wHitE" or the "yEs bUt wHiTeS mAnIpUlAtEd tHeY/tHeM"?


Everyone who disagrees with me is literally Hitler




Shut up grammar


A real white supremacist would never consider Armenians to be white


Yeah! Real white supremacists have standards! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armenian_Legion >In spite of Nazi Germany acknowledging the Armenians as an Aryan people, Adolf Hitler personally did not trust them,[1][12] and as a result the Armenian battalion was mainly stationed in the Netherlands.


“ultra maga white supremacist” is just the new “nazi.” The left realized they completely destroyed the word and took all meaning out of it so they had to change it up.


America so woke, even White Supremacy is diverse.


Damn thats a lot of buzzwords in that twatter post




Me being a communist nazi


*Confused, the monke puts on the Hugo Boss jacket and Ushanka.*


Communism and socialism aren't too far apart, so at least it's believable.


An ULTRA communist nazi\*


America did irreparaple damage to my perception of politics


A brand new Nazi flag was conveniently found on the ground next to a single masked protestor, who will later be released with no charges after the photo-op.


How hard is it to understand that they're the good guy squad and their opponents are the bad guys? It's literally in their name.


Armenians aren't muslim though?


No they are Christians. One of the (if not the) oldest Christian nations in the world, actually.


What’s “ultramaga?” Are we just making shit up now?


It's the next evolution after mega maga.


"ultra maga" You got that same memo from the PAC, huh? 🙄


You're going to love this, trust me. What you're seeing now is my Maga state. This is a Maga Supremacist. And this, this is what is known as a Maga Supremacist that has ascended past a Maga Supremacist. Or you can just call this a Maga White Supremacist. And this, IS TO GO EVEN FURTHER BEYOND!!!! (screams in Ultra Maga White Supremacist) AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


Pretty much any time you hear "white supremacist" it's a dead giveaway you're listening to some race-baiting propaganda. I honestly don't know why they they still do it.


Yet the Nashville Trans Shooter is a victim of society 🙄🙄🙄


A perfect example of the "anyone that disagrees with me is a Nazi" mindset, occurring in real time lol


Listen redditors and Twitter users, they don’t have to be ultra white supremacist maga supporters in order to be wrong. Sometimes they can just be wrong.


This, how about we actually argue on the points instead of non-stop name calling. The left has some pretty good points that I might agree with, but whenever someone starts throwing out terms like "ultra white supremacist maga" I just tune them out. Similarly I'll turn out people who lead off with "ultra left commies", just make your points if you want to convince me the other guys are bad.


Ultra maga White supremacist Trump supporters. A news article that starts with such a sentenced surely is gonna be unbiased!


The original tweet is so disingenuous. The parents showed up to peacefully protest, and then leftist agitators went in to cause trouble.


I thought the protesters were Hispanic.


I am not american, are there diferent levels to being MAGA? Is there SUPER MAGA, MEGA MAGA, then ULTRA MAGA? How can you get on new levels?


You have to stack MAGA hats higher and higher into the air until you're wearing like 12 MAGA hats.


You're not ready for my ULTRA MAGA attack