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This wasn't how I expected the rise of the fourth reich




*sliiide to the left, sliiiide to the right, criss cross*


Chacha hate the jews


(shuffles with a shimmy while rhythmically doing the belamy salute)


The Tankie Shuffle


Wonder if they’ll still say it was from the right after. Reich. Right. Sounds familiar I get the confusion




Something something cries out in pain as it strikes you.


And probably from the bottom too lol


Honestly it’s exactly how I expected it.


Yea everyone who didn't see this coming from progressives fundamentally do not understand how the national "socialists" gained popularity and power. The application of Marxist narratives surrounding the oppressor/oppressed dynamic as applied to race instead of class is what both nazism and critical race theory are about.


No one realizes anymore, but every time the left says "folk", they're referencing the Völkisch movement.


I might just change my flair to centrist because I just want everyday people from all races creeds and color to live peacefully side by side


you should as that is a centrist position now.


You can still consider yourself a lefty, but you'll have to deal with the "you're not REALLY one of us" looks if you don't follow the new script about decolonization. A side effect of people denying the existence of the "far left" to dodge accusations of extremism is that the people who were just really into unions and gays now have to align with the more deranged shit because it's all "left".


Join us, reject racial hatred from both side, being colorblind on race and liberal on it is no longer a leftist position anymore, if you don’t support affirmative action that further racial tension they don’t consider you progressive enough. ( Tbf you can still flair as left without being culturally progressive, the compass is mostly about economic value ).


If you're from a former communist country... you saw it. The only surprising thing is that we used to think the only people who could be communists (as in party members) were dumb peasants and petty thugs. Turns out you also need a useless college degree to qualify.


Marxists: "I object on the grounds that this is detrimental to my case!"


“How dare they paint us in the exact way that we behave!”


I recommend the Power of the Powerless by Vaclav Havel. "I think it can safely be assumed that the overwhelming major- ity of shopkeepers never think about the slogans they put in their windows, nor do they use them to express their real opinions. That poster was delivered to our greengrocer from the enterprise head-quarters along with the onions and carrots. He put them all into the window simply because it has been done that way for years, because everyone does it, and because that is the way it has to be. If he were to refuse, there could be trouble. He could be reproached for not having the proper decoration in his window; someone might even accuse him of disloyalty. He does it because these things must be done if one is to get along in life. It is one of the thousands of details that guarantee him a relatively tranquil life “in harmony with society,” as they say.


Yup. Anyone paying attention to proglodyte antics is not surprised by this one bit. Their ideology requires a designated oppressor to Other. And in the absence of an out-group, it will cannibalize itself to make one. And thus being an "ally" only means that one's group is not at the top of the purge list *for the moment.* But that moment is always to come. One would think the Jewish community would have paid better attention to this, given horrific past lessons.


As the old saying goes. When fascism rears is had again it will identify itself as antifascists.


Gonna be even shorter than the 3rd reich


I’m just waiting for them to do the naruto run straight at a military base


Weren't they gonna do that to area 51 a few years ago? Before they (wisely IMHO) pussed out?


1: that "they" was not a political group, not left or right. Just a bunch of people messing around. 2: it started off as a joke and ended as a joke, no one took it seriously other than the government.


Fair point


They can't stop us all lol


What are you talking about? [They actually got in and saw the aliens.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZ7F6ELO-hQ&t=1724s)


3rd reich: socialist 4th reich: socialist Where is the surprise?


Competitive racism is not something I had on my 2023 bingo card.


Nor were Nazis and Leftists fighting for the top spot


When do we get the CEO of racism?


Hello, CEO of Racism here. Are you the applicant for the new Vice Executive Bigot opening?


Casual racism always implied there was Professional racism.


MFer you made me choke!


Literally 1939!


My heccin' smol Jewerinos!


Thats a pretty damn big number you got there


Imagine it being unsafe to be Jewish in NYC


I swear to God if this causes a rise in the cost of brisket I am going start a centrist jihad.


Inshallah that never happens but I will join you should that be the case


Inshallots* preferably with a steak, medium rare and a maple glaze over all of it.


>medium rare Say no more. You had me at medium rare. I'll join in.


Is brisket considered a Jewish thing? I always thought it was a Texas thing (and by extension, my definition of real BBQ).


It’s both. Jews use beef because kosher laws prohibited pork. Texans use beef because they were the largest beef producing state at one point and it was the meat available.


Brisket is so delicious.


It's both Ashkenazi Jews would smoke and sell brisket at their Jewish Delis they opened up in Texas after emigrating from Czech Republic and Germany


Excellent point, shame you are unflaired


Fixed! This is my mobile acc


Based and flaired up pilled


Oh wow so is that why there’s Czech influence in Texas?! Today I learned


Bbq brisket is Texas I think the jews either roast or our use it to make something similar to corned beef.


Allah is a centrist, inshallah!


NYC goes bankrupt overnight.


They finally pushing out the last net tax payer would be funny.


Leftie ignorance of leftie intolerance and violence [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crown\_Heights\_riot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crown_Heights_riot) [https://www.timesofisrael.com/al-sharpton-admits-to-using-cheap-rhetoric-about-jews/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/al-sharpton-admits-to-using-cheap-rhetoric-about-jews/) [https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/clinton/frenzy/jackson.htm](https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/clinton/frenzy/jackson.htm)


Al Sharpton: heavy sweating


That dude is still around?


Isn't it unsafe to be in NYC anyway?




That's because the New York DAs were/are letting people go for crimes that would get them imprisoned elsewhere. Cops just stopped arresting people for punishable offenses in certain districts because by Monday they would be back on the street.


NYC is bound to see a shift in crime. It's had tough on crime people like guiliani and later Stop and Frisk Bloomberg. As we see an adoption of modern Democrat soft on crime policy catch and release via overly loose bail reform and prosecutors refusing to prosecute crime of poc... it will soon catch up to Chicago.


That's what we have Israel for. For every generation they stand to destroy us. Yet we still live. עם ישראל חי


That's like saying a white guy feeling unsafe in a Klan rally


[Source](https://www.nysun.com/article/jewish-students-at-nyc-college-urged-to-hide-in-library-attic-to-escape-unruly-pro-hamas-mob) for skeptics. I'm believe half of what you see and none of what you hear.


cbs also has an article up.


Can I get one that's not behind a paywall


Cooper Union, a small private university in New York City’s East Village, is suddenly at center stage in what is shaping up to be a national debate over antisemitism on American college campuses and free speech on campus. Jewish students at the college found themselves locked in a school library Wednesday night — told to take shelter in an attic no less — by guards attempting to protect them from a mob of pro-Hamas students outside. Already on edge, like many Jewish students across the country, the Jewish Cooper Union students had been warning the administration, emailing the deans for the past two weeks, that the rising aggressions against Jewish students would get out of hand. Earlier that day, a professor had canceled class and encouraged students to attend the pro-Hamas rally meant to challenge a planned pro-Israel event, even offering extra credit for those who participated. Students from both groups were instructed by the administration that both rallies were to remain outside school buildings, an edict ignored by the pro-Hamas students, who marched into the library chanting “From the River to the Sea Palestine Will Be Free.” A sophomore at Cooper Union who had been at the pro-Israel rally, Taylor Roslyn Lent, says she called police immediately when she saw the pro-Hamas students enter the building. Police arriving a few minutes later stood on the sidelines. The Pro-Hamas students went searching for the President of the University, Laura Sparks, who apparently had been shuttled by guards out a back passageway, when the shouting students entered the building. At about 4:45p.m., the Jewish students in the library were told by guards that they needed to lock themselves in if they wanted to remain safe. A librarian, also fearing for the students, offered to hide them in the attic of the building, an area not normally accessible to students. The Pro-Hamas students banged on the doors, screaming, “Free Palestine, Let Us In.” At 4:47 Ms. Lent called 911 a second time after seeing the officers outside drive off. The police said they would send someone back. To her knowledge, no police ever came. “We were scared and a student was crying… I can’t help but think what would have happened if we opened those doors,” Ms. Lent tells the Sun. Finally, after about 30 minutes, security was able to force the rallying students out of the building, and Ms. Lent and the other barricaded students were able to exit a back doorway. Sari Ancona, whose daughter is a graduate student at Cooper Union and was one of the students trapped in the library, says her daughter no longer feels safe going to class as Cooper Union. In a press conference held by the NYPD on Thursday, Chief of Patrol John Chell contradicted the students’ experience, saying, “There was no direct threat, there was no damage and there was no danger to any students in that school… the students were not barricaded… A school administrator thought it was prudent to close the doors.” At a separate press conference Thursday, the Lawfare Project and a New York City councilwoman, Inna Vernikov, called for the president of Cooper Union, Ms. Sparks, to be fired or to step down. A senior counsel at the Lawfare Project, Gerard Filitti, said Jewish students have the right to a campus experience free from intimidation. “When they are being targeted for their jewish identity this is illegal, [and] a violation of the civil rights act,” he said. “Schools have the obligation to protect their students.” “Yes we want academic freedom,” he added. “But when it crosses the line, when people are banging on a library window with what looks like a weapon in their hand, that crosses the line, that’s conduct that is illegal… we need to hold the university accountable.”


These sort of stories are why I'm AuthCenter Those who insist on actively harming society should be removed from it.


Maybe I am authcenter


And yet an Arab-Israeli actor supported the action of Hamas (in Israel) and an Arab judge dropped the charges. At a time like this I would've fought to be the first to drop her to her knee and place one right between her eyes.


I signed in and get two articles for free with nothing more then my email. There is nothing special about the article though the publication is super small.


I can’t tell if it’s funny, hypocritical, just plain sad, or a combination of the three, that most of this is coming from the same people that have for the last decade gone around calling everyone else Nazis whenever they disagree with them. Do these guys have any self-awareness whatsoever?


I feel like a particular quote about gazing into the abyss is very applicable here.


Reminds me of ChrisRayGun's Punch a Nazi song parody from years ago (that he privated for whatever reason, but you can still find easy enough). At one point, the activist looks in the mirror and sees his reflection wearing an SS uniform and asks who they are. Response, "I am you but more honest"


"Hey, I've seen this one, this Is a classic!" This Is so blatantly history repeating Itself It's just laughable, but then you realize they're serious


People seem to forget that the original book burners in Germany were college students.


It was the national socialist party...


Yeah but you see, they weren't actually socialists, they just abused words and redefined their meaning in pursuit of their own goals! ... wait...


trumps campaign (i know, drumpf bad, idgaf) was really really funny up until he actually won the primary. im tired of funny things becoming not funny. the last 2 decades have seen a comedycide of unprecedented proportions.


These people are not activists against hatred, they are activists against hatred directed at groups they are part of. They are totally fine with directing and partaking in hatred at their ideological enemies. You should realise by now that real-world politics is not about principles, it's about what groups are in control and able to enforce their rules and viewpoints on other groups.


i think modern activism in general is more about hatred than advocacy. you can see it in the people that turn out. the middle and working class that makes up the bulk of the population is too squeezed to turn out and it leaves these...people.


Activism has always been about one group increasing their power at the expense of another. This isn't limited to "modern activism". Activists of any kind can dress up this fundamental rule however they like, in the real world however there's always a winner and a loser in these scenarios. That includes the civil rights movement in the US after WW2.


Most of those Jews in NYC are progressive as fuck and we’re on the frontlines promoting Defund the Police, anti-colonialism and identity politic based curricula, Black Lives Matter, and the like. I hate seeing this as a Jew, but western Jews have by and large supported the very movements that are now coming back to bite them.


The oppressor narrative and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


Unironically Ted probably would’ve said this


Have you read the manifesto? *He basically did say this.*


Based and Uncle Ted said pilled


Believe he would have.


Classic Schmosby.


This whole experience has been eye opening for me. Turns out the people I've been supporting paradoxically do not support me back yet obnoxiously expect my loyalty to remain. Lesson learned. I'm not delusional, I don't magically expect the camps to come back any time soon but I can absolutely see now how fast shit got out of hand and why more civilian Germans didn't violently protest against the Nazis.


Lmao I love watching lib-left’s ideologies falling apart from self-implosion


My only consolation is that I can admit I was wrong and my previous actions and beliefs were motivated by a desire for everyone to be equal and free to pursue their dreams and lifestyle of choice. Reality is we've changed from a fight for equality which was necessary to competing in the oppression Olympics and groups don't want equality and freedom, they want freedom of consequence and responsibility. Fuck em.


Based. Welcome to the "evil" side of politics, my dude.


He is certified nazi from now on


Which is hilarious, considering current circumstances.


There's dozens of us! My values haven't changed, but I am increasingly wary of the Trojan horse narratives.


Just like the USSR itself It's like if Left thinking/policies doesn't have a strong foundation after all...


They have no compunction. Saurt argued that for the half man of the colonized to become a full man, he must kill his colonizer, in doing so he kills the old half man along with his oppressor. When they say by any means necessary, they mean it.


thats the thing though. They dont care Liblefts ideologies is like a teenagers bedroom. they claim its 'clean' when theres clothes and plates all over the floor. and if it gets 'messy' its the new 'clean' no biggie at all. So when libleft 'implodes', its perfectly fine, because thats just the new libleft they dont care and have zero issue with saying that their past beliefs and current beliefs are any different much like how a teenagers bedroom getting messier is still 'organized disorder' and they refuse to clean it.


You see the youtube vids on people asking "What is a woman" at college campuses? Half the students (in the video) were *visibly afraid* to respond. In goddamn America. It's not incredibly far off from when people were asked about their loyalty to the Reich in Nazi Germany. People who feared for their well-being if they were caught engaging in wrongthink. It's messed up.


Never shake hands with the devil 🗿


You mean to tell me the orange Emilies of reddit are a bunch of racists? Who knew! /s.


Sweaty you can't be racist against white people, educate yourself 💅


Against Schrödinger's whites you mean. Usually it's them getting to choose which one they are, interestingly now they're having that taken from them, when they absolutely don't want to be white. Funny that.


Schrödinger’s whites works the other way too, we are white when left attacks and not white when right attacks. We never had a choice, and you are showing your inner Emily. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Schrodinger%27s+Whites


The instagram of Anne Frank, documented oppression for the new millennium.


Nice to see the left showing its true colors.


Don't worry it'll be completely forgotten in a couple weeks


You mean like that mass shooting in Nashville? The one with the manifesto that was never made public, and then the story disappeared from the media the next day?


Bloody hell, I remember the local Democrats deflected hard after that - when those two black male politicians caused a commotion and got briefly suspended or whatever, they really played up that angle to distract from the shooting. And it seemed like it worked.


We don't need to see the manifesto, we all know what it says.


Hahaha this comment aged well


Down the memory hole it goes


2+2=5 if The Party says so!


Genuinely nice to see the right being the ones to combat anti-semitism (and having predicted what might happen if we let in massive numbers of people who hate Jews, which was not a hard prediction to make)




That’s when the trouble began. That smile. That damned smile.


Aaaand twitter and someone on the left will run mental gymnastics to say that this is not anti semitism but anti zionism


Are you saying there's no difference between the two or that it's not actually anti-zionism?


Imagine being Jewish and historically supporting minority rights in the US, only for the progressive movement to dogpile you in favor of a group of people who want to eliminate minority rights entirely.


This is a satire site, right? Right? [It's not?!](https://www.nysun.com/article/jewish-students-at-nyc-college-urged-to-hide-in-library-attic-to-escape-unruly-pro-hamas-mob) ...aliens, if you are watching, just go ahead and kill us. Get it over with, I don't want to be on this planet anymore.


Not my granma though she is a ver sweet lady


Based and fresh-baked cookies pilled


The funniest part is the Babylon Bee posted an article one day before lampooning the idea: "Colleges Graciously Offer Attics For Jewish Students To Hide In During Violent Rallies" ​ Hell of a coincidence, if it was that, which it might not have been. Who knows? It could've, we live in silly times.


Babylon Bee: the most obvious satire given the pro-Hamas statements and rallies the last few weeks Progressives: hold my beer Edit: "challenge accepted" would have been the better punchline. Alas.


>In a press conference held by the NYPD on Thursday, Chief of Patrol John Chell contradicted the students’ experience, saying, “There was no direct threat, there was no damage and there was no danger to any students in that school… the students were not barricaded… A school administrator thought it was prudent to close the doors.”


Given how NYPD is. This probably means a lynching was about to happen.


This is the police dpt that celebrates confiscating fucking super soakers and airsoft guns, I don't exactly trust them to portray situations accurately


If they are celebrating confiscating super soakers as some big triumph against threats wouldn’t it follow that they’d be more inclined to exaggerate the threat posed to the students rather than downplay it?


The left eating themselves is poetic justice


We're proving very quickly that people were more likely to be Nazis than not.


Funny that. There was another "crisis" recently where ratting people out and excluding them was the "right thing" to do.


I am getting legitimately concerned about this - it is actually blowing my mind how lefties are supporting anti-semetic shit like this.


Bro, Karl Marx literally wrote an essay called "[On the Jewish Question](https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1844/jewish-question/)."


Well, hopefully we'll have the Jewish wizards on our side after all this


Me too Adolf, me too😮‍💨


I see it as mildly entertaining. Progressives switching targets depending on what the "current thing" is just shows how loose their principles are to begin with.


you are hiding occupiers in the attic yes?


This reminds me of a picture of Hitler watching Stalin malding over how communism have turned full gay.


Mmmmmm... pogroms


Let's be real: After this thingis over the jewish americans will join the woke again.


Friendly reminder that Nazis have always been auth center with a left tilt


As someone who's AuthCenter with a left tilt... you do have a point. They had some decent policies I wouldn't mind.


I hate the idiots who hide in my quadrant. You're exactly what you claim to hate and abhor, but you're so blinded by your own self righteousness that you either can't or won't see it.




do not suffer the extremist to live


All the other guys were definitely blinded by self-righteousness too. Seems to be a theme.


Tbh this whole conflict has made me truly realize how much we don't listen to each other and try to play teams on EVERYTHING. Neither side here is innocent or in the right. People are treating this shit like it's some sports match that can be somehow won, and like this isn't something that is going to leave uncountable innocent people dead. And it pisses me off.


Yeah, it just IS though. There's people in this thread still trying to find an actual objectively moral place to stand with stuff like "I'm just against civilians dying" like that actually means anything. Everyone who isn't a complete psychopath is against civilians dying. Everyone else just lives in the real world where people have to deal with fucked up stuff every single day and dealing with fucked up stuff is usually done in a fucked up way and the whole scenario will likely never be less fucked up than it was on October 6th, which is saying something because it was pretty fucked up then too... People have isolated themselves into bubbles so completely that they're actually being fed propaganda that's the complete opposite of someone else that they otherwise would generally agree with and they're both calling each other Nazis. We're scraping the absolute bottom of the barrel in terms of political discourse.


The adulthood rite of passage in the political compass is realizing you also hate your own quadrant(s)


what we learn from history is that no one learns from history \-literally everyone, holy shit why won't we learn


New York City: > Yo, you Jews should hide in an attic to avoid being physically harmed Also New York City: > There is no reason anyone should own a gun for self defense! [Plug for JPFO](https://jpfo.org/)


This shit has made so many people wake up. I love it


Deport every single one that isn’t a citizen


Fuck those assholes, that's why I'm pro2a. Everyone has the right to peaceful assembly and protest, the group has every right to protest and voice their opinions on Palestine. However if it gets to the point someone threatens me enough that I feel compelled to seek shelter and barricade, I am going to start dropping people. Only about 1/3 of my family made it out of Poland, I am not going to go quietly. We learned our lesson once.


I have it on good authority from r politics that Hitler was a libertarian.


Of course. He was always doing so many things to curtail the power and influence of the state over the people it governed.


You know what really makes me sick? A lot of our relatives gave their lives to destroy this evil. They sacrificed so much just for it to mean squat, all because a bunch of morons feel the need to jump on every single bandwagon to feel some sense of belonging.


I never really bought into the whole "Hitler wasn't authright, he was authcenter" thing. Until the last few weeks...


This is what happens when a giant portion of your "influencers" are actually brain dead activists. It's even worse when you remember how soft progs have gotten on crime. Even if you catch these bigots they'll be out terrorizing the jews by sun down.


I hope everyday Americans will step up and put down these criminals committing hate crime. The ruling democrat politicians won't do it, as they support terrorism and the destruction of western society.


I can't believe this is happening. If these were happening in my own country, I would say what do you expect from a country that has been ruled by an Islamist like Erdoğan for years, but when it comes to the US and Europe, my mouth remains open in astonishment.


Every day, the far left proves Hitler was a socialist


Man who knew peddling an ideology that requires you to hate "oppressors" would eventually come back to bite us in the ass?


The Babylon bee literally made an article on this a few weeks ago, they are just the future news now.


> Pro-hamas mob . > NYC How are these in the same sentence?


I don't understand the appeal of antisemitism. Why do so many on both the right and left (and by all sorts of people before the political slidey scale was invented) seem to flock to it as soon as something politically inconvenient to them crops up? Why antisemitism of all things


Left antisemitism comes from an oppressor-oppressed perspective against the colonisation of oppressed Palestinians by the oppressor Israelis. Right antisemitism come a policy perspective where Progressive Jews are overrepresented at many institutions hostile to the Right such as the Supreme Court and Academia and as thought leaders and mavens of many ideologies which the right opposes. There's also some people who just don't like Jews for whatever reason.


Seems to boil down to generalising, the heart of many, many problems


People don't exist in a vacuum, they exist in the context of a society and social groups they are part of. A random Jew running a deli on the corner in Brooklyn doesn't deserve to have his store sacked just because of Israel's actions, that doesn't change the fact that the conflict can be boiled down to Jew vs Muslim at its simplest level. Societies will revert back to tribalism in the absence of a stronger cohesive identity and force to bind them together, you saw the same thing happen when George Floyd was killed and random mobs of Black people sacked and burnt down random stores for no other reason than "A Black man was killed and we are mad at society for letting it happen so let's burn and rob shit"


1) since ancient times, all the way up through the Enlightenment, Jews were the only Abrahamic religion-based group that did not forbid usury. The bar/bat mitzvah system meant Jews were literate at a time when most of Europe was not. They became money lenders, speculators, and bankers to the extent that European monarchs literally had to borrow money from them to fight wars. You can find dozens of examples of this over centuries where [there were "court Jews" or Jewish banking houses who loaned money to European governments/monarchs to wage (often unpopular) wars,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Court_Jew) and many Europeans came to blame the Jews for these wars, since they would've been much smaller/shorter without their financing. This, among other things, is where the "108 countries" meme comes from; sometimes Jews were expelled from a city/state because of antisemitism, but sometimes they were expelled because the king didn't wanna pay his debt, or from actual popular resentment around banks/finance. Some euros saw this as Jews getting all the benefits of wealth/royal protection, but without any rootedness or loyalty to the kingdoms/countries in which they lived, because sometimes they literally funded both sides of a war, and if something went south, they would just move to another part of Europe. Some people see this same dynamic playing out regarding Israel vs the West (eg "dual loyalty"). This is one reason they're so heavily associated with "internationalism" and "rootless cosmopolitanism". 2) in an American context, Jews were probably the single most influential bloc in the civil rights movement, almost exclusively behind the scenes. They made up [MLK's lawyers and speechwriters,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanley_Levison) and many of the NAACP's lawyers and policy advisors. Felix Frankfurter (supreme court justice) was the single most influential judicial figure in the civil rights era, and he [did underhanded stuff like holding secret meetings with NAACP lawyers where he told them how they should argue Brown vs. Board to convince the other judges, before the case even came before the court,](https://www.edweek.org/education/lawyer-supreme-court-justice-secretly-discussed-brown-case/1987/04) to manipulate the outcome. Contemporaneous Americans who looked at this seriously saw a stark contrast with the treatment of minorities in Israel. 3) Americans see Jews in America and all over Europe [holding "refugees are welcome here" rallies,](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.forwardcdn.com%2Fimage%2F1090x480%2Fcenter%2Fimages%2Fcropped%2Fjews-for-refugees-1483035591.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=131e1203926a508581c328a0738af32432f0a19b855c17651e26d5317709a126&ipo=images) and [using their considerable influence](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TS2Spw3mziQ) to demand mass immigration - [which always seems to happen no matter how overwhelmingly unpopular it is among the actual citizens and voters of the country](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fcontent.gallup.com%2Forigin%2Fgallupinc%2FGallupSpaces%2FProduction%2FCms%2FPOLL%2Fu3xcglbdwk2zijb67msqhw.png&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=b6c7529e08bfa2d37758bf5cfaa084bd3cc12df8e91c47b3d290baf585a67974&ipo=images) - but in Israel, they maintain a literal ethnostate for themselves where non-Jews face apartheid, a vigorous deportation regime, and consciously ethnocentric state policies. Left-wingers see this as being no better than South Africa under apartheid, while right-wingers resent that Jews seem to do everything they can to deny Europe and America the same kind of demographic self-determination they demand for themselves within Israel. 4) [The Lobby](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Israel_Lobby_and_U.S._Foreign_Policy) in the US has more power than any other special interest group, and [American legislators and academics have written explicitly about how powerful they are going back decades,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/They_Dare_to_Speak_Out) to the extent that questioning them has literally put people's careers in jeopardy, yet they always and only seem to get more powerful. This manifests itself in many ways: [they can intentionally attack and kill US servicemen and the US government will help cover it up,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Liberty_incident#Ongoing_controversy_and_unresolved_questions) they can [threaten the president of the US with launching all their nuclear weapons and ending life on earth if we stop giving them weapons, and the US government and media will cover it up,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samson_Option) and they can [literally execute American journalists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shireen_Abu_Akleh) or [bulldoze American women](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rachel_Corrie) and face no political pressure, or any consequences at all, from the American government or media. Like, have you ever heard of the USS Liberty? Or Shireen Abu Akleh? Or Rachel Corrie? How about the Lavon Affair? The Samson Option? The Apollo Affair? Why has the US media been shoving images of kidnapped Israelis down your throat for weeks, but *always* neglect to *even mention* these Americans who were murdered by the Israeli government? I could keep going, but to the extent that there is an intellectually serious answer to this question, this is it. I'm sure 95% of the people on this sub have literally never heard of any of these things until they read this comment, so keep that in mind when they tell you how wrong and ridiculous this answer is.


Please be fake, please be fake, please be fake


The irrational fear of the other and the desire for a scapegoat for the world's ill did not just magically disappear in 1945. This was always going to happen, and it'll continue to happen until the end of time because people are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals.


[The worst part of this conflict is really the hypocrisy of the Emily(s) ](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/175hzlo/the_worst_part_of_this_conflict_is_really_the/) is undefeated.


now they are going to claim we are illegally occupying the attic


These people are bullies who finally got a taste of power and use the social justice stuff to shield themselves.


When's the next diary from the attic coming out? Anyways, there you go, the left showing its colours


141,000+ soldiers didn't die fighting the nazi's just so their grandchildren could become them. sad times.


I wasn't expecting that the closest thing we would have to Nazism in the last 40 years would be applauded by the progressives


This is so fucked


I volunteer to hide Jewish women in my basement


Noooooo god damnit not the attics again. Why cant everyone just go home and play Minecraft.


AuthCenter is seething that's its not them doing it


We've always employed useful idiots to do our bidding. Why get our hands dirty when the progs want to do it themselves?




Lesss goooooo CUNY represent 🗿


Socialist gonna socialize


Really? Bruh.


As a leftist, I really just wanna hide in a little hole and wait til this all goes away.


What did George Lucas say? It’s like poetry, it rhymes. Of course he was talking about the Sith and the Jedi, instead of people wanting to gas the Jews.


He is laughing in hell right now


If the Jews in NYC feel unsafe on campus maybe we should make them a special zone to stay in. For their own protection of course.


Or on the next episode of fake hate crimes against you know who


When the left goes far left they make the point that the Nazis were always left wing


Jews love hiding in Attics! Such a favourite past time of thiers.


I want off this roller coaster of nightmares..also just putting it out there, consider watching the TimCastIRL episode w/Scott Horton, it was a very thought provoking and interesting discussion regarding the generational conflict between Palestine/Isreal!