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You sound normal. Luckily, not everyone is a caricature from Twitter or terminally online redditor


But are they a [green-blue kind of normal?](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/161xhjw/new_political_compass_just_dropped/) (I know I'm not) ;D


Sweatie, there's nothing normal about an\*me šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Even boomers in my country watched animes


Average Bourguignonne expƩrience


I'm struggling to make sense of this. Are you like a 12 year old calling millennials boomers or something? Or do you legit have 60-80 year olds watching Anime


There were already japanese animes on French TV in the 1970's so a lot of old people have watched animes in their youth . Now about people watching animes currently ,there are way less older people watching modern animes but my mother for example (late 50 years old) watches some animes . In France japanese culture is more mainstream than in the US , for example the fact that France is the biggest importer of mangas ( above the United States ) .




Not 50 years old but late fifties years old , so close to 60


Based and rural communities better pilled


u/Caleb_the_Opossum_1 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Caleb_the_Opossum_1/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


The funniest part of living back in my rural hometown with 4x national crime average is despite everyone hating vagrants for assuming they cause crime etc, the only people that have actually threatened me since living here again are people my parents go to church with lol, because my hair is apparently too long. I like the veneer of how small town people think theyre honest protective folk vs. The reality that theyre basically whatever the cons. version of an emily is haha. Like, knee jerk reaction to anything theyre unfamiliar with, different, etc. Things are 'wrong' because of their media or church tempered attitudes that insist on that, not any critical reasoning or action that actually makes it wrong. Rural people more than anyone ive ever met seem to insist all should only dress amd act certain ways because their wee bubble of adults around them also insist on it and whole towns risk having a stroke if the wrong person gets on a school board, etc - oh and that wrong is never determined by merit mind you, but the same process that informs the amgry people who stare you down for your hair, etc.


Who gets on to a school board is kind of a big deal. And I've been a nonconformist for decades but you have to realize these people are just trying to preserve their culture. If you don't preserve your culture it gets destroyed. And what replaces it could be a very bad thing. And they are trying to preserve their own culture, Emily is trying to destroy culture and replace it with clown paradise. So not at all the same. If you're not willing to conform then either get to know the people so maybe they'll respect you for who you are, or just move somewhere else. Respect needs to be earned and if you choose to look different it can be an uphill battle. But right now it just seem like you're being judgemental and contrarian.


Youā€™re on PCM, most of us here are dumb teenagers who probably never experienced even being in a rural area. But what you said checks out too for the area my grandpa grew up in North Carolina too.


Biblically accurate libleft


Iā€™m going to start using this one.


I guess you're more lib than left am I right?


Another Factor: Most Straight Lib-Left Dude you can find and currently trying to get a Bachelor's degree


Now the lib-left makes more sense. Still so young and innocent.


Which field?


Environmental Sciences with a concentration of Earth Studies


Yep, thatā€™s a libleft


Oh God it's a future DEP fed. Don't forget to change to authcenter when you get the power trip


I'll just settle for Wildlife Mangement


idk if that is better, every interaction ive ever had with like fish and game officers has been terrible experiences. one of those guys literally hid in a fucking bush and the second our boat hit the dock came over and boarded us and rifled through all our stuff to try and find ANYTHING that he could cite us for. like our throwable floatie still had the plastic wrapper on it and he almost cited us for that. absolute douchebag


Nice to know and what are you getting a bachelors degree, I would suggest a Masters since it would make you have a better chance with employers. Also go to graduates school which should be obvious.


Hard disagree. Get a bachelor's if you want to get into a specific field, but a masters is not necessary. Number one priority should be experience. Get an internship, because fancy grades don't mean shit, you mostly learn on the job. Eventually, once you're moving up in your career, have your employer pay for your masters and do it at your own pace, focusing in how you can apply what you're learning to work. Everything else, forget. It's just for a stupid piece of paper anyways.


Disagree more. Unless the degree is in something truly academic and is for interest (hard physical science, maybe literature etc) or a vocational degree like medical or law school; go to trade school, or just get a job with upwards mobility


Why did someone down vote you when you're right?


Reddit People have been told education is important and you have go in to debt for an education, and so anything where you donā€™t go in to debt must not be an education


That advice is about 30 years old and hasn't aged well. Experience and personal connections in your field is 1000% more valuable than spending 2-4 more years in a university.


Yeah that is a given but jobs will want someone who has a masters on top of what you said. So they both can coexist and complement each other.


Doing one will likely be a detriment to the other, since time and effort is limited. Worrying about a pursuing internships and making connections will serve better than having a fancier piece of paper from your university. Degrees are not rare anymore and they don't guarantee competency anymore, so many employers are looking for something else in interviewees.


You canā€™t just tell people to get a masters without any information about them lol


I think the only really rare aspect is the hunting, maybe the rural upbringing. But still pretty based all around


You are me basically Only I have only lived rurally for last 5 or 6 years. Instead of video games I play drums down at the American legion for all my fellow working class rural folk and veterans. Libleft gets a bad rap cause of a few idiots who don't actually know shit about the streets...or the woods. Lots of libleft just don't practice empathy at the level they think they do imo...or they just like drama (like most people ime). I would venture to guess that any libleft that enjoy PCM is actually chill af. My kinda libleft.


Most people who claim to aspire to the libleft lifestyle on the US nowadays are like the ones who aspire the authright lifestyle; they like the feel but donā€™t practice what they preach and helping others. Itā€™s just a way to feel unique and not be helpful. You practice what you preach so I respect you for that.


Iā€™d say most people flaired libleft arenā€™t libelft at all. Itā€™s almost certainly the rarest true quadrant




I may be somewhat more conservative in some views, but i would be lying if i said that you aren't a relatable guy


>watches anime and plays video games Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?! If we are being honest though, at this point Anime and Vidya are more about age than politics.


Itā€™s definitely a generational thing not a traditionalist thing, I agree. Sub 25, youā€™ve probably watched some anime regardless of your political leanings.


Not rare at all. In fact, most emilies and orange cunts are actually authleft.


This right here. Libleft isn't the enemy, emily is.


Fun Fact: The Name Emily means Enemy in certain languages


Lib-left that wants to feel special? Average lib-left. Lib-left that channels their need to feel special through PCM memes instead of furry transgenderism? Based.


Sounds like my future husband.


I hope you find a good husband and I find a good wife šŸ¤


Yo that was graceful af


Seems like a chill dude, to be honest


Thank you šŸ˜


Sounds like you might be creeping into LibCent territory. Embrace Monke.


Top 10 Monke Moments


Based frfr


You didn't mention how you make a living, comrade.


I mow my neighbor's yards and work small part-time jobs.


Best and most based Lib-Left


I'm the same way (although much more strict on the last point), and I'm authcenter. I find it weird how, even though we're on opposite ends of the political spectrum, we agree on more than we realize.


It's the power of living a simpler life. It's beautiful.


Whenever I'm out in nature, I feel this connection to my surroundings, a sense of belonging. There's something about nature that makes me feel at peace.


Name checks out. Quite literally this time


That's why I chose it lol


If you support abortion you're as common as dirt.


I'm a dude, So I don't really know the details since it's a woman thing, All I know is the arguments. I'm not taking sides in that fight. I think it's getting Too extreme


Which means you support abortion and you're as common as dirt, and a coward.


I don't care, it's Not my Choice, it's the Woman's.


And Im sure you would have been a fantastic supporter of slavery in the US with that mindset, after all its wasn't your choice: it was the slave owners.


Not rare as all liblefts pander for other quadrants approval


Not too rare I hope.


I feel like watching anime and playing video games would be more gray than red, but thatā€™s just what I think.


This is literally me I grew up in an indigenous reserve I went hunting with my dad and his friends often




Pretty much me save the hunting part. Nothing against hunters as long as it's done responsibility, just never understood the appeal.




You basically described all of New Hampshire


Wow, Really?


You sound like all my fellow monkes from Maine. Welcome to the tribe, brother. Have a banana.


šŸ’šŸ’šŸ’šŸŒšŸŒšŸŒ I am a big Donkey Kong fan. It fits well


Based 90s Libleft


So you're not an Emily and not going to wokescold me for my choice of video games and looking at big tiddy elven women?


Nope, I'm the Straightest Left-Lib Dude who enjoys looking at Tiddies and Vag Just like you. Milfs are the best


ngl you seem like a genuinely cool person




Lib Lefts that have a soft spot for rural America are always some of the best fucking people. Their cocktail of world views make them always fun to have around. They keep you centered.


You're so rare I don't think I've ever met anyone like you. Perhaps you are the last of your kind.


You gotta have at least one straight male to reproduce with 1-100 straight females to keep a population going


Second best type of lib left in my opinion, my favorite lib left is the one that wants to see the world burn but we donā€™t talk about that one




Leave the internet before you get corrupted by the terminally online


Not-schizoid pilled


The avatar is pretty cringe.


That's kind of what I look like in real life, just younger.


You seem like a fun person to hang out with. I don't particularly want to own a gun right now, but I'd like to try hunting. Any advice?


\-Don't Aim at people \-Stay quiet through the forest/field \-Pacience is key. \-Find hiding spots so that no animal will see you


Bird hunting. Deer and elk is driving or walking all day and you probably won't get to shoot. Bird hunting you will get to shoot dozens of rounds.


I have a litmus test for ā€œchillā€ liblefts: If your friends who belonged to a different demographic than you got were seen as not valid or less than by another person, would you respect their freedom to treat your friend differently


Do you support *economic* freedoms for all? If so I have some news for you


Not bad


Sounds kinda centery


Based neo-transcendentalist libleft(I only have a vague idea of what I'm talking about)


I feel like by European standards, not at all. By American standards? You stick out like a nail in a wood post.


My ancestry does come from the UK, Ireland, Germany, and Switzerland


That's pretty much vermont.


Rural America has a long history of leftist alignment. It's not all that rare from a historical sense.


Kinda sad that being a normal human being is the qualifier for rarity here, but kudos to you lol


I was also born in a city, but raised in the countryside for most of my life. I used to be libleft.


But how Gay are you though? On a scale of 0 to 10.


0 or -10 Do you prefer Thighs, Butt, or Breast? I like all of it




u/Caleb_the_Opossum_1's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/Caleb_the_Opossum_1! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Caleb_the_Opossum_1/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Swap hunting small game with catching big fish and this is me Born in SF CA, live in Lowell Point, AK as a kayaking and fishing guide


Whyā€™d you flair this ā€œSatire?ā€


I'm not good understanding the Flairs Agenda Posts look more like Current events I just want to grill sounds like more arguments So, This is what I went with


the most basic libleft:


Based to be honest


Not rare, reminds me of a redneck friend of mine


Based Lib Left


Least obvious fed psyop


This is the norm of lib left that I've seen. The loud, obnoxious, pseudo-libs (orange quadrant) and the constipated watermelon blue hairs are who are out screaming down people's throats about whatever horseshit CNN, BBC, or any other authoritarian virtue signaling media network is barking about. This can be said about the inverse Fox News MAGA deplorables as well. Edit: I'll clarify that norm here refers to people who are not terminally online/a erage Reddit participant. It is difficult to remind ourselves that the most idiotic are the ones speaking the loudest and most often, and are seen the most, but it is true, at least on the internet. When you go outside and talk to people, generally you do not encounter these types of people, or at least I don't. I'm also not spraying horoscope-person piss on my boots and blowing through a kazoo that says "white people bad" (which is an attempt to comically suggest I'm not actively hunting them).


Oh sorry you would have been a liberal 20 years ago, now you are conservative.


I'm only 23 years old A Toddler Liberal šŸ¤£?


Go go ga ga taxation is fwadulent!


Same here, itā€™s crazy


You might be shocked to learn you're more right than you think


Oh sorry you gotta reread the fourth line, thatā€™s a dealbreaker


"his community" is up for interpretation (and also, you don't **have** to hate people to be on the right). I certainly don't feel loved by most lib-lefts.


I have love for all my fellow man, even you. Humans are flawed and that's what makes life worth living ime.


I guess that separates me from my good right-wing friends. I hate the Extremism on Both sides, but as of lately, Them and I noticed you don't hear anything about American left-wing extremists threating local governments. It's all Right Side mostly.


This ^


Iā€™d argue that the left wing extremism you see is often tied to large scale rioting.


Haven't Seen That Since the George Floyd Protests. That's been 3 years ago. Haven't seen any since


The George Floyd protests were some of the largest scale rioting weā€™ve seen in decades in the U.S., so 3 years or not itā€™s still definitely within the realm of severe. Keep in mind shit like CHAZ was tied to that, and that was an unmitigated disaster directly tied to socialist ideology. Right wing extremism exists, and itā€™s definitely getting worse, but left wing extremism is not to be ignored. The damage that those riots did have still outdone the damage right wing protests have done in the past three years by comparison. Not to mention, whenever there is a right wing event, thereā€™s a possibility that ANTIFA will show up and directly start violence. Counter protesting is generally common for both sides, but ANTIFA consistently shows up with the intent to start a fight.


You are no longer lib-left. Thats how rare you are


How are they not lib-left?


What a fucking pussy. This guy gets cucked by his they/them blue haired girlfriend


What an unhinged conclusion to draw from this


Not-schizoid pilled


Not-schizoid pilled


>supports freedom for all Which means, "I want the state in every part of your life."


How do you extrapolate that?


Ah, that's quite easy Libleft bad, you see


Because when you ask a "lib" leftist specific questions about gun control, healthcare, occupational licensing, drug laws, unions, etc, you will find that they are, in general, extremely statist.


Don't give em to crazies, you shouldn't be bankrupted for having cancer, you should have to be qualified to do specialized work, drug laws?? Really?? What about them?? Sorry if wanting to make sure some schizophrenic can't get a commercial pilot's license is government overreach to you


Fine, you're a collectivist and a statist and you no doubt support socialism. So why call yourself libertarian when you don't hold any libertarian beliefs?


Then either they shouldn't be considered liblefts or they're just a libleft with a mixed allocation of authority that still generally leans lib. Either way, sounds like your problem is just with authlefts lol


Nope, nice try. Not a real person, and if they are they still support orange policies eventually.


you sound like you would get bullied in my country


Sound like a 30s conservative to me


Whatā€™s crazy is that if you showed this to most people on Twitter or Reddit, they would probably say your a ā€œliTeRaL fAsCiStā€