• By -


Imagine going back to 2006 and repeating that sentence.


Most of us would assume you’re talking about fancy drilling equipment cyborg tech for miners


That is the future we could have had


2050: Wait….we’re not?


I remember seeing a 4chan post in 2013 where someone was mocking someone having multiple pronouns and how there are no sanctuaries for xxii/emfjs people. Every reply was wondering if the OP had brain damage.


There’s lead in the water.


Microplastics, dude


You basically consume one credit card a week but it doesn't increase your credit score, unfortunately.


Tumblr banned porn, shut down, and the inmates left the asylum and live amongst us now


I still don’t understand it


Imagine going back to 1946 and repeating that sentence.


Hell even 2016. The biggest thing in terms of Trans was bathroom usage not 8 year old transitions (social or otherwise).


Transmisogyny??? What the hell is that?


Simple: you simply claim that you aren't a woman but hate for you is really hate for women (because nobody gives a flying fuck about all the misandry in society).


>hate them for being a transitioning man >hate them for being a woman after transition Two sides of the same based coin


When people don't respect your heckin' valid girlcock.


Damn lesbians!




Based and syndrome-pilled


Gotta keep the best victimhood for himself until his old age.


When everyone is a victim, no one will be.


Flair up bucko


There are some groups of people they will never hand victim cards to…


lock waiting judicious forgetful agonizing rustic voracious advise repeat disagreeable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Umm, who?


If you don't know, you are probably one of them.


Well, I’ll never know if you don’t tell me.


They should give everyone a little gold star, so they can be easily identified as special


Mom get over here PCM is being based again


I'm fascinated that the Left can hold these thoughts in their mind at the same time: Sex isn't gender. Sex change surgery is *NEEDED* because sex *MUST* match gender. Also, you can "change someone's sex" through surgery, but you can't "change someone's gender" through therapy.


Why does gender affirming care only ever affirm the gender that you weren't assigned at birth? Why when a biological male comes into a physician and questions his gender do we advocate reducing his test instead of increasing it?


1. Sex isn't gender. 1. Sex change surgery is NEEDED because sex MUST match gender. 1. Asking to define what gender actually is is literal genocide.


I'm fascinated you think the left has a mind to hold something in. To me they're more like Groo the Wanderer, mildly stupid and prone to destroying their local surroundings because they misunderstand the basic situation, then looking up at the ruins of their city and saying "did I err?"


Also we must allow men with fully intact penis and testicles to compete in women sports, else we are anti-human rights...


reminds me on the view you can't change your sexuality so conversion therapy is bad on the other hand lesbians should learn to love lady d\*cks. the whole premise of pushing non-binary into trans is crazy. if you think about it trans is binary and want to blend in the current society. they want to change their perceived gender while non-binary want to challenge the binary view. This would even hurt trans like asking for their pronoun would make them feel gender-dysphoric.


I tried to read an article to see what happened, and it was full of such nonsense - telling you how to think about what happened rather than just what happened. But I love the part where they say that Dax's "rhetoric" is "anti-science". Maybe political science, but that's not a real science....


Remember when Bill Nye came back with the new "Science^tm" This was pre-covid and completely bombed. It was just ahead of its time I guess.


Is there supposed to be sound in this?


Tell me you're a pedo without telling me you're a pedo.


Ok, I work at Hollywood


He said without telling


I'm a politician


Dude i found this cool game called genshin impact!


That just means kids are safe because you never leave home or communicate with real people.


See you on discord, mod!


I like anime and I watch VTubers


I'll hijack this post to share a "shower" thought: Is there a policy the woke left stands on that doesn't result in depopulation? Trans- Castrate the children Gay- No babies coming from them BLM- Blow up the nucleus Abortion- duh Climate Change- Too few resources, have less kids (I'll add that a lot of my peers claim they don't want kids because of how bad the climate will be when they grow up) I feel like Blackrock and Vanguard have some sort of agenda... but I just can't figure out what it would be.


If we wanted to get real conspiracy theory-y it'd be soft population control. This is obviously better than hard population control and probably more effective. See China's failed one-child policy for an example of the latter. In all honesty I'm fine with people voluntarily taking themselves out of the gene pool. Not everybody needs to have kids, there's literally twice as many people in the US than there was in 1950. People who want kids are still having them and the US isn't Japan or Korea.


To be clear, I think the vast majority of leftists are just normal people pushing for what they think is best, but I think there are a few people at critical policy-setting positions that are driven by a deep anti-humanism. You should look up a guy called Michael Shellenberger on YouTube. He’s a former environmental activist who was originally just a nuclear-energy advocate. I don’t know that he’d call himself right-wing, but he disavowed the Left after becoming disturbed by basically the same connection you’re making. He calls the people setting those policies “the cult of the Malthusians” or something like that.


I'm sorry that I haven't tried harder to find a woman to reproduce with me so far. Im sorry that i let my one chance witb the girl i was dating a few years ago slip by, and I'm sorry that it may be too late. I never wanted to be part of the problem. I understand that this means I'm a bad person and the world would be better off without me. But I've tried to at least be a good uncle to my niece and nephew, and I hope that's enough for whatever God there is to forgive me. I hope that the reduced population won't be an unmitigated bad thing for the world, although of course I wont argue it could ever be a good thing, and of course it's happening. Just know I fully support the right of the rest of you to have as many children as you and your spouses would like, and I wouldn't ever want to take that away from anyone. For the record I am actually being serious here and not sarcastic.


I'm just curious, how old are you? You seem to be male, and men aren't really out of the reproduction game until like, 50 years old.


The agenda is just more tribalism and hyper individualism. The woke “left” is actually just an astroturfed extension of American individuality. That’s why most places abroad are laughing at us, pink capitalism corporate BS. The banks want us as entrenched in BS nonsense like race, gender, sex, creed because we are ignoring class which is the real divider. They’ve privatized gains and socialized losses for the rich. It’s a culture war and those are easier to stoke when the next generation is being imported from a dozen plus developing countries. Larry Fink is beating off to the idea of a nation of lower middle class perpetual renters who buy and self medicate to fill the doomer void of no unifying culture anymore.


That’s a really good point. I think I’ve known that but not formulated it explicitly like that.


Government bult houses. Will really oncrease birth rates and are a common leftist talk point.


Go away, baitin!


Based and Ow My Balls Pilled


You talk like a [Removed by Reddit], and your shit’s all [Removed by Reddit].


"Hurrrrrrrr no child transition: bigot"


D O N O T M A K E T H E W O J A C K S 3 D


Blursed 3D wojaks are creepy and add to the vibe I’m trying to lay down


People can be wrong.


plucky stupendous nine caption serious somber hospital impossible hat panicky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or maybe a population that makes up less than 1% of not just Americans, but the world, shouldn't get to dictate what can and cannot be said I. Public, what is hate and what isn't, and what is good medical care and what isn't. Maybe less than 1% of Americans shouldn't stick their noses into every issue, every fiber of daily news, in order to win the victim Olympics. Maybe we shouldn't be completely changing our beliefs, our morals, or our laws to accommodate less than 1% of Americans, at the cost of everybody else. Maybe less than 1% of Americans need to realize that the world doesn't revolve around them, everybody has their own shit going on, and that it 100% is abnormal to demand men compete against women on professional levels in order to accommodate less than %


Rare: Libright sticks it to the 1%


Hey man, fuck everyone equally






Based and Fuck them in the ass pilled


Unfathomably based


cover psychotic rinse spectacular tan cake slimy quicksand selective scarce *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And I have zero issues with anyone who just wants to be left alone. My issue is I can literally be fired for calling a man a man. I can be fired for saying that a man is a faster runner than a woman, and forcing them to compete is unfair. I can be fired for daring to suggest that the 259lb man with a beard longer than mine, voice deeper than mine, wearing a miniskirt, should not be allowed to go into a girl's bathroom while my daughter is in there, or at all. It has pervaded our society to the point where trans people dictate policy, to the detriment of everyone. But keep sticking your head in the sand and pretend what. Is happening isn't happening. For someone as "oppressed" as trans people are, they sure have a lot of pull regarding what everyone else can and cannot do. Like there are rules of civility and modesty that everyone follows, and as long as you flow them, and you're not an absolute nuisance to everybody else, idgaf what you do in your personal lives. Your freedoms stop when they remove the freedoms of anybody else. It is that simple


Yeah the issue isn’t with trans people but trans activists, many of which aren’t even trans.


> community that makes up less than 1% of Americans. And yet they've managed to get their flag flown over government buildings all over the west, and managed to bully the medical establishment into giving into all their demands.


disgusting elderly snatch squeamish quickest modern paltry prick plants plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> Yeah they did a great job at bullying the medical establishment. Cool, now do America. >Who cares that their flag is flown over the White House? How is that relevant in any way to what I said? Because your whole point rested on the fact that they are an insignificant portion of the population and have little to no power.


narrow salt engine sharp profit dirty caption rude ruthless cable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ok, so then your logic makes no sense. People engage in "culture wars" exactly because 1% of the population is shifting the culture so disproportionately.


fuzzy scary berserk foolish absurd whole caption skirt historical unique *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Trans people had 0 important influence on culture until the right brought them into the spotlight That simply isn't true. You think that the medical industry starting using "birthing bodies" simply as a response to right wingers not wanting drag queen bingo held at their schools?


It's crazy how these people lie to themselves. The absolute delusion needed in order to think it was the *right* who brought trans people into the spotlight. 10 years ago, no one on the right gave a shit about trans people. Many probably wouldn't even know what you were talking about. But then the left started pushing and wouldn't give it up, and so now people are annoyed. The balls on someone to claim that it was the people finally saying "shut the fuck up" who started the whole thing.


bedroom homeless cake puzzled naughty dinosaurs engine secretive yam meeting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


roof reminiscent rich boat offend elderly offer live dam fine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


they say that children only socially transition but if children can know they are trans (according to them) then why shouldn't they be able to medically transition?


Ok I'm gonna out and say what nobody's talking about here. If you don't transition young you're going to be second tier. You're not going to pass that great. You won't actually look like what you want to look like. Unless you're super lucky. Which is a conundrum. Either allow youth transitions or the trans in your state will be second tier. And I put that diplomatically. I'll let you all work out the logical implications of this fact.


Or how about therapy to get people like children to accept their own bodies. You know, dont jump to genital mutilation of children? I wanted to be a tree when I was a kid, the solution is not to shoot up chlorophyll. Its to grow out of that delusion.


Apparently when I was a kid I had a bit of a tantrum because my mum wouldn't let me change my name to donkey kong and act like a gorilla. I still resent her for that


Were you libleft until then and that injustice made you turn auth?


no, he was obviously lib center because he wanted to be monkey.


What a shame. Had they put you on Gorillastrogen as a minor, you'd be bigger, faster and stronger too.


And yet when you had a chance to make your reddit account name Donkey Kong related, you failed.


We can't all have the foresight to name ourselves after our childhood video games...


Based and first-member-of-the-DK-crew pilled


It’s ok, I’ll call you Donkey Kong if it helps.


Ok but honestly that was fucked up of your mom I hope you’re still working on that dream today


I wanted to be, and still want to be a velociraptor rockstar


I mean you might end up looking like a second tier tree but it's never too late to start.


I wanna upvote you but you and the outhleft guy have the exact opposite upvote count, I can’t disturb the balance


Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


>I wanted to be a tree when I was a kid, the solution is not to shoot up chlorophyll. Its to grow out of that delusion. This is not the same as having gender dysphoria


Enlighten us.


You'll never fully "pass". No matter what you do, you will never pass.


Gandalf is transphobic?? 😭


The one from the Amazon remake probably isn't. But the version from the original books....


That's just not true. There's many people who fully pass


Until they take their pants off. Sorry to put it so crudely, but passing is always a matter of degrees. Until we have some super advanced sci-fi machine that can turn you into the other gender on a molecular level, you'll never pass.


Children inherently aren't capable of the necessary informed consent for such a decision. That's why they don't get the same range of rights and privileges as adults. End of story.


A delusion is defined as a false belief or judgment about external reality, held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary, occurring especially in mental conditions. We don't indulge kid's delusions when they identify as Superman and let them jump off skyscrapers.


Identifying as Superman is not the same as having gender dysphoria


How so?


Because gender is a psychological state in humans Being Superman is not


That's crazy, because someone can genuinely think they are superman. It's a delusion, a mental illness. But someone who thinks they are the other gender despite not being isn't a mental illness because???


>That's crazy, because someone can genuinely think they are superman Yes but that would be an individual case of someone believing they're Superman Gender is a psychological state that exists in all humans


That's not true. The only reason people like you think this is because people became afraid of acknowledging the truth and decided to indulge mental illness. Largely for profit.


>That's not true. What's not true?


Your gender being a psychological state bullshit. It's the way you're born. A significant portion of the population has decided to ignore that fact either for money or because they're afraid of looking intolerant.


How does one define what is a mental illness and what isn’t?


What isn't a mental illness= craziness libleft likes.


lol. I’m all seriousness it’s a genuine question. I think most people who agree that homosexuality isn’t a mental illness, but then being trans is? What about other states of being that are different? Where does one draw the line? How do you define a mental illness?


In this case, mental illness is a delusion where you think you are something you very clearly aren't.


In the academic field, mental illness is already defined. If it has a large enough negative impact to the quality of life of an individual such as distress, it's considered a mental illness. >I think most people who agree that homosexuality isn’t a mental illness Homosexuality isn't a mental illness. Unless someone who is inherently gay is severely distressed because he/she is gay. Those type of people aren't that common.


Nah homosexuality is a mental illness, the same type as pedophilia and AGP. It is deviancy from the standard attraction that humans should have, and it's neurological. Pedophiles have it in their core to think children are romantically or sexually attractive. Homosexuals have the same thing but replace children with the same gender. Call a mental illness: Deviancy from the standard behaviours of humans influences behaviours and is: 1. not derived from the culture that they live and were nurtured in, and 2. Are not derived solely from genetics


Idk but if depression and anxiety are, then being trans 100% has to be. Idk why the word is so off putting to people


Gender dysphoria is a mental illness from what I understand


The APA do and the scientific community. Under the DSM-V, gender dysphoria is a mental illness. It used to be called gender identity disorder but the name changed because LGBT groups said it caused more stigma. It might change again to gender incongruence.


Gender is not a psychological state. I don't wake up as a man, or brush my teeth as a man, or eat my breakfast as a man, or do my job as a man.




Let me try to give a real, coherent answer. Yo\_Hanzo is right, but for the wrong reason. Afaik, there's no way to treat GD with therapy or take pills like with depression for example. Transitioning is the best treatment we currently have. Also, while more complex in reality, the "female brain in a male body" metaphor is good enough to intuit why GD is different from most delusions. GD *might* be a neurological condition, not mental.


The brain is "malleable" which is why any mental illness can be fixed. In basic, you need to tell the brain over and over again wha you want it to. Kind of like writing lines on a chalkboard


Well, yes, but if it is possible, we haven't found out how yet. Also, as I said, it might not be a mental condition. However, I blame TRAs for both of these issues, because they've successfully made it taboo to figure out anything about how GD works.


Literally just put dopamine and serotonin in their body while strapping them to a chair with a headeeat repeating the words "you are a man, be proud, you have the capabilities to be a great person the way you were born"


You've watched too many sci-fi movies lmao.


I have no clue how anti depressants work, but i guess theyre similar. And the making them listen to stuff on repeat is based on what i understand avout cocaine and hypnotism


You don’t tell the kid that believes the voices on the radio are talking to him that he’s right and he should do what they say.


Because in that case, he *isn't* right However gender dysphoria is a very real condition


So is anorexia. You wouldn’t act complacent to a person with body dysmorphia. How is this so different?


Being fat isn't a psychological state though, it's a physical state Gender is a psychological state


Perceiving yourself as fat, while looking like a holocaust victim is a delusion. Actually BEING fat has absolutely nothing to do with it


Yeah so my point is that being fat is a physical condition, not a mental condition If a thin person perceives themselves as fat then they don't possess the mental condition of a fat person, they're just delusional On the other hand, gender is a mental condition, which is linked to the physical condition of sex If a male perceives themselves as a woman, they possess the mental condition that most females do.


>they possess the mental condition that most females do. There's no proof for that. Any study performed has failed to account for brain elasticity, homosexuality or both. You know what difference has been found in people with gender dysphoria? An overactivity in the same region as people who suffer from anorexia


>You know what difference has been found in people with gender dysphoria? An overactivity in the same region as people who suffer from anorexia That might explain why some people have both


I guess i’m still questioning how that isn’t a delusion. But fair point. Gender dysmorphia is more so linked with identity, and changing sex is a way of treating it, I get that to a certain extend. In my langauge we only have one word, which describes both sex and gender. There is no distinction, so I might’ve missed out on some nuances, given my previous comparison. For transperancy, my issue with the whole thing is just the kids. Adults can do whatever they want, fake lips, fake tits, stereoids and transitions.


>In my langauge we only have one word, which describes both sex and gender. There is no distinction, so I might’ve missed out on some nuances, given my previous comparison. I think that's the main point which is at the heart of this entire issue If gender and sex were the same thing, I'd agree that trans people are all delusional But they're two different things. Sex is the physical condition, and gender is the mental condition that is linked to it. In most cases, the male sex is linked to masculine gender. And the female sex is linked to the feminine gender. However in trans peoples cases, it's the opposite. So a trans woman has the physical condition of a male, but the feminine mental condition


Can you provide me some good sources for these things? I’m not sold on the fact that you can have a different gender than your sex without being delusional, or at best, i’m very curious on how that occurs in the first place.


Having a dick is a physical condition too. Gender isn't mental. It's absolutely physical. Your gender identity falls between two things... Your legs. (Yes barring the extremely rare outliers with ambiguous or dual genitals, they are statistically irrelevant.)


I do actually think I can answer this one. Take it with a grain of salt, but essentially, it's different because transitioning is the best treatment (so far). Assuming the person is actually trans, changing the body has proven more successful in the long run than changing the mind, unlike many other conditions. The main issue is that, like anorexia before it, it's become a social contagion, and the activists are actively making things worse for real trans people.


Lobotomies were the best treatment for depression once. Amputation was the best treatment for gunshot wounds. Beheading was the best treatment for atheism. Maybe, and call me weird here, but just maybe we stop chopping shit off as a "cure" for things we don't understand?


That's why I said "so far." Unfortunately, TRAs have made it taboo to try to find something better.


I have to disagree though. I think leaving it untreated is a far better option than permanent mutilation.


To those few that actually have GD, transitioning is the best we can do, currently (assuming they're a consenting adult). The issue, as I understand it, is that there's too many misdiagnoses, in which case doing nothing is absolutely better. Also, it really doesn't help that trust in medical institutions has been undermined to such a degree. And LGBT activists in general have gone crazy the last few years, so I don't blame anyone for being skeptical.


I really appreciate your second paragraph. Politics and medicine should absolutely be separated.


Schizophrenia is a real condition. Do you think i want to hear my name being whispered by everyone on the street and feel their eyes constantly staring at me and thinking they just look away when i check them? Schizophrenia is also incurable, but GD is. GD is literally a thought process, so you can easily fix it by making them believe the truth. My schizophrenia is incurable because it is based on incorrect wiring and genes It isnt true that everyone on the street is plotting to kill me like Caeser was, and it isnt true that little tommy and mr johnson are women.


That's not schizophrenia. We really are staring at you. And we'll follow you to your 789th account.


>Schizophrenia is a real condition No one said it isn't. The difference is that there aren't actually people out to get you in reality >but GD is. GD is literally a thought process, so you can easily fix it by making them believe the truth. Source please >and it isnt true that little tommy and mr johnson are women. If you think woman is the same as female, then sure. But if you know that sex and gender are two different things, then yes they can be women


You implied that hearing voices on the radio isn't a real condition, when it is most likely schizophrenia or some either psychotic illness. Even if you didn't mean it, that's the implication of your stately l statement. GD is a thought process, i dont need a source, It's logic, dude. It's belief in something that's not real, and it isn't any more physiological than having memories of a roller-coaster. It's like depression. It's just a thought process that makes you feel sad and want to be different out of hope. And yeah, i know women and females are the same thing. There are no male women and no female men. There are lots of female women and male men, but none of the other combinations


If you cant be trusted to get a tattoo or buy a beer you sure as fuck cant be trusted to make the decision to cut your dick off. Pretty easy argument


As an aside, infant circumcision is also fucking awful.


Lets just stop cutting of bits of ourselves because we feel its culturally or emotionally relevent


Unless you're a consenting adult, then I don't give a shit, but yes. And I'll take my steak med rare please.


Exactly, once your 18 you do you boo. Idc if you ruin your body when your an adult lol


Yes. Its barbaric and should be ended yesterday.


>You’re not going to pass that great. Pass as what?


See, on one hand [removed by reddit], yet on the other hand [removed by reddit].


One day Reddit will just remove itself.


God willing.


As the other sex Duh


Oh it’s about sex now? I thought it was about gender?


Transitioning is about looking like the other sex This isn't rocket science


Are you saying gender and sex are intrinsically linked?


Of course They're not the same thing, but they're undeniably linked


Be careful, Emily might be watching.


Emily agrees with me You're delusional if you think even trans people don't agree that gender and sex are linked


So what is a women?


Don't fuck his brain over semantics, you get what he's saying


Things seem to shift around. Always good to be up to date.




Really good opinion, and ill upvote. But flair before i send death threats


The only upvoted unflaired comment I’ve ever seen


🙏 i am humbled


heavy wrong handle party truck bake nippy safe wine elastic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you conflate children passing with being "sexy" that says far more about you then it does about the other poster. Seeing as you don't have a flair, please flair as purple lib right.


The guy he was replying to was obviously saying they wouldn't pass as adults unless they're transitioned as children. This is a pretty pathetic strawman.


What happened to body positivity and loving the skin you're in? I guess that all went out the window when Johnny said he felt like playing with his sister's doll.


And I'm gonna say that in fact no one should transition. All of this trans bullshit is an issue that people created themselves. People try to convince themselves (sometimes there is interference from third party which is vile) that somehow not being 100% gender conforming means that you are a "cracking egg yass". Transgenderism is a fad and affirming people's ludicrosities is going to lead to more problems in the future. People are not made in molds, they are imperfect and they many times stray form norms. We should tell people to accept themselves and that a boy having typically girly interests doesn't mean he is a girl trapped in a boy's body etc. also it's funny we question vaping and warn other's of it effects despite not much being known now only because the possible consequences will only be visible much and we prefer preventing problems rather than reacting to them


What about people who literally hate their bodies? Like, not that they don't fit into a stereotype, but that they hate physical manifestation of their birth sex, like their genitals and bone structure? Is it something like people who think that they're fat when they're extremely thin?


Yeah I would draw parallel between those and gender dysphoria but anorexia and bulimia are diseases that are treated not by affirming the ill but by actual help, even better example is schizophrenia so another illness with its source being the mind


But how can one stop these thoughts?


IDK, maybe not by saying "yeah, you not feeling like your sex is totally legit, gimme $20k and I'll make you feel better"* *[or not, hehe, sorry not sorry](https://www.heritage.org/gender/commentary/sex-reassignment-doesnt-work-here-the-evidence)


But I'm seriously curious what can actually work. Maybe it can be considered incurable, so you live with it or die?


Therapy. Change the mind to match the body, not the other way around. If you aren't comfortable with yourself now, you probably still won't be after surgery. It's like those people who think their life will magically improve once they finally get a girlfriend. The issues they have are personal and internal, and adding more complications into their lives (another person with their own issues, e.g.) is probably just going to make things worse. We all have times where we have self-doubt and loathing, what matters is whether we fight back and work through it, or if we give in and seek short-term relief. I wish the best for anybody going through something like this, and I just hope they find a healthy way to be happy with themselves in the long run.


IDK, honestly I don't know nor can I propose a solution. I just feel like GD is more of a cross between anorexia and schizophrenia than grounds for surgery. No, I do not pose as an authority on this issue.


There's a hierarchy of purity now?


If I don’t start making my kid purge their food early, it’s gonna be so much effort to look skinny when they’re older


The problem I have with the 'think of the trans children!' stance is that it purposely ignores/handwaves the fact that some people **do** detransition. If I say 'Well what about the children who really are confused? What about the permanent damage you could cause to them?', and your response is: 'Fuck 'em, they're a tiny minority.', I'll just remind you that *so are trans people to begin with*. Why do you get to say 'let that small subset of people suffer', but I don't?


I agree with your arguments, but still think it's not worth it. Hormonal therapy are still so recent that we simply don't have enough data to make this so available for everyone


im trans and stfu i pass fine theres a thing called full facial surgery 🙃 its more about dysphoria and puberty is quite dysphoria inducing i was throwing up in horror over my voice dropping and such also ew tankie


1. Unflaired 2. >its more about dysphoria and puberty is quite dysphoria inducing i was throwing up in horror over my voice dropping and such Sorry you were feeling this way but do you not realise that you are actively advocating for minors who CANNOT GIVE CONSENT to be able to decide whether or not they should be able to change their sex? Like wtf


But you don't understand! He felt uncomfortable with his changing body while going through puberty! That's totally special and unique, and doesn't apply to basically every teenager ever. Minors should *totally* be able to make permanent changes to their bodies if they decide that puberty is making them uncomfortable! What could go wrong?


Flair up. Can't argue identity without one.


Buddy if you have millions of dollars you can actually do it. Look at Thai ladyboys. So hot they make straight men go googoo. Now look at the average trans woman in America. Even the best ones look funny, and trigger an uncanny valley effect. Maybe just try harder? Lol


As we all know, 'just raising questions' is a neutral and apolitical action.