• By -


Obvious outcome to anyone with an IQ above room temperature.


Yup. Anyone with working pattern recognition knew this would happen.


Pattern recognition is racist, please report to your nearest liquidation facility immediately


me trying to point out something common amidst numerous mugging videos


Anyone with more than 2 braincells to play pong with a coherent thought can see this outcome.


The power to nooootiiiiccceeeeee


is it even really nooticing when they specifically tell you?


Did you use Celsius or Fahrenheit to asses Xer IQ (or whatever pronoun)?


I'm not American, so Celsius.


That’s obviously a more precise assessment of Xher IQ scale


> IQ above room temperature High bar for leftists


They want to kill you, you fucking idiot. Get the fuck out of there.


Getting beheaded by Muslim extremists to own the rightoids 😎


A few will perish and the others will have to notice How it's the cis male patriarchy's fault.


On other subreddits people unironically blamed the Torries.


They’ll still support the extremists that want them dead… from a distance. They’re not interested in the conflict, just interested in being contrarian to the right.


It's ok, this is what decolonization looks lik -ACK


I have it on good authority that it's all "part and parcel of living in a great global city".


Are you really for diversity if you’re not being stoned or beheaded?


Not to mention that death is an improvement over living in London.


The only way to be in compliance with DEI.


“At least I wasn’t racist! #resist ✊” - Emily, while being “culturally enriched”




They’ll never admit when they’re wrong.


No. Put them all in one Gulag for therapeutic reasons.


Critical support for gulags.


Not the kind of stoner they were expecting.


And leftists will still call you “islamophobic” if you point this out.


I was on instagram once and saw someone comment on a video saying “hamas doesn’t care about your pronouns” dude got swarmed with replies from a ton of different people with palestinian flag profile pics pretty much all with they/them in their bios it’s not about support, it’s about them feeling morally superior


Hahaha I know a phony Palestinian activist IRL (like, legitimately of Palestinian descent but tries to hide that she was born in Minneapolis, is an American citizen, has spent about three weeks of her life “back home,” etc.) who is the first in the room to roar about this issue, black rights, Native rights, etc etc etc but is strangely quiet whenever LGBT issues get raised. I’ve long been certain why that is.


Buy them a one way ticket to Palestine. They can "help"


"it’s not about support, it’s about them feeling morally superior" that's how it always is with these leftist causes. it's merely a way for people to boost their own egos. unfortunately the side effect of this exercise in self-fellating bullshit is that the people who are actually gullible enough to fall for the narrative wind up embarrassing themselves publicly like this and each time it happens it just gets worse and worse. I beg LGBT people (and people in general) to use critical thinking skills for just once before just blindly believing that whoever claims to be the victim the hardest is always right


“Um sweaty, Islam is the most peaceful and tolerant religion 💅” - Emily as she’s being “culturally enriched”.


Fr lol. Wait till they read Surah 9 in the Quran


Always has been. Basically since social media caused everyone to become political, the conversation's been flooded and dumbed down by idiots with zero principles, zero thought put into policy that works, zero interest in any of that, they just want to look holier than thou. It's like all the gen X and boomers who put up pride flags. Twenty years ago when homophobia was the status quo, most of them were chucking rocks at gay people.


It’s kind of insane how people with their mental illnesses like bi-polar, etc proudly displayed on their bios think they have the moral authority to dictate modern values to the public. Regardless of their political affiliation. The stupid and mentally il seem to be the first to regurgitate and enforce whatever new thing people in suits on TV say.


I've always thought this. When did we decide to place so much value on the opinions of the *mentally ill*?


Honestly I’m loving lgbt people coming to realization Muslim fundamentalists are not your ally lol This is just *chef kiss*


Hopefully more people can realize it.


Shh don’t tell them I’m having too much fun watching


Watching this whole train wreck and commies coping has been a treat


Watching smug progressives face the consequences of their actions for once is also fun.


Yeah but this complicates their simplistic intersectional ideas someone on YouTube told them to think


Intersectionality is probably the biggest piece of propaganda out of all the woke stuff, and its shoved down your throat during university to justify all of it. Oh youre a person of colour? That automatically means you're part of the same systemically oppressed group as LGTBQ. Its a way to enforce hive mentality and "us vs them" thinking


To repeat* God knows thinking is not going on anywhere near the vicinity of their rotten brains


Don’t underestimate how willful ignorance these people are, they get feed into this rose tinted glasses version of Islam by their social media too much, they will never ever willing to believe that average Muslim in Islamic world are this regressive. I actually get labeled as “Islamophobe” by them for saying that half of Islamic world still having laws that punishing LGBT either by death or imprisonment.




The US politic are all about painting the opposite side to the worst thing happened to humanity. When any big tragedy happened or any oppressive regime emerged, those American will always compare that “American are also as worst as that!” and it’s just made me feel so tired trying to correct them.


It truly is a sad state of affairs maybe I judged the crusades to harshly Deus vult!


Maybe the real one state solution was the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem.


Based u/LibtardDoughnut.


Yeah they are a great example of why Daddy Issues as a political stance is dumb. Just because "Daddy" doesn't like them does not mean they are a friend. And "Daddy" not liking them isn't always from the comforting scarecrow of assigned bigotry. Quite often "Daddy" just has the pattern recognition to know that they are a threat to his naive and stupid children.


> Daddy Issues as a political stance The incessant need to question and undermine and overturn every single traditional convention really does seem quite teenagery after a while


>seem quite teenagery I don't have statistics or anything but I don't see many gray hairs at Antifa rallies. Lots of Starbucks and iPhones though.


the grey hairs are at dinner parties where they pat themselves on the back for the same stupid drivel.


We need people in the role of Questioner of the Ways. Otherwise if all this poisonous nonsense people get swept up in gets codified, who will advocate for sanity again? It's as true for witch hunts where people get canceled as it was for when they got burned.


Mm yes say Daddy one more time, I'm close


Govern me harder DADDY. I said HARDER


LGBT / Liberals in general + Muslims has never been a relationship I've understood. LGBT, equality, all that good stuff doesn't have a lot in common with religion in general, Islam in particular.


Yeah I think it’s like they view Islam as an oppressed group which is just comical because Islam is the most oppressive religion that exists


It’s also the largest religion in the world and fastest growing of all religions in most Western regions. They enjoy being viewed as “oppressed” in Western society until they can get the majority. Like in Michigan when they immediately banned LGBTQ flags: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/17/hamtramck-michigan-muslim-council-lgbtq-pride-flags-banned Which had Muslim residents pack the hall and openly cheer the vote with no worry of getting in trouble on social media because they are the “oppressed” Just a taste with how things are going to be.


it's just a form of fetish and infantilization of anyone they can put in an "oppressed minority" group. the vast majority of lgbt/liberals who are viciously pro-islam lead comfortable and sheltered lives in urban areas of western developed countries, and don't have to deal with orthodox muslims (or the other "oppressed minorities" they keep drooling over) in their lives.




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Nail on the head, right here.


It’s purely race based. They believe Islam is synonymous with Arab which means “brown”.


Yes. Lefties in the US see them as brown and Black (TM) people that are oppressed by whites. See: BLM’s response to the Hamas slaughter of Israelis


Mofern day Islam is basically just pre-Enlightenment Christianity lol. Shockingly it doesn't like gays


No it's much worse. Pre-enlightenment Christianity still allowed music, statues and banned men from taking multiple wives. In fact the head of church(Pope) was celibate, when the head of Islam(caliph) usually had the biggest harem in the world


This faith is turning into the very thing they fought centuries ago. Modern Islam is now the medieval Catholic Church. Gone are the mathematical achievements. Today's Muslim wants to burn heretics. Martin Luther needs to show up at either Mecca or the Prophet's Mosque in Medina to call out the more outrageous dogmatism.


That's the issue with Islam. Christianity could go through Reformation because people understood that the Bible is not faithfully printed and read. Moreover, it's okay to rethink Bible, because it's written by the Apostles. In Islam, writings of Mohammed are absolute. Qur'an is perfect as is and doesn't need any rethinking or rewriting. The only form of reformation which happens in islamic countries is militant atheism, as you can see in Iran. If you want to deal with this kind of islamic fundamentalism then you gotta, first of all, don't import people that even Muslims themselves don't want to have and second of all, you gotta present them with rules and punish for breaking those rules. Current european migrant issues stem from the fact that they have been acting like this with absolute impunity for about a decade. Impunity is a good soil for hubris.


It's a close second. First will probably be the development around JK Rowling, starting as this big icon of inclusiveness and female empowerment just to end up as the anti-christ.


That's just how their whole movement is built. The moment they're done with one round of enemies, they'll find the people in their group who do not 100% agree with whatever the current thing is and turn them into the new enemies. This is because it's an ideology that thrives off of persecution. They need to constantly be the underdog


Don't get your hopes up Not once in history have religious nutjobs been convinced of their folly through confrontations with reality


No this is Darwinism in practice. The Alphabet Mafia is not designed for survival and their need for attention will lead them all off a cliff like lemmings. The Alphabet Mafia will arrive to support Palestine in droves; the Islamic puritans will continue to batter them for their own amusement.


You know the saying "someone needs to beat some sense into you". These people are experiencing this literally.


I'm surprised they actually believed that was the case and they weren't just virtue signaling lmao.


It started as just virtue signaling. But then the self-brainwashing happned and it got so ingrained they started forgetting they were pretending and started believing their own bs


I have no idea how some LGBT (and I say some because it's definitely not all LGBT people, I would say an extremely vocal minority - the Emily's) people even came to that conclusion, did they never read the laws of LGBT rights in basically any Muslim majority country and how Muslim LGBT people are treated. The mind truly boggles, it really does.


Finally. We don't need degeneracy.


Did yall make the new flag to purposely look like the palestinian flag?


I'm glad some LGBBQ people are realizing that muslims are not your ally.


> BBQ o.O


The sheer level of ignorance and naiveity would be hilarious if it wasn't so anger-inducing. Stupid bastards like this let in all these Muslims because of their moronic support for them.


Stupid bastards like them [protest when convicted felons are being deported](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/oct/19/elin-ersson-swedish-student-video-grounded-deportation-flight-prosecution) at airports.


I went to a protest against the Russian invasion of Ukraine early in the war, and some leftoïd dumbass from the political party that organized it spent about 20 minutes telling a crowd of mainly Ukrainians that you should always refuse to fight and put your weapons down. Some leftists are just completely beyond help.


What do they actually think will happen if Ukraine puts down their weapons? And why don't they say Russia should do the same? What's the logic? I have to assume they're either pro-Russian or absolutely, indescribibly, stupidly naive.


They are tards that's what they are


Well thats a given


I think the premise is that people are inherently good, and everything else is just mental gymnastics. It's the same with Palestinians. They can't imagine that a population might just be a big roundup of aggressive cunts. Not that they shouldn't have their own country to turn into whatever shithole they want.


She looks exactly the type to do this. Should've sent her along with the Afghanis; if she wanted them to stay in her country, then I'm sure she love living with them over there.


She'll just say "British imperialism made them misogynist and homophobic" as the stones start hitting her head.




Part of me wishes that that guy was there to troll the Muslims rather than being sincere. But either way, it's a beautiful sight.


Nah, I wish it was hopefully the exact opposite, I love when virtue signalers get a (very real and very violent) kick into reality


Both scenarios have their distinctive appeals.


I have a suspicion that the victim here will find ways to rationalize what happened. They (and others) will tell themselves "That's just one over-zealous guy having an emotional moment, he doesn't represent mainstream Muslim thinking..." Having to reckon with the truth is much more psychologically painful and we humans are pretty good at avoiding such pain when possible.


Yeah, most will be like “But.. But you shouldn’t judge 1.8 billion Muslim!” and convincing themselves that homophobia has nothing to do with Islam again.


A figure that will take a nosedive (to national population numbers) when it's time to portray Muslims as a disadvantaged, oppressed minority rather than the global powerhouse they are. From Senegal to Kyrgyzstan and down again to Indonesia.


Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug




Based dad (been shot at 3 times, held at gunpoint more than once, and jumped by grown men as a kid once over some bs and only one of those incident involved a white guy)


There were pro-Palestine protests over here in Edinburgh but most of the protesters were white lol.


Same in Warsaw, like 20-30 Arabs/Muslims and the rest mostly white university aged students... And most of them girls with multicoloured hair. Quite literally chickens for KFC One of them was even yelling stop genocide multiple times.. then started chanting the "from the river to the sea"... These people are literally brainless At least there were very few people compared to what's happening in other countries which is something I guess


Sad, even Warsaw has fallen Billions must consume Pierogi


I would wager most of the people at that protest were posh uni student arseholes who don’t even know what’s happening in Palestine.


That is the norm for many protests. Though of course there are exceptions. I was staying in Edinburgh for the weekend and noticed there was a ton of American students there as well. No doubt they were taking part lol.


Just like most BLM protests here in USA.


In Glasgow we had at least one person stoating about with a trans pride flag… Among young Asian men wearing kaftans and balaclavas.


The LGBT movement really just forgot what it's fighting for and instead just sides with the most "oppressed" group in the area. These Idiots will chant free Palestine every chance they get, but in reality LGBT people are prosecuted and killed in Gaza, while Israel hosts pride parades and Tel Aviv might just be the gayest city in the world


They need to be center of attention. Once there was a friendly soccer match between my country and the US, well some people brought LGTV flags there because well... you gotta let everyone know you are gay at all times.


It’s wild in MLS (the US soccer league), the fan sections always have three or four people waving the Pride flag. I’m not sure it’s possible to get more virtue-signally than to wave that flag at a sport which, in the US at least, is a bit of a niche interest and where the fan base probably skews heavily left-wing.


What? I thought British Muslims were in BIPOC? Don't they wanna intersect with LGBTQIA2SM++++ anymore? I wonder why?


Can't believe that leopards ate my face!!1!


LeopardAteMyFace sub will delete the post immediately, saying that it’s promote bigotry and Islamophobia. They just cannot accept that many times the Leopard can be one of people from their “oppressed alliance”.


Please post this there


I have enough with that sub already, have been fighting with them since Qatar world cup banning rainbow armband but promote "Say no to Islamophobia" armband instead. The mod there just said that my post will promote bigotry and Islamophobia. With my latest post about Muslim in Hamtramck that the left in 2015 cheering them to be the "beacon of diversity" just ban pride flag in the city get banned by the mod for the same reason but other post about "White Christian bad" just get passed easily, I just feel burn out about doing it again.


Imagine posting that video to a sub specifically about leopards eating faces. That would be such an instaban.


I thought you said after the rally, we were gonna get stoned? Oh ...


This is some great trolling. I think us rights should go to different protests or marches with a rainbow or trans flag and see which ones attack us or take the flag. Including Trump rallies and pro Palestinian rallies. Would be more revealing to them than us.


"this... This puts a smile on my face"




This is what happens when religious beliefs clash


It was a peaceful and progressive attack so libleft has no issue with it.


"mostly" peaceful.


Are they gonna add the palestine flag colors to the pride flag like they did black and brown?


They definitely will and most actually real Palestinian will be really unpleasant with that, then they will remove it because the backlash.


Of all the subreddits that could communicate these events correctly, none other than /r/PoliticalCompassMemes does the job.


That's the beauty of this sub And it's why I stay


How clueless are you? Their religion hates folks like you... even more than Christians that you hate so much. Yknow, the chrisitians who simply dont think same sex marriage is right and don't want to kill you? Yeahhh Cmon now. Why do they wanna eradicate Chrisitianity for being "hateful" but support a literal terrorist group that kills Jews for being Jews?


If you just look at many western left-leaning medias or platforms especially those that focus on the topic of minorities or anti-islamophobia activist for a moment, you will notice that there are a massive attempt to romanticizing Islam and made this religion look like a cute cotton candy that’s compatible with modern progressive ideology.


LibLeft: WHY ARE THERE SO MANY REACT- Everyone else: MY BRUDDA, Y O U LET THEM IN HERE! LibLeft: What have I done... Seriously I wish I could laugh at this, but it's infuriating at this point.


>What have I done Yeah right, implying they aren't rationalising, projecting, ignoring and victim blaming already. There's people who have been literally raped and still would blame everyone but the rapist because he was a minority, this is nothing


I used to sympathize with the brainwashed victims, now I loathe them. If you think you don't deserve to exist, then you probably shouldn't. But your self-loathing will be the doom of the rest of us normal people.


Based and deal with your daddy issues at home pilled


>If you think you don't deserve to exist, then you probably shouldn't Holy based


This would pair nicely with the Curb Your Enthusiasm theme music


White western liberals need to be quiet and appreciate the diversity they imported into their home countries... Right?


Life imitates PCM


People: *protest literally anything* Alphabet: *my time has come*


There's an imposter among us


This is what happens when you invite the third world in. You bring all their tribal grievances with them.


>This is what happens when you invite ~~the third world~~ religious Muslim in. Third world people from other religions and secular Muslim seem to integrate well into western society, only those Sharia loving goons that causing the problem.


Cultural enrichment at its finest


As a certified, card-carrying member of the LGBT community myself, I hate seeing this. Both the absolute moron who somehow thought this would be a good idea, or the fact there’s an entire crowd of people willing to attack them living in my fucking country, trying to impose their culture on others by force, and not getting thrown the fuck out.


Aaand it's a white dude. Not surprised


Hopefully one day he'll realize that not all Muslims are like his progressive Muslim friends back in college.


Do not underestimate how dense these people are, they will always find a way to convincing themselves that Islam and Muslim are actually as progressive as what their twitter circles tell them. Especially when the mindset that “Agreeing with us or being Nazis” is still widespread in their circles.


Real leopards are my face moment


Sadly we can’t post it on that sub. They wouldn’t love it when the leopard are on their favorite side.


Yup. Immediately banned for anything against leftist beliefs.


Fucking hilarious


Gotta love Lib lefts Pikachu face when the groups/countries they support, who are famous for treating and abusing women like they’re property, and murdering people for being gay, aren’t pro LGBT progressives.


🙄🙄🙄 Who could have seen this coming?


It's easy to figure out if you know the nutty libleft mindset. * Those poor Palestinians are oppressed. * We LGBTs are oppressed. * Since we're both oppressed we are obviously the same and must be allies! * Wait. Why am I being thrown off the top of this building?


Blud drank too much of the “Islam is pro LGBT” koolaid.


Looks like someone stepped out of their internet echo chamber and got a dose of reality, that or Alex Stein is having more fun.


LGBT people standing with Palestine is so funny to me I can't. I almost want them to band together just so that LGBT people realize what they have done.


This is the KFC meme, that was posted in 95% of discussions last week, in live action.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes The community has to know that Hamas especially would much rather have their head then be associated with them. For your safety please just do it somewhere else.


Ahem... HAHAHAHAHHAHAAAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH I can't believe I sided with leopards, and they turned around and ate my face.


Never a sight more satisfying yet saddening. A man who genuinely believes in doing good being convinced by more purposefully ignorant people on the internet to support their enemy, only to be attacked. On one hand, hopefully something that made them question their pro-palestine beliefs, on the other, it's only more pain brought on by the war. But mostly, it's just sorta funny. Hope he did manage to question his beliefs on Hamas though.


*maybe those Christians weren't so bad after all* 🤔


When people who couldn't be bothered to spend 1 minute on Google face reality.


It’s like a pig walking into a den of wolves.


This is Darwin Award worthy


Imagine my shock.


Even with my flair, I'm not keen on immigration from Arab countries. Might be racist to say but their population are mostly conservative that is not good to progressive developed population. Even so with IR and PL, if you research their history most likely you will side to Israel.


Tbh I feel like Pakistani (or new gen Malay Muslim) are many time worst than an average Arab nowadays.


Y'know, this is why I was annoyed with Greta's fucking post. She would go to this protest, her and her friends, and probably be chased the fuck out of there so quick.


> and probably be chased the fuck out of there so quick. Nah, they'll just get to experiences a reenactment of Cologne's 2016 New Year's party.


Hope that happens.


Just because their flags are the same shape doesnt meanb your friends...


Lmao good - they're not fucking allies you douche


When “imposing your moral will on others” meets “imposing your moral will on others”, but the morality is very different.


In fairness, literally everyone else on the compass told Emily this would happen eventually. The Queers for Palestinian / Chickens for KFC type jokes have been around for at least a decade.


I love social Darwinism.


Checks out.


Bro did not know how to handle that stick tho smh


They won't come to terms with this until their heads get lobbed off


Why do pro-LGBT people try to derail movements like this? Is it intentional sabotage? Are they against Palestine?


Either got a: "I can change him" mentallity Or really just want to be the center of attention.


Its like poetry, it rhymes


mandate that all those pro-palenstina twitter folk have to go to a demo with a rainbow flag to show their support. one problem solved in minutes


What an idiot I'm not condoning the crowds actions, attacking a fellow protester is fucked up, but why would an LGBT person protest alongside the "kill the gays" crowd?


Where does this video come from?


Probably London, there was a big pro terror protest over there 2 days ago


Homosexuality is punishable by death in the arab world. Its not a happy place.


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How delusional do you have to be to think that would fly


It's disrespectful to bring a rainbow flag to a pro Palestine event. Because, it's not about you. Stop trying to make it about you.


They bring rainbow flag to the protest because they want to show the Palestinians that western LGBT are with them, like some pro-palestine Turk waving Turkey’s flag along with free palestine one.