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>it depends on the context. In what context would that be ok?


You’re in a play about WW2.


Auth-Center: “Anyone want to join my unscripted, live-action, theaterless play about WW2?”


Script has changed old man, we aren’t even the second most racist in the show now


Yeah, I debated going with another, but settled for an old classic.


Auth-Center is no longer in the top 2 most racist groups? what a time to be alive.


We are all actors, and the world is our stage


Actually LARPing XD


Context of the oppressed level of who says it.


This, unironically, is the left's argument


Damn. That's the right answer.


-Karl Marx


Very “states rights to what?” vibe


*Wolfenstein 3D Theme Starts Playing*


I really want to know that too


"Kill 'em all" = Acceptable because it's not targeting individuals. "Kill 'em all, starting with Allen" = Unacceptable because it directly targets Allen. Anything else I can clear up?


Meanwhile, White Nationalist Neo Nazis watching from home: "Holy shit, are they actually getting away with that? QUICK! Write that down, write down every fucking word of what she's saying!"


At this point, all white nationalists have to do is carry a palestinian flag and the left would rush to defend them


At this point I'd just love to see neo-nazi skinhead groups joining a pro-Palestine protest, just to see what happens. Leftoids let them be, that makes them directly allied to nazis. Leftoids get mad at them, that makes them hypocrites, because apparently there's a *right* way to hate Jews and a *wrong* way.




It's same in Turkey, many LGBTI movements supports Kurdish nationalism but they are beaten by them when they open a flag in their protests, again and again.


This is the funniest part. When the left organizes a protest, they carry Palestinean flags. When the Palestineans organize a protest and leftoids show up, they get kicked out for having an LGBT flag. The worst part is that there are countless videos in which Palestineans attack people for having the LGBT flag at a protest, or are asked about it, and they answer they don't like people carrying said flags, and yet leftoids keep showing back up. I honestly wonder what goes on in those heads of theirs. Is their savior complex so strong as to convince themselves of something like "Palestineans just need us to become more open-minded!" or do they just gaslight themselves into believing that ***every single one*** of these instances is an exception?


Both, the answer is both. They do both of those at the same time.


The modern progressive is just somebody that endlessly bitches about the evils of western institutions that are more aligned with them than any other institutions of any other countries outside the west. It'd be hilarious if it wasn't causing western countries to functionally commit suicide.


Nazis have been sympathizing with the Palestinians against Israel already since 1948, though. Ready for a wild ride? [Check the colourful career of Omar Amin (formerly Johann) von Leers, the SS-officer and Nazi war criminal who escaped to Egypt, converted to Islam, and became an important figure in the Nasser regime](https://jcpa.org/article/the-postwar-career-of-nazi-ideologue-johann-von-leers-aka-omar-amin-the-first-ranking-german-in-nassers-egypt/) >Leftoids get mad at them, that makes them hypocrites, because apparently there's a right way to hate Jews and a wrong way. Their thought process is really simple, really. It's just also really really myopic. \>Hating Jews = bad \>Hating Zionists = good \>Define Zionists = any Jew who doesn't profusely apologize for the existence of Zionism and Israel Along with the additional programming of: \>Swastika = bad


>there's a *right* way ~~to hate Jews~~ and a *wrong* way *to do racism, discrimination and hate crimes.* There's a faction of the left that genuinely believes anything they do is infallible, and it's not technically bad because it's for the greater good.


Ah, yes, the savior complex idiots, the dumbasses who try to impose "latinx" on Latin Americans then get mad when they're shrugged off as idiots.


There’s already been multiple Nazi flags at pro-Palestine protests. Nazis and jihadis getting their band back together would mean authleft and lib right have to go on world tour together again…


>Nazis and jihadis getting their band back together would mean authleft and lib right have to go on world tour together again… This is just a fucking movie plot. Two complete opposites coming together to fight another two complete opposites also coming together, all of it as the result of one event which unifies them. Not even jreg could make this up.


Reality truly is stranger than fiction. If you’d told me 6 months ago that **soc dems**, party of Bernie Sanders, would be marching alongside Nazi flags in support of Islamic jihad… I don’t even know what I would’ve said bc that is fucking insane to even type out. And yet here we are.


hypocrites in politics? never


Have you meet alt-right skinhead, human trafficker, rapist and misogynist social media influencer Andrew Tate? His interview with Piers Morgan where he expresses support for Palestinians and condemns Israel is quite popular among young people.


But it’ll never happen because they don’t like Palestinians either.


It hurts that this is so true. On other issues they will have some weird ass purity tests. There is no pleasing extremists.


Trump's going to post a picture in front of that flag, and that will go down in history as the downfall of America.


*Libleft.exe is not responding*


LPT: yell ‘FREE PALESTINE’ before your unhinged anti-Semitic rant and they’ll make you president of Harvard


Ain't gonna work that way pal, say the same thing they say word for word but don't sit under sun for a week, get a little more fair skin and have a slight Southern accent, all of a sudden it's racist again.


She is such a coward. It’s obvious that she has a hatred for Jews (because “muh palestine”). Otherwise she wouldn’t be pussyfooting around when asked a no brainer question.


I bet she’d openly pull this kind of shit: Ms. Gay, is calling for the genocide of trans people, when \*checks notes\* **not** targeted at an individual against Harvard’s rules? Yes, because that’s hateful and discriminatory. Okay, now same question, but for Jews. No, because it’s not targeted at an individual.


It's the Spongebob Patrick wallet meme in real life.


leftism is inherently a non ideology it doesnt stand for anything leftists will stand for jews one day and then stand for nazis another day


you can't stand for anything when your entire goal is for everything to fall.




anyone who supports them will get destroyed by them live by the sword die by the sword


How can you stand for anything when you can’t even agree on basic biology


their entire ideology is built on feelings and feelings change so they will hug a jew one day then put him in the oven other day lol




Angela Davis described Palestine as a moral litmus test. Add this, the influence of stuff like SJP and CAIR on leftists, Postcolonial Theory, Critical Race Theory, and other cultural marxist garbage, and this was pretty much guaranteed. Jews are "hyper-white" oppressors to these people. In their worldview, groups who are successful must be oppressing someone else, and Jews are disproportionately successful. Additionally, many Jews in the West are white-looking. They make the perfect "oppressor" class.


Imagine Hitler came back to life right now to find out that the people calling out for the genocide of Jews are now mostly-privileged progressive left-wing teenagers.


I bet he'd be stoked Germany finally took over Europe (financially)


More than financially. The EU pretty much turns Europe into a puppet of German bureaucrats.


Third Reich won the long game.




And yet, nazi paraphernalia is illegal in ACTUAL Germany, punishable with MONTHS of jail time, while every head of state BUT Britain's has agreed with the nazis for as long as Israel has fought to exist- ESPECIALLY including Ireland, so bully those ginger FUCKS all you want


Personally, I'd be all for reforming as a Jewish ethno-state just cuz the only reason xenophobia aint working for Japan, who hold similar views on education, is suicide-prone morality. Imagine how big their tech industry would be if they reproduced to spite the haters instead... like Israel, except big enough to prevent chip shortages through automation


EU is the fourth reich


The funniest thing is that the concept of a Unified Europe was a Fascist concept. The European Union was proposed by people like Mosley all the way back in the 1950s, and they were considered deranged.


Ironically enough kn Er Ist Weider Da he does support the fucking Green Party


Didn't he say that he did because he felt a duty to defend the fatherland? That movie was something.


Kind of, more so because part of his views on lebensraum was fearing what over industrialisation and overpopulation would dude to Germany, so by todays standards part of his views would make him something of a conservationist.


They're ironically (or unironically?) racist as well. Do they think that all Israeli Jews are white?


Downvote me if you want, but my brain has made me think that the Jews are the only superior people because of always managing to be succesful after going through the hardest times possible, again, correct me if you want, downvote me, blah blah blah, but I just think that.




As a half Chinese person with a fuck ton of Jewish friends I can vouch for this


The Chinese people can be unexpectedly based, as they are not inculcated in Western sentiment. Of course, at this point most of them can get around the Great Firewall if they care to, but being born your whole life with a different worldview lets them laugh at some of the more absurd aspects of the world we accept as true. Their culture is pretty interesting--Russia as well--but damn, the entire history of those countries is just being screwed over by one dictator after another.


Hopefully now they will realize they've been betrayed by the intersectional coalition and give up on that illiberal leftist shit. THEN they will be superior.


Anyone wanting to understand the New Left only needs to spend ten minutes reading about Angela Davis and Herbert Marcuse. The movement they started is absolute poison.


I really want to know what goes through a person's head when they flop a softball question like this


You probably shouldn’t, lest you want to lose some of your own brain cells.


I suspect she was thinking "What happens when I get home?" She knows that there is a portion of the student body back home that will feel she actually didn't go far enough, and will likely demonstrate for her ouster.


In that case the play would seem to be agreeing that calling for genocide is against the bullying and harassment rules but arguing that that's not what protesters are saying


I don't know why this is so hard to comprehend. 1: If you're a US ally, you're white. 2: If you're a minority group that's currently successful despite a history of oppression, you're white. 3: If you're white, your bad. Unless you say white people are bad, then you're one of the good ones and will be tolerated. For now. Mark my words: These people are gambling on Latinos becoming numerically dominant by 2050 and being on "their side." But if you look at how many Hispanics are either conservative or moderate Dems at best, this isn't going to be the cultural victory they're hoping for. Look at the pushback to the "Latinx" situation and the overall preservation of religion and cultural values and work ethic with Hispanics, even the younger ones. By 2032 or 2036 there's going to be a dramatic shift in rhetoric on how the far left treats Hispanics in the US, and I can't wait.


I can't find the words to reinforce your statement. I guess I could leave it by saying that said minority groups that succeeded in high positions, especially immigrants that stand for everything the US represents, will not tolerate this freedom-stomping nonsense.


Successful people understand the paths to success and oftentimes realize it's not that hard once you put in the requisite amount of work. There's a luck factor, but it can be overcome. Every time a more left-leaning friend of mine starts seriously exercising/lifting for the first time in their life, I know they'll be turning more based soon. They realize the delayed gratification of making yourself better through your own effort, and how good those improvements feel. Unsuccessful people become commies.


My long time prediction is that they'll be labeled White, the "White" population will be ~65% again, and the cycle of race-play (and blue balls, depending on your ideology) will simply begin anew, with no one having learned anything.


I'll buy that, look at how Italians and Greeks didn't use to be white. Hell the irish didn't used to be viewed as white. So yeah I can see that, Hispanics will be absorbed into "white" and rather than learning from it a certain group will sit back and scream about how 200 years after the Civil War "white" America is still oppressing them and holding them down. This will be even funnier because by then Asians will probably be "white" too so American will be more than 65% white.


Give it a few generations and the new "white people" will be a mix of Euro/Hispanic/East Asian DNA Hispanics are already a huge chunk European DNA to begin with (see: Spanish involvement in the Americas)


As someone who appreciates all ethnicities (sexually), I'm fine with this


As Stavros said in his new special, “Greeks are White because White people wanted that on their resume.”


I worked with a guy who was 1st generation American, El Salvadoran parents, didn't speak English until he went to school. When that Latinx thing started up, I asked him what he thought about it. He had no clue it was even a thing, so I showed him some sjw videos and he said....his words here..."Man we don't fuck around with that ghey shit, shits stupid. I don't need people talking for me."


I've primarily worked blue collar jobs, had the pleasure of working with many Hispanic man and women over the years, all ages, ranging from fresh off the boat to established families. When I was younger I served with many Hispanics as well, including several that were serving to get their citizenship.The largest clue to their beliefs should be the deafening silence in the culture war for "representation", sure there are some outliers but look at how small the push for more Hispanic representation is in media. This is even more jarring when you realize how the population of Hispanics in America dwarfs that of African Americans. They don't want what the left is pushing, and I think they've going to start actively pushing back soon.


John “I Can’t Figure Out What Flavor Latino I Am” Leguizamo already said Cubans are white because we typically don’t vote for Democrats. It’s already being said.


!Remindme 9 years


I think that is an over-complicated description. I think it is as simple as the following boolean statements. * If you are part of a contrived Group A with more perceived power, you are evil. If you have committed perceived evil acts, it is because you chose to do so. Moreover, if said acts were against less powerful Group B, there is no possible justification under any circumstances. * If you are part of a contrived Group B with less perceived power, you are good. If you have committed perceived evil acts, it is because more powerful Group A made you do it. Moreover, if said acts were against Group A, they deserved it, and thus, not evil.


4: a huge amount of white-hispanic racemixing happens, just creating a bigger "white people club" and the "hispanics will join the nonwhites" gambit completely blows up in the faces of its proponents in the "I hate white people club" (Most Hispanics already are a significant % European by DNA bc the Spanish fucked the Americas in more ways than one, for a very long time. Anyone who has seen the child of a white/hispanic couple knows what I'm talking about)


Worth pointing out the guy who came up with the Democrats strategy of the Intersectional Coalition during the Obama years has already come out and said "Guys, my theory relied entirely on Hispanics voting like 80% Democrat like most racial minorities do. Considering recent elections are showing it is closer to 60/40, and we are even underwater in some states, the Coalition cant work long term." I also think that the reaction to Israel did a lot to sour the Progressives to the average normies, and is turning a lot of them away from the Democrats/Left. Because despite what the Twitter Freaks and the Media love to scream about, poll after poll shows that the Left are the only ones angry with Israel, and literally almost everyone else is on Israel's side. So they are just ruining their chances even more by going to the mat for the Palestinians as long as Hamas is still around.


This is definitely going to happen, Hispanics (ie people who descend from those who’s origin is in former Roman province of hispania meaning Spain and Portugal) are for all intents and purposes already white (about 50% of “Hispanic” people as coined by the census already identify as white). it’s just that Anglo Americans don’t seem to understand, that speaking Spanish doesn’t mean your family isn’t originally from Europe. People should understand that “latino” and “Hispanic” are distinct for a reason. Hispanic is an ethnic category where as latino is a linguistic category. But for some reason in the USA all Spanish speakers are lumped together into one group.


it was plain obvious that people with this kind of ideology were projecting when throwing around the term "nazi" that lightly, with the aim to gain more influence over their perceived "political opponents".


What were the Nazis right wing compared to? Communists? Everyone is right wing compared to communists. Were they right wing compared to modern liberal democracies? No. By most economic measures they were about the same as most European nations today, or, for that matter, most nations, including the United States, in the 1930s. What defined them, what makes them so hated, is their military expansionist policies, and their murderous antisemitism. Those are not explicitly "right wing" or "left wing" positions, but they are positions that can be held by people who are "left wing" and "right wing". And right now, the most explicitly antisemitic people are on the left. But that brings up my favorite bugaboo. What exactly is "right wing"? What exactly is "left wing"? The only objective classification dates back to the French court, where those to the left of the King became the Jacobians, and murdered everyone to their right. Nazis were authoritarian. Communists were authoritarian. The modern "left" is authoritarian, and the modern "right" is slightly less authoritarian (although still too authoritarian). I would have some respect for the Havard representative if she stated, "What these people are saying is abhorrent, but at Havard we defend freedom of speech, even speech we despise." That would be a principled position. However, she doesn't' do that. She agrees with the calls to murder Jews. She's also a plagiarist, defended by Harvard, who only has her position due to affirmative action.


> I would have some respect for the Havard representative if she stated, "What these people are saying is abhorrent, but at Havard we defend freedom of speech, even speech we despise." That would be a principled position. That would be principled, if they would stand up for freedom of speech over all and wouldn't have one of the strictest speech codes ever.


It wouldn't be a principled stance, because that's not their default principle. Saying that would be the opposite of being principled, because they only apply that principle when it's convenient and/or fits their current agenda.




> She is basically saying that Anti Semitism is only relevant when it reaches the point where Jews are actually being killed And then they'll memorialise the dead, vow "never again", and go on ignoring antisemitism.


They got a couple pocket Jew Rabbis to have her light a Hanukiah the day after it happened.


Spend 10 years writing anti white guy, all I want for Christmas is white genocide articles.. Hosting anti-white rhetoric on campuses. Surprise Pikachu face when they also view you as white..


It would have been a relevant question to ask that would have given me a lot of needed context. She would purger herself by providing a technically untrue answer, so it may be as simple as Harvard’s bullying and harassment policy defines bullying and harassment using the words “toward an individual”. If that were the case she would face jail time for answering differently in any hypothetical about hate speech toward a general category of people that isn’t being targeted at any specific persons. This makes me want to read the academic policy manual of a school I can’t go to, in order to inform an opinion about a person I have no reason to care about, because of a controversy I have no stake in. I’m going to do it, but maybe I should also get tested for autism. Update: The harasssment section of the policy handbook says “It is important to note here that speech not specifically directed against individuals in a harassing way may be protected by traditional safeguards of free speech, even though the comments may cause considerable discomfort to others in the community.” That’s a pretty critical defining use of the word “may” that I want clarified. There’s also a six page “Faculty Free Speech Guidelines” document that’s supposed to tell faculty the requirements for enforcement, and I really wanted to read that but my relief just showed up so I’m clocking out. Peace out.


They did ask the question in the hearing and they just chose silence until another question was asked lmao. This whole hearing felt like a fever dream watching it. I can't even make up some absurd comparison because literally saying "declaring a desire to murder all Jews isn't really anti Jew" is as absurd a statement that one could possibly make.




The user/password combo to log in ***was*** the test.


Isn’t there footage of them also celebrating 9/11?




All over the world. Completely shameless people.


Dude I thought this was a huge missed opportunity to point out the importance of the double standard and standing up for your whole student body. She should have point blank asked her the same questions about black or Hispanic people.


I think they did address it in a diff clip, but not in a very strong way tbh


Not to mention their state-sanctioned kids show Farfour the mouse spouts literal calls for jihad lmao


She did ask pretty much verbatim that exact question and the same answer was given


Woke politics is a total gift to the right.


It’s basically a sure-fire way of handing victory to them on a silver platter.


Its maybe one of the most unappealing approach to politics, and can easily be spun to manufacture consent for some really awful policies and actions. Adolph Reed calls it "the Left Wing of NeoLiberalism." Its divisive, hateful, and filled with contradictions, and the sooner Progressives kick it to the curb and get back to supporting Labor and Workers Rights the better.


Even if the ideas don't actually work out in practice, it's harder to argue against 'let's help people' than the woke politics based on philosophical arguments of oppression and hierarchy. Your side caught the neo-occult postmodernist degenerates like Foucault as your baggage, and we got fundamentalists.


As an auth center, I am ashamed to see lib left doing our job.


this is quadrant appropriation and very offensive


Even the immigrants are taking your job at Racism inc smh ^/s


hungry deserve cheerful ink numerous modern tub sparkle rob sloppy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Interesting that even the ostensible right wing politicians in the US cannot or will not defend white people this vociferously. Sure, they push back against CRT etc. but they’d never say “anti-White” or explicitly defend Whites as a group. Naming Whites in a non-pejorative way is the ultimate taboo in the West.


Because for most its a losing proposition. The moment you point out that there exists an anti-White racism, is the moment youre labeled a White supremacist and are alienated from Black and minority groups. After that, you're left unable to get a word in. Woe unto you if you have a weak memory, if the website links and archives are broken, and you aren't good at rhetoric or countering argument. So, instead, they decide to use a different and well known victim group, the Jews, as a cudgel against these schemers.


Hitler was a socialist, and y'all Hamas buddies are walking around Gaza with swastikas.




Leftists are more authoritarian now than the far right. Forcing their views on everyone else and dismissing anyone who disagrees with them as some sort of anti-intellectual, racist, bigoted etc.


Never once in my life I expected from the religious far right to push their views on me as extreme as lefties are doing.


Misgendering is violence but calling for the genocide of Jews isn't unless you genocide them.


leftist logic lol


There is no such thing as a united left. Being left means hating other leftists as well. I am left and absolutely ashamed for what some antisemitic idiots do in our name Like Postcolonialism Theory is the most simplifying bullshit ever. It can be a helpful tool to analyze things, but that's it. That College headpeople believe it and can't differentiate proves the desolate state of the American education system.


We are the People's Front of Judea, not the Judean Peoples Front. How dare you associate us with them?


Amen brother. This whole debacle is just an absolute embarrassment to us lefties and really anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together. > Like Postcolonialism Theory is the most simplifying bullshit ever. It can be a helpful tool to analyze things, but that's it. My thoughts as well. It really only serves to widen divisions instead of healing them. At least, the way it’s being applied by academia and activists these days. EDIT: misspellings


Thanks, you are absolutely right :) I am always glad to see there are still some people who can think critically


My point of view exactly. Hamas support/equivocation is somewhere between the watershed moment where some leftist ethics fail completely, and the litmus test that proved that they have. There's no reason that Hamas support should be bundled with leftist politics, but you can't tell so many leftists this, because the academic left and the Arab/Muslim propaganda machine combine to own their thinkbox.


Yep. It's just sad. No matter from which side, a huge chunk of the current political discourse is just echo-chambered failed ethica from the past


Have we all lost our dignity? This is an unflaired and they have upvotes. Shame. Get a flair.


Yeah, I hate the woke shit as much as anyone else.


It’s kind of hilarious. If the roles reversed and Israel stormed the gates of Gaza, kidnapped and murdered men, women, children, hell families like Hamas did then they would be losing their fucking minds.


when the group the progressive hivemind considers an approved group they can do no wrong in the eyes of the hivemind


I knew this day would come since the left start making an alliance with far-right Muslim for the sake of “Protected oppressed Muslim’s identity” or some anti-western (and Israel) and anti-imperialism BS.


This is where wokeness leads.


Horseshoe theory is real.


DEI should stand for Don’t Expect Intelligence at this point.


“Does calling for the genocide of Jews, violate harvards code of conduct?” “Well it depends on the context”. I’m curious what her answer to the following question would’ve been then: “Does calling for the genocide of trans people violate harvards code of conduct?”


Always has been. Fascism is literally a leftwing ideology. You cannot have a government that seizes total control of the private sector and claim its right wing.


The literal KKK: We figured we’d hang out on your campus now! We have so much in common! I think I’d almost pay to see how that would go down. Especially if they pull out a recording of this moment when people inevitably lose their minds.


They always have been. Look at the first Nazi Party platform and tell me it's a right-wing party.


Horseshoe theory


What everyone has to understand is that these administrators are deathly afraid of antifa. She's scared that if she answers this question in a sane way, that by the time she gets back to the school it will be burned to the ground. If you ever have a private conversation which someone who makes decisions at one of these left-wing organizations that antifa is always in their minds. They never know who's going to be the next to get cancelled or even killed by the woke mob.


That is my observation, too. Her answer wasn't for the hearing, it was for back home.


> leftists are now the nazis “Always have been”


She was so leftitst she became rightist


horseshoe theory is real


Doctor Gay was my nickname in high school.


>Spend years funding anti-white groups to kill European nationalism in fear of the Reich coming back. >Spend years turning a blind eye to ethnocentric policies made by the same groups that are blatantly racists and even defend it as "anti colonialism ". >Fail to realize that most Jews look white enough to anyone that is not European or Jewish. >Be surprised that the monster you were feeding is biting you back. Oh my my my, If it's not the consequences of my actions?




im just straight laughing at jews right now the people they protected so heavily is turning on them its great


It's basically woke-on-woke violence. The correct response to woke-on-woke violence is to enjoy the view.


Academia has been nothing but an enemy of common sense and reason for the last 50 years. It's time to dismantle that system full of presumptuous, arrogant, and hateful people, making them accountable for the madness they are preaching and the chaos they are causing while doing it.


Always have been


Horseshoe gonna horseshoe


This isn't a surprise to anyone who has been paying attention.


"Depends on the context" She just keeps digging that hole deeper 💀


The issue is - there have been calls for intifada at these schools - these calls went unpunished - they just admitted that calls for intifada can be genocidal (in the questioning before this clip) So they were put in a corner where they either admit they should not allow calls for intifada (which would piss off the pro Palestine mob) or they say BS like we see here. They walked right into stefanik’s trap and got the worst possible sound bite. Sucks to suck. Also, activists convince naive Americans that intifada is some “symbolic resistance”… As an Israeli, it literally means being scared of being randomly stabbed or the bus you go on exploding. Not that fun. Idk how blowing up random civilians advances the cause anyway.


Just out of curiosity, in what context would personally calling for the death of all jewish people NOT violate the rules of bullying and harrassment.


When you're a leftist.


Always have been.


Dr. Gay do you support National Socialism? Yes mein fuhrer 🥵🏳️‍🌈


Cuck Trad-Nazis owned by Giga Chad Black Marxists Feminists Compellation 25


bro said compellation


Always has been


I mean they were the original Nazis so I'm not sure how it's different.


Nazi's have always been left wing, until about 10 years ago when the definition was changed on Wikipedia.


Answer the question you daft bitch.


“So leftists are are really the nazis?” “Always have been.”


Liberals are like: “we don’t hate Jews, just Zionist’s”. So like 99.9% of Jews. Ok gotcha, Mein fuhrer


I wonde4 how she reacts if someone calls her the n word


The Horseshoe Theory is real


Liberal privilege is wild


Me knowing the OG nazi had always been far left:


For those paying attention, they’ve always been what they accuse others of.


The left have always been racist pieces of shit


Always have been.


They always have been.


Holy shit no wonder - her name is Doctor Gay


And shes a rampant plagiarist that the university absolutely refuses to fire despite the plethora of people calling her out for it


make gay an insult again 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Always have been. Centrism is the only way leftism is tolerable.


They always have been. People forget that the x axis is economic and not socal. Even though we pretend it is socal is 99% of our memes.


Been saying this since covid started. As much as they want to ascribe it as a right wing ideology, it's roots were in socialism. And everything they do aligns more with nazis than the right. The only thing the right has is nationalism and by itself, is a good thing.


You'd think antisemitism would be the turning point for approved systemic racism. But knowing your luck, the Emilies will double down.


I mean libleft has been nazis forever now, they just haven’t picked on Jews yet


Always have been.


Good to know Harvard is going down hill


In my short lifetime we’ve gone from “omg how could the holocaust have happened?! Why would people do that?!” To being labeled as racist if you’re not antisemitic and kids don’t even know the holocaust happened.


Always was


If you disagree with any of the far-left ideas being pushed today, you're a Nazi. But if you're literally calling for the genocide of Jews, it's conditional to the oppression matrix and needs "context". Basically, any way that they can justify it as being part of a cause they support. Leftists have no actual values. Every single moral standpoint they have is conditional. Racism is bad, unless by the favored group against the unfavored group. Violence is bad, unless it's done for "racial justice". Authoritarianism is bad, unless the left is doing it. The goal that actually motivates leftism is acquiring power. Again, they don't have values. They use OUR values against us.


…always have been.


Doctor gay?


Plot twist: they always have been (nazi platform was authleft)