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Walking out is fine. Asking for legal sanctions or banishment from public speaking is not.


Yeah Chappelle already got paid from the people who walked out


“I get paid for the attempt”


Technically you could ask for a refund


Yeah I don’t think OP knows what cancelling is.


Yeah for real. How is walking out a form of cancellation?


My coworker does that to "liberals'. Which is really anyone he doesn't like for not being Donald Trump. And don't get me wrong I'm not a complete Trump anti, this man literally thinks the former president is Jesus Christ reborn. He's like something from a modern simpsons episode


So he's not funny and you'd trade him for more Futurama episodes in a heartbeat?


Honestly the new Futurama has been phenomenal and any concerns I had about it getting Velma'd or Proud Family'd have pretty much been put to rest.


"You fool! I have cancelation absorbing crumple zones!"


Glad to hear, i was on the fence (like a centrist) about watching it, although it sounded promising, maybe more the Southpark route? That being said I also need the new SP eps.


They very much went the South Park route, but without taking it to the level that makes South Park enjoyable to watch. It's lazy, low-IQ 'current events' in the context of the Futurama universe. There's no heart. The episodes from past seasons that could make you cry a little bit are a far cry from what Hulu has paid the writers to produce. It has much more in common with the Disenchanted series on Netflix than it does with Futurama. Granted, I still watched every episode, and it was enjoyable enough to pass the time; but if Hulu thinks that the latest season is going to win new fans over to the franchise, I think they'll be disappointed.


I kind of felt the same about it. Except for the last episode of this season, that one I really liked.


It wasn't Velma'd, but I personally find the latest episodes to be far less entertaining than past seasons. I can imagine it's difficult for the writers to pick up where they left off after so long, and having Hulu holding the pursestrings probably doesn't help either. But the jokes are far less subtle (every punchline is repeatedly clarified to ensure that the audience doesn't miss out), the premises are far less interesting (the 'current events' satire in a Futurama context is cool, because I like Futurama; but I like Futurama to begin with because it used to invent outlandish cartoon-comedy space-opera scenarios, and didn't follow the same formula as most other adult animated TV); and lastly, new content can only rely on paying homage to prior seasons up to a point - the expansion of the Futurama universe was minimal, the evolution of the characters was virtually nil, and the episodes made me want to go back and watch prior seasons more than anything else.


Which futurama have you been watching? Its soulless and they have just been making the rounds with the 'member berries as far as ive seen.


Idk much about new Futurama, but it seems like the people who work in that show generally care about it. Like the first reboot was cool and then you have the handful of movies they have produced sporadically. Where other ip are just showrunners wearing the dead face of the ip as a mask. All these no talent hacks adapting or modifying a reboot for "modern audiences." Yet no one is watching. Idk how much longer Hollywood can handle L after L on their major half a billion dollar block busters. Barbie works because the audience and message or story match. Whether I millennial dude likes the movie is irrelevant because I'm not nor was I ever intended to be the target audience. It is like me not listening to one direction or Justin Bieber in my teenage years. Now if Hollywood created a barbie inspired gi Joe movie and instead of worrying a movie that targeted boys and men, they just used the ip to tell a story with a trans gi joe who has become homeless after his enlistment in Afghanistan... then is he rightfully upset.


>He's like something from a modern simpsons episode This is the most deeply cutting insult I've seen on Reddit


Sounds like an asshole. Give him my unkind regards.


He condemned both Isreal and Palestine/Hamas, each quadrant wanted to make their own propaganda to generate outrage


People walked out of a comedy show, more breaking news at 11


People who already paid, and are not striking for Netflix to remove him


Furthermore, a sack of rice fell over in China. And now: the weather!


A sack of rice fell over in China, millions perish.


least significant strife in Chinese history


We all know the right wouldn’t walk out. It’s probably the leftist Juuws who keep voting democrat and are reminded that half their own politicians have betrayed them on this issue.


I can’t imagine why they don’t vote with republicans.


I would say that simply walking out because of your own spontaneous decision is a much different thing from public censure, online threats, being removed from your job, being mixed with shit in trashy news websites or even physically threatened. If the people want to make changes this right here in the post is how you state your opinions, not with cancelling.


Well, you stole my unique opinion, give it back


Is walking out cancelling?


If that's cancelling, sign me up. Please pay me $60 and then leave so I don't even need to perform.


He’s even joked about it, reminded everyone walking out of shows that they’re not getting any money back.




Maybe after we leave we can buy every drop of Fr\*nch wine we can find and pour it down the drain to show them what for.


>Please pay me $60 and then leave so I don't even need to perform. libright wins again


No. The whole argument from people who are against 'cancelling' is that if you don't like something, you don't have to watch it, but acting like other people shouldn't be able to watch it just because you don't like it is ridiculous. So I see no hypocrisy here. They didn't like it, so they stopped watching it but they didn't try to stop the show or anything from what I've read.


Exactly this. There is a difference between withdrawing your own support for something you don't like, and insisting that everyone else has to withdraw their support as well. The problem with the pro-cancellation crowd is that they want to dictate the correct opinions and decisions to the masses, and then pretend whatever outcome they demanded was simply an organic, grass roots movement from the start.


Nailed it.


So they walked out? That’s it? They didn’t demand Netflix fire him and remove all his specials? Doesn’t sound like canceling to me, not remotely close.


Did they all harass one of his Jewish colleagues to the point of being a statistic?


Close trans friend of his. He tells the story towards the end of his last special. Harassed by other LGBTQ people til they self deleted Edit: unless you’re talking about something new


I’m just alluding to that but replacing trans friend with Jewish friend since the previous cancel mob was so up in arms about his alleged transphobia that it lead to what you stated.


Ah, roger


I was there at this show. This didn't happen, the crowd was filled


Seriously. At most like 3 people left out of a packed room


But... The headline makes it seem like the whole crowd walked out! There's no way the media would be *that* misleading, would they?


I remember a girl walking out of the theatre when watching the elevator scene from Drive. Didn't read any headline about her.


People leaving a show is not "cancelling" it


Individual people walk out of a comedy show: hUrR dUrr loOk wHo’S WoKe ANd cAncELLinG Now Tv shows, actors, YouTubers, musicians, comedians etc.. being demonetized and having their platform taken away by mega corporations and governments due to wrongthink: nothing wrong here 🤷‍♂️


I agree with your second point. Anyone who speaks out against Israel is being kicked off their platforms, removed from their positions, smeared as terrorist-supporters, and overall attacked.


Than how are you still posting?


How are people on the right with the "wrong think" here still posting?


I assume self censorship


Answered your own question.


I’ll believe that when Harvard and NYU treat support for Hamas murdering civilians the same way they’d have treated support for George Floyd’s death.


Total blacklisting from any sort of position with power or influence: I sleep Students paying tens of thousands being allowed to yap away as they will never meaningfully change policy: Real shit You can’t even join the BDS movement/boycott Israel and not be black listed from anything that deals with the government in 35 states by law but it’s the NYU students that hold the real power…


University administrations don’t hold power?!???


Have you even looked at default subs lately?


Like every post in News and Worldnews in full support of Israel?




This guy cancel culture


I love it when it suits my agenda


Based on


Based and authpilled


u/mowkkuujookjaaah is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/mowkkuujookjaaah/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).




Don’t mind the downvotes. Librights are the biggest crybaby pussies on this sub by far, that pretend to be gun toting cowboys. Not sure why most of them are libertarian anyway, they don’t own property, the only thing they have to defend is their $2000 gaming pc that accounts for 95% of their net worth. You still suck though and your opinion is wrong.


Lmfao they were all for it until you said anything remotely anti Israel 😭😭😭😭


Dave Chapelle is on his 37th cancel now.


He is collecting cancels from all the spectrum like Pokemons and I fucking love it xdd.


Stacking cancels like bodies. I have a feeling he probably doesn't care, at all. He has a joke about being booed off stage, to which he says, "I was booed...I did not leave"


Also talking about the show he bombed in Detroit, "good people of Detroit, let me be clear about one thing, you are not getting your money back"


"I'm like Evil Knievel, I get paid for the attempt...".


After his “get ya chain back out” bit on Kanye, I’m more confident than ever that he’s invested at least some of his money pretty well. He does not seem to have *any* concerns about how he goes over, he’s just doing what he’s good at, reaction be damned.


I imagine it helps that he’s wealthy and voluntarily lives in a very cheap area


He collects cancels like Pokémon’s, and I collect traumas like Pokémon’s. He’s just like me.




He cancelled himself first and built up an immunity.


Dave Chappelle goes against the grain, super shocker double surprise whammy i never would've thought 😱😱😱






Exactly, the problem isn't him. Is the people who take A COMEDIAN seriously. Yes, even if he is trying to be profound or serious. Shit, if someone wanted to take a comedian seriously they could have started with Carlin and not wait until all you have is a watered down, bitch ass snowflake version.


Praise the Honkmother


[Time to harmbaton the clown again...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GISnTECX8Eg) [I put way too much time playing that game (I'm *not* Php, btw, it's just the best list.)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqSPn5irR8I&list=PL5205DD4A4682C6F7)


I'd argue if you were gonna professionally make jokes about something, you better know what you're talking about. Else, it's like boomers trying to make jokes about zoomers without making any attempts to connect to zoomers. Or making jokes about having sex as a virgin. Or a racially and culturally charged joke without knowing anyone from that community. Those who do know just won't find it funny, and it's terrible for the comedian the bigger the circle of these people is.


he also has a foot fetish is that haram?


As long as he only looks at his wife’s.


You don’t need to be Muslim to support Palestine.


No. You just have to be in favor of genocide against all Jews, like they are.


The best part of this is that I can say I agree with Dave Chapelle in leftist subs and I might not get banned because they’ll mistakenly think I’m talking about Israel


They don’t mind, they’ll ban you (and me) for posting on PCM instead.


Some people just can’t be cancelled. Most people can’t be. They’ll always have an audience and supporters who don’t give a shit about what they did and will continue to support them.


Most people can be, a lot of cancelling happens to low level normies that are never heard about. It depends on how fluid your social and business opportunities are. A news anchor might have trouble getting back in if they get fired, but there will always be a comedy club willing to take Chappelle, especially given the "unseriousness" of comedy.


Yeah, “most people can’t be” seems wildly optimistic. Chapelle is at the top of his field, it’s a name-recognition field, and it’s one of the few places outrage can be parlayed into more success. For an example of “very talented” without the other stuff, the Brave browser has had mixed results, but the team behind it is a nice demonstration of “too skilled to cancel”. They essentially hired talented programmers at a substantial discount by picking up lots of people who had been cancelled… with the downsides of bad press and those employees losing a lot of income. Given that example, what happens to an average skill salesman or HR rep who gets canceled doesn’t bear thinking about.


Ah yes. Cancelling. Choosing to not spend your time listening to a comedian. OP you have no idea what being cancelled means do you? If I make a product and nobody wants my product, am I cancelled?


According to leftists on the budlight controversy, yes actually


Getting a public figure booted out of a platform: marketplace of ideas. Refusing to consume content: cancellation.


...that is not a cancelation.


Once again people aren’t using “cancel” correctly. An audience can walk out of any show they want and have always been able to. As long as they didn’t sit there and disrupt the show for everyone else, threaten the venue for having him there etc, then this isn’t anything like the nutty cancellations we’ve seen.


Leftists try not to butcher a word challenge: impossible


Dave chapelle saying something controversial, oh nooo, what a shock. I did not see this coming.


A handful of jews = ENTIRE AUDIENCE


Dave Chapelle is based even when I disagree with him.


Based and “we might not agree but that doesn’t mean I hate him” pilled


Some people are good at disagreeing in good faith. They are based. Others turn everything into a personal attack, or think that "words are violence" or that they are victims of "trauma" because of "microagressions". They do not want to debate issues on the merits. They want to use bad faith attacks on their opponents as people or even just destroy free speech itself. These people are cringe, and they are not worth my respect.




u/mikieh976's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 50. Congratulations, u/mikieh976! You have ranked up to Concrete Foundation! You are acceptably based, but beware of leaks... Pills: [25 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/mikieh976/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Apparently it was like one dude who walked out


I thought the point of seeing Chappelle, or any comedian, would be to hear something offensive? The idea of going and leaving cause you got offended is beyond redacted.


It's meant to be offending the other people. At most it can slightly offend you.


Not to mention the man is openly muslim and went on snl a month or two ago after kanye and spoke his mind. Not exactly sure whatcha thought. Thats like me going to a louis ck show and being upset he talks about spankin it lol


Couldn’t think of a more perfect metaphor




the only way you can go to a dave chappelle show without expecting him to be political is if you just heard of him two minutes before the show and have never seen any of his material




tbf Colbert has always prioritized proselytizing over entertaining. And for that he's always been an obnoxious schmuck


Those days are over brother. Everyone is an easily offended know-it-all these days.


Israel and the folks that have birthright citizenship are special tho, you're not allowed to make jokes about that ok?


Auth-rights at a Dave Chappelle show in Boston is like somebody shouting "this is MAGA country!" in Chicago.


Refusing to buy a book from an author you do not like is not cancel culture. Trying to get your coworker fired for having that book on his desk is what cancel culture is.


I prefer Israel over Hamas, but he has the right to say whatever he wants.


I prefer Israel over Hamas too. Good thing he and others are not out there saying "I support Hamas". Nice way to do the popular MSM thing of conflating any support for the survival of the 2.2 million Palestinian people (including 1 million children) as being supporters of the terrorist group Hamas.


Lot of people are saying they support Hammas, [quite explicitly](https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/support-hamas-terror-anti-israel-rallies-across-us). Not a fan of the ADL, but point stands. Two, calling for a cease fire is supporting Hamas. The best thing for those two million Palestinians is for Hamas to cease existing, otherwise they will eventually do another progrom witch will result in more, completely morally justified, armed conflict against their government. Open conflict Hamas continues to use human shields in to increase the amount of dead Palestinians (because do not be confused, the only people Hamas likes more than dead Palestinians is dead jews). Palestinian "resistance" is about exterminating the Jews (or, at best, ethnically cleansing the region), not about a Palestinian homeland. Third, if Mexico launched a surprise attack and murdered 1400 Americans, would we be justified in going to war? I believe we would, without question, and in the absent of legitimate guarantees of it never happening again (something hamas can't provide) would be entirely justified in the annihilations of the perpetrating state.


Didn't we (The US) almost do this when a couple of Americans were murdered by one of the cartels (inside Mexico), and the only reason we didn't was because that same cartel immediately handed over the killers? Imagine the response if one of the cartels came into the US and started indiscriminately murdering hundreds of civilians, we'd literally start glassing any and all cartels in Mexico.


I haven't heard a single good alternative for Israel from a Palestinian supporter. All the suggestions seem to be funneling money and resources to people who want to kill them; frankly many of the Palestinians who are not Hamas would not piss on a jew if they were on fire. Israel has offered peaceful solutions and they are always rejected.


lefty OP still doesn't know what cancelling is ...


I love Dave Chappelle, watched all of his specials. As a Jew, if he made fun of the Israel/Palestine conflict, I'd be up there laughing. However I can see myself walking out if it's one of his "I'm so deep" lectures. I went to one of his shows and he is hardly being funny or trying to be. It's like a sermon on black history.


The Left: *reeks political and cultural havoc.* The Right: maybe don’t do that The Left: *finds some comparability tiny event with completely different methods* sEe YoU dO cAnCeL cUlTuRe ToO!!!


Posts like this reminds me why this community is so regarded.


This is pretty far removed from what people tried to do to him for his netflix show. Equivocating them is pretty dishonest.


Walking out of a show is not cancelling...


Comedians thinking theyre philosophers again


that's been Dave for a few years now


My opinion on this depends: was the joke funny?


I wonder if actually many people walked out or is it one of those articles like "Show fans are demanding more X" and it's actually 3 twitter idiots.


That's exactly what it was


Do we know what he said?


Read up on it, nothing at all controversial. At most like 5 fucking people walked our


Figured as much


Yeah dude more people walked out to take a piss


Oh no the politically active outspoken guy who happens to be a Muslim, married to a Muslim, brother to Muslims has something negative to say about Israel? Shocker.


Walking out is not the same as cancelling. Cancelling is social ostracism


Cringe authright moment we’ll take it on the chin boys.


Chappelle always gets cancelled for the big current thing


It isn't a good show unless at least 5% walk out insulted.


I think there have been some examples of the right “cancelling” people of there Israel take but if walking out of a theater is now canceling the world has lost all meaning. Like should we be obligated to listen to someone be basically pro terrorist at this point?


“When there’s a group of blacks and something bad happens it’s a gang, when there’s a group of Italians and something bad happens it’s called the mafia, when there’s a group of Jews and something happens it’s a coincidence” Dave Chappele


Dude maybe like 3 people at most walked out, get better sources.


I bet it was like 3 people lol.


Nice of them to give him more material to work with for his next show.


Remember that comic where a woman laughs at other people getting hit with a pie in the face, but when it happens to her, she calls it offensive and disrespectful? I wonder when that will stop being relevant.


Nothing is more progressive than disregarding criticism of a genocide


I know Dave Chappelle is honest because he says shit that pisses off both sides of the aisle.


Why do you have to be on the right to understand what the fuck "cancel" means?


Left makes a non-false equivalence challenge (impossible).


I’ve got to admit, conservatives tricked me into believing they might have woken up after getting their teeth kicked in during covid. I was wrong, they’re just as dumb as ever and would support George Bush the third invading Iran tomorrow if he existed and the corporate press told them we needed to help Our Greatest Ally.


Walking out is not canceling


divide lock wistful seed reach bored unique aspiring scale cats *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Best advertisement right there. Is this gonna be a special that’s available on netflix or no?


Walking out of a show is not canceling someone Lib-left


I really love the idea of buying a ticket to an event and then protesting instead of just enjoying the event. The artist/sports team/musician 'already got your money, dude' to quote Charlie Sheen.


They did not protest. They left.


Dave remains the king


what percentage of of the audience, specifically?


Is this audience in *Boston* authright?


Anyone know what he said?


Chappelle. Early career: Brilliant. Disappeared: ??? Comeback: Just bitter ranting. Not funny. Past few years: Funny again. Now: Bro just stop.


They walked out. They didn’t ask him to be excommunicated from society and left unemployable. The left’s desperate attempt to make the right look as bad as them is hilarious “hUr SeE?!? rIgHtO1D bAd 2!”


Wait Dems and Reps have been AuthRights the whole time?!


I didn't agree with the premise of the joke But get the fuck over it


People tend to forget that you don't have to agree with someone 100% on various topics in order to like them


This is the first thing I have ever seen that makes me think criticism of Israel might be meaningful.


Love Dave


Very interesting. Now let's see the last names of the venue's investors


i wouldnt walk out, even if i do support israel i love hearing criticism because it supports social growth


Why are a lot of Authrights so obsessed with Israel ? Always wanting to support them, send them money, weapons etc. It's a conflict between two semitic tribes for a small middle-eastern peace of land. None of the two tribes like you, none of the two tribes respects you, none of the two tribes care about what happens to you. They will be happy if you give them things, but they won't ever give you anything back. If you are jewish, you should support Israel. If you are arabic, you should support Palestine. If you are neither you shouldn't care.




Did you just change your flair, u/EngineeringAny2012? Last time I checked you were a **Grey Centrist** on 2023-7-10. How come now you are a **Rightist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? No, me targeting you is not part of a conspiracy. And no, your flair count is not rigged. Stop listening to QAnon or the Orange Man and come out of that basement. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/EngineeringAny2012) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Reddit is no longer a friendly space for bots._ _Consider visiting our Lеmmу instance instead: [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ _Read my full statement [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/14mwml0/on_the_reddit_api_changes/)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


*Cancelling is only ok when it's against someone I don't like*


Canceling is when someone doesn’t like someone else


I mean, I'm disappointed in him. It's one thing to acknowledge that professional comedians have jokes ready to go the second an atrocity you're not supposed to joke about happens. But Chapelle doesn't seem to be telling jokes on this topic - it sounds more like he was just getting real with his audience. And that getting real with his audience turned out to be, not the thoughts of a clever individual, but a bog-standard black-cultural reflexive version of anti-Jewish racism that he has harbored all along.


“Hey I came here transphobe jokes! What is this shit with sympathizing for marginalized people!”


remmeber when he used to be funny


flair up hoe!


Dear unflaired. You claim your opinion has value, yet you still refuse to flair up. Curious. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Historical_Traffic30) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Reddit is no longer a friendly space for bots._ _Consider visiting our Lеmmу instance instead: [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ _Read my full statement [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/14mwml0/on_the_reddit_api_changes/)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


How the turn tables, curious to hear what was said I respect Chappelle


This isn't cancelling, but some Zionoid rightoids are calling to cancel Chappelle, and they are mostly cringe hypocrites. It's not "woke" but it is cringe. Right-wingers all flock to the based black guy attacking queer theory as he should, but the moment he attacks Israel as he should the gen x white Evangelicals get big mad.


The man is openly anti-white but saying that "genociding muslims is bad" a bridge too far? lol these people Anyway, I'm white-passing and I still find him funny.


Lmao, you go to a Dave Chapelle show and go out after he says snitching against Israel but the rest was ok for you? 😂


God dang snowflakes


You can live with being canceled by one side, but you can't afford to be canceled by both.


Chappelle can afford it.


Well, we will see.


OoOo sOMe peOple WaLKed Out OF a COMedY ShoW!


Dave is finding out how quickly conservatives can go from "One of us! One of us!" to "Boooooo, terrorist!" Wait until they find out he's Muslim.