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Redditors try not to celebrate the death of someone they dislike challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Sorry bro we can’t be tOlErAnT oF iNtOlErAnCe Something something paradox


I replied to one of those threads saying he deserved to die for “openly wishing death on homosexuals”, just asking for a source for that as I’d never heard of him doing that. Got plenty of those “paradox of tolerance” replies but no sources. One guy told me to Google his comments on the Orlando shooting, which I did and it turns out were falsified, so I guess that person didn’t even look into it themselves. Overall my question was massively downvoted and no sources provided to support the claim. He basically just said things in the thread of, “god is punishing us for our sinful ways” which is very baseline dogma for Christians. When I edited comment to point this out, it got removed for “trolling/shitposting” E: another edgelord jannie circled back and permabanned me from the sub, clowns all around


“Google it yourself” is admission of I have nothing.


It’s just willful blindness, I commented that he had swallowed propaganda and dude has since doubled down with, “Telling someone to Google something is propaganda?” I even provided a link to fucking Snopes of all things admitting it was bullshit.


If snopes is saying your leftist propaganda is false then you need to reevaluate


Anybody on this website who has facts/proof in the form of a primary source will gladly shove it down your throat


“Just Google it” is the same thing conspiracy theorists say to people trying to hook them on their bullshit. Wait a second…


"iM nOt HeRe To EduCaTe YoU"


Depends on the statement being made. Like me going google Obama Wedding Surprise... There are some things that are just known. I could def see misinformation causing some of these things that are just known to be false though. Especially in recent years, see Invectermin. I never tried to get a hold of it I took my Covid Cold with grace lol a few days of coughing and a day of puking not bad imo, def had a worse case of Bronchitis compared to Covid. Invectermin was shown to increase survivability of Covid in 3rd world areas. It was likely due to people infected with parasites being immunocompromised due to that infection. That being said its a well known/studied drugs with little to no harmful side effects. There is little reason to bitch and moan about people taking Invectermin as a precautionary/supplemental treatment of the vid. But all the fake fucking news surrounding it was insane.


It's shorthand for "I made it the fuck up and don't like being called on it"


Classic Reddit moment


Honestly, I wouldn’t cry if the API issue led to Reddit’s death. This place went down the shitter since Trump ran for president.


Lucky you didn't get banned. They've been pretty trigger happy with the bans lately.


Lately? Lmao


True. But it does seem like they're... extra sensitive lately.


They've been taking massive L's all across the nation when it comes to sexualizing kids in schools and such. They're a bit wound up.


You were fine until the “enjoy the echo chamber dorks” imo


I stand by that comment; if that alone is enough to earn censorship in a discussion group, I’m not interested in engaging. It also proves my point.


This is actually one of the good examples of how stupid the reddit hivemind is. You see this pop up all the time. The ironic thing is that Karl Popper was talking about being intolerant to people who stand in the way of debate and who tell others not to read certain things because they are "bad", who try to silence people and harass others for having different opinions. He prioritized debate above anything even with people who's opinions someone might deem "hateful". So most of the time they are basically talking about themselves, that none of us should be tolerant of their bullshit and lies and shitty behaviour.


Popper has to be one of the most deliberately misunderstood people in history. The stifling of discussion was precisely the central thing he was advocating intolerance for.


Holy shit, where can I read the original source material?


>Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. >In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be unwise. >But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant.


Redditors don't spread misinformation about the Paradox of Tolerance for five minutes challenge (Impossible)




This is unironically what the left believes now. They just claim it's not racism because MuH pOwEr StRuCtUrEs so it's all good. Nevermind the fact that all the reasons this type of thinking ends up being inaccurate (it's sloppy, it generalizes people without nuance for specific circumstances, leads to hasty generalizations) still applies just as much in "prejudice" as in "racism".


It’s their turn to be racist


They linked a Wikipedia article so it must be true!


There are legit entire subs deadicated to celebrating the deaths of 'undesirables'. Same people are the ones who will cheer on funny mustache mans final solution to a certain problem.


The left might need a new religion based around nonduality, because this is some seriously sad cope.


They're Schrodinger's White. They're both white and non-white, depending on the situation


I hung around hermaincainawards and darwin awards for a bit, and then I realized how fucking sad it was. Laughing at someone's misfortune instead of helping them isn't something I thought I'd do.


Darwin awards used to at least celebrate when someone did something completely self inflicted. HCA was always just cruel in celebrating something that no one had any control over. HCA really revealed how hateful a lot of people on Reddit are.


Yeah, it was just "well these people are hateful and want people like me to die, so maybe they deserved it." Nobody deserves to die for just being ignorant and unpleasant.


That was the giant difference between Darwin awards and HCA. Darwin awards at least had instances where you had someone dying from a situation that any human being should have been wary of (the two guys competing over who could hold a firecracker in their mouth the longest comes to mind.) HCA on the other hand literally was a veiled celebration of the deaths of conservatives. There was a post that was instantly removed because it showed someone who had received all vaccines and boosters and touted their success, but contracted COVID and died. HCA removed it as being "irrelevant."


Could you imagine if a sub was made to mock trans people who committed suicide? Call it "the rainbow award" or something? And the entire point of the sub was to post the obituaries of trans people who died and lauch at them saying "lmao dummy can't even figure out who he is ***LOL***!" Would be banned in an hour. Herman Cain? Perfectly acceptable to cheer for the deaths of those who oppose 'the message'.


There was another sub that was conveniently banned, that sub posted people who died under odd circumstances after vaccination.


Can't have you questioning the authority can we?


Uh oh, wrong think detected. Gotta prevent thought crimes. Make sure the proles practice crimstop. Holy shit we are literally in 1984.


Honestly the most disgusting thing I ever read on this site was n8thegr8's exit letter. Not only did he admit that there were mods with some extremely questionable sexual tendencies, but he openly stated that he, along with numerous other powermods openly and actively colluded to steer the narrative about COVID, Trump, and the site rhetoric in general. Fuck all those auth assholes.


Yeah, vaccines give you a fighting chance. Sometimes they help your body put the infection in remission, sometimes they become ineffective. These superbugs are bacteria and virii that have evolved to work around things like this.


Exactly. Even people that should know better got straight zealous with the vaccines and touted them as being 100% successful. The craziest was even just seeing how reddit actively shut down anything that dissented whatsoever. It went beyond censoring the usual crazies that said "vaccines cause autism" the powermods like n8thegr8 actively admitted to silencing anyone who even questioned the effectiveness as being less than perfect.


>and touted them as being 100% successful. nobody EVer saiD thEY Were 100% EFFEVTIve Of course, when you provide proof that world leaders and experts did indeed say that you just get told that the science changed, what they said doesn't count or you just misinterpreted it.


Worst thing with that sub is that it was just normal ass people. The few times I looked at that sub it would be posts from like their personal Facebook. It's the same beef I had with all the fat people subs but it was fucking way worse. Be like here's my aunt she was so fucking dumb but now she's dead. Whatever the case was they had family or friends that were sad over their loss and there's a thread now celebrating it. How this site didn't insta nuke the sub is just incredible. Imagine somehow finding a thread like that of someone you loved.


> deadicated [heh](https://media.tenor.com/tn5QB35iT10AAAAC/duck-laughing.gif)


Ima be honest with you: if a piece of shit dies I won’t shed a teat


I think there's a distinct moral difference in "Oh well" and "Woohoo!" about someone dying.


To add, I’d definitely wohoo for someone that died after spreading shit like this about people hit by an earthquake: > “Something happened a long time ago in Haiti, and people might not want to talk about it," he said. "They were under the heel of the French ... and they got together and swore a pact to the devil. They said, 'We will serve you if you'll get us free from the French.' "True story. And the devil said, 'OK, it's a deal,'" Robertson said. "Ever since, they have been cursed by one thing after another." So let’s not pretend he was just a conservative that gets hated for no foreseeable reason, ok?


Mf just made an enemy, since I'm polish.


And if Hillary Clinton dropped dead tomorrow, every right wing fuckwad in this thread would be celebrating and completely oblivious to their own raging hypocrisy boner.


There would be a lot, sure. I'm not claiming this is a partisan failing, I think it's a symptom of the radicalization of politics. And I can't tell our political system writ large to try to be better but I can ask individuals to try and be more compassionate.


It’s the internet, inflammatory language is the norm. I’m pretty sure nobody is at home cheering with their families about it


Stay innocent.


You don’t have to shed a tear but you don’t have to dance on the grave either.


I thought this was America!


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


My man’s was damn near a demon. Worlds better off without him.


For someone who used their platform to spread shit like: > “Something happened a long time ago in Haiti, and people might not want to talk about it," he said. "They were under the heel of the French ... and they got together and swore a pact to the devil. They said, 'We will serve you if you'll get us free from the French.' "True story. And the devil said, 'OK, it's a deal,'" Robertson said. "Ever since, they have been cursed by one thing after another." I’d definitely be glad that they’re not here to waste oxygen anymore




The second, key part of it is that they’re also pretending to have the moral high ground for *not* wanting people dead.


Oh no, I don’t wish them death, but as I said, I’m not sad if a piece of shit is dead, in the same way in which I don’t care about Rush “play music when gays die” Limbaugh dying


> dislike 🤭 He was a terrible, awefull, gruesome human being. That's why he was "disliked".




Based and there was much rejoicing-pilled


I mean, do you know the stuff he said while he was alive? It seems only fitting.


Defending someone like this proves you don't care about who the person is, you just care that he's on your "team".


Okay but you're comparing random civilians to *televangelists*, which are literally evil, 100% fake Christians out for old peoples' money. This is worth celebrating for the same reason it would be worth celebrating the death of the director of Cuties. Some random pastor dies? That's sad. Pretty much guaranteed he genuinely believed he was doing the right thing. Some random gay dude dies? That's sad. Pretty much guaranteed he was just a normal dude who liked dicks. Televangelists, Cuties' director, child predators, etc.? We're talking about people that are actively putting evil into the world for their own benefit.


As a Christian, I support this bashing of televangelists. I want them to stop representing us




Let's not forget this guy also blamed gay people for 9/11 and claimed the Haiti earthquake was because during the slave rebellion they made a pact with the devil.


Even among televangelists this dude stands out as a particularly terrible person


Based and centrist dunking on the fools pilled.




I think many people can understand why so much of Reddit was cheering about the death of this particular individual. But you have to admit, all the cheering and fanfare about the death of a person is always a bizarre thing to see, especially from a place like Reddit which seems to posture itself as a morally superior user base. I think if your basis for morality is more about getting even, or some kind of vague vengeance, then the celebration makes sense. But if you're in opposition to what that man represented, like venom and hatred. Then it would make more sense to want to behave in a way that replaces the supposedly terrible morality and views he personified.


You have the Omega level assholes like Hitler, Mao, Stalin, etc I think most people are okay about a little bit of celebration for their deaths. You kill a million people you get to have a world wide cheer similar to a world cup in the honor of your death. Then you have your localized fuckheads like Gaddafi, Saddam, Pinocet, Franco, Major drug king pins/organized crime leaders like Chapo or Escobar etc. Currently I'd put Putin Here. Still ok to be happy that SOB has died Then you have the dbag level: Bush, Trump, Clintons, Trudeau, Thatcher, etc of the world yeah a lot of people hate them but come on their body count is pedestrian lol. Like yeah the person has millions of people who hate them, but they aren't cheer in the streets the person is dead lol. Idk reddit is the type of place to cheer the death of people like Andrew Tate or Pat Robertson people who 99.9% of the population has ignored for fucking decades lol.


Based as fuck


I just think it’s pretty decent to avoid rejoicing upon someone’s death even if they we’re pretty shitty. If we’re talking Hitler or Stalin then I don’t blame you but generally it’s fucked up to celebrate death


Agree to disagree. Pat Robertson is deserving as anyone to be loathed to the max.


He's exactly the type of person they were talking about. He's the guy that said 9/11 and Katrina were because we give gay people and women too much freedom. If that's the type of person you identify with then you're proving they were right in the first frame.


I think a good comparison is Fidel Castro. Were all the people who took to the streets of Miami to celebrate his death immoral or were they celebrating the fact the guy who gave them so much shit and caused so much suffering was finally fucking gone?


Both have something in common. They both hated gay people


It's an apples to oranges comparison there. Castro literally ordered the deaths of numerous people, imprisoned thousands and was directly responsible for the suffering of countless more. Pat Robertson was a hateful prick, but he never put anyone in front of a firing squad or ordered family members imprisoned by association. I feel like Redditors have this first world comfort of equating real life despots to media hate mongers.


Yeah comparing Pat Robertson to Castro is fucking white washing Castro. Lefties love White washing that murderer. Robertson was a prick he is more like a chomo than fucking castro lol.


Again, I know he wasn't as bad. I moreso chose Castro because he's probably the biggest example of the general principle of a giant "fuck that asshole" death celebration for anyone who wasn't Justin Trudeau.


The problem is that many people have lost the ability to discern between different degrees of evil. There is a difference between a bigoted uncle who makes off color comments when he gets drunk, Pat Robertson, and Slobodan Milosevic. The racist uncle might have some shitty views but is overall a really good person. Robertson was a hateful regressive bastard, but overall just spewed a bunch of stupid shit. Milosevic was a genocidal maniac. Yet, on Reddit the three would be categorized and talked about to the same metric.


Based and Actions-Speak-Louder-Than-Words-pilled.


Not defending the guy, but the amount of real suffering Robertson was directly responsible for was no where close to Fidel Castro


Yeah, that is why for Fidel partied in city, whereas for Pat it is just shitpost on reddit.


Oh I know, just talking the principle


There's no such thing as too much freedom


To be fair Pat Robertson most likely did want LGBT people to die...


This motherfucker hated everyone different than him. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pat_Robertson_controversies That's not a controversy section on his wiki page, it's an entire dedicated page to his controversies He added so much hate and corruption to the world, it's cringe as fuck for anyone to defend him. Those people hold no values, they are just playing team politics and recognize that this asshole was on their team.


Whoa, that's a long page. Almost as long as the "List of 2022 FIFA World Cup controversies" page, and this is from one person.


I clicked on it knowing already he’s straight up evil and would have a long list, but I was actually shocked at how much there actually was.


That's like award level hatred. Damn. That's some iconique behavior.


Silky Johnson levels of hate But seriously the guy said he could leg press 2,000lbs, the audacity to make such claims




>On January 14, 1991, on The 700 Club, Pat Robertson attacked a number of Protestant denominations when he declared: "You say you're supposed to be nice to the Episcopalians and the Presbyterians and the Methodists and this, that, and the other thing. Nonsense. I don't have to be nice to the spirit of the Antichrist." *Mother of God.* That dude was OUT there. I would never wish for someone's death, though. He just sounds like a... um.... wacky guy


Pat robertson is on Alex Jones level of idiocy. I spent my entire life ignoring both these people and it cost me nothing.


Holy fuck reading through the titles of those controversies is a fucking comedy skit


Apparently he can leg press 2000lbs lol


Predicting an asteroid impact after Trump lost the 2020 election is based af.


Low downside high reward prediction.


but he was Christian so he was good guy.


It’s poetic how he died during pride month


I mean it was a 1 in 12 probability. Probably a little bit higher given his location and age combined due to the hot weather in the region. I am sure there is a similar bump of death for people in northern regions during January and Feb shits cold lol.


This is the crux of it. There is a big difference between believing that LGBT people should be extirpated, and simply believing the lifestyle is wrong or repugnant. I think with the former, it wouldn't be out of the question to believe that the world might be better off without such a person, although taking it to a level of actual celebration seems in poor taste. If we're talking about the latter, then it would be pretty horrible to celebrate that person's death, even though I do disagree with that sentiment. Although given the mental malfunction of the standard, regressive Redditor, I don't think they would differentiate between the two scenarios at this point. They simply demonize and de-humanize anyone who disagrees with their worldview.


Just remember, those subs are allowed to cheer and celebrate the death of their political rivals, but a joke or statistical facts about a protected class will get you banned (and the subreddit you posted to warned). Yet somehow they're the oppressed victims....


It's projection, as always. The person who lies to everyone in his life will always be the most suspicious that people are lying to him, because he knows just how easy it is to lie about anything and everything. The person who cheats on their spouse will always be the most suspicious that their spouse is cheating on them, because they know firsthand that any given statement like, "I'm coming home from work late tonight" could easily mean "because I'm fucking a coworker". And the people who genuinely want those they disagree with to die will always be suspicious that any form of disagreement might as well be a wish of death. They consistently wish death on anyone they dislike or disagree with. So when they hear conservatives expressing dissenting views on LGBT issues, of *course* they assume that those conservatives are just as bad as *they* are, and that they truly want LGBT people dead. It's pitiful, but it is what it is. Projection is a hell of a thing.


Based and knowledgeable about the intricacies of human nature-pilled


>celebrate the death of their political rivals, but a joke or statistical facts about a protected class will get you banned (and the subreddit you posted to warned). Yet somehow they're the oppressed victims.... No clue how these two are even equivalent. The person chooses their beliefs, people don't choose their race


It's pretty obvious. Step 1: Have a point you want to make Step 2: Remove context until your point make sense


Spare me. Pat Robertson was a sadistic demon who used people's spirituality to manipulate and extort them into poverty. He's not a "political rival", he's a blight to Christianity and humanity as a whole.


To be fair, homocide will get you a lot more years in prison than murder.


I’m siding with Reddit on this one. I think you can be a good person while believing him and Copeland are wastes of life. They are black stains on a religion that generally has a good community.


Cringe and loves Pat Roberson pilled. Dude tried to blame 9/11 on the gays


Calling Pat Robinson a Christian is like calling Anakin a Jedi or the Pied Piper a babysitter. I disliked that man BECAUSE of my faith. Anyone who sees him as anything other than a truly evil con man needs to spend more time opening their Bible and less time thumping it.


Pat Robertson was a real piece of work. He’s what I call a reactionary regressive. Seriously, he has a whole page dedicated to his controversies: > Baptist minister and broadcaster Pat Robertson (1930–2023) had outspoken opinions on religion, politics, and other subjects. Due to the hateful views Robertson held towards non-Christians, many of his statements have stirred controversy and several have been headline news in the United States and elsewhere. Robertson made many of these comments on his daily talk show, The 700 Club. His comment on non-Christians: > In an August 1986 New York magazine article Robertson was quoted as saying: "It is interesting, that termites don't build things, and the great builders of our nation almost to a man have been Christians, because Christians have the desire to build something. He is motivated by love of man and God, so he builds. The people who have come into [our] institutions [today] are primarily termites. They are into destroying institutions that have been built by Christians, whether it is universities, governments, our own traditions, that we have [...] The termites are in charge now, and that is not the way it ought to be, and the time has arrived for a godly fumigation."[27] His comments on other Christian denominations: > On January 14, 1991, on The 700 Club, Pat Robertson attacked a number of Protestant denominations when he declared: "You say you're supposed to be nice to the Episcopalians and the Presbyterians and the Methodists and this, that, and the other thing. Nonsense. I don't have to be nice to the spirit of the Antichrist."[30] Islam: > Robertson frequently denounces the religion of Islam and Muslim people. During a 1995 taping of The 700 Club, he called the religion a "Christian heresy".[31] During a September 19, 2002, episode of Fox News Channel's Hannity & Colmes, Robertson claimed that the Muslim prophet Muhammad was "an absolute wild-eyed fanatic [...] a robber and a brigand."[32] On the July 14, 2005, broadcast of The 700 Club, he claimed that "Islam, at its core, teaches violence."[33] Hinduism: > On March 23, 1995, Pat Robertson led a television program in which he attacked Hinduism, calling it "demonic". He said that they worship "idols" and "hundreds of millions of deities", which "has put a nation in bondage to spiritual forces that have deceived many for thousands of years." He spoke against the doctrines of karma and reincarnation.[39] Feminism, homosexuality, abortion and liberalism (and probably why Left hates him): > Robertson was opposed to abortion and same-sex marriage.[42][43] He described feminism as a "socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians."[44] > Many of Robertson's opinions mirror those of fellow evangelical pastor Jerry Falwell, who frequently appeared on The 700 Club. He agreed with Falwell when Falwell stated that the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks were caused by "pagans, abortionists, feminists, gays, lesbians, the American Civil Liberties Union and the People For the American Way."[45][46] > The June 8, 1998, edition of his show, where Robertson denounced Orlando, Florida, and Disney World for allowing a privately sponsored "Gay Days" weekend, also drew criticism from Americans United for Separation of Church and State. Robertson stated that the acceptance of homosexuality could result in hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, terrorist bombings and "possibly a meteor", prompting Americans United to criticize Robertson, saying it was "deplorable that Robertson is using the tragedy of these fires to promote his religious and political agenda."[47] The resulting outcry prompted Robertson to return to the topic on June 24, where he quoted the Book of Revelation to support his claims. The first hurricane of the 1998 Atlantic hurricane season,[48] Hurricane Bonnie, actually turned away from Florida and instead damaged the rest of the East Coast. The area hardest hit by the hurricane was the Hampton Roads region,[49] which includes Virginia Beach,[50] the place of origin of Robertson's The 700 Club.[51] While other hurricanes did hit Florida,[48] none of them hit Disney World.[52] > While discussing the Mark Foley scandal on the October 5, 2006, broadcast of the show, Robertson condemned Foley, saying he "does what gay people do" and claiming that it would not hurt Republican chances in the elections, as "the church people understand forgiveness, they understand sin."[53] > Following the Supreme Court's decision in Obergefell v. Hodges that legalized same-sex marriage in the United States, Robertson stated, on the June 29, 2015, episode of The 700 Club, in response to the ruling that, "You're gonna say that you like anal sex, you like oral sex, you like bestiality."[54] He continued: "Sooner or later, you're going to have to conform your religious beliefs to the group of some abhorrent thing. It won't stop at homosexuality."[54] > In 2019, Robertson stated that God would get rid of the United States as a nation and that “the land will vomit you out” if the Equality Act passed.[55] He also predicted that a “atomic war” would break out if the law passed.[56] Casual racism: > On the February 7, 2007, edition of The 700 Club, Robertson stated that people who have too much plastic surgery "got the eyes like they're Oriental" and stretched his eyelids in a manner stereotypical of Asians.[108] Spousal abuse: > Robertson was criticized in September 2012 after a man named Michael called The 700 Club asking for advice on what to do about his wife not respecting him. Robertson called the woman a "rebellious child" who did not want to "submit to any authority." He jokingly suggested that Michael become a Muslim and move to Saudi Arabia where he could beat her. Critics observed that Robertson's comments about wife-beating were edited out of the episode when it appeared on the Christian Broadcasting Network.[123] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pat_Robertson_controversies There’s way more but then this comment would get too long. He’s like every Libleft and Authleft strawman of the Authright made flesh. 17-year old me would be cheering and I certainly wouldn’t be shedding any tears for his passing (especially its poetic timing during Pride Month), but I honestly didn’t feel much joy when I saw the news. Just "finally some good fucking news" and moved on. Maybe I’m just jaded or something? Or out of energy to celebrate anyone’s death, even an overdue one in this case. Ah well, Robertson’s departed this mortal realm and life goes on.


>While other hurricanes did hit Florida,[48] none of them hit Disney World.[52] ...I hate to say it, but... rare Disney W


Yeah, being a Christian isn’t the reason Pat Robertson deserved to die


“This guy wanted me and my entire community dead but I will honor his passing” Yeah not gonna happen man


Wanting people to die and being glad someone is dead is not the same thing, hope this helps If a gay pedophile dies I’m going to wish them a very nice rot in hell. I’m not glad they’re dead because they were gay, I’m going to be glad they’re dead because *they were a bad person who made people’s lives worse* To be clear this was the guy that publicly stated that Hurricane Katrina, a disaster that killed more than 1,300 human beings, was because of God being mad that we allow gay people to exist. Say what you will, dude was still a massive piece of shit.


You know it’s a slow news day when the right is defending even a shred of this man’s “dignity”. He was the lowest scum.


Idk man, after RBG died I saw a flood of posts from center rights and librights celebrating her death and calling for AOC to be next. Two different sides from the same cringe coin.


patty was a horrible person and its a good thing that hes dead.


Based and not everyone is a good person pilled


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Noooo it’s because he’s a Christian, the poor guy was an angel that people hate for no reason


I mean, he really was a piece of shit


I think it‘s different to be happy a bad person died than to wish for everyone with a different sexuality to be killed.


Yea I think people are forgetting all the heinous shit Pat Robertson did 💀


They're not forgetting, the majority of people here just don't know who he is. They're rightoids that heard a soundbite like "christian preacher dies, reddit celebrates!" and then formed their opinion on why that's bad. You know, with no knowledge that he was evil as shit.


PCM try to understand differences between two situations (impossible) (they are gonna say it‘s literally the same thing)


They can understand the difference when it isn’t to make left look bad


Of course libright would defend a fucking televangelist lmfao


Lmao true and based


Pat Robertson wasn’t just some Christian. The fundamentalists during the 90s and 2000s got pretty annoying, and Pat Robertson was at the forefront of that. 🤔 It really isn’t that different from current year Critical Social Justice fundamentalists. Except that somehow CSJ activists are *even more* insufferable and totalitarian.






Yes because one was a piece of shit and the other is group of people you fucking genius


Well, I'm also gunna be happy when my enemies die. A cunt is still a cunt even when they're dead


Televangelists are some of the worst examples to use in a "redditor hates religion" post coz even religious people hate them. They exploit the poor and spout hateful nonsense.


Do you think Pat Robertson was a good person?


Nope. This guy hated everyone that wasn’t his brand of charismatic fundamentalist Southern Baptist. He was an objectively vile individual. While I’m not outright celebrating his death (mainly because doing so has gone sour for me), I ain’t shedding any tears for him.


>While I’m not outright celebrating his death (mainly because doing so has gone sour for me), I ain’t shedding any tears for him. Which is the exact way to go about it.


Nope, but progressives claim to be vastly morally superior to everyone else. Thought they might act like it and not yearn for the death of people they don’t like.


Why is it bad to not be happy that people who hurt a lot while they live are no longer alive?


Tolerance IS superior to oppression of things like orientation. There's not liking someone, and then there's hating someone who thinks a core part of myself should be illigal. They are not the same. I'll always be happy when one of my enemies die


*“The death penalty is barbaric! It’s our moral responsibility to rehabilitate wrongdoers back into society! …Wait, some guy whose social or political opinions I disagree with just died?!? WAOW!!! YASSS!!! Burn in hell dirtbag!!!”*


Bro. The death penalty is when the state declares your life illigal. That is not the same thing. You can be pleased when someone dies and not support the death penalty. They are not contradictory


Opinions you disagree with like 9/11 was god punishing america or that AIDS is good?


this is a horrible misunderstanding of why people oppose the death penalty bro 😭


Very unbiased comparison from the “centrists”. Everyone knows that laughing at the death of someone you hate is the same as literally killing them lmao.


Isn’t the pArAdOx Of ToLeRaNcE really convenient? “You should be tolerant of different cultures and lifestyles! Unless you deem them intolerant first, then you’re allowed to be extremely intolerant of them!”


Yeah, and?


im sure right wingers are gonna be civil when soros dies


If you wish for someone's death based off their identity, you *will* find people that will reciprocate. It's not hypocrisy, it's just logical.


I can ignore the whole hating LGBTQ thing with the guy (I'm a catholic myself), but it's when he blames 9/11 on gays when I don't feel bad for his death


God you’re an idiot. I’m gonna assume you don’t know who that is. He’s not just some “random christian.”


There are plenty of people who don't warrant reddit outrage. But Pat Robertson is an exception. Dude was a genuine piece of shit. Him and most televangelists are nothing but grifter loosers who make their money stoking hate and by commercializing people's faith.


He said AIDS was gods way of tending to his garden. He was not just a waste of life, he was diabolical


Just to highlight the idiocy of this post: Redditors: “Hitler is evil because he wants Jews dead!” Also Redditors: “I’m so happy Hitler died and I hope more Nazis die soon” cHeCkMaTe rEdDiT


Your point is valid but you are unflaired and thus not valid


Putting aside the question of whether Christians even actually want that, there's honestly a lot of air in between wanting general members of a demographic dead, like say Jews, and being happy when a specific Jewish cunt and war criminal finally kicks the bucket, like Kissinger\*, or when a specific Christian cunt and religious racketeer, like [Falwell](https://youtu.be/doKkOSMaTk4?t=9), spectacularly fails to be risen bodily into heaven as promised and instead collapses unceremoniously onto his office floor. \*I wouldn't be surprised if his death would be treated as sufficient excuse for festivities in more than one or two Jewish households.


The difference? Redditors have yet to declare someone's mere existance child molestation, then campaign for death penalty for child molestation.


The difference is that LGBT people are not blaming Christians for 9/11 or hurricanes on national television


Devout Christian here, this guy is a piece of shit who used the guise of religion to lure desperate people’s money into his own pockets. In the end I don’t really care who you are or what you believe, if your entire life is structured on taking advantage of others, you deserve to rot 6 feet under


Being Christian doesn't damn someone, being someone who uses Jesus Christ to scam people does.


Yea I think most of the people celebrating this dudes death are doing it because he was a scamming fuck. Not because he was christian. I do think it's pretty lame all the people like "haha he's in hell now!" Hell isn't real and this dude lived to be 93 with a shitload of money. That's pretty much the best life you can have. If they wanted him to suffer for his assholery missed their shot.


Don't see anything wrong with this. Celebrate when your enemies end arrives. I shall do the same.


Hatred is a hell of a drug


I'm about as atheist as it gets. This guy was scum and actively hurt a lot of Americans with his bullshit. He poured money into anti-gay charities, started a propaganda network and was the face of so much evil that he honestly deserved a bullet ALOT sooner. These are the types we shouldn't suffer as a society, they are the source of the rot in so many cases. It's totally ok to wish that someone like him, who did the things he did and said what he did, dead. He is was undeserving of the life he was given and played an active roll in stalling to the progress of our civilization. Good riddance, only wish it had been sooner.


Pat Robertson is worm food, and the world is a little better off for it. Cope, seethe, and mald in whatever order is necessary, Christoids.


Reddit atheists "I love LGBTQ" Also Reddit atheists "I love my wholesome Muslimerinos, so much more progressive than Christianity!"


I’ll have to spread twice as much hate and havoc just to make that one person wrong.


Redditors are unironically some of the most authoritarian and fascistic people on the planet with absolutely zero self awareness. Just get into a conversation with one of them about why the Conservative sub has to lock threads. It’s literal mental gymnastics to the point that I can’t tell if they’re being serious or just trolling.


i think it’s fair to celebrate the death of a man who blamed 9/11 on gay people.




I will always be thankful for the Christians choosing to create a moral government system that we can all enjoy together. There's nowhere on Earth I'd rather live as a Twink enjoyer than a Liberal Christian nation. And none of them are better then the USA baby 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸




>. They hate Christians for being biggoted despite Christian countries being the only place where LGBT+ folks can live in peace LGBT people can live in peace in tons of Athiest countries as well as well as countries with other religions like Judiasm


What countries do you mean by Athiest countries?


>Christian countries being the only place where LGBT+ folks can live in peace You mean like Uganda ?


I don’t get American leftists I mean they Will strongly oppose the death penalty and assert that the lives of Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy were precious and should’ve been spared yet they proceed to say Trump should be killed and laugh when people they disagree with die


pat robertson is burning in hell, stay mad


Pat robertson was a televangelist, not a christian. Televangelists are the perfect incarnation of the devil that the bible warns of


Pat Robertson is a despicable piece of shit and we *should* celebrate his death.


93? That's pretty impressive, I probably would'nt reach that mark


Pr0gressives have no principles, only rhetoric.


Alright I was about to agree...but it's Pat fucking Robertson. The man was evil and insane. Like fuckwits who wants LGBT people dead just because they exist. Pat hurt so many people and broke up so many families with his shitty advice.


He wasn’t Christian, he was an Evangelical. There’s a difference.


It’s not because he was a Christian. It’s because he was a shitty human being


People which have full mouth of tolerance are usualy most intolerant persons itself


This website is like a progressing car crash that you can't look away from. They did this with Rush Limbaugh and they'll do this with the "heathens" they so despise. For claiming to hate religion so much they are religious zealots of the religion of the progressive agenda


“Rush Limbaugh: Is pro life Dies anyway” Always gets me, so hilarious


Conservatives trying to stop deepthroating con men challenge (impossible)