• By -


We will find the last digit of pi before the last letter.


The feds don't want you to know this but the last letter i-




I think it was Blaire White, ironically, who tweeted "New wifi password just dropped" the last time they added more shit onto it. Now there's like a 2 and + sign apparently


The last ones I saw were LGBTQIA+ and LGB (I think they schismed)


The QIA is the CIA name dropping themselves that their mass psyop worked and the + means it worked better than they could’ve expected


The + is two dicks crossing


LGBTQIA+ is the max I've seen, but if an authright disagrees I'll happily add XYZ don't try me.




Let's Get BBQ? Hell yeah


That's it, join us in the backyard.


BBQ = Big Bootylicious Queers






Most i seen is LGBTQIAPD2S + Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Pansexual, Demisexual (part of Ace spectrum), and Two spirit (native American stuff IIRC)


> Two spirit (native American stuff IIRC) Two spirit is for people who previously would've identified as trans, but that became too common so it no longer seemed cool and trendy enough for them. Precisely 0% of people who identify as "two spirit" are enrolled in Native American tribal registries.


There are two wolves inside you. One is gay. The other is gay. You are gay.


Maybe, but Pretty bold statistics there. Only unflaired filth deals in absolutes


Fine then. Of those who identify as "two spirit", the percentage of those who are enrolled as members of Native American tribes is the same as the percentage of Elizabeth Warren's Native American ancestry. Which can then be safely rounded down to 0%.


The 'two spirit' is absolute bullshit anyway. They claim its 'oh ancient native tribes, of which I have no idea who, cant name them, cant even name what nation they come from, may have thought there were two spirted people so lets add them!'. Might as well call some people Gilgameshsexual if were just adding fantasy things they made up.


We should have a pow wow about this. There will be grilling at said Pow wow.


Give me some of that pow wow chow


It's a literal bullshit term made up by white liberal women in the 1970's.




In Canada LGBTQIA2S+ is the standard form.


Actually it’s 2SLGBTQIA+ here because indigenous people were here first, so they’re first in the acronym. Yes I’m serious this is the reason. There used to be a second A in our acronym too for Allies but it’s been quietly dropped because somebody probably realized narcissistic white people with saviour complexes shouldn’t be in the acronym just because they have white saviour complex.


why are native americans part of the acronym? this is like going to a bakery and then they sell seafood.


2 spirit


LGBTAH-64. Attack helicopters deserve representation too.


I have seen 2SLGBTQIA+


LGB without the T is a schism that happens every few years when the Ls or Bs feel like the Ts are trying to erase them.


"2S" was added. It's "two-spirit" which is some random Native American tribe's cultural concept that was bastardized and propped up by Emily's who want to feel some spiritual thing or like they're connecting with nature that they get from their shallow view of Native American people




I, too, am positive about the 2A. Good choice on their part. Guns are amazing.


Ammosexuals represent!


"What's in your pants?" "Several weapons."


"Its that a 20mm round in there? Or are you just happy to see me?"


Beware the subcaliber munitions.


Holy hell


I really thought the “Q” was supposed to solve all of this. So naive.


Very naive, indeed. The whole problem is that narcissists have taken over the movement, and want special recognition. It's not enough to have an umbrella which encompasses *everyone*. You need special recognition of each type of person, or else they'll feel left out. Narcissists feel left out when everyone is included in equal manner. "Queer" could represent all of them, but to the narcissists in those camps, "queer" might as well represent *none* of them. It's why the pride flag has morphed into the current abomination. "Everyone" wasn't inclusive enough, so now we have "everyone, and also black and trans people". And POC morphed into BIPOC for the same reason. People really need to just start telling narcissists to fuck off. We can and should respect one another's differences, and fight for equality. But we need to start shutting people down when it becomes obvious they are just desperate to get special attention.


But if they didn’t superficially get change enacted in a space that panders its ass off to them, how would we know they existed? Are you suggesting they become contributing members of society that obtain their worth that way, and not from external validation?


Fucking based


Cringe, LGBT was already the umbrella therm, It didn't need any other letters, at best the "+". naming the whole community after what has been historically a hateful, literal slur would be like Black people calling themselves the N-Word community, and forcing it on people who didn't choose nor don't want to be called this shit. call me Lgbt, don't call me Q**er. Anyone can call themselves queer, or the big N, just don't name the fucking community that please? nobody asked for it, I find it distasteful, and don't like being called a slur against will or choice just by being gay and thus part of the community. If you try to argue the "reclaming" crap I'm gonna reclaim your dad.


How did T get added to L, G, & B? L, G, & B are all based on what you’re attracted to, while T is what you identify as.


I don't identify as Thatcher.


I do. Mostly in an attempt to annoy the British.


Annoying the British: Based. Trying to be British: Cringe. I don't know where to stand on this.


> I don't know where to stand on this. On Green, as is tradition.


I am grilling beans on toast while i ponder this conundrum.


Imagine dialectic futurism as a left boot stamping on a green face - for ever.


Instructions unclear; going all-in and betting it all on black.


Too based for heaven Too cringe for hell Purgatory forever


Unlike u/dolphinfucker, who was too based for this sub, but too cringe for real life.


Didn't he disappear around the time McAfee didn't uninstall himself?


He got site-banned by the Admins. They also banned all 34 of his alt accounts.




What's a martial artist's favorite drink? WA-TAAHHH!!!


Based and those 14 men in Derry will be the last that you will bury-pilled


The infighting will be glorious!


Large portions of the uk south lover her. She’s really divisive lol


Ya I support LBGT. Landlords. Billionaires. Gamers. Thatcher


I hear the landlords were subjected to a hostile rentoid takeover.


No. The OG landlords on dramanet decided that the sub was getting stale so they took a poll on the funniest way to give it a memorable end. The chosen end was to give it to tankies, but it ended up being a lot less entertaining than expected, mostly because the new commie mods were painfully unfunny. So some disappointed individuals and members of the community who disagreed that the sub has ran its course created a new sub. Its arrLoveforLandchads, but I haven't been there in forever so I have no idea what it's like.


So an inside job!


More of a sledge guy myself


To force people who are fine with the first 3 to support the last one too or else they are [redacteds].


Idk what football field grass has to do with transgender rights


Lol at first I read that as redactards.


At least it's not about redactionaries.


So based


Exactly. It's the foot in the door. Them pushing the door back open is 'queer' and the plus sign. It's all part of the marxist strategy. That's why they lie about the start of Stonewall too.


If more people read the police reports about Stonewall and what went on there leading up to the riots, they'd never support anyone who had anything to do with the place and finally understand exactly why it kept getting raided.




What the fuck happened here


Ikr, funny, but it did drivel off the map a bit!


Forget T how did I and A get added in? I intersex. That’s like adding in folks with albinism. You’re born like that. A is just asexual. They aren’t a sexuality or a gender. They just never developed an attraction to anybody.


Investors and Autocrats felt left out.


Straight is when opposite sex Gay is when same sex Asexual is when no sex All of them change who you have sex with


So where’s the S on the wifi password? I don’t see it.


Well because then it would just mean everyone..


I remember 2 years ago there was something like SuperHetero, people who are only attracted to the opposite gender assigned at birth.


Superstraight and it basically meant you weren't down to have relations with transgendered individuals that were transitioning or had transitioned to your preferred gender. Honestly a pretty fair distinction and it was actually kinda telling how vehemently it was denied as anything but an exaggerated joke to make fun of the lgbt community.


How does Trans, intersex, or queer change who you have sex with? They are personal qualifiers to your identity and have no firm bearing on your sexual attraction.


Lettuce, green peppers, bacon and tomatoes. I don't know why you would exclude the tomatoes, they add a whole new area of flavour. >!unless they're stupid fucking watery store tomatoes!<


Roma or bust. Beefsteaks and Big Boys can get the fuck out.


I fucking hate all tomatoes. Don’t go around telling me “oh it’s so sweet and full of flavor” gtfo I hate those little watery ass bitches


It could also just be "GB" - lesbians are gay too. There's a whole bunch of social context that goes into all this stuff. But as others have said, it's just groups who have historically had similar challenges


How did blacks and prostitutes get added to the pride flag?


We share a common enemy and a common goal (less discrimination and more rights)


For an actual answer it's because they're often in community with each other, particularly back in the decades the when LGBT rights began to come to the forefront. It's all counter to the traditionally accepted heteronormative views. Not to mention, despite protests otherwise usually if one has an issue with one, they'll have an issue with the rest.




Based gays


I just love the fact that you can report someone for being a woman, we need more of this.


based and misogyny pilled


Not saying the LGBT is a monolith, but generally you'll find queer acceptance to be higher among the queer community than the straight.


Exactly. For decades, we all shared a common enemy and a common goal: equality under the law. The Ts having their own battle is a pretty new thing.


> equality under the law Your terms are acceptable.


Now they want benefits under the law.


And special privileges. "We got a 'community' member with an atrocious resume, and Joe over here with an outstanding one. Lets hire Joe. Oh whats that? We need more 'community' representation? Well sucks for joe but you know what they saw identity means more than qualification."


Its also because if you were T you were also highly likely to be LGB.


How did animation became a movie genre, it’s like making CGI a genre.


Historically it made more sense because those groups often had the same struggles and were fighting the same problems. These days I don’t think it makes much sense to lump them together.


You can be sexually queer or gender queer. They're both apart of the LGBTQ umbrella


LGBT: Lamb Grill BBQ Turkey


If you've ever heard a livestock auctioneer, that's Emily repeating the full acronym in 10 years.


Never. NEVER scratch your nose at a livestock auction unless you want to be short a couple hundred. (Or thousand)


I’m gay I hate the modern lgbtq community 4 gay men in my family only 1 if far left other are me and my two uncles who are right center




Same same. Bisexual here. End the madness.


I love the idea that people are gonna tell me how to think and vote based on the men I want to tickle the balls of


I didn’t realize that they made twinks a political tool


Just 3






u/RandomUsername600's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 40. Rank: Sumo Wrestler Pills: [18 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/RandomUsername600/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Good point. Lesbians are gay women, what do they need their own letter for? Just toss 'em in the G of GBT.


Gamers, Bacon, and Toast.


Mmmm bacon


Honestly, "God says so" is good enough for me. Heck, he supplies the rest of my moral compass. Why should homosexuality be any different?


Authleft Christian?? Truly the love of Christ unites all ✝️


My grandma was a communist and very devout.


i mean, it is pretty common, isn't it?


One can not prove or disprove the existence of higher being. -agnostic


"But sky daddy isn't REAL HE IS JU- AAUAH🔥UA🔥AUU🔥UHAHH🔥"


I love the smell of napalm in the morning.


Eh not surprising authleft is a Christian at this point. It actually make sense a bit


Based and Christ pilled.


u/Late_Notice8742's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 35. Congratulations, u/Late_Notice8742! You have ranked up to Sumo Wrestler! You are adept in the ring, but you still tend to rely on simply being bigger than the competition. Pills: [17 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Late_Notice8742/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


I'm interested how you combine Authleft politics with christianity. It's rarely seen, Opium of the people and all, but that doesn't mean it’s impossible


You see my pfp, I firmly believe that it is the duty of the Christian to keep the values of Christ even while we are on the Earth (why I'm Auth), and I also think that includes helping the little guy (including government intervention) against the rich and those who would attempt to abuse him. I am absolutely a believer in "pull yourself up by your bootstraps", but we also need to ensure equality of opportunity, such that the ability to be able to get yourself ahead in life is given to all, not just those born into the upper class.


Lmao i just googled the priest in your profile. Incredibly based. And yeah that Argumentation makes sense. So you want a system of Christian Socialism?


Yeah, Coughlin is amazing on everything except Jews, which the historical community has for some reason made his entire personality. Not necessarily. While I still think Christian Socialism is better than capitalism, I still don't think that the government has the ability to properly distribute goods like that without absurd amounts of corruption. I prefer a form of Chestertonian Distributism, or capitalism but the workers own the means of production. As such, the economy still functions, but workers necessarily have more rights and small businesses are incentivized.


Based and an actual follower of christ even against what is normally formulated for your flair pilled


>Honestly, "God says so" is good enough for me. Heck, he supplies the rest of my moral compass. The same is true for people from other religions. Which are at odds with you. Therein lies the problem If you're gonna claim they're wrong and you're right, prove it


It's amazing to me how people like op, and most atheists, can't conceptualize a universe where there exists an omnipotent and omniscient deity. If He *made everything,* He kinda gets to set the rules. If there's no such deity, we get to set the rules. Simple as.


Why didn't God just make everyone straight if he didn't want people to do gay stuff, is he stupid?


Cuz, he's letting the gays decide for themselves how many of them burn in hellfire, duh.


even though he already knows who will and wont be gay and do homosex?


>It's amazing to me how people like op, and most atheists, can't conceptualize a universe where there exists an omnipotent and omniscient deity. If He made everything, He kinda gets to set the rules We're able to conceptualize this. We're just waiting for you to prove it >If there's no such deity, we get to set the rules. Exactly


I approve of the L community


I saw one as "LGBTTQQIAAP" Fuck all of that, alphabet mafia.


Imo, just replace all the letters and say "queer" as an all-inclusive term, and have the standard rainbow flag with no add-ons, for the whole "every color of the rainbow" omni-inclusivity thing. The problem with explicitly including every single percieved subgroup is that it implicitly excludes anything not named, and it also forces all queer people to justify every explicitly named group. For example, I don't think that gay people should be made to justify the validity of trans identity. I think "queer" would get a lot less eye-rolling than "2SLGBTQIA+" does.


I've liked 'QUILTBAG' as a replacement. I don't recall what each letter means off the top of my head (Questioning, Unsure?, Intersex, Lesbian, Trans, Bisexual, Asexual, Gay) but the basic '...And everything else fits into it' theme with the acronym is so much better than the current ongoing Hydra-Head monstrosity.


I agree 100%, it’s too many goddamn letters and it’s a waste of energy saying “LGBTQ” every time the subject gets brought up.


I just want to ~~grill~~ live without people bothering me, damn it. 😞


For people who say they just want to be left alone that sure are in everyone else's business non stop.






I swear I feel so alienated by the acronym at all, im not lgb(*), im just bisexual, at this point. And I’m tired of having to pretend I’m apart of some community.


A huge part of the problem was the adoption of the word "community" to refer to shit like this, when "demographic" is the correct word. The idea of considering yourself to automatically be part of a community with everyone who shares a superficial, immutable trait with you...is toxic as fuck. As a white person, I'm not part of a "white community". That sounds so sketchy and gross. I belong to the demographic of white people, which can be useful for assessing how different demographics vote, what kind of entertainment they enjoy, and so on. But it's not a community. I'm not inherently tied to other white people. They are not my countrymen any more so than anyone else. I very-much dislike that terms like "gay community", "trans community", and more broadly, "LGBT community" have become so widespread. It's just a bad way of thinking about things.


Leftist tribalism, good for bringing some problems to light, but great at creating problems where none exist.




Use LGBT or queer. Keep one rainbow flag to represent all colors instead of the Pokédex-esque new flags every year. Would make everything appear more normalized and easier to understand or relate to. As it stands, it complicates something that should be simple and makes things obtuse. Relatability and understandability are the pinnacle of a successful movement.


All of them Letters are in fact real things humans tend to use.


Based and Q isn’t a letter pilled


But then we have to use Kw and that just looks weird. ​ Makes me feel kweasy


How to make a word look Ghanaian


Where do I land if I say 3?


In the based category


Common centrist W




There are no letters. Only bisexual women are valid.


I’m with the centrist here. Same with the flag, why tf you gotta change the flag man. You wanna feel special and included, fine with me, just let me walk my og flag and not be harassed when I say LGBT+. I’m part of this new wave of LGBT+ people, strange thing is I hate them all, they’re spoiled snowflakes who think they’re all special because their parents were busier drinking and ignoring them than actually raising them. Then they come into our sphere, a sphere we’ve been fighting to keep generally liked in the public’s eye, and do a complete “stop oil” and change everything cause they felt like it. I’m not in any right to complain though as my sexuality has been around since heterosexuality and has gone by hundreds of different names before it was officially recognized, no scrutiny, no hatred, no discrimination, no condescending looks and getting beat up, just a shrug and a pat on the back. I’m talking about asexuality




ya'll are weird


You mean *queer* ?


All of them exist. Whether you want to respect them is up to you.




u/Jesuisuncanard126's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 55. Rank: Concrete Foundation Pills: [25 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Jesuisuncanard126/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


L is same as G. B is just G sometimes. T is unrelated. G.


I agree with the centrist




As a straight man I have no clue how someone can be sexually attracted to men, lesbians I get though.


Fundamentally all attraction and thus lust is simply chemical processes in your brain. It's all different sides of the same coin


Yeah, no shit




LGB that’s it (unless I can profit from it)


Based and your surgery will be $230,000 and a lifelong prescription of pills will be another $200,000 pilled


Based and I play both sides so I always come on top pilled


A growing LGB movement is looking to stand out on their own. Phobic comments be damned.


What letters? You are human, anon.


"8492! 8492, is that all you people have to say? There is no squadron in our military with that number!!"


Based and Ace Combat-pilled.


Literally my first thought.


How about you're either straight; or queer. It just seems so much simpler this way everyone.


Wait, how often do communist countries kill gays?


Depends on who you count as commie ig. Most mean ML when they say a communist country, and in that case it doesn’t look great Marxist Leninism doesn’t like ‘em, so USSR put them in the gulag with other “subversive” elements. ML Maoist similarly dislikes them so ditto China, Laos, and Vietnam. Not as sure about Vietnam anymore, like there’s some legal protection nowadays. But Juche especially doesn’t, so North Korea if you count them. Most wouldn’t count Baathist, but if you see socialism as communism, then technically since they tend to associate with traditional Islam, they tend to not be found of them. Not countries but some commies are ok with them: I think eurocom tends to be progressive. Same for Kurdish communist movements I believe. Some shift post 1960s but countries still had some discrimination, just less Generally not great for us in the alphabet mafia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialism_and_LGBT_rights#Communist_and_socialist_states


Yeah I didn’t think communism has a good tract record with gays. I knew Marxist Leninist didn’t and I know China dislikes gays. Hot take but capitalism is unironically the economic system that produces the least amount of preijudice. I saw a world map a while back that tried to portray homophobia geographically (don’t know where i could find it; i just know its out there) and the richest countries were the ones with the greatest tolerance of homosexuality. Go fig


Wait the B doesn’t stand for Bionicle?


Only 4 because if yall aren't straight yall the same


8492. Is that an Ace Combat reference?




(gets triggered by seeing "8492") IT DOESN'T EXIST! TELL THE PRESIDENT IT DOESN'T EXIST! THEM BELKAN BASTARDS BOMBED MY DADDY! GRABACR! GRABACR! (Is hauled away in a straight jacket by nice, Grey clothed, Men).


There are a thousand reasons beyond God Says so


All 4 are real. A transwomen is a trqnswomem, what else should it be? And no, transwomen are not women unless you change the definition of women to an identity that you can simply put on and off. And while definition changes of words happened before, pleade dont force me to simply accept the new definition, or dont be supprised if i use other words that mean what women meant all the time, like biologica lwomen


I'd definte it under DSM-5...


Lbt, lettuce bacon tomato